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通过对西方全球公民教育的理论和实践进行梳理发现,西方全球公民教育无论在理论还是在实践方面都不是一个单数概念,它是一个复杂、多元的话语,实践形式也不尽相同.根据其背后理念的不同,将西方全球公民教育可划分为能力导向的全球公民教育、意识导向的全球公民教育、政治导向的全球公民教育和批判导向的全球公民教育,并就其如何理解全球公民和全球公民教育及推行相应的全球公民教育实践作了深入分析.  相似文献   

全球化趋势发展的背景下,创新教育、通识教育的实质就是要培养具有国际视野的新世纪人才.通过全球教育课堂针对性地提高学生多元思维能力、创新能力以及解决问题的能力.本文通过介绍厦门大学教育研究院范怡红教授"全球化与国际教育"课程改革来论证如何通过课程实践来帮助学生树立全球化意识、开拓视野、提高学生动手能力和解决问题的能力从而将学生培养成为准国际公民.  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代以来,全球公民教育研究和实践蓬勃发展,然而全球公民教育实践的效果很有限.对于全球公民教育的探讨不能回避“全球公民教育如何可能”这一前提性问题.“全球公民”身份推衍困境、“在地实施”的“异化”后果让全球公民教育实施的可能性成为问题.环境问题既是一个“全球共同利益”问题,也是各国政府关心的问题,为解答“全球公民教育何以可能”提供了较好的切入点.国际环境政治解释了全球环境治理中发展中国家与发达国家的不合作与不平等状况.以全球环境问题及其治理作为教育内容,全球公民教育具有批判性.批判的生态教育学成为全球公民教育的重要实践形态.在既有的国家边界限制下,批判的生态教育学通过全球与在地的混合行动,让全球公民教育获得了一种新的可能性.  相似文献   

全球公民教育的理念解读与实施比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球化时代的合格公民要有广阔的全球意识和全球事务的参与能力。全球公民教育就是公民教育在全球化时代全球性维度的拓展,通过相应的知识、技能和价值观教育,培养负责任的全球公民。通过分析加拿大、英国和巴基斯坦等国的全球公民教育实施现状,得出了重视并积极开展全球公民教育已成为全球化时代必然选择这一结论。  相似文献   

本文阐述了全球公民的概念与全球公民教育的进程,探讨了韩国全球公民教育的实施现状,以"北京韩国国际学校"小学部全球公民教育的实践为主要个案进行分析,探讨该学校的全球公民教育是如何与北京社会公民意识、韩国国家公民意识以及全球公民意识三个层面的教育相融合的。  相似文献   

随着全球化趋势的增强,相互依存度的增加,全球性问题的出现及解决,均需要具有全球意识并为之行动的全球公民,由此在原有民族国家公民教育的基础上衍生出了全球公民教育,且对这一教育产生了一定的共识。当今发达国家的学者对全球公民教育的理念进行了较为深入的探讨并在其教育教学实践中有所体现。尽管对此教育的理念还存在争议,且实现这一理念的教育实践不尽一致,但其精神实质则是趋于相同的。  相似文献   

21世纪以来,澳大利亚中小学课程特别突出地强调了课程中的全球和国际维度,政府和相关机构为此颁布了一系列的政策文件,其中《全球视角下澳大利亚学校全球教育的框架》是里程碑式的教育规划。该规划设置了5个学习重点,旨在提升学生的价值观、知识、技能及实践活动能力,从而将学生培养成为合格的、具有责任感的全球公民。澳大利亚中小学课程发展和改革的全球教育走向,为我国中小学全球教育理论和实践研究提供了经验和启示。  相似文献   

全球化时代产生全球公民社会,全球公民社会需要全球公民。全球公民不仅生活在全球化时代,更要具有全球意识和人类关怀,并愿意为世界的和平与人类的发展、全球的公平与正义、人与自然的可持续发展采取积极的行动。培养负责任的全球公民,是全球化时代赋予公民教育的新使命。全球公民教育,就是培养具有全球意识并愿意为全球和人类的发展而积极行动的负责任的公民的教育,包括人权和人道主义教育、全球意识和全球责任教育、环境和可持续发展教育、国际理解教育与多元文化教育。  相似文献   

为了适应全球化的潮流,很多教育专家对全球公民教育作出了探讨,这一研究课题逐渐成为近年来公民教育中的一大热点."全球公民"是由"global citizen"翻译而来,也有学者翻译为"世界公民".香港学者李荣安与上海学者古人伏在合作研究全球公民教育时指出,要从小教导学生认识世界,承担作为地球村一分子的公民责任,以及学习有关知识、能力和价值观.  相似文献   

我们生活在世界全球化、经济一体化和政治多极化的时代。这要求我们培养的人才不仅要适应本地区、本国的发展,更要具有认识世界、参与世界及改造世界的能力与素养。国际教育界为应对全球化时代的挑战,将全球教育作为一种教育理念和实践来实施。全球教育围绕培养什么样的人才的核心问题,在发达国家纷纷开展实践。基于我国基础教育发展学生国际理解素养的要求,广西大学君武小学与加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚(BC)省合作,以联合国千年发展计划提出的目标为基础,实施"全球教育"项目,聚焦"和平、环境、公民、发展"四大主题,充分发展学生的手、脑、心三方面的协调,让学生能主动学习、积极思考、乐于实践,关心世界的发展,树立全球观念,以积极参与的心态去关注和平,关注全人类,成为真正的世界公民。  相似文献   

Recent research on Civic and Ethical Education (CEE) in Ethiopia has revealed a need for improvement in a number of areas with regard to the current CEE curricula. These materials are currently oriented to a conservative form of civic education than on citizenship education, whose aims are more progressive. The essential problem identified in the present study is that CEE content does not match the Ethiopian Ministry of Education’s stated goals for CEE, including the promotion of global citizenship. An inductive method was used to categorize themes found in the CEE curricula and textbook, which were analyzed with reference to Tawil’s (2013) framework for education for global citizenship. A concept in textual analysis known as ‘internal critique’ was also utilized to identify inconsistencies in the materials between the stated aims of the CEE program and the textbook content itself. The analysis revealed three main characteristics of the CEE textbooks, namely, an emphasis on sovereignty, patriotism, and responsibility; ambivalence to Ethiopia’s independence from/dependence on wealthier nations, and abstraction in CEE content. This content does only partially match the Ethiopian government’s stated aims for CEE. The findings of this study suggest that the content of the ethical dimension of Ethiopia’s CEE curriculum could be greatly improved through the inclusion of content that reflects an emphasis on citizenship education. Such an approach is more progressive than civic education and promotes a more learner-centered and critical orientation to ethical issues on the part of students within the framework of Global Citizenship Education (GCE).  相似文献   


Countering the drive to erect walls between nations and communities, the burden is increasingly on educators to develop in students essential skills and dispositions for a more hospitable future. Global education is essentially aimed at addressing the realities of increasingly networked societies and porous exchanges of knowledge, capital, and products among people and groups around the world. This paper examines how global education is enacted in two schools in Singapore and the United States. Given that a central characteristic of the twenty-first century is globalization, global education is inevitably embedded in the discourse of twenty-first century competencies utilized by policymakers worldwide. However, while global education has typically been studied as a singular subject such as Human Rights or integrated into History, Social Studies, or Civics Education, this study differs as it examines two schools that have adopted a whole-school approach to global education. That is, global education is embedded in the culture of schooling and infused across curricula subjects. The first part of the paper provides an overview of global education and its two key emphases – globalism and global citizenship. The second part discusses the tensions emerging from observations of global education in the two schools.  相似文献   


Global citizenship education (GCE) positions itself on the global arena as a transformative social justice oriented educational curriculum that addresses the political, social, economic and cultural inequalities brought about through colonisation and neoliberalism on the global and local levels. Through an exploration of the discourse, design and delivery of GCE in the young nation-state of South Korea, we argue that, in fact, GCE reinforces and maintains the hegemonic ideals of global capitalism; core-periphery global and local relationships; and dichotomous views of poverty and inequalities. We argue that these approaches reflect South Korea’s geopolitical realities, but that attitudes towards GCE in South Korea also reflect its cultural norms and values towards working together towards a common good. Ultimately, we call for a more nuanced approach to GCE scholarship in which we move away from theoretical divisions to practical applications of social justice that work within increasingly capitalist/neoliberal interests for a more inclusive world.  相似文献   

从课程角度来看,目前我国学校公民教育存在两个不充分:公民学科教育以公民认知代替完整的公民教育,路径开发不充分;其他各类课程协同的公民教育同向聚焦不足,路径拓展不充分。从教师角度思考其原因,是“教书匠”的职业定位蒙昧了其现代教育背景下职能的自觉,拘囿了其教育视域的拓展。教师要以公民教育自觉,为社会和谐与公民幸福而教,拓展公民教育的场域,结成学习共同体,向自然、向社会、向生活开发,搭建全景、多层交错衔接式育公民的大世界;拓展学科教学视域,在学科课程资源中发掘或显或隐的公民教育课程资源,构建全员、全课程育公民的大格局。  相似文献   

"全球维度"是21世纪以来英国推行全球素养教育的一大特色理念"。自我—他者"关系,是"全球维度"本身蕴含的一个重要议题。英国全球素养教育在政策、课程、教学层面分别体现出三组"自我—他者"关系:在宏观政策层面,体现为作为民族、国家的"自我"与作为区域、世界的"他者"之间的关系;在中观课程层面,体现为学科内"自我"与学科外"他者"之间的关系;在微观教学层面,体现为学习者"自我"与教育者"他者"之间的关系。这三组"自我—他者"关系虽表征各异,但均呈现出从对立到融合、再到共生的发展趋向,也凸显了全球素养教育从互识到共识、从同化到共生、从解读到解放的价值转向。  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代尤其是90年代以来,随着全球化趋势的增强以及全球相互依存理论的兴起,原有的以民族国家为背景的现代公民教育理论不断受到挑战。全球公民教育思想在这样的背景下受到了广泛的关注。这一思想在发达国家的教育实践中已经有所体现,许多学者投入对其研究中,从而逐渐形成一股思潮。全球公民教育思潮的确立,并非一蹴而就,而是由最初的世界公民教育的思想因子逐渐地萌发和成长,经历了萌芽、确立和发展三个时期。  相似文献   


Higher education plays a critical role in producing society’s leaders by preparing graduates with the knowledge, capabilities and disposition to appreciate diversity and address social injustice. Many higher education institutions within and beyond Australia have aimed to internationalise their curricula to ensure students achieve capabilities that enable them to contribute to an evolving global knowledge economy. However, the inclusion of global citizenship as a graduate attribute embedded in internationalised curricula, and the processes to achieving this, are highly contested. Guided by a discourse analysis approach, this study explored how Australian and New Zealand universities position students as global citizens in public web pages. Publicly available policy and other text documents on university websites relating to internationalisation and/or global citizenship were collected and screened. Those that met inclusion criteria were analysed to identify discourses and to further understand how higher education institutions describe their plan to advance and achieve global citizenship agendas. Two key themes were generated: expressions of internationalisation policy and global citizenship as an obscured educational intention. These findings are further elaborated, providing an outline of the possible implications for higher education policy and practice relating to the internationalisation of curriculum for global citizenship and its potential impact on educators and students.  相似文献   


Despite the widespread promotion of the global school, it remains unclear as to how citizenship education (global citizenship education, GCE) is developed. Educational bodies such as UNESCO, Oxfam, and the International Baccalaureate are in the full throws of developing models for GCE yet questions remain as to how such a sweeping notion might take effect. Educational frameworks replete with theoretical, political, pedagogical, and methodological conundrums permeate much global education discourse. Modes of GCE thinking range from post-colonial perspective, critical perspectives, postmodernism as well as an oratory utopianism. This article presents an alternate model of GCE promoting both technology and art as complicit in the exacting of a multifaceted GCE. The balancing of art and technology, as demonstrated, presents an ontological stance that acts as a foundation for the Proto-Global Citizen or ‘Weltburger’. This article aims to support educators seeking a further means of conceptualising GCE embodying diversification while embracing a GCE consciousness. Furthermore, the development of GCE through art and technology creates an opportunity for educators to realign disciplinary focus in light of the increasing incentive for schools to ‘go global’.  相似文献   

全球社会中的公民教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公民是有知觉的道德主体,每个社会都要求有公民教育,而公民道德教育又是其重要的方面。教学者总是希望公民的教与学成为课程的一部分,对学生来说,就要求他们在实践中运用说教、经验、反思这三个方法。如果要形成某种意义上的全球公民的概念,那么教育的作用是至关重要的。要使全球公民成为现实,就需要有合作和相互依存的心态,超越国家界限和传统的束缚,这也将寄希望于未来的一代。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the extent to which the implementation and assessment of the new citizenship curriculum in England treats learners as citizens or subjects by evaluating whether the interests of state or citizen predominate. Philosophical, contextual, and practical perspectives on citizenship education are drawn upon to evaluate mechanisms which mediate state power in young citizens’ lives. Current methods of delivering and assessing the citizenship curriculum in schools are challenged and the ideology underpinning citizenship education, as conceptualized in official discourse, is questioned. The view is advanced that citizenship cannot be reduced to what learners know (the informed citizen) or do (the active citizen) as it cannot be divorced from who they are. This paper focuses on citizenship education in the context of English liberal democracy but has a wide application as it addresses issues relevant to the state education of citizens elsewhere.  相似文献   

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