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Cyber-bullying, and other issues related to violence being committed online in prosocial environments, are beginning to constitute an emergency worldwide. Institutions are particularly sensitive to the problem especially as far as teenagers are concerned inasmuch as, in cases of inter-teen episodes, the deterrent power of ordinary justice (i.e. threaten to sue) is not as effective as it is between adults. In order to develop the most suitable policies, institution should not be satisfied with statistics and sociological perspectives on the phenomenon, but rather seek a deep ethical understanding—also referring to the biological and evolutionary past of human beings. The aim of this paper is to show a way to fill this theoretical gap, offering some answers (and some questions too) that can illuminate future policy-oriented research and reflection. In order to do so, we will start by connecting our argument to evolutionary studies carried out in the past two decades, focusing on gossip as a tool for social assortment, thus endowed with a dual function: protect the group from free riders, intruders and bullies but also bully the deviant members. In the “Mediating gossip through social networks” section, we will see which aspects of gossip, vital for bullying, are co-opted by social network scenarios. A fundamental trait of human social life, that is the subdivision in smaller coalitions, or sub-groups, will be shown as missing in social networks (SN) dynamics—therefore constituting themselves as structurally violent. The “Why and how do social networks empower bullying?” section will deal with techno-ethical and epistemological concerns regarding how gossip, mediated by SN, manages to empower cyber-bullying. The “Self-gossip and self-mobbing in the light of the disruption of sub-moralities” section will characterize cyber-bullying as often sparked by self-gossip (soon degrading into self-mobbing) in a scenario where familiar sub-groups, which also mediate defense and mutual understanding, are disrupted. The “Discussion and conclusion” section will consist of a philosophical summary, divided in two parts: a pars destruens analyzing whether SN, in their actual configurations, are fit for being used by humans-like-us, and a pars construens examining the broad potential consequences of highly enforced regulation aimed at contrasting cyber-bullying.  相似文献   

This article examines how we use mobile telephony to maintain our physically and socially closest social circle. The analysis is based on traffic data gathered from Norway using approximately 24 million calls and texts made by private individuals. Previous research has shown that our temporal and spatial movement is highly predictable and that the majority of calls and text messages are sent to only four to six different persons. This article extends this research by examining both tie strength and the distance between the interlocutors in urban and rural settings. The findings show that even as information and communication technologies (ICTs) potentially put the world at our fingertips, the mobile phone is an instrument of a more limited geographical and social sphere. Approximately two-thirds of our calls/texts go to strong ties that are within a 25-km radius.  相似文献   

董雪旺  成升魁 《资源科学》2015,37(8):1578-1587
世界遗产是重要的旅游资源,同时也承担着对公众科普教育的社会责任。本文以Lancaster的特性理论和消费技术理论为基础,提出了旅游消费技术的概念和理论体系,并以西湖和江郎山为案例地,试图证明游客的旅游消费技术与其体验满意度之间的正相关关系,进而将遗产旅游的经济效益、社会责任和人民满意三个战略目标统一起来。研究显示,旅游者的知识储备、旅游经历、涉入和认知程度以及解说系统是影响旅游消费技术的重要维度。其中,知识储备是文化遗产审美的基本条件,而旅游经历是一把“双刃剑”,既有可能因“行万里路”而提高旅游者的旅游消费技术,并进而提升其旅游体验满意度,又有可能因“见多识广”而提高旅游者的“挑剔”度,导致满意度的降低;旅游者对遗产地的涉入程度(做功课)和认知程度是影响自身旅游体验满意度的重要因素,解说系统也能有效提高旅游者的消费技术,从而提升其旅游体验满意度;游客的体验满意度能有效提高其推荐意愿,有利于提升遗产地的口碑和旅游形象。  相似文献   

A broad range of organisms, from prokaryotes to higher animals, have the ability to sense and utilize Earth''s geomagnetic field—a behavior known as magnetoreception. Although our knowledge of the physiological mechanisms of magnetoreception has increased substantially over recent decades, the origin of this behavior remains a fundamental question in evolutionary biology. Despite this, there is growing evidence that magnetic iron mineral biosynthesis by prokaryotes may represent the earliest form of biogenic magnetic sensors on Earth. Here, we integrate new data from microbiology, geology and nanotechnology, and propose that initial biomineralization of intracellular iron nanoparticles in early life evolved as a mechanism for mitigating the toxicity of reactive oxygen species (ROS), as ultraviolet radiation and free-iron-generated ROS would have been a major environmental challenge for life on early Earth. This iron-based system could have later been co-opted as a magnetic sensor for magnetoreception in microorganisms, suggesting an origin of microbial magnetoreception as the result of the evolutionary process of exaptation.  相似文献   

The advent of the participatory Web and social network applications has changed our communication behaviour and the way we express ourselves on the Web. Social network application providers benefit from the increasing amount of personally identifiable information willingly displayed on their sites but, at the same time, risks of data misuse threaten the information privacy of individual users as well as the providers’ business model. From recent research, this paper reports the major requirements for developing privacy-preserving social network applications and proposes a privacy threat model that can be used to enhance the information privacy in data or social network portability initiatives by determining the issues at stake related to the processing of personally identifiable information.  相似文献   

提高江苏医学院校知识创新能力的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江苏医学院校知识创新力量分散,经费和设备等条件不足,竞争力弱,要增强知识创新能力,必须确立知识创新能力的目标,培植新的医学教育理念,抓住机遇,注意处理好创新与跟踪、创新与失败、创新与经济社会效益等各方面的关系;进行创新性人才队伍的建设。  相似文献   

Human collaborative relationship inference is a meaningful task for online social networks and is called link prediction in network science. Real-world networks contain multiple types of interacting components and can be modeled naturally as heterogeneous information networks (HINs). The current link prediction algorithms in HINs fail to effectively extract training samples from snapshots of HINs; moreover, they underutilise the differences between nodes and between meta-paths. Therefore, we propose a meta-circuit machine (MCM) that can learn and fuse node and meta-path features efficiently, and we use these features to inference the collaborative relationships in question-and-answer and bibliographic networks. We first utilise meta-circuit random walks to obtain training samples in which the basic idea is to perform biased meta-path random walks on the input and target network successively and then connect them. Then, a meta-circuit recurrent neural network (mcRNN) is designed for link prediction, which represents each node and meta-path by a dense vector and leverages an RNN to fuse the features of node sequences. Experiments on two real-world networks demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework. This study promotes the investigation of potential evolutionary mechanisms for collaborative relationships and offers practical guidance for designing more effective recommendation systems for online social networks.  相似文献   

While science-based entrepreneurial firms are a key feature of the modern economy, our insights into their organization and productivity remain limited. In particular, our understanding of the mechanisms through which academic inventors shape entrepreneurial firms established to commercialize their scientific ideas is based upon a traditional perspective that highlights the importance of human capital. Based on a study of biotechnology firms and their academic inventors, this paper examines the extent and mechanisms through which academic scientists contribute not only human capital but also social capital to entrepreneurial firms. The paper makes two contributions to our understanding of the academic-firm interface: First, it establishes that the social capital of academic scientists is critical to firms because it can be transformed into scientific networks that embed the firm in the scientific community through a variety of mechanisms. Second, the paper argues that an academic inventor’s career plays a critical role in shaping his social capital, thus scientific careers mediate the networks and potential for embeddedness that an academic inventor brings to a firm. Specifically, the foundations of an academic’s social capital can be traced to two sources: The first element that the firm may leverage is the academic’s local laboratory network—a network to current and former students and advisors established by the inventor through his laboratory life. The second form of social capital is a wider, cosmopolitan network of colleagues and co-authors established through the social patterns of collaboration, collegiality and competition that exemplify scientific careers. These findings suggest that scientific careers are central in shaping an academic’s social capital which can be translated into critical scientific networks in which entrepreneurial firms become embedded.  相似文献   

The struggle of social media platforms to moderate content in a timely manner, encourages users to abuse such platforms to spread vulgar or abusive language, which, when performed repeatedly becomes cyberbullying — a social problem taking place in virtual environments, yet with real-world consequences, such as depression, withdrawal, or even suicide attempts of its victims. Systems for the automatic detection and mitigation of cyberbullying have been developed but, unfortunately, the vast majority of them are for the English language, with only a handful available for low-resource languages. To estimate the present state of research and recognize the needs for further development, in this paper we present a comprehensive systematic survey of studies done so far for automatic cyberbullying detection in low-resource languages. We analyzed all studies on this topic that were available.We investigated more than seventy published studies on automatic detection of cyberbullying or related language in low-resource languages and dialects that were published between around 2017 and January 2023. There are 23 low-resource languages and dialects covered by this paper, including Bangla, Hindi, Dravidian languages and others. In the survey, we identify some of the research gaps of previous studies, which include the lack of reliable definitions of cyberbullying and its relevant subcategories, biases in the acquisition, and annotation of data. Based on recognizing those research gaps, we provide some suggestions for improving the general research conduct in cyberbullying detection, with a primary focus on low-resource languages. Based on those proposed suggestions, we collect and release a cyberbullying dataset in the Chittagonian dialect of Bangla and propose a number of initial ML solutions trained on that dataset. In addition, pre-trained transformer-based the BanglaBERT model was also attempted. We conclude with additional discussions on ethical issues regarding such studies, highlight how our survey improves on similar surveys done in the past, and discuss the usefulness of recently popular AI-enhanced tools for streamlining such scientific surveys.  相似文献   

国外遗产旅游资源管理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王晓梅  邹统钎  金川 《资源科学》2013,35(12):2334-2343
本文通过对112篇较具代表性的国内外遗产旅游资源管理相关文献进行系统的分析,探讨了国外遗产旅游资源管理研究特点与发展趋势,同时为我国遗产旅游资源管理研究提供了一定的参考与借鉴。国外遗产旅游资源管理的研究总体呈现跨学科、多视角,技术运用、案例多的趋势。除遗产地保护与旅游开发、利益相关者管理等传统研究领域外,还拓展了遗产地旅游资源管理的新技术与新方法、气候变化及环境污染对遗产的影响、遗产管理全球准则本地化困境等新兴研究领域。近年来,学者们对联合国教科文组织(UNESC0)等遗产管理全球准则的合理性及适用性提出了许多质疑,世界遗产提名对旅游业的效果影响也引发学者们的检验。  相似文献   

现有研究对集群企业非本地创新是否受空间距离束缚持有不同观点。立足于多维接近性视角,采用南京、西安和佛山等地114家集群企业数据,通过层次回归实证检验了地理接近性对集群企业非本地创新的影响及社会接近性的调节效应。结果显示即使考虑社会接近性,地理接近性对集群企业非本地创新绩效与创新性仍具有显著正向影响,提供了“地理未死”的直接证据。另外,表征社会接近性的四个指标中只有部分能显著调节地理接近性效应,说明社会接近性并不能完全“缓解”空间距离对集群企业非本地创新的影响,进而提供了“地理未死”的间接证据。最后,探讨了实证结果与既有理论相“冲突”的深层次原因,分析了既有研究分歧在接近性整合框架下的统一性。  相似文献   

罗康隆  杨庭硕 《资源科学》2011,33(6):1025-1031
农业遗产必然是适应于特定自然与生态系统,经历过超长时段积淀的产物,而不同国家和民族所处的自然与生态系统都具有很强的稳态延续能力,其演化、变迁的速度极为缓慢,变幅也不会太大。这就使得不管是哪种农业遗产,无一不具有古今通用,甚至可以沿用至未来的禀赋,因而各民族的农业遗产即使处在快速巨变的今天,其应用价值依然有效。对农业遗产而言,关键是发掘、传承、利用和推广,并立足于其固有的自然与生态适应禀赋去有选择的推动与现代科学技术的接轨,使之能服务于当代的社会经济发展和生态维护,增进人类的身心健康。这就使得农业遗产与其它类型的非物质文化遗产迥然不同,光实施保护还远远不够,推动农业遗产实现其特殊价值更有意义。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(10):104561
This paper investigates how the social environment to which a Ph.D. student is exposed during her training relates to her scientific productivity. We investigate how supervisor and peers' characteristics are associated with the student's publication quantity, quality, and co-authorship network size. Unique to our study, we cover the entire Ph.D. student population of a European country for all the STEM fields analyzing 77,143 students who graduated in France between 2000 and 2014. We find that having a productive, mid-career, low-experienced, female supervisor who benefits from a national grant is positively associated with the student's productivity. Furthermore, we find that having few productive freshman peers and at least one female peer is positively associated with the student's productivity. Interestingly, we find heterogeneity in our results when breaking down the student population by field of research.  相似文献   

地质遗迹景观资源的分布特征及环境敏感性分析是地质遗迹保护规划及开发利用的基础.通过野外调查及分析得出深圳东部海岸带的主体地质景观类型为地质地貌景现共47个,占总体景点数量的72.3%,其中主要的地质遗迹类型为火山地貌遗迹和海岸地貌遗迹,分别为7个和27个.占总量的10.8%和41.6%.东部海岸地带面积约437km2,以国家级、省级地质遗迹景点为主,数量及比例分别为22.44%和21,42%.以高程、坡度、植被、土地利用、道路距离、景观等级及景观类型等因子聚类,得到3种影响类型:未受影响景点类型、轻度影响景点类型、威胁严重景点类型.据此确定了9个要重点采取保护措施的景点以及26个在开发利用过程中需要采取保护措施的景点.最后从景点的环境敏感性角度,对开发利用与保护的协调统一提出了景点保护模式.为地质遗迹资源的保护及开发利用提供合理建议.  相似文献   

戴湘毅  刘家明  唐承财 《资源科学》2013,35(12):2359-2367
城镇型矿业遗产与所在城镇的社会、经济和文化存在多方面的密切联系,也因此面临更多压力,对其开展专门研究极为必要。本研究在字词释义分析和相关概念回顾基础上,提出了城镇型矿业遗产的定义。通过对世界遗产名录和国家矿山公园中矿业遗产的分析,认为城镇型矿业遗产可以分为物质性和非物质性两大类,其下又可以分为多个亚类;通过对典型项目的归纳和比较,认为城镇型矿业遗产构成较为多样、遗产整体区域融合程度较高、在空间分布上多呈点块状集聚分布、遗产环境复杂且风险较大。最后,研究将城镇型矿业遗产利用模式归纳为3种,即教育-博物馆模式、游憩-公园模式和多功能-综合体模式。  相似文献   

中国“世界自然遗产”资源现状特征与发展对策   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
第28届世界遗产大会上的信息表明,世界遗产中心正从全球角度对世界遗产事业和遗产保护现状进行深入全面的审视与评估,并着手对各遗产类型及其地域分布的不均衡性进行改善。《凯恩斯决议》的修订,使得自然遗产的申报得到优先保障,并进一步突出了生态、地质演进及生物多样性等价值。对中国“世界自然遗产”发展现状与国际进行了对比,研究表明:我国“世界自然遗产”项目结构不合理,自然与文化遗产比例失衡、自然遗产偏少、地理覆盖面积较小,自然遗产类别简单,所符合的遴选标准过于单一,遗产地域分布不均,未充分反映出我国自然环境的复杂性与自然遗产资源的丰富性。提出了当前中国“世界自然遗产”的发展对策:加强基础研究及提升遗产地科学内涵;挖掘自然遗产资源的文化内涵;加强研究和申报海洋类遗产;加强申报我国特有的自然地理类型遗产地;扩大遗产地规模;加强西部遗产地的申报。  相似文献   

脑认知的神经基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
动物都需要认识和学习外界环境因素,并根据价值与风险做出抉择与行动;社会动物还必须有社会认知、共情、社会交往等社会行为能力;而人类有发达的自我认知、逻辑推演、意识、语言等能力。动物认知能力的好坏,决定了动物在野外是否能够成功觅食、躲避天敌、繁衍后代;而人类认知能力,则决定了个人的人生轨迹、自我价值实现乃至对社会的贡献。所有这些认知行为都是由神经细胞的功能来决定,其神经基础是脑科学的核心问题,也是人类认识自身的终极挑战。经过多年的研究,神经科学已经揭示了认知行为神经基础的一些基本原理:不同认知行为是由脑内不同的神经环路负责,需要各脑区内的局部神经环路与脑区间长程神经环路的协同工作;学习与记忆是许多认知功能的必要基础,这是由神经细胞之间突触联结的强度与结构的可塑性介导;神经调质(例如多巴胺)可以在多个尺度上调节神经网络的活动与可塑性,从而调控认知行为。文章聚焦在感知觉、学习与记忆、抉择、社会行为、意识和运动控制等方面,对认知功能的神经基础进行了概述。我们认为,未来神经科学需要结合介观和微观尺度的研究,对认知行为的神经基础进行系统与深入的阐明。在介观层面,科学家们需要描绘脑区之间细胞类型特异性的联结图谱;绘制认知功能的大脑功能图谱;利用因果性手段、揭示认知功能的核心脑区;操控不同脑区及脑区间联结的活动,进而观察认知行为的改变和其他参与环路的活动变化,从而获得脑整体动态规律。在微观层面,需要阐明不同脑区有哪些特定类型的神经元;揭示不同类型神经元是如何参与特定认知功能的;解析不同类型的神经元是如何联结以及这些联结是如何在认知行为中发生动态改变的。这些介观与微观研究将为理解宏观认知行为的神经基础提供重要线索,对于破解人类智能这一终极奥秘具有重要意义。同时,揭示认知行为的神经机制还是治疗脑疾病的必要基础,而且有助于推动脑启发(Brain Inspired)的智能技术的发展。  相似文献   

对被子植物起源研究中的几种观点进行了讨论。(1)由于被子植物存在着一组共同的性状,它们不可能是从不同祖先起源的,而是有着共同的祖先。被子植物是一个单源起源的类群。现存被子植物分类系统是依据包括形态学(广义)、分子系统学、古植物学和植物地理学等的综合性状建立的,只能表示出现存类群的亲缘关系并且追溯到它们最近的祖先。人们现在还不可能建立一个包括全部已绝灭的类群和现代生存类群的谱系发生系统。因此,现存被子植物分类系统只能看作是“亲缘”系统。(2)分析了用于推测被子植物起源时间的分子、化石和地理分布证据。我们认为,要确定被子植物起源时间,植物化石是一类重要证据,但化石只能说是植物本身可保存部分和当时当地所提供的化石条件的综合反映,它们不可能就是植物类群或种的起源时间。人们还必须考虑到化石本身的演化历史。应用分子钟也是一种手段,但误差比较大。如果我们除了利用上述两种资料之外,根据植物类群的现代分布格局及其形成,把植物的演化同地球的历史和板块运动联系起来,以推断它们起源的时间,这无疑会增加其可信度。通过对56个种子植物不同演化水平的重要科属地理分布的研究结果,我们曾提出被子植物的起源时间可能要追溯到早侏罗世,甚至晚三叠世。(3)分析了基于分子证据所提出的被子植物基部类群——ANITA成员(包括无油樟科Amborellaceae、睡莲科Nymphaeaceae、八角目Illiciales、早落瓣科Trimeniaceae、木兰藤科Austrobaileyaceae)的性质,讨论了ANITA成员在现代几个被子植物分类系统中的系统位置的不同观点,评价了它们的形态学(广义)性状。指出ANITA的成员由于包含大量的祖征,是属于原始的类群。但由于它们的共有衍征很少,如花粉球形,说明它们在被子植物演化早期就分道扬镳了,沿着不同的传代线分化。因此ANITA是一个源于不同传代线的复合群。  相似文献   

van Wyhe J 《Endeavour》2005,29(3):94-100
Histories of evolutionary thought are dominated by organic evolution. The colossus in our midst that is evolutionary biology casts its shadow over history, making it appear that what is so widespread and important today was always the primary subject of evolutionary speculation. Thus many histories assume that the core meaning of evolution is the change of organic life and that other forms of evolutionary thinking, such as linguistic, social or cultural evolution, are only analogies or offshoots of the main biological evolutionary trunk. Ironically this is an ahistorical understanding. Long before the work of Charles Darwin, scholars were independently developing evolutionary concepts such as descent with modification and divergence from a common stock in order to understand cultural change.  相似文献   

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