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基于设计的研究:正在兴起的学习研究新范式   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
作为一种发展中的研究方法论范式,基于设计的研究自上世纪90年代以来在国际教育学界所受关注与日俱增。它聚焦于自然情境学习的理解和有效学习环境的设计,通过迭代式的设计探究将理论与实践连接起来,是理解教育革新如何在实践中运作的重要方法论。它是教育中的设计科学,是一种机制性研究、发展性研究、应用激发的基础研究,产生的"境脉中的理论"为促进持续的教育革新提供了解释性框架和设计原则。国际学界在此方面的研究表明,基于设计的研究将为教育研究走出理论创新与实效不足的困境带来新的曙光。  相似文献   

学习科学将学习理论创新与教育实践变革视为同等重要的双重使命。为了进一步解决科学研究的知识发现与教育实践改进难以同步的现实问题,学习科学共同体在基于设计的研究(DBR)方法论的基础上,又提出了基于设计的实施研究(DBIR)。文章在回顾DBR的基础上,总结和分析了DBIR的四个核心原则;探讨了DBIR所倡导的“研究者—政策制定者—实践者”三元协同的新型伙伴关系,提出了促进学习科学研究向教育实践转化的以新型学习观为基础的“三要素—三层次—三角色”系统变革模型;建议通过更新教育实践者和决策者的学习观、构建“研究—政策—实践”三位一体的应用学习科学实践共同体和基于研究和证据的教育政策制定等途径,来达成基础理论创新和教育实践变革的双重目标。  相似文献   

“基于设计的研究”是学习科学在研究方法论上的一个重大创新。本文以“基于设计的研究”的两大先驱及其经典研究为线索,追溯了其孕育与诞生的历史,并在此基础上从两大教育研究传统的碰撞与融合这一角度解读了“基于设计的研究”的基本特征、理论框架与关键范畴及其背后的工程学隐喻,最后展望了“基于设计的研究”要想成为一种成熟的教育研究方法论在未来发展中所面临的一些重大挑战。  相似文献   

教学技能大赛是一种对话、反思与研究的专业行为,论文以首届全国科学教育专业师范生教学技能创新大赛中的即席讲演、模拟上课与教学设计文本为案例,阐述职前科学教师专业素养现状。具体表现为科学教学理论的缺失,教学设计能力的失语,课堂教学技能的不足。进而提出需要建构适切职前科学教师的实践培养途径……加强对科学教育研究前沿的关注与理论学习;促进科学教学设计理论与实践的学习;创造教学实践机会,促进其教学技能的自我建构。  相似文献   

"基于设计的研究"是学习科学在研究方法论上的一个重大创新.本文以"基于设计的研究"的两大先驱及其经典研究为线索,追溯了其孕育与诞生的历史,并在此基础上从两大教育研究传统的碰撞与融合这一角度解读了"基于设计的研究"的基本特征、理论框架与关键范畴及其背后的工程学隐喻,最后展望了"基于设计的研究"要想成为一种成熟的教育研究方法论在未来发展中所面临的一些重大挑战.  相似文献   

一、信息技术教育的定义信息技术教育是指学习、利用信息技术,培养信息素质,促进学与教优化的理论与实践。首先,信息技术教育包括理论与实践两个领域。理论领域指信息技术教育是一门科学,是现代教育学研究的一个新分支,又有课程教学论的一些特征,具体包括概念体系、理论框架、原理、命题、模式、方法论等研究内容。实践领域指信息技术教育是一种教学活动、一种工作实践、一项教育现代化事业,具体包括信息技术的软硬件资源建设、课程教材的设计开发、师资培训、教学中各种信息技术的综合运用、学习指导、评价与管理等。  相似文献   

自20世纪后半叶以来,不同学科背景的研究者将基础研究与教育实践相结合,直面人类的学习问题,探究人类思维和学习的过程,设计新的学习情境,提出新的理论和方法论,催生了学习的新科学。学习科学是指面向复杂的真实世界需要的"整合"科学,涉及认知科学、神经科学、教育心理学、计算机科学、人类学、社会学等多元领域,它不仅发展了学习理论,而且对教授科学也做出了贡献。通过围绕知识的本质、学习的实质、学习的方式与形式、以学习为中心设计、学习环境及其支持、学习效果的评价等方面,来探讨学习科学研究的重要问题及学科方法论,进而对其未来研究的发展趋势做出预测。  相似文献   

本书基于历史与逻辑同一的方法论,对百余年来的学习研究进行了回顾与前瞻。20世纪谱写了学习研究的"三部曲":"动物是如何学习的""机器是如何学习的""人是如何学习的"。20世纪80年代以来,学习科学在方法论的创新和发展上取得了两大主要突破,即以基于设计的研究为代表的新基本框架和以会话分析为代表的新研究方法。新科学、新技术的不断发展,让学习科学逐渐走向成熟并表现出强劲的发展活力,建构主义认知观、多媒体学习的认知理论和多媒体教学的设计理论,以及计算机支持的协作学习理论。  相似文献   

学习科学研究的快速发展及其影响力的不断提升,很大程度上归功于它的方法论革新以及多种创新方法与技术的使用。文章简要描述了学习科学方法论的革新背景,重点剖析了作为学习科学重要方法论的设计研究其整合科学与设计的方法论逻辑,并概要介绍了互动分析、话语分析、行动相关事件的网络建构法、批判设计民族志、视频研究和脑功能成像等应用于当今学习科学的典型方法与技术。最后总结和讨论了学习科学研究为应对真实学习情境的复杂性所表现的方法特性和未来面临的挑战。  相似文献   

多媒体学习科学研究历经数十年的努力,其认知理论和教学设计理论已基本成熟,并被有效应用于实践。然而,从建立一门扎根于理论的循证科学这一自我期许来看,它仍然面临诸多挑战:多媒体学习认知理论模型中学习者对材料进行选择、组织与整合的具体机制究竞是什么?实验室情境下得出的多媒体教学设计原则,能否被平滑地迁移和应用于复杂多变的课堂教学实践?随着新的学习理论和研究方法的不断涌现,多媒体学习科学研究从具身认知理论、基于设计的研究方法论和会话分析方法中汲取未来发展的思想资源:具身认知强调认知、身体与环境的交互,为多媒体学习认知加工过程提供新的分析视角;基于设计的研究视“实践的逻辑”为最高准则,将实验场所从实验室转到现实教学情境,为扩展实验室研究严格的边际条件提供新的方法论指导;会话分析强调多角度、长期的课堂交互研究,为多媒体学习研究扩展到真实的课堂教学实践提供有效的方法。  相似文献   

教育技术研究中的设计科学——基于设计的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于设计的研究作为教育技术研究中的设计科学,它很好的结合了设计和研究,很好的兼顾了技术和理论,在国际教育研究领域具有广泛的应用前景。文章从设计科学的发展历史出发,论述了基于设计的研究的内涵、其设计科学特征、实施的一般步骤以及与教育技术传统研究方法的区别,并在此基础上指出了这种新兴的研究方法论对我国教育技术研究的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

试探析“基于设计的研究”的理论归属   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过辨析教育研究范式与研究方法论的区别与联系,认为“基于设计的研究”是一种实用主义研究范式,“干预设计”是其独特话语,学习科学是其研究域,但是“基于设计的研究”想要成为一种成熟的教育研究范式仍需要研究者的持续努力。  相似文献   

This paper argues for the use of ‘developmental’ evaluation as a design-based research tool for sustainable curriculum innovation in professional higher education. Professional education is multi-faceted and complex with diverse views from researchers, professional practitioners, employers and the world of politics leaving little consensus about the nature of educational ‘problems’, let alone educational ‘solutions’. Developmental evaluation is an emerging approach to evaluating innovations and/or organisations that are in a continuous state of change; it asks the evaluators to not simply appraise a final design, but to work with designers through processes of rapid reconnaissance, mapping the territory and emergent modelling. This paper provides an account of how the adoption of the dispositions and approaches of developmental evaluation increased the trustworthiness of decision-making in the design of a new post-graduate teacher education degree in Australia. The principles of developmental evaluation as a design thinking approach have application in other complex curriculum settings.  相似文献   

This article reports on a design-based methodology of a thesis in which a fully face-to-face contact module was converted into a blended learning course. The purpose of the article is to report on how design-based phases, in the form of micro-, meso- and macro-cycles were applied to improve practice and to generate design principles. Design-based research traditionally is associated with multiple iterations of design, development and revision over a long period of time. This challenges the idea of design-based research being an appropriate methodology for a short-term thesis or dissertation. We argue that graduate students who are limited by time constraints can also conduct educational design-based research as long as the relevant phases are followed, which can produce significant, appropriate and effective design principles. This article suggests that the scope of design-based research should not be limited to long-term projects only, which restricts the value of implementing this methodology to improve practice.  相似文献   

The motivation for this article is our belief that theory is critically important but currently underplayed in design research studies. We seek to characterize and illustrate a genre of theorizing that seems to us strongly synergistic with design-based research. We begin by drawing contrasts with kinds of theory that are relevant but, we contend, by themselves inadequate. A central element of the type of productive design-based theorizing on which we focus is "ontological innovation," hypothesizing and developing explanatory constructs, new categories of things in the world that help explain how it works. A key criterion to which we adhere when discussing ontological innovations is that theory must do real design work in generating, selecting and validating design alternatives at the level at which they are consequential for learning. Developing and refining an ontological innovation is challenging and requires the kind of extensive, iterative work that characterizes design experiments more generally. However, the pay-off in terms of clarity of focus and explanatory power can be great. We present two case studies that illustrate the development, refinement, extension, and instructional application of ontological innovations.  相似文献   

This article examines why cognitively oriented technology innovations, designed to foster deep thinking and learning, have not become widespread in K?12 schools. We argue a key reason is that most design-based research does not explicitly address systemic issues of usability, scalability and sustainability. This limitation must be overcome if research is to create usable knowledge that addresses the challenges confronting technology innovations when implemented in real-world school contexts. This is especially important in an era when political forces push schools away from the cognitively rich, inquiry-oriented approaches espoused by the Learning Sciences. We suggest expanding our conception of design-based research to include research on innovations in the context of systemic reform as a potential solution to the problem. To that end, we introduce research questions and issues arising from our own experiences with a technology-rich innovation in the context of a systemic reform initiative as a starting point in the creation of an expanded design-based research agenda. These questions and issues have important implications for both the continued viability of research on technologies for learning and on the future of technology use in schools that stems from such research.  相似文献   

This article seeks to draw from contemporary understandings of translation science to highlight and elaborate upon possible norms and procedures which the authors have found to be critical in the successful extension and scaling of design-based research interventions in education into wider practitioner-based adoption and adaptation. The impetus for this interrogation is the desire to mediate the tensions which sometimes arise between researcher, practitioner, and other stakeholders in educational research—such as policy-makers and funding agencies. It is hoped that these explications will contribute to the as yet nascent body of literature on translation science as applied to innovation in education.  相似文献   

试论教育科学研究创新——以教育人类学为视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育人类学传承文化人类学的理论和方法研究教育,形成了一种独特的研究范式.将该范式应用于教育学领域,拓展了教育学研究的方法范畴,对当前我国教育科学研究的创新有重要启示.  相似文献   

Design-based learning is a teaching approach akin to problem-based learning but one to which the design of artefacts, systems and solutions in project-based settings is central. Although design-based learning has been employed in the practice of higher engineering education, it has hardly been theorised at this educational level. The aim of this study is to characterise design-based learning from existing empirical research literature on engineering education. Drawing on a perspective that accounts for domain-specific, idiosyncratic and learner-centred aspects of design problems in the context of engineering education, 50 empirical studies on project-based and problem-based engineering education, to which the design of artefacts is central, were reviewed. Based on the findings, design-based learning is characterised with regard to domain-specificity, learner expertise and task authenticity. The implications of this study for the practice of engineering education are discussed.  相似文献   

There are increasing calls within the educational research community to undertake more randomised controlled trials (RCTs). Whilst educational researchers turned away from using the RCT in the last 30 years, health care researchers have adopted the method with vigour. However, there have been many methodological innovations of the RCT, developed by health services researchers, in recent years. Many of these innovations are directly applicable to educational research. In this paper we describe some of the important aspects of trial methodology that educational researchers ought to consider when they design and undertake trials. Specifically, we describe the importance of systematic reviews, the need for a trial protocol, sample size requirements, outcome measures, concealment of the randomisation process from the investigators, intention to treat analysis, and the metric--numbers needed to teach (NNT). Addition ally, we argue that there are considerable similarities between health and education allowing the use of RCT methodological innovations to be directly utilised in educational research.  相似文献   

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