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借鉴B2C网上零售市场相关研究成果,设计C2C交易市场电子服务质量评价调查问卷,通过对中国C2C交易市场网上购物用户问卷调查,采用探索性因子分析法得到消费者评价C2C网站和卖家电子服务质量的关键因子维度。其中,C2C网站服务质量评价维度包括安全与隐私、网站设计质量、信息内容质量、网站补偿性、系统可靠性和愉悦性6个因子;C2C卖家服务质量评价维度包括卖家补偿性、客户服务、配送准确性和配送准时性4个因子。研究结果对C2C交易网站和网上卖家提高服务质量具有一定的决策借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in public organizations increasingly holds the potential to improve transparency, accountability, and public participation, by providing a more effective and efficient disclosure of information to the citizens and organizations and by providing channels for interaction with the government. While transparency and interactivity features of government websites constitute two critical elements for public participation and democracy facilitated by web-based technologies, little research has been done to explain why some public organizations choose to deploy website technology more openly with these features. This paper aims to examine the managerial, organizational, and environmental factors that are related to variation in transparency and interactivity features of local government websites, which we believe are key dimensions to governmental website openness. The paper first develops a literature informed conceptual model of governmental website openness and then tests this model using data from a national survey of 850 government managers in 500 cities. The model results are compared across three different departments: community development, finance, and police department. Overall findings indicate that higher website openness is positively related to increased frequency of public participation in agency decision making and civil society influence, increased technical capacity, lower organizational control, and higher perceived usefulness of website technology. In addition, due to differences in the operating contexts of the departments, the effects of organizational control, technical capacity, environmental influences, and perceived usefulness of website technology on governmental website openness tend to differ by the type of department.  相似文献   

企业网上社区用户忠诚度影响因素的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提高用户对网上社区的忠诚度将有助于电子商务网站吸引和保持客户。忠诚的用户不仅自身积极参与网站的交易,而且其言论将对其他用户产生正面且重要的影响。模型假设用户信任及虚拟社区感对忠诚度具有显著作用。虚拟社区感包括三个维度:成员感、影响力、需求满足。对收集的195份有效样本数据采用PLS Graph进行分析,结果发现用户信任显著影响虚拟社区感的三个维度与忠诚度,表明用户信任对于网上社区运作所发挥的基础性作用。此外,在虚拟社区感的三个维度中,仅有需求满足显著影响用户忠诚度。  相似文献   

用户视角下网络健康信息质量评价标准框架构建研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的/意义]探索用户视角下的网络健康信息质量评价指标,构建其评价标准框架。[方法/过程]选取年轻用户和中老年用户为样本,三个健康网站为实验对象,采用实验法和半结构化访谈法探索并构建网络健康信息质量评价标准框架,并使用问卷调查法对其进行修正和完善。[结果/结论]构建了由内容和设计两个一级指标及七个二级指标、七个三级指标组成的评价标准框架,并且发现不同性别和年龄的群体对网络健康信息质量评价标准有所差异。最后从健康网站本身、普通消费者、网络监管机构和医学领域工作者四方面提出相应的建议,以有助于健康信息网站的建设和网络健康信息质量的提高。  相似文献   

This article reports on the results of a study that examined public library website adherence to senior-friendly website guidelines. A total of 104 public library websites (N = 104) were analyzed. Compliance with Internet design accessibility principles recommended for older adult Internet users was analyzed, and the findings suggest that current public library website practices may be problematic. As a result, public library websites offering resources and services may present potential accessibility challenges to older adults. Recommendations relevant to public libraries for enhancing library websites and online content are presented.  相似文献   

While shopping is a practical act of purchasing products and services, it is also recognised as a recreational activity with experiential dimensions. Online shopping is no exception. This study focuses on the experiential dimensions of online shopping by conducting an ethnographic analysis of online store websites to identify website features which can provide online shoppers with sensory stimulation and social gains, and invoke affective responses. Websites of four product and service categories were studied: books, CDs, travel‐related services, and apparel. The findings suggest that some website features have the potential for developing parasocial relationships between online shoppers and online stores, and for heightening consumer affect and fostering store loyalty.  相似文献   

秦琴  柯青  谢雨杉  汪传雷 《情报学报》2022,41(2):176-187
健康网站是用户获取健康信息的重要来源,在线健康信息的质量关系到患者、医生、网站运营商等所有相关者的利益。网站页面元素是在线健康信息的载体,用户对信息质量的评价依赖于对页面元素的感知。本研究基于在线健康信息质量评价原则划分页面元素,采集和分析相关页面元素上的注意力分配;利用调查问卷收集质量评价数据,分析质量评价与页面元素注意力分配的相关性;通过凝视提示回顾式发声思考和半结构化访谈获取用户的主观感受,以解释质量评价与页面元素注意力分配之间的关系。研究结果发现,相比于其他页面元素,用户在医生认证资质和广告上的注意力分配较多;用户对健康信息权威性、保密性、公开性和广告政策的评价分别与相应页面元素的注视次数和注视时间正相关,对补充性和归因性的评价分别与相应页面元素的注视次数和注视时间负相关,而对合理性和透明性的评价与相应页面元素的注视次数和注视时间不相关;最后,从用户主观感受的角度揭示了注意力分配和质量评价产生关系的内在原因。本研究丰富了在线健康信息质量评价理论基础和研究方法,研究结论为改善在线健康信息内容质量和健康网站界面设计提供了参考。  相似文献   

Though seldom read or consulted, privacy statements are often the only means for users to know how their personal data will be used by collecting organizations. While the length and the legalistic nature of most privacy statements are often blamed for people's reluctance to consult such documents, studies on the factors that influence users' intention to read privacy statements are still non-existent. For this survey, respondents from the Netherlands were presented with the situation of registering a child for a basic school through their municipalities' websites. The scenario was selected since it was assumed that it would be one that would require a significant amount of personal data from registrants, and not just the usual contact information. Results of the conducted online survey reveal that although not all users consult a privacy statement on a municipal website before they would disclose personal data, the availability and the ease of finding them on a municipal website strongly contribute to users' belief that a municipality can be trusted with their personal data whenever they are shared for a particular online transaction. This study also shows that users' perceptions of the risks involved in the online disclosure of their personal data influenced their intention to read online privacy statements on municipal websites. Older users were also more likely to consult privacy statements than their younger counterparts, while those with lower levels of education and internet experience expressed a higher tendency to read such online documents than those with higher levels of education and internet experience.  相似文献   

指出通过电子政务网站为民众提供符合其信息需求的信息公开与在线服务,可以提高政府服务社会和管理社会的能力。在分析在线获取政务信息或政务服务流程的基础上,构建理论框架,并以广州市民为研究对象,使用问卷调查法收集数据,研究民众对电子政务网站的政务公开与政务服务的具体需求、用户满意度、使用意愿及影响因素,探索民众从潜在用户向实际用户转变的条件及相关策略。  相似文献   

Public librarians in South Korea assist users in obtaining information on a variety of topics. However, health-related information and services have a lower profile than other services due to a perceived lack of librarian expertise in searching and evaluating health resources. Although public library users are actively seeking health information, it has become critical for both public librarians and users to develop skills for using and evaluating Internet health resources. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify a set of useful criteria to evaluate online health web sites for both librarians and library users. From a comprehensive literature review, 33 criteria related to health website evaluation were identified. Using this set of criteria, South Korean public librarians and users were asked to rate the importance of each criterion in surveys. A strong consensus was found between the two groups. The top 10 most highly rated criteria from both groups were identified and compared. The results led to the development of an initial set of 12 evaluation criteria for health websites. It is expected that the final set of criteria will be used by public librarians to recommend the best health websites to their users. Although the study was conducted in South Korean public libraries, the findings are applicable in providing evaluation services of health websites to libraries worldwide.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of 37 studies was conducted to investigate the cognitive effects of website interactivity. Study results suggested that interactivity significantly enhanced user involvement, but did not help with message comprehension, elaboration, memory, or knowledge gain. Other findings showed that the cognitive effects of website interactivity did not vary by different operationalizations of interactivity and that high levels of interactivity failed to benefit users’ cognitions. Additional results indicated that for experiential websites, incorporating interactivity facilitated users’ cognitive performances. The same benefit of website interactivity, however, failed to hold true for informational websites.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 对老年用户在线医疗健康服务使用的价值进行研究,为在线医疗网站吸引老年用户、提高用户黏性提出建议。[方法/过程] 利用手段-目的链理论,采用软式攀梯法进行一对一深入访谈,从访谈数据中提取属性、结果和价值要素,找出要素之间的关系,建立含义矩阵、形成分层价值图,对主要路径进行探讨。[结果/结论] 经过对分层价值图中的三条主要路径进行分析发现,老年人使用在线医疗健康服务的价值体现在:追求自我实现、寻求安全感和归属感等。在线医疗平台可以通过分析老年人需求,提供有效健康资源来满足老年人追求自我实现的价值;通过提供针对性服务和便捷的即时通讯方式来满足老年人寻求安全感和归属感的价值。  相似文献   

档案网站在线展览是不断发展的信息技术和日益得到重视的档案工作有机融合的产物,在线展览亦成为档案管理机构传播档案文化,展示馆藏的重要方式。美国高校档案网站在线展览方面极具特色,因而选取QS世界大学榜中排名前30位的美国高校档案网站,从档案网站展览内容、展览形式、更新频率、版权保护和用户交互五个方面对其档案网站在线展览进行调查,发现美国高校档案网站具有专题内容丰富、展示形式以文字与图片为主、更新频率较高、版权与知识产权保护意识较强以及充分利用Facebook与Instagram、Youtube等社交媒体进行用户信息反馈等特点,以期对我国档案网站在线展览工作带来启示。  相似文献   

Academic library websites need to support a variety of users (student, faculty, staff, administrator, alumni, etc.) with intellectual pursuits related to research, teaching, and learning, in addition to being user-friendly, valuable and informative. Although the CUNY Queens College Library (QCL) website has been redesigned multiple times, there has not been a formal user research study of the website and its users to inform the redesign. Taking a user-centered approach, specifically the user-centered design (UCD) methodology, this study explores users of an urban academic library website in the United States through the use of triangulation, a mixed-methods approach that includes user survey, user interviews, and website analysis. The findings reveal that the majority of users like the QCL website and find the content valuable for teaching and research, but users also thought the website design was dated (not a modern design), some of the content was inconsistent, and access of all types emerged as a major theme. The results provide recommendations for the library website redesign and are important in helping librarians of similar libraries use triangulation of data to gain a multidimensional understanding of their users in order to inform the design and development of library websites.  相似文献   

The recent global pandemic has highlighted the importance of efficient communication between the government and its citizens through online platforms. While approximately 90% of governments around the world have opened up their websites to provide government information and public services, many have been criticized for their quality issues. The unsatisfactory upkeep of government websites may be due to the lack of adequate guidelines and evaluation tools for public managers, which would enable them to achieve the superior goals of e-government initiatives. We posit that evaluating government websites should be done with a formative and theory-based approach instead of summative or conclusion-based ones, as a government website is a long-term mechanism to achieve the objectives of e-government programs. Accordingly, this study empirically tests the Democratic E-governance Website Evaluation Model (DEWEM) that was conceptually created by Lee-Geiller and Lee (2019). Through a series of measurement development procedures, the results present a more concise, refined and validated model consisting of 25 items under 5 factors, whose associations to the outcome of democratic e-governance were statistically significant. The validated DEWEM also shows significant correlations with citizens' satisfaction and intention to use the website. This study advances the body of evaluation research for government websites and provides public managers with credible and useful guidelines for improving their websites.  相似文献   

当前,图书馆网站的标识系统普遍存在标识用词不统一、标识数量过多、概念模糊和逻辑层次不清晰等问题。作为图书馆与用户交流沟通的平台,基于信息构建理论的图书馆网站应该构建易于用户理解、用词简洁、逻辑层次清晰的标识系统,这也是图书馆网站改进和发展的主要方向。  相似文献   

Background: This paper describes the Judge project, the aim of which was to explore the need for health website quality assessment guidelines for the voluntary sector. Such guidelines would enable health consumers to assess the quality of health sites and assist support groups to produce their own good quality sites. The project was a partnership between the Information Management Research Institute, School of Informatics, Northumbria University and Contact a Family. It was supported by the Health Foundation. Methods: The views of health consumers and support group members and workers were obtained by focus groups (35 attendees) and questionnaires (55 responses). They were asked questions about quality issues and concerns about Internet health information and any help they needed with judging the quality of health websites. Results: The results supported the need for guidelines. The guidelines were written to reflect the requirements of health consumers and support groups articulated from the focus group and questionnaire data. They were then disseminated via a website. Conclusions: There is a need to improve communication and information exchange between health consumers and professionals and official organizations; publicise support groups to patients and carers; set up local Webs of Trust, linking together voluntary and statutory organizations within a locality. Professionals and official organizations in the public sector should make information provision to patients and health consumers a priority. Information provision should be embedded in the clinical setting via guidelines, protocols and administrative structures. Professionals should be trained in the role of information and how to provide it in appropriate ways. Support groups should use the Judge guidelines to assist them in producing good quality websites. Support groups should promote the Judge guidelines to health consumers, to help them make their own quality judgement about health‐information websites.  相似文献   

高校图书馆网站可用性评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,国内多数高校图书馆都在Internet上建立了自己的网站,但在其实际的应用当中还无法很好地满足用户的需求.网站可用性评价是确定一个网站能否满足用户需求最基本的方法.本文在介绍网站可用性概念的前提下,分析了高校图书馆网站可用性的内涵,并从用户角度出发提出了一套评价高校图书馆网站可用性的指标体系,试图以此促进高校图书馆改进网站的设计、内容和服务功能,为不同的用户提供有效、迅速、满意的服务.  相似文献   

当前,书业网站是出版社和书店进行宣传和营销的重要场所,吸引用户的访问和注意力是每一个书业网站走向成功的首要条件。本文围绕如何提高访问量和注意力,探讨了书业网站的建设与推广策略。  相似文献   

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