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针对有价值的问题,采用科学的范式进行研究并提出解决方案,国际中文教育研究的意义才可能实现。文章通过对70年来国际中文教育研究范式的使用情况进行梳理后发现:国际中文教育研究范式根据其发展特点大致分为5个阶段,从早期的缺乏范式意识到现在的具备范式多元化意识,研究范式意识逐步增强;“非实证研究”逐渐减少,“实证研究”逐渐增多,“量化法”“质化法”“混合法”的运用呈现多元化发展态势。文章认为对于研究范式的使用应该注意:研究范式无高下之分,不论是实证研究还是非实证研究,均各有其用,研究范式的多元化才能形成合力得出科学结论;开展研究时要有系统观,要自上而下与自下而上相结合;团队研究更利于综合运用多种范式,更容易产生工程化成果。  相似文献   

研究范式从本质上讲是一种理论体系,是从事某一领域的研究者群体所共同遵从的世界观和方法论。经过多年的发展,教育管理研究领域已经形成了多元的研究范式。研究范式为人们全面、深入认识教育管理现象提供了哲学视角,而研究范式的转换则意味着教育管理理论的深度变革。教育管理研究范式的发展经历了前实证阶段、实证范式阶段、后实证范式阶段。...  相似文献   

理论导向的实证研究是学术范式之一,对于社会学的学科建设、人才培养、国际地位的提升,具有重要的意义.实证研究分为政策导向和理论导向两种,后者以“想问题、究理论、重证明” 为特征,是我国与发达国家存在差距的方面,中国社会学能否真的“走出去”,关键看理论导向的实证研究如何加强,这就需要大力挖掘和有效积累本土知识,同时坚持本土...  相似文献   

中国教育学会教育理论刊物分会2015年年会的主题是“实证研究在教育理论刊物中的地位与作用”,与会代表听取了“上海市普通高中学生综合素质评价改革试点解读”和“基于实证的上海教育科研”的专题报告,围绕实证研究在教育研究中的价值、类型、操作、利弊、挑战与展望等问题展开讨论,并对教育理论刊物今后如何引导实证研究充分交换了意见.  相似文献   

数学教育研究的方法论问题与"元数学教育"的提出   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
近年来,数学教育研究的学术规范日益成为数学教育界关注的课题.实证研究方法并不是数学教育研究方法的唯一抉择.数学教育研究方法应该是多样化的.“元数学教育”概念的提出将会把对数学教育学术规范问题的探讨引向新的理论高度.  相似文献   

本文结合国际上一系列具体的、典型的实证研究案例,从“数据说话”与“研究类型”“理论框架”“实践智慧”“原因分析”以及“非认知能力——实证研究的重要内容”五个方面对数学教育实证研究进行思考并提出一些建议,进一步讨论如何更好地提高数学教育实证研究科学化的水平,以期提高数学教育实证研究成果的质量及其在国际上的影响力.  相似文献   

论比较教育实证分析研究范式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实证分析研究范式曾经是比较教育学科中重要的研究范式之一,它以科学哲学作为理论基石,把教育过程归结为自然过程,相信教育现象背后必然存在着因果关系,并认为主体可以通过一定的工具操作而获得对客体的认识.从学科先驱朱利安,到安德森、诺亚和埃克斯坦等著名比较教育学家都希望通过实证分析范式建立一种可反复检验的科学理论.但实证分析范式也存在着一定的局限性,需要从研究对象、研究主体、研究对象与研究主体关系等角度进行分析思考.  相似文献   

影响人的学习的最重要因素是什么?不同的教学理论对此给出了大相径庭的答案,这是因为它们各自对学习本身持有不同的视界,有的看重预期的学习结果,有的聚焦影响学习过程的各种方法,还有一些则抓住了学习发生的条件.有八种对教育传播与技术领域的理论发展一直产生影响,并且仍在产生强烈影响的最流行研究范式,它们分别是完形心理学、行为主义和新行为主义、发展心理学、文化—历史学派、信息加工理论、认知符号理论、认知资源理论和社会建构主义.一般来说,研究总是在某个特定的范式框架内进行的,但是研究者应该认识到,范式本身会对研究方法和结果产生很深的影响.更重要的是,研究者应该对各种不同的理论与范式持开放的心态,因为新的发现总是出现在不同范式之间的交叠磨合处.  相似文献   

中国院校研究需要实证研究范式   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国的院校研究正处于起步阶段 ,怎样与国际接轨、同时立足于中国的国情逐渐形成中国的院校研究学派 ,是摆在中国院校研究者面前的一个重要问题。要形成有中国自己特色的院校研究 ,必须要重视符合中国国情的科学的院校研究范式。中国的院校研究需要科学的实证研究范式。本文主要从哲学方法论、研究方式、研究技术三个层面 ,重点介绍院校研究中的实证研究范式 ,为完善中国的院校研究方法提出一条思考的路径。  相似文献   

教育技术学的研究领域及其研究方法   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文通过对美、日、中三国教育技术学研究领域的比较 ,向读者提示 :一个国家的教育技术学研究范畴受研究者共同体理念和目标的制约 ,同时又受到具有不同研究专业背景研究者实践的影响。本文还从后现代主义观点的视角分析了实证研究、质的研究的意义与局限 ,在此基础上 ,主张教育技术学研究方法采用“质”、“量”结合的方式 ,并探讨了今后教育技术学研究的可能途径  相似文献   

数学教育研究发展到今天,已形成两种不同的方式.一是以建立理论体系为目标,另一是以研究现实问题为导向.以建立体系为目标的数学教育研究,表现为在研究过程中,更多的是关注学科体系的基本概念、范畴本身的确实性,更多地关注概念与概念之间,范畴与范畴之间的逻辑关系,更多地关注这门学科体系的严谨、完整和包含性.以问题为导向的数学教育研究表现为在研究的过程中更多地关注现实数学教育问题,把解决现实数学教育问题作为研究的中心任务.问题研究和构建体系从根本上来说并不是截然对应的.问题研究有助于建构体系,建构体系有助于对问题的深入认识、理解、解决.为此,必须改变我们的研究思路:少谈论一点理论体系,多研究一些现实问题.  相似文献   

Structure and content of teacher education depend on a deeper rationale, which is a result of cultural boundaries. At the same time teaching is a cultural practice that differs across countries. Like the water in the fish's tank, such cultural givens are too often invisible as we debate research designs. In this article, we focus in particular on the understanding of three main components of teacher education: mathematics, mathematics pedagogy and general pedagogy, and on juxtaposing two extreme models: Germany and the US. It turns out that benefits and problems of international comparisons are closely related to each other.  相似文献   

从质疑到释疑:数学教育国际比较可比性解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数学教育国际比较具有不同的研究类型.如果比较研究是以国际相关研究为参照物研究本国数学教育问题,或是纯粹指明比较对象之间的异同点,那么这种研究具有可比性;如果比较研究在罗列异同的基础上作出优与劣的绝对判断,或者指明造成差异的决定性原因,那么这种研究就不具可比性.评价性比较和解释性比较的可比性具有相对性.可比性并不是一个绝对概念,而与研究目的密切相关.  相似文献   

In Search of an East Asian Identity in Mathematics Education   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
East Asian students have consistently outperformed their counterparts in Western countries in recent international studies of mathematics achievement. However, these countries do not seem to have an established theory of mathematics education, and their teaching has been criticized as traditional and old fashioned. In search of an East Asian identity in mathematics education, this paper discusses the features of the East Asian mathematics education and their underlying values in contrast to features and values in the West. These are presented in terms of six dichotomies,namely, product versus process; rote learning versus meaningful learning;studying hard versus pleasurable learning;extrinsic versus intrinsic motivations;whole class teaching versus individualized learning; and competence of teachers:subject matter versus pedagogy. It is argued that these features are based on deep-rooted cultural values and paradigms. A characterization of these features and an analysis of the underlying values are essential in this search for an East Asian identity in mathematics education. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Evidence-based policies, decisions, and practices are highly valued and underachieved in the international mathematics and science education reforms. Many in the mathematics and science education research communities lament the lack of influence that research results have on the education profession, schools, and teaching. Academic research done in isolation of end-users—with the faint hope that teachers, politicians, and bureaucrats will access and utilise these results to inform curriculum, assessment, and instruction and to influence public policy—has not worked. Some funding agencies require dissemination of research and development results to the broader political and education communities; therefore, applicants agree to these requirements without fully realizing the breadth of these demands. However, to achieve such knowledge transfer requirements, researchers need to become more (a) aware of the needs, players, and processes of ‘speaking truth to power’; (b) active in knowledge transfer and influencing public policy; and (c) alert to values and normative premises of the policy makers. This article outlines the essential principles, barriers within the academic community, international efforts, and future considerations for knowledge transfer regarding international assessments. Specific articles on PISA 2000, 2003, and 2006 included in this special issue are used to illustrate these insights into verification of curricular influences, educational opportunity and equality, regional comparisons, and direct influence on policy.  相似文献   

Mathematics achievement in different education systems around the world is assessed periodically in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). PISA is deemed to yield robust international comparisons of mathematical attainment that enable individual countries and regions to monitor the performance of their education systems relative to standards being achieved internationally, with a view to informing their mathematics education policy decisions. Initially, the role of PISA in instigating mathematics education policy borrowing is outlined using England as a case study, and some existing technical critiques of PISA are then reviewed. Following this, aspects of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s later philosophy of mind are used to reason that an over-reliance on the use of PISA to inform policy decisions in mathematics education may be problematic. It is suggested that, when PISA is viewed through a later Wittgensteinian lens, a potential deficiency in the underpinning psychometric model, pertaining to the inherent indeterminism in unmeasured mathematical abilities, may weaken PISA’s utility in guiding mathematics education policy decisions. It is concluded that, whilst PISA mathematics scores may give some indication of the mathematical proficiency of a nation’s students, caution is required before mathematics education policies are borrowed from other jurisdictions on the basis of PISA performance. Implications for the other PISA domains are also outlined.  相似文献   

本文主要研究2000年以来国际民俗数学研究者所开展的研究的特点和趋势.主要包括在不同文化族群开展的田野研究、民俗数学在课堂教学及数学课程设置和教师教育中的运用等.基于国际民俗数学研究的特点和趋势,结合我国民族数学教育研究现状,从注重实证研究、加强成果运用、加强国内外学术交流和合作等方面提出了有关启示.  相似文献   

This paper reports a survey of research in mathematics teacher education from 1999 to 2003 done by an international team of five mathematics educators and researchers. The survey included published research in international mathematics education journals, international handbooks of mathematics education and international mathematics education conference proceedings. Some regional sources from various parts of the world were also included. We investigated who was writing, from and in what settings, with what theoretical frameworks, and with what sorts of study designs for what core questions. We also examined the range of findings and conclusions produced in these studies. Our analysis presented here focuses on four themes that stood out from our initial investigation of almost 300 published papers, and systematically elaborated through a focused study of a 160 papers across key journals and conference proceedings in the field. From this vantage point, the paper offers a reflection on the current state of the field of mathematics teacher education research. Our aim is to stimulate discussion that can support the development of the field, not make final pronouncements about its nature. The research presented in this paper was done by five mathematics education researchers, the authors listed above, and presented at ICME10 in Copenhagen in July 2004. This Survey Team (Survey Team 3) was nominated by the International Program Committee for the Congress and asked to survey “Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers” and present this in a plenary at the Congress. A copy of the presentation can be viewed at: http://www.wits.ac.za/jadler/presentations.html. An earlier version of this paper will also appear in the ICME10 proceedings.  相似文献   

The aim of the research was to compare espoused beliefs about teaching and learning and reported practices for the teachers of mathematics in Latvia. The sample consisted of 390 teachers of mathematics from different regions of Latvia. The present research is a part of an international comparative research within the NorBa project (Nordic–Baltic Comparative Research in Mathematics Education) that makes use of a quantitative questionnaire for mathematics teachers. The results show that the espoused beliefs of Latvian teachers of mathematics on efficient teaching tend more to a constructivist approach, whilst reported practices are more oriented to a traditional approach; yet, there exist statistically significant differences for teachers of different social and demographical groups. The research outcomes may be used for the improvement of teacher further education programmes.  相似文献   

谈数学教育研究的国际接轨   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
中国数学教育和国际接轨存在着一定的困难,这种困难主要是源于我国数学教育研究和国际数学教育研究上存在的差别,这些差别主要包括研究方法上的差别,有无理论框架的差别,吸收新的研究成果速度上的差别以及研究视角上的差别等.为了能够实现这种接轨我们应该提高研究人员的水平,使研究者从一个高起点上进行研究,使他们具有研究的敏感性和积极的参与性等.  相似文献   

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