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国图藏美国政府出版物中的期刊   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家图书馆国际组织与外国政府出版物组从80年代初开始收藏美国政府出版物.美国政府出版物(Government Publications ofthe United States,简称GPUS),是指美国的政府机构,即立法、司法、行政机构和其他属于政府的独立机构、半官方机构所组织编撰、出版发行的文献资料.  相似文献   

政府出版物,又称为“官方出版物”,英文为“Government Publications”,即政府出资出版或者法律规定由政府出版的信息.美国政府出版局(GPO,201 4年12月由“美国政府印刷局”改为今名)是世界上最大的政府出版物出版机构,以其深远的影响、庞大的组织、有效的运转、雄厚的财力,成为各国政府出版机构之中最值得研究的一个典型个案.  相似文献   

论述了美国政府信息资源的组织概况和美国寄存图书馆政府信息资源的组织概况,从7个方面详细讨论了美国政府出版物编号SuDoc Numbers的系统原理、作者标识、下属机构、系列、分类主干、书的编号、某些机构作者的出版物特别对待,介绍了美国国会图书馆标题词表(LCSH),并提出了对我国的4点启示:宏观协调机构;制订相关规范和标准;编目数据共建共享;按机构类聚。  相似文献   

美国寄存图书馆政府信息资源的组织   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了美国政府信息资源的组织概况和美国寄存图书馆政府信息资源的组织概况,从7个方面详细讨论了美国政府出版物编号SuDoc Numbers的系统原理、作者标识、下属机构、系列、分类主干、书的编号、某些机构作者的出版物特别对待,介绍了美国国会图书馆标题词表(LCSH),并提出了对我国的4点启示:宏观协调机构;制订相关规范和标准;编目数据共建共享;按机构类聚。  相似文献   

介绍了美国政府出版物的出版发行概况,中国国家图书馆国际组织与外国政府出版物组对其的采集、管理及收藏情况。分析了馆藏文献的载体形式特征,重点讨论了其内容特征及重要文献。以便读者更好地利用之。  相似文献   

美国政府信息的出版、编目与寄存制度及其作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国联邦政府在立国后不久就将一些政府出版物寄存在一些图书馆里让人们查阅,在19世纪中叶设立了“政府印刷局”统一负责联邦政府出版物的印刷和发行,不久又设立了政府出版物在图书馆的寄存制度,并且沿袭至今。这套政府出版物的发行和寄存制度成为美国政府信息公开的主要渠道,也为社会各行各业的发展做出了极大的贡献。中国可以吸取的经验包括:成立政府文献研究分会,完善和扩充政府公报内容,试行政府出版物寄存制度,建立政府信息导航,鼓励出版社和信息公司编辑和出版政府信息等。  相似文献   

美国政府出版局(U.S.Government Printing Office,GPO)已经发行了新的联邦数字系统(Federal Digital System,FDsys),这个系统得到了图书馆界的高度评价。GPO称此系统为“权威的、政府信息出版物的一站式服务”,该系统能够提供永久的开放获取的存储服务。  相似文献   

国内外数以千计的学会所产生的信息——即好消息是丰富的,有价值的。而出版物输出量胜过出版商和美国政府的只有国家学会。每当由于经济原因使得出版商缩减大量列入目录的有销路的项目和议员们使用削减政府文献工作计划预算动议时,学会出版物常常有助于填补这个空白。学会包含多种信息——调查研究、统计、鉴定、会议录、工业数据、学科文件、当前意识到的信息、标准、技术报告、手册、指南——和多种多样  相似文献   

加强高校图书馆灰色文献资源建设的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
加强高校图书馆灰色文献资源建设的探讨张炜(北京大学)长期以来,灰色文献在我国没有得到应有的重视。而国际上对灰色文献的收藏却越来越重视。美国国家技术情报服务局专门从事灰色文献工作。1989年美国政府又出版了《获取免费出版物指南》。日本的关东地区图书馆情...  相似文献   

美国信息公开过程中的政府机构与图书馆   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在信息公开的过程中,美国无论是在立法还是在实施方面都走在了世界的前列.经过百余年的发展,美国对政府信息和政府出版物做出了明确的界定.在日渐完备的信息公开法律体系的保障之下,以美国政府印刷局为代表的信息出版机构构建了联邦保存馆计划等一系列对政府信息进行收藏、整理、编目及利用的体系架构.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(32):247-257
A study was undertaken at Montana State University Libraries to determine if missing and mutilation rates differed between monographs in the general collection and U.S. Geological Survev publications. Prior to this investigation, it was assumed that there might be a higher rate of items missing from the collection of U.S. Geological Survey publications than from the general collection and that there would take a greater incidence of mutilation among the U.S.G.S. materials. Items were chosen according to a random sample and the resulting data analyzed using a Chi-square test for significance at the .05 level. Contrary to the investigator's initial assumptions, it was found that U.S.G.S. Bulletins and Professional Papers were not mutilated more often than monographs in the general collection, and that there is no statistically significant difference in rates of availabilily. Additional evidence encountered in the course of the study suggests that the U.S.G.S. publications may be used much less frequently than other library materials. Recommendations are made for further research concerning use and accessibility. The methodology used in this investigation is potentially applicable to many other types of collection studies.  相似文献   

Through an examination of the scope and arrangement pattern of the federal government’s publications issued by the Army, Navy, and Air Force during the period of the so-called National Military Establishment, 1947–1949, one can gain an understanding of the workings of the Superintendent of Documents classification scheme. U.S. government depository libraries hold copies of many of the publications identified in the article. However, the article’s focus is on the record copies held by the National Archives within Record Group 287, Publications of the U.S. Government. An integral feature of the article is an appendix that lists more than 100 series with their respective SuDocs identification numbers. The author discusses the most significant of these series and introduces the lay reader to search methodologies for locating specific publications.  相似文献   

A major part of Congressional publishing, though not the whole conspectus of it, is the U.S. Congressional Serial Set. After a quick review of the history of the Serial Set, the formal categories of publications are discussed with their statistical breakdown followed by salient examples from some of the various genres of Serial Set publications.  相似文献   

This second part of a two-part series is a survey of U.S. government web resources on human trafficking in the United States, particularly of the online publications and data included on agencies’ websites. Overall, the goal is to provide an introduction, an overview, and a guide on this topic for library staff to use in their research and instruction services, as well as to benefit new researchers, students, government agencies, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), social service providers, and others exploring this topic.  相似文献   


There are between fifteen and twenty U.S. libraries that collect publications from Central Asia, defined here as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Collection development responsibility for these countries tends to rest with the Slavic selector, the Middle East selector, or both, divided by language. Vendors who can supply this material mostly also supply publications from other countries of the former Soviet Union. The author briefly discusses the history of collecting from this region and the results of a survey conducted in 2004. She presents evidence indicating that the main reason U.S. libraries are not receiving more books from the region is most likely because they are not being published, not because vendors are doing an inadequate job.  相似文献   

This study of reviews in six scholarly journals of books on U.S. history examines the sources of books reviewed; their prices, length, and other characteristics; the affiliations of the reviewers; and the timeliness and coverage of reviews. The findings indicate that, although historians rely on reviews in scholarly journals for information on current publications, these reviews are in some ways inadequate for their purposes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this exploratory study is to review scholarly publications and assess egovernment research efforts as a field of study specific to the United States e-government environment. Study results reveal that researchers who focus on the U.S. e-government environment assess specific e-government topics at the federal, state, and local levels; however, there are gaps in the research efforts by topic areas and across different levels of government, which indicate opportunities for future areas of research. Results also find that a multitude of methodology approaches are used to assess e-government. Issues, however, exist that include lack of or weak presentations of methodologies in publications, few studies include multi-method evaluation approaches for data collection and analysis efforts, and few studies take a theory-based approach to understanding the U.S. e-government environment.  相似文献   

During World War II, the U.S. military faced a shortage of personnel that forced the services to enlist women. All branches of the armed forces eventually created women's corps, and more than 275,000 women served in these organizations. This article offers an annotated bibliography of U.S. government publications relating to these pioneering women. It serves as a documentary history of World War II's military women as well as a resource for further study. A wide range of print and electronic materials is covered, from official and commemorative histories, to primary source materials such as congressional hearings and recruiting brochures and posters.  相似文献   

The 1991 Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications was examined using a random sample of 668 publications in order to determine what percentage of materials produced at the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) were available through the depository library system, and how many of those were offered through the Sales Division via the Publications Reference File (PRF). It was found that 98 percent of publications (655 titles) in the Monthly Catalog were depository items. The remaining two percent (13 titles) are discussed as an indicator of what was not available through the depository system. It was also found that only nine percent of the publications (62 titles) in the Monthly Catalog were listed as available through the Sales Division. Of that nine percent, only 60 percent (37 titles), were listed in the PRF after one year. The nature of these publications and their average prices are examined. Also discussed are the publications dropped from the PRF. A total of 293 publications were identified as available through either GPO or agency distribution, representing 44 percent of the original sample.  相似文献   

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