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创建学习型社会是全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标。图书馆是知识信息资源管理的重要部门,图书馆在学习型社会中首先应该成为学习型组织。图书馆的学习动力来自三个方面:图书馆中个体对学习的需要;图书馆组织对学习的需要;社会对图书馆的要求。  相似文献   

学习型图书馆是指图书馆能够通过各种有效途径与具体措施,促使其成员养成终身学习的习惯,在学习过程中激发个人生命潜能,提高人生价值以充分实现自我,形成良好的图书馆气候和文化,进而带动图书馆的创新与进步,达到顺应变迁和永远发展的目的。学习型图书馆包含了继续不断的学习、亲密合作的关系、彼此联系的网络、集体共享的观念、创新发展的精神、系统  相似文献   

关于学习型社会中学习型图书馆的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
十六大提出了“形成全民学习,终身学习的学习型社会,促进人的全面发展”的任务。作为文化传播主要载体的图书馆,特别是基层公共图书馆,围绕实现这一任务来开展工作就显得更加重要。学习型的社会,需要学习型的图书馆。而建立学习型图书馆,更重要的是应结合各馆的实际和具体工作来开展。只有建立起广大人民群众都喜爱的学习型图书馆,才能跟上时代的步伐,图书馆事业才会更上一层楼。  相似文献   

赵龙英  靳长昊  陈琦 《图书馆》2023,(11):81-85
学习型社会是人全面发展的重要载体,国家高质量发展离不开人的全面发展,而图书馆社会服务模式创新能有效推动学习型社会建立。国内图书馆在这方面作出了部分尝试,但模式创新程度尚不能满足当前学习型社会建立的需要。文章以澳大利亚国家图书馆相关实践为例,详述澳大利亚公共图书馆的社会实践过程和社会服务流程,阐释其社会服务实践方式与服务效益,剖析其运营策略调整机理,总结出乡村服务、居家服务、社区营销服务三种服务创新模式,并以此启迪我国公共图书馆社会服务的创新策略。  相似文献   

本文认为图书馆是学习型社会培养人才的教育基地、大众交流中心,是知识创新的源泉与保障,是学习型社会的精神家园。为了图书馆事业的更好发展,应加快立法进程,提高图书馆工作人员的素质,实施知识管理。  相似文献   

目前,我国的社区建设已成为城市建设的重中之重,而社区图书馆严重缺乏在一定程度上制约了和谐社会的发展.高校图书馆对于学习型社区、文化型社区的创建有着重要的意义,高校图书馆对社区开放是时代发展的需要,高校图书馆对社区开放有利于双方的共同发展.提出了高校图书馆对社区开放的建设性意见.  相似文献   

学习型县级图书馆是智力型、信息型、服务型图书馆,创建学习型县级图书馆,对实现公共图书馆本质职能,提高图书馆人的综合素质.创新学习与管理方法具有重要意义.本文以浙江长兴县图书馆的举措为例,解剖了创建学习型大图书馆的可能性空间.  相似文献   

本文通过分析学习型图书馆和Blog的特点,指出构建学习型图书馆的本质是建立一种全体馆员主动参与、共同进步的协作式学习模式;以Blog为平台构建学习型图书馆,可以提高图书馆整体的知识水平,同时也倡导了一种良好开放的、资源共享的学术研究交流氛围,值得在构建学习型图书馆的实践中推广应用。  相似文献   

创建学习型图书馆探微   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
构建世界上最大的学习型社会是我国建设全面小康社会的目标与保障,学习型图书馆是全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会的核心与重要支柱。我们必须抓住历史性机遇,采取战略性措施,积极创建学习型图书馆。  相似文献   

图书馆在学习型社会中的定位   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
学习型社会为图书馆的发展提供了千载难逢的机遇.文章认为图书馆是学习型社会培养人才的教育基地、大众交流中心,是知识创新的源泉与保障,是学习型社会的精神家园.为了图书馆事业的更好发展,应加快立法进程,确立图书馆在学习型社会的法律地位,提高图书馆工作人员的素质,实施知识管理.  相似文献   

基于自我决定理论和学习投入理论,建立图书馆信息素养翻转课堂学习投入和学习效果概念模型,并采用结构方程模型方法对该模型进行验证。结果表明:基本心理需要、自主性学习动机、翻转课堂教学质量均显著正向影响学习投入,控制性学习动机对学习投入影响不显著;学习投入显著正向影响学习效果和学习满意度,学习效果正向影响学习满意度。据此提出提升图书馆信息素养翻转课堂学习投入和学习效果的建议。  相似文献   

数字化学习是利用网络技术手段及路径进行学习的一种新型学习方式,利用数字化学习资源、数字化学习方式和数字化学习环境能很好地满足学习型社会对学习内容、学习方式和学习者本身的要求。有效配置数字化学习资源、充分利用数字化学习方式、积极营造数字化学习环境是构建学习型社会的最便捷和高效的途径。  相似文献   

Although the term lacks a standard definition, learning commons represent academic library spaces that provide computer and library resources as well as a range of academic services that support learners and learning. Learning commons have been equated to a laboratory for creating knowledge and staffed with librarians that serve as facilitators of learning. Many of these spaces evolved over time with the addition of campus partners and services. In this article, the authors examined the literature on academic library learning commons to identify common themes. A qualitiative analysis of 103 articles identified five themes including: planning the learning commons, assessing the learning commons, benefiting from the learning commons, collaborating in the learning commons, and staffing the learning commons. Foremost, the review pointed to the increasing popularity of learning commons in academic institutions. To that end, it remains critical that librarians possess the capabilities necessary to support students, faculty, and staff in these next generation learning spaces. Some of these capabilities include traditional library skills, but librarians' computer literacy, including familiarity with web 2.0 technologies, and their knowledge of instructional design remains important too.  相似文献   

What makes a successful informal learning space is a topic in need of further research. The body of discourse on informal space design is drawn from learning theory, placemaking, and architecture, with a need for understanding of the synergy between the three. Findings from a longitudinal, quantitative, and qualitative study at Sheffield Hallam University, explore learners' behaviors, attitudes, and preferences toward informal learning spaces in higher education, within and outside of the context of the academic library. The learning spaces study contributes to the discourse on informal learning spaces design by producing a typology of nine learning space preference attributes which address aspects of learning theory, placemaking, and architecture. The typology can be used to evaluate existing spaces and inform redevelopment of informal learning spaces in higher education institutions. Implementing the typology will be subject to localized conditions, but at Sheffield Hallam University the key conclusions have included developing a portfolio of discrete, interrelated learning environments, offering spaces with a clear identity and encouraging students to translate their learning preferences into space selection.  相似文献   

新媒体环境下移动学习用户信息共享行为研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
[目的/意义]针对新媒体环境下移动学习的特点,研究移动学习用户信息共享行为的现状,引导移动客户端更好地构建以用户为中心的信息共享交流平台。[方法/过程]采用问卷调查和实证研究相结合的方法,应用Amos21.0从个体移动学习态度、个体移动学习的主观规范和移动学习过程感知信息可控性3者和谐发展的角度,对提出的影响因子、移动学习信息共享意图和移动学习信息共享行为之间的假设进行检验。[结果/结论]数据研究结果显示新媒体环境下个体移动学习态度、主观规范、移动学习过程感知信息可控性对移动学习信息共享意图产生正向影响,其中移动学习过程感知信息可控性对移动学习信息共享意图的影响最大;移动学习信息共享意图对信息共享行为有正向影响。  相似文献   


A distance learning librarian shares her experience as a member of a faculty learning community devoted to technology innovation in education. Participants in the learning community include faculty from a range of disciplines all working on projects to enhance student learning through instructional technology. The librarian was selected to participate in the community to develop online learning objects using Camtasia. In addition to discussing the practical considerations of developing the learning objects, the poster session will focus on the learning community experience. How did collaboration and dialogue with other faculty affect the project? What did the librarian's participation and unique perspective contribute to the learning community as a whole? Finally, recommendations for establishing similar formal or informal learning communities will be offered.  相似文献   

The idea of informed learning, applicable in academic, workplace and community settings, has been derived largely from a program of phenomenographic research in the field of information literacy, which has illuminated the experience of using information to learn. Informed learning is about simultaneous attention to information use and learning, where both information and learning are considered to be relational; and is built upon a series of key concepts such as second-order perspective, simultaneity, awareness, and relationality. Informed learning also relies heavily on reflection as a strategy for bringing about learning. As a pedagogical construct, informed learning supports inclusive curriculum design and implementation. Aspects of the informed learning research agenda are currently being explored at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT).  相似文献   

建立学习型图书馆是图书馆组织形式发展的趋势。当前,建立学习型图书馆过程中存在着各种阻碍因素,包括对学习概念和学习型组织的认识存在局限性、学习观念陈旧和各种学习模式落后。详尽分析各种阻碍因素产生的根源,可以更好地厘清创建学习型图书馆的思路,变革不合理之处,为实现图书馆员工的协同发展扫除障碍。  相似文献   

With the gradual adoption of multimedia technologies in curriculum designs, the need has increased for in-depth studies that explore how different presentation techniques for multimedia materials affect learner emotions and learner performance. This study employed the emWave system, a stress detector for emotional states that was developed by the Institute of HeartMath for measuring changes in learner emotional states when presented with different multimedia materials with the same learning content. By analyzing the collected emotional data and assessment of learning performance, this study explores how different multimedia learning materials affect learning emotions, and ultimately, learning performance. Preliminary results show that the video-based multimedia material generates the best learning performance and most positive emotion among three types of multimedia materials assessed in the study. Moreover, a partial correlation exists between negative learning emotion and learning performance. This study confirms that simultaneously considering pretest score and negative emotion can predict learning performance of learners who use video-based multimedia material for learning. It also finds significant gender difference in learner emotional states while using different multimedia materials for learning: female learners in this study are more easily affected by different multimedia material than male learners.  相似文献   

作为高校图书馆嵌入学习过程的在线服务形式,虚拟学习社区是学习共享空间的有机组成部分,但在我国仍处于探索、实验性建设阶段。以图书馆为学习资源与交互平台,融合典型SNS应用的富交互性,构建虚拟学习社区模型,详细介绍主要互动模块的具体设计,并探讨虚拟学习社区的实践意义。  相似文献   

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