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应该重视科技期刊引文的内在质量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
臧焰 《编辑学报》1995,7(3):167-169
目前,对科技期刊参考文献的研究,多局限在文后参考文献的著录格式方面,注意其外观的规范化,而对引文的内在质量,即所引文献内容是否准确、适当有所忽略。由于引文是科技论文的重要组成部分,其目的在于可对作者的某些论点、数据、资料提供科学根据,因此引文准确与否与科技论文的学术质量直接相关,从一个侧面反映了科技期刊的科学性和严肃性。为了探讨引文内容准确性与科技论文质量的关系,笔者以本人承担责任编辑的一期《中华医学杂志》为例,对其所刊出的全部论著中的引文原文逐一查阅,比较核对其引文是否准确,分析其对期刊内在质量的影响,并提出改进建议。  相似文献   

关于文后参考文献著录若干问题的释疑   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为更好地规范科技期刊文后参考文献的著录,依据GB/T 7714—2005及相关国家标准、国际标准,对著录实践中常见的一些疑难问题,如引文型文献是否必须著录引文页码,文献序号在正文中如何合理标注,标志符怎样准确使用,责任者项怎样正确著录,如何规范西文刊名缩写等,从著录的技术要求层面作出了简明的阐释,并对GB/T 7714—2005的某些疏漏提出了修订建议。  相似文献   

出版时滞是学科“影响力期刊”认定的重要影响因素,引文数量会严重影响学科“核心期刊”的评定结果.从作者对引文标注的错误认识、作者对引用文献的错误观念、编者对参考文献的错误认识、广大作者对参考文献的应有认识等方面对期刊和论文引文标注与文献著录的标准化进行分析发现:广大作者规范标引和著录参考文献对期刊质量评估认定结果有重要影响,编辑出版人员仅起辅助作用,培养作者和编者的规范意识是提高期刊质量的重要途径.  相似文献   

金铁成 《编辑学报》2017,29(6):532-534
分析百度学术提供的引文存在的诸多纰漏:对期刊更名前的文献错误地用新刊名,给某些英文期刊的刊名添加多余信息,电子期刊论文的引文著录存在多余期号,无规律性的细小差错较多.提醒期刊编辑审稿、加工参考文献时切忌直接复制百度学术提供的引文来替换作者原稿中的参考文献,而应根据百度学术提供的原文链接找到原始文献,对照原文来规范参考文献,做到著录格式规范、著录内容正确、引用内容合理.  相似文献   

引文和参考文献是学术著作的重要组成部分,其规范著录对提升学术研究水平,助力出版界打造学术精品,提升我国学术国际话语权具有重要意义。尽管相关国家标准和行业标准与规范实施已近十年,但学术著作引文和参考文献著录错误仍然普遍存在。本文结合编辑实践,从引文、引文注释和文后参考文献三个方面对学术著作中引文和参考文献常见著录错误进行辨析,并提出了从出版机构加强制度建设到编辑提高个人学术素养等多方面的解决之策。  相似文献   

谈科技期刊文后参考文献   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:22  
文后参考文献是科研论文著述的一个重要组成部分,但通常不大被人们所重视,存在的问题较多。本文以目前科技期刊文后参考文献所存在的一些著录上的问题,从文后参考文献的界定、著录格式的统一等,以及作者与编辑部的责任几个方面加以讨论,认为科技期刊文后参考文献的规范化、标准化是提高期刊出版质量的一个重要方面。  相似文献   

科技期刊参考文献著录中的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李伟民 《编辑学报》1994,6(3):164-170
当前,各科技期刊对参考文献的著录已越来越重视。但是,参考文献的著录格式却样式繁多,差错率较高,与国家标准规定有较大差距。为此,我们对部分畜牧兽医科技期刊的参考文献著录格式进行查阅统计,旨在进一步加强参考文献著录的规范化、标准化。  相似文献   

学术期刊参考文献著录的规范化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、学术期刊参考文献著录的现状与问题   近年来,在期刊界同仁的关注和努力下,我国科技期刊的编排规范化取得了较大成绩。就社科期刊而言,这方面的成效还不怎么理想。最突出的问题表现在学术期刊引文注与参考文献著录形式的五花八门上。具体来说,各学术团体、机构如社科院、社联及学术界各种协会主办的期刊,大多未执行 1999年新闻出版署发布的《中国学术期刊 (光盘版 )检索与评价数据规范 (试行 )》 (以下简称“光盘版试行规范” )。因此,其刊物上所发表论文的“参考文献”项的著录工作就基本未按“规范”去做:有标注“注释”的,…  相似文献   

推荐性国家标准GB/T 7714—2015《信息与文献参考文献著录规则》是目前国内学术论文普遍采用的参考文献著录标准,张衍、陈子琪的《〈信息与文献参考文献著录规则〉中档案著录规则的修订建议》一文指出了现行标准针对档案类参考文献著录存在的问题并提出修订建议。然而,张、陈文所提出的修订建议仍存在不完善乃至不妥当之处。在重新梳理档案及档案编纂成果、文件、法律法规与公务文书、舆图等相关文献的类型归属后,进一步规范化修订责任者、题名、档号、出版项和页码等档案著录要素的著录格式,可对档案著录示例进行辨正。  相似文献   

对《文后参考文献著录规则》的商榷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨宜年 《编辑学报》1993,5(1):42-43
参考文献是科技期刊必不可少的组成之一。藉此可评估论文的学术水平,鉴定和确认其成果,并可进一步检索有关资料,探讨学科的发展,有其独特的重要性。 科技学术期刊的文后参考文献著录规则正是为了便于信息的交流、存储、检索和利用,它不仅与作者和读者有关;而且与期刊的编者和检索情报信息的录入有关,涉及面较宽。因此,文后参考文献著录的规则既要照顾中文科技期刊规范化的要求,同时也要适应英文科技期刊国际化的需要,应区别对待,方能有利于国内外学术交流。  相似文献   

The references cited in scientific articles are as important as any other part of the paper, because of their usefulness to the scientific community and to abstracting and indexing services and citation databases. I studied inaccuracies in references and in‐text citations in sample of 97 of the 519 peer‐reviewed journals accredited by the Iranian National Commission for Journal Accreditation Policy (Ministry of Research, Science and Technology). The target journals published 2,980 articles with 74,577 cited references and 108,151 in‐text citations. The results showed 36.6% as the average percentage error rate (range 5.6% to 61.3%). The mean number of errors in cited reference and in‐text citations was 2.7 per article, and the mean number of errors per journal was 690. For the entire sample of articles, 4,369 in‐text citations did not match any source in the list of references (4%), and 8,683 cited references did not match any in‐text citation (11.6%). The stakeholders in scholarly communication, especially authors, pay insufficient attention to the accuracy of bibliographic references. Peer‐reviewed journals should encourage the use of standardized journal policies and quality‐control measures regarding peer review, data quality and accuracy.  相似文献   

Using 17 open-access journals published without interruption between 2000 and 2004 in the field of library and information science, this study compares the pattern of cited/citing hyperlinked references of Web-based scholarly electronic articles under various citation ranges in terms of language, file format, source and top-level domain. While the patterns of cited references were manually examined by counting the live hyperlinked-cited references, the patterns of citing references were examined by using the cited by tag in Google Scholar. The analysis indicates that although language, top-level domain, and file format of citations did not differ significantly for articles under different citation ranges, sources of citation differed significantly for articles in different citation ranges. Articles with fewer citations mostly cite less-scholarly sources such as Web pages, whereas articles with a higher number of citations mostly cite scholarly sources such as journal articles, etc. The findings suggest that 8 out of 17 OA journals in LIS have significant research impact in the scholarly communication process.  相似文献   

Li Sun 《Learned Publishing》2019,32(3):207-211
Researchers applauded Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)’s new selection criteria that removed many existing journals from its index because they are ‘Not Adhering to Best Practice’. However, many of these journals have acceptable scholarly quality. The present study compares such removed journals to a trustworthy bibliometric database, SCImago Journal & Country Rank (the Scopus Database). It finds many overlaps. Some of the overlapping journals have a high score in the SCImago ranks. This paper calls for a more transparent process of journal reviews by DOAJ or even a re‐examination of the selection criteria and/or the evaluation process.  相似文献   

莫愚  王旭  谢秋红  贾津津  程林 《编辑学报》2015,27(4):405-408
通过Web of Science数据库的“被引参考文献检索”途径,将中华医学会123种非SCI期刊作为国内大量的非SCI科技期刊的代表,统计其刊载文献被SCI期刊引用的情况;以被引文献数量大于50篇作为高影响力期刊的筛选条件,分析其中高影响力期刊的被引文献数量、单篇被引文献最高引用频次、施引文献数量、施引文献最高被引频次以及施引文献的国家地区分布、出版年份分布,从而了解这些非SCI科技期刊的国际影响力.基于这一分析,认为SCI期刊并非是获得同行认可的唯一途径,国内大量的非SCI科技期刊应走“立足国内,面向世界”的发展道路,以踏实做专业领域内有影响力的期刊为目标;同时呼吁国家有关部门能对现行科研评价指标进行调整,鼓励质量上乘的稿件能选择具有影响力的国内期刊发表.  相似文献   

陈建国  赵建华 《编辑学报》1992,4(4):195-197
探索性是高级学术期刊的重要质量指标之一。本文结合办刊实践经验对学术探索与学报质量的关系做了分析探讨,提出了探索性是超前思维的源泉;开展百家争鸣是提高学报质量的有效途径等观点。  相似文献   

Questionable journals represent an increasing problem in scholarly communication. The warnings about such journals are plentiful, but the methods used to identify them vary a great deal and make it difficult to accurately determine which journals are fraudulent or simply of low quality. This article presents an overview of the existing frameworks for identifying questionable journals and discussions around them. Most of the frameworks rely on describing the journals under investigation according to a set of criteria, and some can even be turned into a metric or mechanism. The development of frameworks for identifying questionable journals has so far been characterized by a great diversity in format, length, and content. Generally, the frameworks come with little information on development, validation, and reliability. The consequences of prolific tool development are discussed, and a recommendation for testing such frameworks is proposed.  相似文献   

The relationship between researchers’ publishing and citing behaviours has received little examination despite its potential importance in scholarly communication, particularly at an international level. To remedy this we studied documents and their references indexed in Thomson Reuters's Web of Science (WoS) in the period 2000–2009 to compare journal publishing behaviours against journal citing behaviours across the world. The results reveal that most publications in, and citations to, all five quality based strata of journals examined come from scientifically and economically advanced countries. Nevertheless, in proportion to their total number of citations given to WoS journals, it seems that less developed countries cite high-quality journals at the same rate as developed countries and so the poorer publishing of less developed countries does not seem to be due to a lack of access to top journals. Moreover, examining the publishing and citing trends of countries revealed a decreasing rate of high-income and Scientifically Advanced Countries (SACs) publications in, and citations to, all quality ranges of journals in comparison to the increasing rate of publications and citations of other groups. Finally, research cooperation between developed and less developed countries seems to positively influence the publishing behaviour of the latter as their publications co-authored with developed countries were published more often in top journals.  相似文献   

学术期刊编辑服务科研的策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了保证期刊优质稿源的稳定性,学术期刊编辑应从提供论文写作规范和技巧、专业期刊信息、科研前沿信息和文献资源信息等方面充分发挥为科研服务的职能,提高科研人员的科研能力和水平,培育稳定的优秀作者群和潜在的为期刊投稿的学术团队,提高他们写出优秀稿件的能力。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of social scientists’ information seeking and use of scholarly journals to support scholarly communication and information needs. The goals of the study are: to explore the characteristics of information needs for social scientists; to discuss the importance of scholarly journals to social scientists and their information seeking and access means; to identify article reading patterns of social scientists; and to make comparisons between scholarly journals use and reading patterns of social scientists and other scientists in Taiwan and the USA. The author used a questionnaire survey and interview methods to investigate the information seeking, use and reading of scholarly journals, and article deep reading patterns of social scientists. The target population was social science faculty members from National Cheng-chi University in Taiwan. The article explores the characteristics of information needs for social scientists and shows that scholarly journals are important information resources for university social science faculty. Social science faculty in Taiwan use scholarly journals in multiple languages, mainly English, Chinese, German, and Japanese, which is different from scientists in the United States. In addition, they use electronic journals more than print journals. The number of article readings by social science faculty members was approximately 195 readings per year and nearly 440 h were spent reading per year. In contrast to scientists in the United States, the social scientists in Taiwan read fewer readings, spent more time reading, and read older articles. In addition, the study identifies article reading patterns of social scientists and proposes a six-type taxonomy of article deep reading. The study reports the scholarly journal use and reading behavior model of social scientists and shows there are some differences in scholarly journal seeking and use by social science faculty in Taiwan and scientists in the United States. Further studies of scholarly journal and electronic journal use and reading by social scientists across countries, subject disciplines, and languages of journals are needed.  相似文献   

胡玲  傅旭东 《编辑学报》2008,20(3):201-202
分析学术期刊学术评价功能的成因和在静态及动态条件下的产生机制。学术期刊的学术评价功能是在研究者、学术管理部门和学术期刊的共同作用下产生的,为评价论文的学术水平和鉴别研究者的研究能力提供了有用的信息。  相似文献   

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