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给出一定条件,实现了SJR算法向特征因子算法的转化。选取CSSCI收录的图书情报学期刊2007年互引矩阵,分别计算被引量、EF、SJR、IF、AI、SJRQ,并分成两类进行相关度分析。结果表明,在一定条件下,SJR算法可转化成特征因子算法,并且期刊评价指标EF与SJR指标显著相关,它们完全可以作为被引频次与IF的参考、补充甚至替代。  相似文献   

王一华 《图书情报工作》2011,55(16):144-148
把专家评价作为待考察的文献计量学指标的“参照系”,探讨用IF(JCR)、IF(Scopus)、H指数、SJR值、SNIP值进行学术期刊评价的效果。以IF(JCR)、IF(Scopus)、H指数、SJR值、SNIP值与专家评价相比较,进行Spearman非参数相关分析,结果表明:这些期刊评价指标与专家评价值相关性排序(从大到小)依次为SJR值、IF(JCR)、IF(Scopus)、SNIP值、H指数。这表明SJR值可作为IF(JCR)的替代工具,可能由于它同时兼顾期刊被引的数量与质量,与其他评价指标相比,其期刊评价效果更优。建议我国期刊数据库适当开发适应中文期刊需要的评价指标,并指出我国期刊评价未来将呈现多样化、综合化、自动化、国际化的发展趋势。  相似文献   

SJR与影响因子、H指数的比较及SJR的扩展设想   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
介绍了SCImago Journal Rank(SJR)及其计算过程,使用因子分析、回归及相关分析等方法实证研究了SJR与期刊影响因子、期刊h指数的关系。结果表明:SJR与期刊影响因子和期刊h指数均有较强正相关性;SJR与期刊影响因子的联合判定可区别出期刊在流行与声望两个维度上的特点;SJR和期刊引文及参考文献的平均性指标具有较强内部关联性,而期刊h指数则与总体性指标内部关联较强。提出了标准化SJR用于解决SJR不能跨学科比较的问题,提出了期刊声望演化指数用于衡量期刊声望的演变趋势,并将SJR的运用范围扩展到了学科和国家层次。  相似文献   

期刊评价指标SJR、JIF和H指数的关系研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以SSCI与SCOPUS收录重合的38种国际图书情报期刊为例,通过Spearman相关系数对SJR、JIF和H指数三种学术期刊评价指标之间关系进行研究,并对三者的优缺点进行归纳。结果表明,SJR、JIF和H指数三者呈线性关系,但由于SJR同时兼顾期刊被引数量与质量而更优。最后,对这些评价指标进行探讨与展望。  相似文献   

构建一种考虑引用质量的加权影响因子:IFwh指数,该指数既能反映影响因子与H指数计算简便、设计巧妙的优点,又体现SJR指数与Eigenfactor计算算法中考虑引用质量的思想,以期客观科学地反映期刊的影响力。在详细阐述IFwh指数设计思想的基础上,以CSSCI收录的我国图书情报学期刊为例进行实证研究,一方面检验利用IFwh指数评价学术期刊的可行性;另一方面通过分析IFwh指数评价与影响因子、H指数评价以及CSSCI评价的关系,研究IFwh指数的特性。IFwh指数同样适用于学科专业和科教人员等层面的学术影响力评价。  相似文献   

引文评价新指标SNIP旨在评价不同主题领域期刊影响力。从理论上对比分析SNIP与IF、h指数、SJR指标值的原理、关系,各自的优缺点以及它们的应用区别。结果表明,理论上SNIP与其他3个指标存在关联性,具有一定的优势,可用于期刊评价实践中。  相似文献   

通过对通常使用的期刊评价指标-影响因子的分析,讨论了影响因子存在的问题,对学术期刊评价新指标特征因子、SJR、论文-计数影响因子进行介绍,结合<中文核心要目总览>中期刊评价的实际工作经验,认为应建立学术期刊的综合评价指标体系,并注意定量评价与定性评价相结合.  相似文献   

期刊评价指标实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文选取F1000数据库中免疫学与生物信息学论文近2000篇,通过相关分析、聚类分析以及因子分析将对应260种期刊的影响因子、5年期影响因子、特征因子、论文影响分值、即时指数、SJR、SNIP、期刊h-指数进行相关性检验及分类,并对各项指标与同行评议结果即F1000因子进行相似性比较.结果表明各项指标虽源于WoS和Scopus不同数据库,计算方法也不尽相同,但其间具有较好的一致性,从而为WoS与Scopus在科学评价中的可选择性与替代性提供依据.本文论述中结合期刊评价进化历程,并通过各项指标优缺点的剖析,指出期刊评价的发展趋向.  相似文献   

篇均来源期刊标准影响(SNIP)为荷兰学者Moed教授于2010年提出的全新期刊评价指标,旨在对不同主题领域的期刊影响力进行评价,为验证这一评价指标在期刊评价实践中的效用,利用SPSS18.0数据统计分析软件对Scopus数据库中24种外文期刊的SNIP与SJR、h指数以及影响因子进行实证对比分析;以CSSCI为来源数据库统计分析国内6种图书情报学期刊的IF值与SNIP值。分析结果证明,SNIP与其他3个指标之间存在较强的相关性,在期刊评价实践中具有可行性。  相似文献   

以《中国学术期刊综合引证报告》(CAJCCR)为依据,以我国21种林业科学类核心期刊为研究对象,用文献计量学方法对学报学术影响力的各项计量指标进行对比分析与研究。从而了解21种林业科学类核心期刊载文所反映的学科地位、学术水平及期刊质量。追踪21种林业科学类核心期刊的总被引频次、影响因子和h指数等指标,客观、综合、全面评价21种林业科学类核心期刊的整体情况。  相似文献   

A size-independent indicator of journals’ scientific prestige, the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) indicator, is proposed that ranks scholarly journals based on citation weighting schemes and eigenvector centrality. It is designed for use with complex and heterogeneous citation networks such as Scopus. Its computation method is described, and the results of its implementation on the Scopus 2007 dataset is compared with those of an ad hoc Journal Impact Factor, JIF(3y), both generally and within specific scientific areas. Both the SJR indicator and the JIF distributions were found to fit well to a logarithmic law. While the two metrics were strongly correlated, there were also major changes in rank. In addition, two general characteristics were observed. On the one hand, journals’ scientific influence or prestige as computed by the SJR indicator tended to be concentrated in fewer journals than the quantity of citation measured by JIF(3y). And on the other, the distance between the top-ranked journals and the rest tended to be greater in the SJR ranking than in that of the JIF(3y), while the separation between the middle and lower ranked journals tended to be smaller.  相似文献   

A new size-independent indicator of scientific journal prestige, the SJR2 indicator, is proposed. This indicator takes into account not only the prestige of the citing scientific journal but also its closeness to the cited journal using the cosine of the angle between the vectors of the two journals’ cocitation profiles. To eliminate the size effect, the accumulated prestige is divided by the fraction of the journal's citable documents, thus eliminating the decreasing tendency of this type of indicator and giving meaning to the scores. Its method of computation is described, and the results of its implementation on the Scopus 2008 dataset is compared with those of an ad hoc Journal Impact Factor, JIF(3y), and SNIP, the comparison being made both overall and within specific scientific areas. All three, the SJR2 indicator, the SNIP indicator and the JIF distributions, were found to fit well to a logarithmic law. Although the three metrics were strongly correlated, there were major changes in rank. In addition, the SJR2 was distributed more equalized than the JIF by Subject Area and almost as equalized as the SNIP, and better than both at the lower level of Specific Subject Areas. The incorporation of the cosine increased the values of the flows of prestige between thematically close journals.  相似文献   

Subject classification arises as an important topic for bibliometrics and scientometrics, searching to develop reliable and consistent tools and outputs. Such objectives also call for a well delimited underlying subject classification scheme that adequately reflects scientific fields. Within the broad ensemble of classification techniques, clustering analysis is one of the most successful.Two clustering algorithms based on modularity – the VOS and Louvain methods – are presented here for the purpose of updating and optimizing the journal classification of the SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) platform. We used network analysis and Pajek visualization software to run both algorithms on a network of more than 18,000 SJR journals combining three citation-based measures of direct citation, co-citation and bibliographic coupling. The set of clusters obtained was termed through category labels assigned to SJR journals and significant words from journal titles.Despite the fact that both algorithms exhibited slight differences in performance, the results show a similar behaviour in grouping journals. Consequently, they are deemed to be appropriate solutions for classification purposes. The two newly generated algorithm-based classifications were compared to other bibliometric classification systems, including the original SJR and WoS Subject Categories, in order to validate their consistency, adequacy and accuracy. In addition to some noteworthy differences, we found a certain coherence and homogeneity among the four classification systems analysed.  相似文献   

王新 《图书情报工作》2014,58(6):105-112
以Web of Science和JCR为数据来源,借助于h-index、五年期影响因子(IF5)和某一期刊的h-index所涵盖的所有论文的被引频次密度中位数hTci-median 3个指标,通过对物理、生命医学基础、财经和社会科学领域在JCR2010年引证报告中IF5排名前50的期刊的统计分析,确认它们在各自学科期刊中的核心地位,提出对个刊进行三段式评估的途径。此外,用大量的数据深入揭示h-index和IF5及新指标hTci-median在期刊评价中的内涵和属性区别,表明hTci-median成为一个新的期刊评价指标的科学性。  相似文献   

为了解不同类型高校学报在整个科技期刊体系中所处的地位,以《2010年版中国科技期刊引证报告(核心版)》的数据为依据,选择北京大学、清华大学、西安交通大学等9所首批"985工程"高校的10种自然科学学报,与材料科学、机械工程、计算机科学技术等7类专业期刊进行比较研究,结果表明,"九校"学报的主要影响力评价指标逊于材料科学类专业期刊,但优于其他6类专业期刊。这从一个侧面显示高校学报在中国科技期刊中具有重要的地位。  相似文献   

This paper cites statistical data describing the tendencies in Russian scientists’ publishing activity in the period from 1993 to 2006 according to the DB Web of Science (WOS). An important result of the research is the fact that about 50% of the papers written by Russian authors were published in foreign scientific journals used to prepare the WOS. This is a demonstration that Russian science is highly integrated into international science. To conduct a comparative analysis of the scientific productivity of the Russian scientists we used statistics obtained from the SCOPUS information system and presented in the SJR portal.  相似文献   

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