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科技期刊影响因子的本质意义、表征意义及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
讨论了影响因子的本质意义、表征意义,分析了影响期刊影响因子的4大因素:引文、编辑加工、统计和期刊性质等4方面的影响,并提出了影响因子用于评价论文水平的局限性和改进的方法。  相似文献   

中日涉案报道中道德差异比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在存在着普世道德的同时,不同的民族、不同的文化以及不同的利益集团的具体道德规范存在着差异。作者论述了这种道德相对性对新闻报道的影响、对新闻价值判断和选择的影响、对新闻传播动机确定的影响、对新闻获取方式确定的影响、对受众解析新闻信息的影响等方面。文中详细列举了道德观差异的表现方式及其复杂性,显示了伦理学与新闻传播学跨学科研究的重要性。  相似文献   

本文从比较图书馆学的现代意义出发,探讨了“影响”的含义及其特点,介绍了影响研究的四大类型,即直接影响与间接影响;施加、接受影响与传播影响媒介;正、负影响与反影响;大、小范围的影响等。列举事实说明图书馆现象间影响的存在,进而论述了影响研究的准则及其研究过程中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

SNS对人际传播中行动过程的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
詹恂  彭涛 《新闻界》2008,(6):37-40
本文以“社会行动”的视角,从SNS这样一种社交网络在人际传播中的行动、对信息传播行动的影响、促使人际传播的目的理性化、影响了受众对媒介选择的行动和促生了新的公共空间等几个方面来分析了SNS对人际传播中行动过程的影响。  相似文献   

王洋洋 《大观周刊》2011,(24):49-49
本文通过调查问卷的形式,对杜郎口教学模式对师生关系的影响进行了分析,从师生感情、师生互动情况、师生民主与平等状况、教师对学生能力的影响、教师对学生兴趣的培养五方面进行,根据该分析,总结了影响师生关系的几方面因素,提出了构建良好师生关系的策略。  相似文献   

文章探讨了图书馆信息生态系统中影响知识共享的主要因素,并分析了这些要素与知识共享之间的关系,提出了知识共享影响因素分析模型.该模型包含了四个要素:信息/知识特征、信息人特征、信息环境特征和系统自身特征.这四要素中又各自含有一些影响因素.这些影响因素和知识共享间存在着三种关系:正相关、负相关和倒U关系.  相似文献   

广播电视已成为影响未成年人思想道德建设的重要因素.广播电视对未成年人思想道德的影响主要表现在哪些方面?应如何正确面对这些影响?本文从福建省漳州市部分中小学生收听、收看广播电视的现状调查数据入手,分析了广播电视对未成年人思想道德正、负两方面影响的现状,提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

现有的学术期刊评价缺乏同时对期刊影响力与期刊知识扩散能力的评价,为此本文构建了学术期刊影响深度与影响宽度的评价框架,并提出期刊综合影响指数的概念:采用被引频次、影响因子、h指数评价期刊影响深度,采用扩散因子、新扩散因子评价期刊影响宽度,通过期刊影响宽度与影响深度计算期刊综合影响因子。利用中国知网引文数据库(CNKI)的引文数据,对图书馆情报与文献学CSSCI期刊的研究表明:期刊影响深度、期刊影响宽度、期刊综合影响指数均服从正态分布,统计指标特征相近;期刊综合影响指数与评价指标正相关,说明该指标评价是稳健的;期刊综合影响指数与自引率、载文量无关,可以防止指标人为操纵。表5。参考文献18。  相似文献   

高亚利 《大观周刊》2012,(42):152-152,148
青少年是网络游戏的主力军,也是网游成瘾的高发人群。网瘾对青少年的影响不仅是学业,而且对其身心健康有很大的伤害,甚至有些青少年可能会由于网络暴力游戏的影响而诱发经济犯罪。本研究首先提出了网瘾形成的原因.然后讨论了网络游戏成瘾对青少年学习、身体和心理健康等方面的影响;并提出了相应的积极对策,网络游戏对青少年不良的率良影响的防治,要从家庭、学校、社会全方位展开。  相似文献   

期刊影响因子的偏差分析   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
黄劲松 《编辑学报》2004,16(1):77-78
从影响因子的定义出发,对各种能对影响因子产生不利影响的因素进行了分析.引证行为的不确定性、学科、源期刊库等的差异都给影响因子带来较大的偏差.在充分肯定影响因子的积极作用的前提下,也不容忽视其不利因素.  相似文献   

运用面板向量自回归模型分析后发现:东部地区图书出版对经济增长带来了“先增强后减弱”的正向冲击效应,中部地区的冲击效应既不明显也不稳定,西部地区则呈现负向冲击效应。同时,东部地区出版产业的延伸和知识的外溢使得全国的图书出版带来经济的有效增长。但是,这一效应主要是通过“产业渠道”而非“传播渠道”传导的,这就使得图书出版数量上的扩张只是带动了出版产业的发展,而未能带来出版知识快速且有效的转化。  相似文献   

图书出版分别通过"传播渠道"和"产业渠道"带来间接和直接的经济绩效.其中,"传播渠道"由于从供给层面影响了经济增长的制度环境和创新能力,因此其经济效应具有见效慢但却逐渐增强的特征;而"产业渠道"则从需求层面直接带来需求的增加,因此其经济效应见效快但却存在逐渐减弱的趋势.发挥图书出版在经济发展中的促进作用,应在继续扩大出版规模的同时,进一步提升图书出版的质量.从提升思路上来看,应注意传统纸媒与新兴媒体和现代"智造业"的有机融合,应加强知识产权制度的保障作用和激励作用,应加大对社科工作者和技术创新人员的经费投入.  相似文献   

因特网对科技论文发表周期的影响   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
吕雪梅  阎彤  张红  潘启树 《编辑学报》2001,13(6):324-325
介绍我国科技论文编辑,出版过程中存在的主要问题,分析因特网对科技论文发表周期的影响,提出了利用因特网技术提高编辑,出版工作效率,缩短论文发表周期的途径和方法。  相似文献   

The journal impact factor (JIF) has been questioned considerably during its development in the past half-century because of its inconsistency with scholarly reputation evaluations of scientific journals. This paper proposes a publication delay adjusted impact factor (PDAIF) which takes publication delay into consideration to reduce the negative effect on the quality of the impact factor determination. Based on citation data collected from Journal Citation Reports and publication delay data extracted from the journals’ official websites, the PDAIFs for journals from business-related disciplines are calculated. The results show that PDAIF values are, on average, more than 50% higher than JIF results. Furthermore, journal ranking based on PDAIF shows very high consistency with reputation-based journal rankings. Moreover, based on a case study of journals published by ELSEVIER and INFORMS, we find that PDAIF will bring a greater impact factor increase for journals with longer publication delay because of reducing that negative influence. Finally, insightful and practical suggestions to shorten the publication delay are provided.  相似文献   

为了定量分析优先数字出版对论文发表时滞和网络下载量的影响,在中国知网优先数字出版平台中,统计了6种期刊2013年第1期论文。结果表明:优先版发表时滞为228d,比纸质版平均提前了76d,加上1个月的印发时滞,能提前100d左右与读者见面。被统计期刊优先版篇均下载量为29.3次,能提高42.5%的网络下载量。这一新的出版模式,极有可能将彻底取代传统科技期刊纸质出版。  相似文献   

Publication bias can occur when a study is not published in an academic journal because the study did not find a statistically significant result. It can bias meta-analytic estimates upwards because the meta-analyses are missing studies that provide small estimates of the effect size under study. This paper describes the trim and fill technique of estimating the impact of publication bias on meta-analyses (Duval & Tweedie, 2000a, 2000b) and provides a working example. A sample of 68 meta-analyses of communication research were tested for publication bias using the trim and fill technique. The results suggest that most communication meta-analyses are not substantially affected by publication bias.  相似文献   

组稿是期刊编辑工作的重要内容,是获取优秀稿件、提升学术期刊影响力的重要途径;然而,批量组稿会导致期刊论文发表时滞延长。对实例和数据的分析结果表明,这一问题确实存在,组稿活动对论文发表时滞的影响主要源于对自然来稿待发时滞的影响,而并不影响定稿时滞和期刊的印制时滞。提出了关于处理组稿与自然来稿关系的建议,以避免和降低组稿活动带来的负面效应。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between publication rate, top journal publications and excellence during the first eight years of the career, and how well publication rate, top journal publications and highly cited publications during the first four years of the career can predict whether an author attain excellence in the fifth to the eighth year. The dataset consisted of publication track records of 406 early career mathematicians in the sub-field of number theory collected from the MathSciNet database. Logistic regression and dominance analysis was applied to the data. The major conclusions were (1) publication rate had a positive effect on excellence during the first eighth years of the career. However, those who publish many articles in top journals, which implicitly require a high publication count, had an even higher probability of attaining excellence. These results suggest that publishing in top journals is very important in the process of attaining excellence in the early career in addition to publishing many papers; and (2) a dominance analysis indicated that the number of top journal publications and highly cited publications during the first four years of the career were the most important predictors of who will attain excellence in the later career. The results are discussed in relation to indicator development and science policy.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]在总结国内外科研数据出版及数据引用规范发布现状的基础上,一方面梳理现有数据出版模式及优劣势,分析数据出版的主要流程;另一方面结合经典案例,提出不同出版模式下相应的推荐引用策略.[方法/过程]通过分析数据出版领域的相关研究报告及论文,对比各数据出版模式,对各出版模式的优劣势、数据出版流程及引用策略进行综合分析.[结果/结论]现有出版模式主要有4种,分别是数据独立出版、数据论文出版、合作出版以及期刊自行出版,每种出版模式下引用策略不同.数据出版的一般流程需要经历5个阶段,未来的研究可以从克服各数据出版模式的局限以及数据出版体系的构建入手.  相似文献   

Choosing a publication venue for an academic paper is a crucial step in the research process. However, in many cases, decisions are based solely on the experience of researchers, which often leads to suboptimal results. Although there exist venue recommender systems for academic papers, they recommend venues where the paper is expected to be published. In this study, we aim to recommend publication venues from a different perspective. We estimate the number of citations a paper will receive if the paper is published in each venue and recommend the venue where the paper has the most potential impact. However, there are two challenges to this task. First, a paper is published in only one venue, and thus, we cannot observe the number of citations the paper would receive if the paper were published in another venue. Secondly, the contents of a paper and the publication venue are not statistically independent; that is, there exist selection biases in choosing publication venues. In this paper, we formulate the venue recommendation problem as a treatment effect estimation problem. We use a bias correction method to estimate the potential impact of choosing a publication venue effectively and to recommend venues based on the potential impact of papers in each venue. We highlight the effectiveness of our method using paper data from computer science conferences.  相似文献   

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