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数字人文是人文学科与信息技术交叉研究的新领域,从数字人文角度重新认识并思考档案资源的深度开发与利用具有很强的现实意义。本文从概念、理论、价值层面对档案资源在数字人文研究中的特殊性进行探讨,厘清包括以档案资源开发为核心、由档案机构主导、与档案相关三个类别的档案数字人文项目,同时阐述了档案数字人文项目的界定与识别方法。最后,提出从参考工具、资源仓储、智力支持、成果呈现四个方面优化档案资源在数字人文研究中的应用思路。  相似文献   


Universities struggle to offer complete, up-to-date and consistent information about their key assets to their numerous users across various digital services and communication channels. Key assets include people, papers, books, dissertations, patents, courses, and research projects. The main difficulty stands in the intrinsic data fragmentation and data diversity: data about the key assets is scattered across multiple information silos, data is often duplicated and difficult to correlate due to the diversity in the format, metadata, conventions, and terminology used. We illustrate how this difficulty can be tackled and describe the work carried out at the University of Trento in Italy.  相似文献   

信息化进程对于人类记忆是双刃剑,信息技术在强化社会生活记录能力的同时也引发了新的社会失忆现象,数字记忆成为新一代文化记忆。本文在简要爬梳数字记忆由来和现状的基础上,阐述数字记忆的基本原理和社会价值,归纳出多资源互补、多媒体连通、迭代式生长、开放式构建等特点,从目标定位、文化阐释、资源整合、编排展示、技术支撑五个方面提出构建数字记忆项目的架构和要领。本文还分析了图书馆、档案馆、博物馆等记忆机构在数字记忆建设中的重要角色及其原因,倡导图档博机构在数字记忆构建中拓展职能,增加活力。参考文献31。  相似文献   

Digital library has the capabilities of storing various electronic information resources which can conveniently be accessed by remote end-users via computer networks and the Internet. In recent times, Universities in Nigeria have embarked on integration of technologies in their operations for improvement, especially with respect to digitisation of academic information resources. However, with the huge investment committed to establishment of digital libraries in Nigerian Universities, less research has been done on their acceptance and usage from the users' perspective, more especially with respect to the fit of digital library with students' tasks. This study, therefore, investigated task-technology fit of digital libraries in three Nigerian Universities and identified factors influencing use of digital library by the students. Survey design guided the study and a questionnaire was used to collect data from 402 students. The study found a high usage of digital library among the students. A moderate positive correlation and significant relationship was found between the independent variables (task characteristics, technology characteristics, attitude, computer self-efficacy and task-technology fit) and use of digital library. The study validates the TTF model which posits that for an information system to be utilised, it must be a good fit for the tasks it supports.  相似文献   

课程导航:学科导航系统的细化与深化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从提高网络资源导航库使用率和为本科教学工作服务角度出发,结合工作实践,转变观念,为本科教学工作引路导航;整合课程教研资源,促进课程建设与发展;整合网络学习资源,帮助学生学好专业:循序渐进建设课程网络资源导航库等方面论述建设在学科分类统率下以专业课程为制作单位的“课程导航数据库”的具体问题,包括关于期刊文献的收录问题、关于灰色文献的知识产权问题、减少不相关的冗余数据。  相似文献   

中国试验型数字式图书馆的探索与实践   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
中国试验型数字式图书馆是国家重点科技项目。该项目在国内图书馆界首次成功实现了数字图书馆的共建共享。在数字图书馆的总体建设框架、标准规范、资源建设和应用系统开发等方面取得了相应的成果, 为中国数字图书馆工程奠定了基础。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 对上海图书馆举办的2020年数字人文年会会议征集的51个汉语语境下数字人文项目进行分析,总结汉语世界关于中华文化主题的数字人文项目概况,为国内数字人文的未来发展提供参考。[方法/过程] 采用网络调查法和数据分析法对51个数字人文项目进行分类研究,根据项目的研究对象、研究方法、基础设施类型和项目成果的现实意义进行分析与讨论以获取有价值的特征。就"数字人文与人文学科""技术手段与方法应用""基础设施建设""服务模式与问题解决"四个维度进行深入探讨。[结果/结论] 51个项目的总结显示出五大特点:在历史学、文学领域蓬勃发展,机器学习与数字人文深度结合,数字资源建设至关重要,综合性数字人文平台的时代已经到来,跨学科、跨机构、跨国家的合作性项目开始显现。本文也针对当前数字人文项目存在的不足提出了促进机构间合作及多学科交叉融合,加强大数据交叉思维和人文素养培养,加强区域协同发展,继续提升学科服务能力和基础资源建设的主要建议。  相似文献   

“How we done it good” publications—a genre concerning project-based approaches that describe how (and sometimes why) something was done—are often rebuked in the library research community for lacking traditional scientific validity, reliability, and generalizability. While scientific methodologies may be a common approach to research and inquiry, they are not the only methodological paradigms. This research posits that the how we done it good paradigm in librarianship reflects a valid and legitimate approach to research. By drawing on the concept of research through design, this study shows how these how we done it good projects reflect design methodologies which draw rigor from process, invention, relevance, and extensibility rather than replicability, generalizability, and predictability. Although these projects implicitly reflect research through design, the methodology is not yet explicitly harnessed in librarianship. More support for these types of projects can be achieved by making the legitimate design framework more explicit and increasing support from publication venues.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 从用户满意度出发将高校图书馆已开展的科研支持服务项目进行排序,通过Kano模型找出关键因素以及对项目的影响,以便图书馆能够合理配置资源,提高服务质量。[方法/过程] 运用Kano模型的基本理论,结合"985"高校图书馆科研支持服务项目分类,通过设计Kano问卷、开展问卷调查、统计调查数据和分析满意度4个步骤将科研支持服务项目进行归类。[结果/结论] 提出4个层次的科研支持服务项目,分别为基础项目、扩展项目、特色项目和无差异项目,为不同规模的高校图书馆提供科研支持服务项目选择的一种分析方法和建议。  相似文献   

历史档案资源是重要的数字人文实践对象,而众包是聚合与优化历史档案资源的信息组织形式。数字人文项目前端的历史档案资源众包具有面向项目需求贡献和转化资源内容、在网络环境下开放和共享资源与成果、基于共同目标实现全景式协作等特点,同时具有网络平台存在安全隐患、用户行为和任务质量难以掌控等风险。档案馆、图书馆、博物馆等发包方是历史档案资源众包风险控制的实施主体,从历史档案资源众包和数字人文项目的前后端关系出发,可以规划基于历时视角的众包风险控制路径:在前期阶段设计和构建平台并实施用户准入控制,在中期阶段进行指导协调并监督任务执行,在后期阶段检视、审核并发布众包成果。控制成效可在后端的数字人文教学和研究中得到检验。  相似文献   

在高等学校的教学与科研资源中,图书馆的馆藏资源是高等学校教学和科研的基本保障之一。学生类型多,学科分布广,教学和科研水平高是高等学校的特点,面对来自各方对图书馆资源的需求,不断提高图书馆的馆藏资源质量是高校图书馆的重要工作之一。文章对图书经费的配额的科学划分以及图书资料的采选程序提出了改进方法,旨在优化和提高图书馆的藏书质量。  相似文献   

Digital libraries aim at unhindered access to content over computer and communication networks, and digitization may be taken as a visible proposition to enhance the shelf life of non-digital content by preservation apart from the virtue of increased and easy access, thereby furthering usage. As a fresh, lively and dynamic area with a lot of enthusiasm and activity by researchers from different disciplines, institutions and countries, digital libraries are viewed in different perspectives and the single most development that has brought about sweeping changes in the library and information discipline currently in the developed world is that of digital libraries. Advancements in computer and information technology with breakthroughs in memory technology has not only reduced the cost of infrastructure required for hosting digital libraries, but the demonstrated success of a wide variety of projects in USA and Europe also endorsed the chances of their survival even in a developing country. Though the professionals and libraries in developing countries are also experiencing the virtues of Internet, and electronic information highways, many of these libraries have not gone much farther than the computerization of in-house operations, availing databases in electronic media such as CD-ROMs, and web access of subscribed journals and various free resources. Digital library development should be taken up as an additional task to populate the web sites with valuable in-house content like the research reports, publications of in-house researchers, and so on. Digital library projects and developments in the country are so many, though a large number of them are only at an aggressively enthusiastic preliminary stage. In a country such as India so rich in content of indigenous research and development in disciplines varied from science and technology to social science, humanities and spirituality, there is tremendous need for hosting full fledged digital libraries by appropriately tagging the content with affordable information technology. However, what is lacking, especially in developing countries, is a coordinated collaborative approach to bring in institutions and identifying content valuable for digitization with sufficient monetary and infrastructure support. The digital library development in the country needs a two-pronged strategy (i) to digitize local content, and (ii) to devise options for accessing external resources. Channels for internal content include journals and serials for research, conference proceedings, theses and dissertations and preprints, research and status reports, textbooks and learning materials, government publications, spiritual/heritage sources, tourism information, traditional knowledge, etc. As far as external resources are concerned, there are electronic options from publishers and information provides such as, online access through Web of subscribed journals, CDs and floppies containing supplementary material of printed books, bibliographic/full-text databases, which can be hosted on library servers or intranet along with local content. The problems for digital library development are manifold in India such as lack of interest, non-availability of computer and IT infrastructure for library activities, copyright problems, ensuring secure access, properly selecting content from the mass available, internet bandwidth, absence of sufficient financial support, over concentration of professional time on administrative routines, acute shortage over concentration of professional time on administrative routines, acute shortage of competent manpower, etc. The software boom engulfing the country, as a result of the big leap in computer penetration, sudden rise in proficient manpower, and sizable improvement in communication infrastructure should also be treated as an asset and taken advantage of by authorities and information professionals to create and maintain digital information facilities to usher in the new information age.  相似文献   

信息媒体数字视频图书馆(TheINFORMEDIADigitalVideoLibrary,简称IDVL)项目是美国数字图书馆创始计划(DigitalLibrariesInitiative,简~,DLI)最初的六个项目之一,由卡内基·梅隆大学于1994年创建。该项目一直在深入地开发数字视频及其相关技术和工具,致力于建立一个庞大的在线数字视频图书馆,为用户提供多媒体信息服务。文章对该数字图书馆的项目概况、资源组织、技术特征和服务特点等进行了综合介绍和评价。  相似文献   

对2000年至2009年间有关数字资源长期保存的期刊论文从论文数量、关键词、期刊分布等几个方面进行了统计归纳,分析其研究内容和主题,并介绍了目前国外数字资源长期保存领域的主要研究项目、保存技术和系统方案的研究进展等。  相似文献   

亚历山大数字图书馆项目(Alexandria Digital Library,ADL)是美国最大的、持续时间最长的数字图书馆研究项目之一,自1994年起连续得到了美国国家科学基金会(NSF)的美国数字图书馆倡导计划(Digital Library Initiative,DLI)长达十年的资助。该项目的重点在于设计并运行其颇有特色的地理参考数字图书馆。ADL是一个分布式参考资料数字图书馆,以各种数据来源的地图、图像和地理定位文献为主要收集对象,实现公众对地理空间信息对象的访问和搜索,是互联网上的地理信息资源中心。文章对该数字图书馆的项目背景、信息资源组织、服务和技术特点等进行了介绍和评价。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how information resources are shared electronically between libraries at the national level in China. It examines the digital library project related issues for both information policy and information-technology. Issues pertaining to information policy include co-operation and collaboration between information service providers, collection development, intellectual property protection, management and administration on the digital library projects, and public information services (user clients). Issues pertaining to information technology include use of UNICODE, metadata, interface standards (Z39·50) and others. Using a combination of system analysis and program evaluation methods, the current practice of developing a national digital library infrastructure is investigated, issues regarding national information countermeasures toward these digital library projects are studied, and suggestions for developing further nation's countermeasures in the digital library project are presented. Successful and/or failure experience is shared and compared with the US Digital Asia Library (DAL) project.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]了解上海市6所应用技术型大学的科研学术水平和学术支撑能力,以更有效地提升理工类院校教学科研水平,发挥理工类院校对地区发展的推动作用。[方法/过程]采用文献计量学方法,以Web of Science收录的科研论文数据为依据,从被引次数、学科分布、作者分布、国际合作等角度,对上海市6所理工类高校近年来的科研论文产出情况进行统计分析。[结果/结论]开展对上海市6所理工类高校,基于文献计量的科研水平评价工作,不仅是为了了解6所理工类院校的科研学术水平及研究方向,更希望通过分析评价,进一步了解科研学术水平对学校学科发展的帮助与支撑关系,为我校学科专业设置及未来学科发展定位等提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how information resources are shared electronically between libraries at the national level in China. It examines the digital library project related issues for both information policy and information-technology. Issues pertaining to information policy include co-operation and collaboration between information service providers, collection development, intellectual property protection, management and administration on the digital library projects, and public information services (user clients). Issues pertaining to information technology include use of UNICODE, metadata, interface standards (Z39·50) and others. Using a combination of system analysis and program evaluation methods, the current practice of developing a national digital library infrastructure is investigated, issues regarding national information countermeasures toward these digital library projects are studied, and suggestions for developing further nation's countermeasures in the digital library project are presented. Successful and/or failure experience is shared and compared with the US Digital Asia Library (DAL) project.  相似文献   

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