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During economic development, modern museums face competition from various leisure activities and entertainment sites, and to achieve sustainable development, museums should reflect on providing high‐quality service to satisfy visitors’ expectations. Based on service design‐related theories, this research team conducted a case study to explore the planning, implementation, and meaning of Mobile Museums. It investigated design development from the perspective of public service design and summarized the policy, design, and service satisfaction results for Mobile Museums. Finally, the similarities in service processes are discussed between Mobile Museums and the general service industry. According to this study, attracting more visitors is the biggest issue facing museums today, as are the ways in which museums must actively provide service and become recognized to compete with others. This study identifies the onstage and backstage support of museums as well as their cultural features and non‐profit services.  相似文献   

观众在博物馆中如何学习、学习效果如何评量等问题长期受到研究者的关注。观众对话作为参观学习的体现,是探究博物馆学习过程的重要材料。基于此,苏·艾伦采用社会文化视角,透过参观过程中的观众对话寻找学习的证据。本文主要目的是介绍该研究的研究问题、研究发现、方法论框架、数据收集与分析等方面的内容,以期为国内博物馆观众研究领域提供一种新的视角。  相似文献   

展品是科技馆最大和最有特色的教育资源,但目前我国大多数科技馆尚未充分利用好该资源开展好适合的辅导教育活动。如何让展品中蕴含的科学知识、方法、思想更好地被参观者所认识了解,对于提升科技馆展教效果至关重要。本文从科技馆的本质特点出发,论述了科技馆开展展品辅导教育活动的重要性,并将实验探究的方式引入科技馆展品辅导的教育活动当中,提出了引导观众像进行科学实验一样去操作体验展品的辅导方式。  相似文献   

博物馆是为数不多的、能与受众直接沟通的媒介,虽然小众,但传播内容真实形象、纵观古今,传播方式倡导多感官认知和身体交互,由此在学习、社交和崇拜三方面呈现出不可替代的媒介优势。但目前我国博物馆的这些潜在优势尚未完全释放,究其根源在于专业化程度不高。为此,需要更新认识论以弥补理论和实践的断裂;在整体论视阈下通过关联需求和重组业务提升专业化水平;基于观众立场廓清博物馆学科并提出中国方案。促使博物馆经由专业化发挥其独特的媒介潜能,从根本上帮助破解国人全面发展的难题。  相似文献   

电信类博物馆是以电信行业发展为主题,收藏、保管、展览、研究电信文物的专门机构。本文将我国现有的电信类博物馆按隶属单位、展示内容、展示逻辑和馆舍建筑等几种不同方式进行分类梳理。目前电信类博物馆在参观途径、观众构成、展陈、藏品、社教和研究等方面还存在一系列的问题。除客观因素外,导致这些问题的根本原因是博物馆缺乏清晰的办馆目的,需要结合实际情况在具体工作中加以改进。  相似文献   

Until very recently, Russian libraries attached to museums have not envisioned the general public as potential users, but rather have focused on the information needs of museum staff and special researchers. In this article, the author analyzes some of the results of a research project that examined information expectations and needs of actual and potential visitors to the Moscow Kremlin Museums, the visitors' sources for obtaining museum information, their perceived gaps in such information, and the implications of these issues for the services, operations, and “image” of the museums' library. The project was facilitated by a public-opinion organization.  相似文献   

University museums and their collections are among the oldest and most significant in the world, yet their role and future is being questioned. They have critical needs for facilities, staff, and support. At risk are millions of objects that document our natural and cultural history and programs for research, teaching, and public education and exhibits. The museums are attempting to redefine, reposition, and clarify their educational mission. Museums such as the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural history are successfully meeting the challenges through strategic planning and funding for new facilities. Other museums are finding solutions with partnerships, links, and tailor‐made service programs. New leadership and management will need to emerge for university museums to reestablish their stature and relevance. Physical and intellectual access to the museums and their objects is a key to their future. The new technologies are tools that museums can use to improve their interpretive programs and increase the depth of their research. Facing shared concerns and challenges, the museums are generating a growning sense of collective urgency and a call for intenational organization, advocacy, and cooperation, resulting in formation of the International Committee for University Museums and Collections.  相似文献   

Abstract Throughout the cultural institution sector, shifts in audience participation call for new ways to share knowledge and view partnerships both online and onsite. Increasingly, this “transformation in cultural communication” suggests that a new type of mutually beneficial exchange is required between audiences and museums; and that those acting as agents of cultural change must be cognizant of how a participatory culture will drive our future institutional missions. This paper offers two examples of how the implementation of strategic social media programs can drive online cultural exchange and create new connections with diverse communities. It presents a convergence of initiatives undertaken within the sector over the past five years while offering a frame through which to view future innovations. Based on research undertaken with multiple organizations, it recognizes that the time is right to merge existing innovations with strategically developed communication programs to achieve a demonstrable, verifiable basis for the value of our museums.  相似文献   

在日趋激烈的竞争环境下如何更有效地为多元观众服务,是当今中国多数博物馆正在思考并期待解决的问题。本文以西方博物馆普遍使用的分众策略为对象,讨论博物馆分众的意义,并从四个角度梳理、分析现有的博物馆分众研究及相关实践,即基于来源地角度、基于社会人口学角度、基于心理因素与基于行为因素的分众。基于心理因素和行为因素的分众研究相较之下比基于来源地和社会人口学角度的分众研究对分众服务更具指导意义;依赖单一的分众角度的研究不能有效地帮助分众服务。博物馆可以充分利用不同类型的展览兼顾“分众”和“大众”服务,以“项目运作”作为一种分众服务策略,有规划地履行为公众服务的使命。  相似文献   

自然史博物馆是公共博物馆初创时的主要形态,其后发展演变出多种形态。本文通过分析国际科技类博物馆发展历程及其背景,指出科技类博物馆的实质是构建和传播理性科学知识,其存在意义是奠定人作为世界主体的现代社会的知识基础;科技类博物馆呈现显著的发展阶段性,其收藏价值、组织目标、社会作用相应调整和改变。在此基础上,本文认为当代科技类博物馆需要坚持构建和传播理性知识的信念,拓展成年观众群体,鼓励观众参与科学研究过程,服务所在地地域发展需求。  相似文献   

Abstract Interviews conducted during the summer of 2006 with people in and around the international museum community suggest that the interests natural history museums share in common with each other and with other kinds of organizations and communities are creating an array of new links across institutional, social and cultural boundaries. These links are active, complex, networked relationships directed toward common purposes. Museums that are taking advantage of this emerging environment are becoming “hyperconnected hubs” across which knowledge is exchanged and action initiated. In forging a multitude of “weak ties” outward at different institutional levels, museums are finding that their shared activity with others brings to themselves new and often unexpected value across the “strong ties” that bind them together internally as institutions. Those natural history museums most able to participate as members of larger, interconnected entities are finding powerful new opportunities to more vigorously engage the world they study and the constituencies they serve. In the process, they are becoming increasingly open, active and relevant.  相似文献   

As museum staff search for ways to broaden their audience, creative collaborations are emerging among various institutions with the hope that visitors who typically visit science centers, for example, will venture over to their local natural history museum. Typically, front-end evaluation is used for understanding details about visitors in the context of a proposed exhibition. Front-end evaluation can also help collaborating museums understand the nuances among their visitors regarding demographics, attitudes, and preferences for interpretive strategies. Carefully articulating the characteristics of the actual audience, potential audience, and target audience will help exhibit developers fine-tune their exhibitions to meet the needs and expectations of a more diverse public. This article presents partial findings from a front-end evaluation that analyzed the differences between visitors to natural history museums and science centers.  相似文献   

作为一本学术游记和随笔集,《域外博物馆印象》作者通过参观、考察众多的域外博物馆,从四个维度展现了自己的学术收获:以中国科普事业领导者的视角,对中国的科技馆事业建设发展予以指导;以科学传播理论研究学者的视角,探讨科学博物馆的发展规律;以中国科学博物馆行业引领者的视角,思考科学博物馆的教育功能;以科学博物馆忠实粉丝的视角,归纳科学博物馆的文化属性。  相似文献   

博物馆学习的研究成果表明,展览除了可以通过自身的内容来对观众施加影响之外,环境设计也同样会对观众的参观效果产生影响。因此,合理评估展览环境的效果、并针对性地发现环境设计中的不足之处,将有助于展览提升总体的教育效果和观众的参观体验。本文以2017—2018年间在山东博物馆所进行的一系列博物馆学习相关研究与展览评估实践为基础,从观众的注意力水平入手,计算展厅中各个区域的“吸引力”,进而实现对展览环境效果的评估。此外,在这一过程中发现,展厅环境中的“展线”与“照明”设计,对观众的学习效果有潜在影响,值得引起博物馆在环境设计时的关注。  相似文献   

Museums today face a crisis of confidence arising from two issues: (1) the erosion of a historically unreliable funding base, and (2) a challenge for audience by entrepreneurial elements in the culture. Other issues center on a growing public idea that museum work can be shared by entities such as theme parks and exhibition halls and the perception that education should be shaped as recreation. Museum responses to these problems have exacerbated their vulnerability as unique institutions. Certain dichotomies in the museum world help to explain this situation: (1) professionalism versus the audience, (2) connoisseurship versus the public experience, (3) the centrality versus the peripherality of objects in museums, (4) museums as businesses versus museums as educators, and (5) visitor expectations versus available resources. Resolution of the conflicts requires museums to remember that they are communication systems capable of teaching hard information, to stop emulating the forces that threaten to destroy them, and to pay attention to certain lessons understood in the business world. Museums also must find stable and reliable funding, reinvigorate the museum accreditation program, and pay attention to what museums really exist for. Museums are still necessary only when they function as true museums.  相似文献   

近代中国政治、经济、文化等领域深受西方影响,早期自然博物馆的营建体现出了两个不同方向。西方对生物学的研究经历了博物学狭义化到实验生理学为主导的方法转向、博物馆内部教育功能的发展趋势以及外强入侵近代中国的社会背景,共同推动了中国早期自然博物馆的落地生根。西人营建的中国早期自然博物馆是欧洲自然史收藏体系下的一部分,这类“学究式博物馆”研究属性强,不以服务中国社会为目的,影响有限。而中国本土的不同阶层在传播博物馆观念与实践上均做出了各自回应,他们身处衰败之际与觉醒年代,肩负救亡图存之责任,其创办的一批“公共教育博物馆”彰显了对科学的求索,对国家未来的希冀。这些博物馆体现了科学传播的公共性价值。  相似文献   

Abstract This informal essay explores the changes natural history and science museums may encounter as their purpose, foundation, and patronage evolve from this histroical era to the next. The historical circumstances—scientific, social, and economic—that brought forth the great museums of the world no longer exist. In their place is a new public context that shifts attention from museums whose business is objects to organizations whose business is information. At the same time, the economic‐survival mechanism of museums is shifting from grand philanthropy to innovative development programs and market‐sensitive commercial endeavors. Meeting the needs of the next generations of visitors and cultivating the next generation of funders will not be simple. Massive changes in the social fabric of the nation will soon demand new kinds of institutions that play new roles in society. Museums that meet this challenge will not simply be competing with other sectors of society for public attention and funds. Future success will require the fundamental reinvention of museums so that their purpose is obvious and their mission is clearly aligned with the needs of future generations.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,教育领域“由教到学”的哲学转向延伸至博物馆领域。随着关于博物馆学习的讨论日益丰富,观众在博物馆中的行为始终无法绕开学习这一因素成为学界共识。《博物馆学习:作为促进工具的理论与研究》一书从理论出发,对相关的学习理论进行阐述,将理论研究和博物馆实践相结合,试图架起研究人员和博物馆专业工作人员之间的桥梁,从心理学、社会学、 哲学、人类学等视角开展跨学科研究。本书资料丰富,理论介绍全面,可为我国开展博物馆教育和学习提供较为全面的理论指南和实践指导,如博物馆分众类别研究和学习环境如何分众化的启示,一定程度上也有助于使我们认识到理论的重要性,开展更多聚焦事物本质的研究。  相似文献   


Cultural heritage has undergone a paradigm shift in recent decades. Museums in particular have changed from being a house of treasures to be admired by visitors, to being a place where objects provide the context for new interpretations. Today, visitors are provided with an opportunity to participate and co-create meaning. At the same time a UK government requirement for accountability has pushed the sector towards business management and professionalisation. This new context has forced conservators to respond by aligning themselves with these trends. In order to stay relevant conservators have to take on an active role in facilitating audience participation and increased access to collections, while at the same time improving their efficiency and accountability. Preservation frameworks have played a significant role in enabling conservators to respond to these changed needs within the sector. Crucially, preservation frameworks have encouraged conservation professionals to collaborate with colleagues from across an entire organisation. Having gained a broader understanding of the context within which they work, preservation frameworks have also allowed conservators to systematically collate and analyse data and present these to their stakeholders in a language understood by them. The review of a number of case studies reveals that preservation frameworks help conservators understand the bigger picture and be influential at the right levels.  相似文献   

博物馆学习隶属于非正式学习领域,在我国教育研究中处于边缘地位,为了推进国内博物馆学习研究向纵深方向发展,需要把握国际相关研究的热点与前沿趋势。文章采用CiteSpace分析软件对国内外相关文献的发文量、关键词共现、聚类及突现等方面进行可视化分析。总结博物馆学习研究再出发的路径:利用现代信息技术,实现博物馆数字化学习;关注公众参与及影响因素,提高博物馆学习质量;理论与实践相结合,深化博物馆科学学习研究;基于博物馆学习结果多元性,开展纵向研究;立足本土文化,深化馆校合作实证研究。  相似文献   

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