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美国SPARK课程模式贯彻落实儿童的终生体育理念,设置全面整体的体育课程体系;以儿童发展需要与兴趣为基准,制定新异多样的体育活动计划;发挥教师不同教学优势,激发轮番授课创新性思维;以关注过程为重点,巧用"评估"表格与"课程质量"评价表。SPARK课程的特征可为我国幼儿园体育教育活动的发展提供借鉴:强调幼儿发展的连续性与整体性,树立终身体育课程理念;以幼儿兴趣为导向,开发丰富多样的体育活动;以发展幼儿为关键,提升体育教师的专业水平;优化整合教育资源,争取幼儿家庭和社区的支持;重视过程性评价,形成多元的课程评价机制。  相似文献   

韩靓  陈鸣 《林区教学》2012,(11):52-53
听障儿童康复教学课程改革坚持以学前教育为基础,专项技术为支撑的全面发展的新理念。区角活动作为介于教师预设与幼儿生成性活动之间的一种学习方式,正在日益被幼儿园广泛采用。因为它是在幼教课程改革的大背景下,在以儿童发展为本这样一种先进理念呼唤下应运而生的学习活动,区角活动在听障儿童康复教学中起到重要的作用。  相似文献   

美国教师教育课程经历了从知识取向、能力取向、标准取向向儿童学习结果取向的转型。前三种价值取向是以未来教师为中心,强调其基本教学知识与技能的掌握;后一种取向是以儿童的学习与发展为中心,用儿童学习结果来评价教师教育课程及未来教师的有效性,以确保教师教育的质量。这一转型对我国教师教育发展具有重要借鉴价值。  相似文献   

虞永平教授在实施课程游戏化项目伊始就提出:“课程游戏化的目的是落实《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》,优化课程实施方案,提高幼儿在园的一日活动质量,最终促进幼儿的发展。”本着“大自然就是大课程”的理念,我园充分利用自然资源.以儿童为本位,以儿童为中心,以儿童的视角开展以自然资源为载体的主题探究活动。不仅有效改变了教师的儿童...  相似文献   

<正>我们基于“让幼儿教育回归生活”的课程理念,通过多个阶段持续性、沉浸式的实践研究,引导教师站在儿童立场思考幼儿生活和幼儿园课程的内涵,回归对幼儿和课程的基本认识,进而探索贴近幼儿生活的课程内容和实施方法,不断发现生活中有意义的学习,并形成“幼儿园一日生活导引”,支持教师真正以生活为中心支架幼儿学习与发展,实现一日生活各环节的课程价值。基于真实情境中对儿童立场的探讨,能够为教师打开一个理解、支架儿童学习与生活的视角。从最真实的幼儿一日生活入手,依托鲜活的案例,  相似文献   

林碧缘 《福建教育》2022,(25):40-41
<正>随着幼儿园课程改革的不断深入,儿童本位的课程理念逐渐深入人心。“以儿童发展为中心”的课程理念强调要结合幼儿的兴趣、需要、身心发展特点,立足幼儿的实际情况,开展真正有利于幼儿学习与发展的活动。同时,教师应在活动组织过程中发挥积极的作用,通过与幼儿对话、日常生活观察,捕捉幼儿的兴趣、需要,并对收集到的信息进行辨析,设计和组织适应幼儿学习与发展的活动。为此,主题活动逐渐在幼儿园课程改革中占据重要的位置。由于园所周边资源、师资力量、  相似文献   

为更好地支持幼儿自主探究能力与品质的发展,幼儿园应大力建设探究性课程,并应依据儿童发展证据明确课程目标与内容,完善课程评价体系,以使课程具有以幼儿生活与兴趣为基本线索,以幼儿探究学习为基本形式,既鼓励幼儿协商合作,又重视幼儿自主性培养的实践特征。建立在儿童发展证据基础上的幼儿园探究性课程基于幼儿发展的实际与潜能可以采取多样化的实施路径,协同“反思型教师”和“伙伴式家长”,把幼儿培育成“小小探索家”。  相似文献   

主题式美术活动主要是以综合性和活动化为特征的美术课程。课程从美术学科着手。着重体现各学科之间的渗透、整合。《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》(以下简称《指南》)强调了幼儿学习与发展的整体性,提醒教师要注重领域之间、目标之间的相互渗透和整合,促进幼儿身心全面协调发展。  相似文献   

自学习了《3~6岁儿童学习与发展指南》以来,我在教学实践中更为珍视游戏和生活的独特价值、践行着以游戏为基本活动的理念。本文尝试着从观察并追随幼儿经验,走进课程游戏化;进而去预见并推动幼儿的经验表现,积极利用游戏实践课程;再有是在尊重和满足幼儿的经验创新下,努力形成游戏化的课程文化,最终促进幼儿健康、和谐地发展。  相似文献   

教师培训与教研活动被认为是推动教师专业发展的重要路径,而教师专业水平的提高有助于教育质量的提升,从而有利于儿童的发展。本研究以来自我国5个省(自治区)的90所幼儿园和1 584名幼儿为研究对象,探讨教师培训质量、教研活动质量对幼儿发展的影响及幼儿园课程实施质量的中介作用。结果证实教师培训质量、教研活动质量与幼儿发展水平呈显著正相关;幼儿园课程实施质量在教师培训质量与幼儿发展水平之间起完全中介作用;幼儿园课程实施质量在教研活动质量与幼儿发展水平之间起部分中介作用。我国应采取有力措施,促使民办园提升教育质量,缩小民办园幼儿与公办园幼儿的发展差距;应加强教师培训和教研活动管理,以课程实施为着力点,检验教师培训和教研活动的成效,为幼儿发展提供有力支持。  相似文献   

在园本“超市课程”实施过程中,无锡市梅村中心幼儿园开发了课程评价工具——“小护照”。“小护照”评价主要是依靠教师与儿童对话实现,本质上是协商对话、互动发展的过程。“小护照”评价贯穿园本课程实施的整个过程.具有评价主体的多元性、评价双方的对话性、评价过程的伴生性等特征。实施“小护照”评价,有效促进了儿童的学习、教师的成长和课程的生发。  相似文献   

当下低年级写话教学中存在内容开发不足,时间安排不合理,方式远离儿童等问题,构建“儿童写话”微课程可解决此类问题。课程构建的要点包括:课程目标注重分层,最大程度上适合每一个学生的发展;课程内容贴近儿童,从儿童的生活、想象、学习、阅读等活动中寻找题材;课程实施基于儿童,遵循儿童认知规律,让儿童乐学、学好;课程评价体现人性,保持儿童写话兴趣,促进儿童语言的可持续发展。  相似文献   

我国幼儿园学科课程在实施过程中出现了较多的生命价值缺失,表现为对课程内容的挖掘游离于幼儿生活、对幼儿发展价值的单一化倾向以及幼儿生命的物化等。而“发展一互动”课程对幼儿生命个体的发展价值集中体现在课程目标追求幼儿生命个体的完整性、课程设置追求幼儿生命个体发展的连续性、课程内容体现幼儿生命的个性化等方面。鉴于此,幼儿园学科课程应体现幼儿生命发展的完整性,反映幼儿真实生活,体现幼儿生命发展的本真。  相似文献   

In this paper, the specific concerns for literacy and numeracy as we enter a new era are addressed through a discussion of an innovative mathematics early intervention programme, which the author and classroom teachers have developed and applied. ‘Mathematics Intervention ‘ is an innovative programme developed by three classroom teachers to identify, then assist, children in year 1 ‘at risk’ of not coping with the current mathematics curriculum. The programme incorporates assessment tools and learning activities based on recent research about children's early numerical learning. It develops the basic concepts of number upon which children build their understanding of mathematics. All three teachers participated in a professional development course, which developed skills that allow teachers to recognise which children have a problem, to identify the underlying problem and to provide appropriate activities to advance their mathematical development. The course highlights the benefits of clinical interviewing as an assessment tool and promotes various strategies that classroom teachers can use to assist the development of numerical concepts. ‘Mathematics Intervention’ is an example of a programme developed and implemented by classroom teachers using new learning processes designed to empower classroom teachers to meet the challenge of advancing all children's mathematical development.  相似文献   


A major challenge for teacher preparation programs and future teachers is learning to work skillfully with the diversity of children in American classrooms. This paper describes a tool developed to address this challenge: the Learning and Teaching Assessment System (LTAS). The LTAS is a performance‐based, curriculum‐embedded assessment tool designed to uncover young children's strengths in different curricular areas as well as their approaches to learning. Developed for use with children 3–8 years of age, the LTAS helps teachers understand what children know in relation to key concepts in the different disciplines as well as how they learn in order to further their learning in subsequent days and weeks of teaching. The development of the LTAS is based primarily on two theoretical frameworks: Leont'ev's activity theory and Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. To examine the efficacy of the LTAS in its proposed objectives, a pilot study was conducted; results point to the potential of the LTAS for helping student teachers uncover new information about children to guide future instruction.  相似文献   

This study examines the ways in which preschool teachers support the development of children's explanatory language through science inquiry. Two classrooms in a preschool center using a science inquiry curriculum were videotaped during a 5-week unit on color mixing. Videotapes were analyzed for how teachers facilitated children's explanatory language. An assessment of explanatory language was administered to 47 children in the center before and after the color mixing unit. Analysis of discourse revealed that teachers engaged children as conversational partners and as scientific investigators responsible for their own learning. Explanations were dynamically co-constructed by adults and children within the context of participation in scientific inquiry. By the end of the unit, children produced more on-topic responses, more standard color-mixing terms, and more causal connectives in their responses to the assessment of explanatory language.  相似文献   

An ongoing challenge in classroom research is to understand children’s perspectives on their learning. While learning is highly individual, it is also significantly social and this raises methodological challenges. An Interactive Group Activity (IGA) is one of several data collection strategies used during the action research phase of the Connecting Curriculum, Connecting Learning project (2010–2011) focusing on arts-based curriculum integration. This article concentrates on the IGA tool as a means of uncovering children’s meaning making following an extended period of learning. Of particular note is the use of an arts pedagogical device to introduce the IGA to children, a device that frames the purpose of the task. In effect, the IGA acts as a group assessment device underlining the socially mediated nature of children’s learning. This article describes how the IGA tool evolved, gives its form and structure, argues for its affordances and suggests possibilities for its wider use.  相似文献   

基于工作过程的课程改革打破了传统学科系统化的束缚,将学习过程、工作过程与学生个人能力的发展结合起来,强调学生自主学习能力、创造性思维能力和综合运用所学知识能力的培养。在化工设备机械基础课程设计过程中进行基于工作过程的课程改革,实现以学生为主体,以具体的工作过程为学习单元,以具体的工作任务为学习内容,完成课程总体目标、内容、能力训练、教学实施的设计。同时指出了项目化教学的要点和不足。  相似文献   

Close listening and observation of children as an alternative assessment is a powerful approach that can help balance an emphasis on standardized measurement. The tool of Reggio-inspired documentation is described for families with suggestions on how to advocate and support teachers who want to tell a story about children's learning that highlights social language, collaboration, and problem solving and to serve as evidence in meeting required curriculum standards.  相似文献   

提高学生的元认知能力是英语课程改革的重点。反思是从发现问题、研究问题到解决问题的活动,语音学习需要反思也需要自主性,反思行为和自主能力实际上都能促进学习者认知与元认知能力发展,是元认知策略形成的重要标志,是元认知监控的最高级的形式。反思与自主的关系,说明了反思行为对学生语音自主能力培养有促进作用。  相似文献   

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