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为防范和化解平台型媒体建构进程中的网络意识形态风险,文章从平台型媒体的学理内涵与基本特征入手,分析网络传播格局中意识形态风险的趋向与类型,指出平台型媒体具有数据资源的聚合性与吸附性、内容生产的开放性与多元性、技术平台的连接性与智能化、媒体把关的专业性与导向性以及信息传播的节点化与圈层化等特征。平台型媒体在连接资源和聚合用户的同时,面临主流意识形态网络话语权弱化、西方势力网络意识形态渗透、“群体极化”的网络舆情传导、平台技术理性与媒体价值理性失衡等多重叠加的网络意识形态风险。结合网络意识形态风险去中心化、智能化、隐蔽性的新趋向,提出平台型媒体规制网络意识形态风险的关键路径,即强化网络主流思想舆论引导、重塑媒体平台的把关机制、依托需求价值链开展用户网络意识形态教育,以期增强主流意识形态在网络舆论空间的引导力、传播力和影响力。  相似文献   

文体与传播的关系是非常密切的。文体是否为大多数受众所接受,主要是由它本身具有的特质所决定的。晚明文人有商业经济和王阳明“心学”双重催化,他们对文本文体的通俗化自觉追求较以往更为迫切和执著。他们认为通俗文学应该有自己的一套话语体系,以区别于传统的以史传文化为中心的雅文学。为此,他们着手文学观念的下移,将一直被人忽视的市民视为话语表现的中心。  相似文献   

跨文化传播学主体间性研究探讨世界的所有可以称为主体的文化之间的交流、对话、沟通、交往等等的关系属性。跨文化新闻传播话语的意义可以从意识形态、社会化过程、话语形式、面子体系和文本间性几个层面来剖析。  相似文献   

As an important dimension of contentious politics, online political discourse reveals crucial issues related to ideology, power, and identity in times of political struggle. Drawing on Norman Fairclough’s intertextual analysis approach within the paradigm of Critical Discourse Analysis in an online discursive context, this study examines the role of intertextuality in the discursive construction of social movements. It does so by analyzing how different social actors employ discursive tools to construct the pro-democracy Umbrella Movement in their online commentaries. Focusing on discourse, genre, and style, this study demonstrates how online texts draw from different intertextual resources and how they echo the broader nationalist discourse in China. In addition, this paper also uncovers how the circulation and combination of these intertextual resources in an authoritarian context form specific constructions of the Umbrella Movement.  相似文献   

技术理性日益改变人们的生活方式,新媒介的出现也给话语的生成带来颠覆性变化。明星作为公众人物本身就具有强大的社会属性,他们集聚了多重的目光,网络社会给明星带去更为复杂的表演"舞台"。近年来,明星人设崩塌的现象比比皆是,并且通过网络传播形成了恶劣社会影响,这进一步让我们思考明星形象在构建时面临的困境。文章通过探讨明星主体自我塑造的方式来证明其商品化的本质,指出网络环境已然对其形成了"全景监狱"式的监控;明星游荡在"自我"和"他者"间的焦虑引发了畸形的社会认知模式,文章由此强调了当下明星承担社会责任的必要性。  相似文献   

This study looks at Spike Lee's Malcolm X as an important text in understanding Afrocentric perspectives that challenge the ideological stereotypes of mainstream Hollywood film. Malcolm X intervenes between Lee, the filmmaker, and the powerful media industry and is emblematic of the larger discussion of hegemonic and counter-hegemonic views in media culture. This film is not only an interesting case study but a significant part of an ongoing cultural discourse that is as relevant now as when Malcolm X lived. The relevance of this essay lies in its contribution to the discussion of media perspectives with a focus on furthering media literacy. It aids the viewer in understanding the social discourse surrounding a mediated racist ideology and the ongoing cultural work of social equality in the United States. This research finds that in the continuing struggle over media representation, Lee's film is an instrument of media politics, controversy, and commercialization.  相似文献   

中国传播学跨学科研究的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严功军 《新闻界》2007,(4):17-18,51
我国的传播学跨学科研究取得了不少有价值的成果,但有一些研究者简单地把传播学的概念和相关学科结合,研究泛化、浅层次化、实用化特征明显,冲淡了传播学本身的学术构架和理论话语。  相似文献   

汪沛 《出版科学》2018,26(2):48-50
学术期刊编辑出版是整体性的"话语事件",编辑话语是学术期刊编辑的特殊场域,编辑话语是学术期刊话语原料的"把关者"、话语生产的"参与者"和话语传播的"推动者".编辑话语具有相对独立性、整合性和内隐性等独特属性.学术期刊编辑话语要着眼于"说什么""怎么说",坚守学术性,破解失语困境,构建对话平台,创新编辑话语的生成路径.  相似文献   

图书馆学话语体系构建的主要脉搏和走向体现出两类价值取向:学科逻辑与社会逻辑。比较两者得知,前者旨在保证所构建的图书馆学话语体系的合法性,但不能作为最大价值取向。在当今学术命运共同体时代,后者旨在探寻实践归宿,具有实践意义,相关问题研究成为图书馆学界着力研究的新课题。近年,有许多公信力强的图书馆学研究成果在以《新华文摘》《光明日报》为代表的学术主流媒体上"出场",成为基于社会逻辑的图书馆学话语体系构建的标识性学术产物。考察这些"榜样"的"出场史",深入探索其与时俱进的逻辑,我们得到基于社会逻辑价值取向的图书馆学话语体系建构应发扬光大的实现路径:注重固有"基因"的新时代表述;注重关键词的提炼和标示性符号的构建。分析不足后得到启示,基于社会逻辑的图书馆学话语体系建构的可行与强化路径为,加强主体意识,倾听社会有关图书馆事业的声音,努力把学术话语转化成政策话语。  相似文献   

Community informatics (CI) is a form of activism that involves the application of information and communication technologies in pursuit of community development within localities. This article draws on discourse theory (DT) to re-evaluate activists’ self-interpretations that rely on community, and to make sense of the political struggles at the heart of CI. It is argued that activists’ community discourse constructs, through articulation, locally “resistant” collective identities and an associated collective agency capable of appropriating technology in pursuit of unfulfilled social demands. However DT also suggests that the socially progressive nature of CI is not guaranteed by recourse to the social ideal of community.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(4):298-303
Courses: This unit activity is suited for upper-level college courses on persuasion, intercultural communication, diversity, leadership, social justice, civil discourse, argumentation, debate, and political communication.

Objectives: After completing this unit, learners should be able to: improve their capacity to examine arguments; enhance their ability to self-reflect; improve their ability to engage in civil discourse; take a position on a social justice issue based on research and recursive communications; and make connections to learners and social activists who share their perspectives.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):331-353
Throughout much of the twentieth century, the image of the organization man dominated the cultural imagination and undergirded capitalist organizing. Yet, in the last 20 years, there has been a signal shift away from the organization man and toward the entrepreneur as an ideal. Although scholars have suggested that entrepreneurship in the new economy is rooted in neoliberal ideology, I argue that neoliberalism alone does not account for the ease with which entrepreneurialism has become a dominant discourse. By critically examining entrepreneurial discourse as communicated through US business periodicals from 2000 to 2009, I present a case for the “entrepreneurial man” as formed at the partial inclusion and/or rejection of aspects of the self made man, organization man, and neoliberalism. Ultimately, this analysis critiques the entrepreneurial man archetype as a rejection of the social contract and the embracing of a privatized, entrepreneurial American dream.  相似文献   

Although most organizational crises begin with an objective triggering event, we maintain that public relations and management approaches (including introductory public relations textbooks), intentionally or not, often follow the positivistic temptation to treat the many components of crisis communication as objective choices, thus obscuring the distinctively communicative character of crises and their resolutions. Consequently, this monograph asserts that crises are dynamic, social constructions that are both created and resolved terminologically. This approach is rooted in the assumption that all perspectives of reality, from scientific discourse to crisis communication, are socially constructed through communication. The case of Audi, after its automobiles were alleged to suffer from “sudden acceleration,” is then used as an exemplar to illustrate the potential contributions that a social constructionist approach to communication offers crisis management researchers.  相似文献   

In this study we focus on the film The Siege (1998), as an illustration of how mediated representations of terrorism serve as a vehicle for Orientalist discourse. This text serves as a specific location of struggle and negotiation over interpretations of media characterizations of Arabs, Arab Americans, Muslims, and Islam. First, we focus on how the film represents these communities and the religion textually. Second, we consider news discourse offering critiques of the film by protesting organizations, and the defenses articulated by some of the film's makers. Third, we explore the interpretations of young U.S. viewers as they resonate with competing facets of the text and with public perspectives. Despite the varied possibilities within the text, these interpretations privileged rather than challenged an underlying Orientalist ideology. Still, news media did acknowledge the contestation of dominant discourse, a potential step toward improved portrayals.  相似文献   

网络媒介的发展重构了社会传播生态。在泛众传播语境下,作为共识性仪式的传统媒介事件让位于作为冲突性实践的网络公共事件,探索新的共识凝聚方式被提上议程。本文认为,网络公共事件的常态化并不代表共识基础的完全丧失,原本由传统媒介事件提供的仪式整合功能可以在公众一致性的话语实践中重新实现。为了实现网络公共事件中的社会认同重构,应当从话语争夺、多方协作、培育"公共理性"等思路出发对公众展开话语引导。  相似文献   

本研究在全球政经大变革的背景下,选择以中国和印度两个第三世界国家对社会冲突的媒体再现为例,结合内容分析和话语分析的方法,考察在不同的媒介体制下,政治制度和市场驱动如何错综复杂地影响媒介产制和媒介内容。  相似文献   

媒介文化全球化与当代意识形态的涵化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从“涵化理论”角度分析了全球化进程中的媒介与民众意识形态关系。文章从媒介文化的传播形式、经济和技术背景分析了产生涵化功能的物质前提条件。同时借助拉康精神分析理论与阿尔都塞的“主体召唤”理论系统分析了媒介影响意识形态生成与认同的机理。作者认为 ,文化他者侵入是以“球土化”的形式进行的 ,受众日益加深的对媒介长时间的依赖是文化“他者”对本土民众意识形态涵化的关键  相似文献   


This essay addresses Stuart Hall and discourse theory, focusing on his essay “Signification, representation, ideology.” Reflecting upon recent events involving representation and identity—US legalization of gay marriage, murders at a gay nightclub, removal of the “Rebel Flag” from the South Carolina state capitol, Donald Trump’s presidential campaign—I attempt to destabilize the counterproductive dualism of material/discourse in Hall’s critique of poststructural discourse theory. Finding amenability between Hall and Foucaultian discourse theory, I describe Hall’s utility for discourse scholars, such as his perspectives on ideological practices and generation of new discourses as an interventionist act.  相似文献   

The field of development communication has been experiencing a paradigm shift toward an emphasis upon pluralistic, localized, and more participatory communication within the larger political and cultural environments. The emerging paradigm implicitly rejects both the ahistorical and individual-level biases of modernization theory as well as the reductionist social structural biases of dependency theory, and instead focuses upon human action within sociocultural, political, and economic contexts. There has been, however, little academic movement in the form of new theoretical formulations suited to this shift toward a new paradigm of development. This paper discusses the need for and the difficulties of cross-level theorizing in development communication which can help explain the actions of individuals within their larger sociocultural and political contexts; proposes a cross-level approach to communication and development based upon theories of mythology, discourse, and narrative; and illustrates the approach with an examination of indigenous media and the social roles of the shadow puppet (wayang) mythology in Central Java, Indonesia. Implications for applied work in development are discussed.  相似文献   

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