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某老师在执教《解决问题的策略(一一列举)》一课前,提出了这样三个观课话题:(1)策略源于学生解决问题的需要;(2)问题的解决体现着策略的价值;(3)如何运用策略、用好策略?这三个话题反映了这位老师在设计这节课的独具匠心之处。在此,  相似文献   

随着数学教育的不断改革,学生利用数学思维提出问题、发现问题、解决问题的实际操作能力逐渐得到更多的关注,数学问题解决能力已经是数学知识建构的高阶表征。但是在实际中,学生往往缺乏耐心解决问题的能力,面对需要解决的问题,不能耐心找出有效信息,往往急于寻求帮助或直接放弃。就大部分学生出现这种现象的原因进行了深度剖析,挖掘出了一系列学生耐心解决问题能力缺失的原因。同时给出了教师视角下的可操作性解决策略,主要包括:(1)从数学教学者的角度出发,"帮忙"适可而止;(2)在课堂中尽可能制造更多的数学对话;(3)在解决问题的过程中,激发学生主动发现问题的能力;(4)巧用信息技术工具,丰富学生的想象力;(5)用公平的方式鼓励学生运用直觉。  相似文献   

分数问题解决是小学数学学习中的重点和难点,本研究采取文献综述、专家和教师判断、学生口语报告与测验结果论证相结合的方法,建构小学生在分数问题解决过程中的认知模型。结果表明:(1)小学分数问题解决的认知属性包含分数知识内容和问题解决加工过程两大部分;(2)分数知识内容包含分数基本概念和分数运算,问题解决加工过程包括语义表征、关系表征、选择运算方法、解决问题,各属性之间存在一定的层级关系;(3)学生顺利解决分数问题首先要以分数基本概念为前提,延伸到分数运算和加工过程的各个环节,最后实现问题解决。  相似文献   

新课程标准对"解决问题"这一具体目标有着具体的阐述:(1)初步学会从数学的角度提出问题、理解问题,并能综合运用所学知识和技能解决问题,发展应用意识;(2)形成解决问题的一些基本策略,体验解决问题策略的多样性,发展实践能力,培养创新精神;(3)学会与人合作,并能与他  相似文献   

徐峰 《考试周刊》2013,(63):60-61
<正>化归与转化的思想方法是中学数学中的重要思想方法之一,也是高考数学中重点考查的思想方法.化归与转化的策略就是将复杂或陌生、新颖的数学问题、数学信息和数学情景转化为简单或已知的数学知识和成熟的经验方法,从而解决问题的策略.运用化归与转化的思想时应遵循以下五项基本原则:(1)化繁为简的原则;(2)化生为熟的原则;(3)等价性原则;(4)正难反则易,即逆向思维原则,当问题从正面解决困难时,可以转化为问题的逆否命题或考虑反证法;(5)形象具体化原则,  相似文献   

解决含参数的不等式恒成立问题的常见策略有:(1)最值法;(2)分离参数法;(3)变更主元法;(4)数形结合法(含利用二次函数的图像与性质)。  相似文献   

在杭州市学军中学的校园学术节中,笔者需要开设了一节示范探究课,内容是排列组合的章节复习课.在教学设计时,笔者考虑这么几个问题:(1)设计的问题背景简单典型,学生容易拾阶而上;(2)通过这节课能把排列组合的典型的策略和方法进行梳理和复习;(3)能体现学生为主体,通过学生的探究解决问题;(4)能有效的吻合笔者授课的实验班的学生的  相似文献   

以208名小学四年级学生为被试,探讨了外部表征、工作记忆广度与小学生数学应用题解决的关系。结果表明:(1)装饰图表征、信息图表征和文字描述表征在不同程度上影响学生的应用题解决成绩,装饰图表征和文字表征下的成绩低于信息图表征;(2)问题呈现方式对小学生解决数学应用题没有影响,动态和静态呈现条件下学生的表征成绩均无显著差异;(3)语音环对不同表征方式下的小学数学应用题解决有影响,言语工作记忆广度高分组的成绩显著高于低分组;(4)视空画板对表征方式不同的小学数学应用题解决有影响,视-空工作记忆广度高分组的成绩显著高于低分组。  相似文献   

中小学数学创设情境与提出问题的策略   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
在中小学数学“ 情境—问题” 教学中教师既要注意创设情境的策略,又要注意学生提出问题的策略.创设数学情境的策略有:创设(1)游戏情境;(2)实践情境;(3)现实情境;(4)过程式情境;(5)悬念情境;(6)竞赛情境;(7)类比、猜想情境;(8)争论性情境;(9)创设构造情境;(10)创设动态情境.提出数学问题的策略有:(1)因果策略;(2)比较策略;(3)扩大策略;(4)极限策略;(5)变化策略;(6)逆反策略.  相似文献   

正在策略教学过程中,学生解决问题的价值并不局限于获得问题的答案或结论,更在于学会解决问题。《义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版)》指出:要让学生"初步学会从数学的角度发现问题和提出问题,综合运用数学知识解决简单的实际问题,增强应用意识,提高实践能力;获得分析问题和解决问题的一些基本方法,体验解决问题方法的多样性,发展创新意识"。为达成这一目标,在教学《解决问题的策略》这一单元的相关内容时,教师要自觉地把重心放在培养学生解决问题时的策略意识以及如何使用策略解决问题上,在此基础上,让学生获得使用策略解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

数学问题解决中的模式识别的研究视角,可以分为基于数学解题认知过程与解题策略角度、基于"归类"的视角、基于数学问题解决中模式识别与其他因素的关系的视角等,具体研究领域涉及几何解题中的视觉模式识别、几何问题解决中的模式识别、解代数应用题的认知模式、数学建模中的模式识别等.由于在知觉领域与问题解决领域"模式识别"的表述存在一定的混乱性,将基于数学问题解决的模式识别界定为:当主体接触到数学问题后,与自己认知结构中的某数学问题图式相匹配的思维与认知过程.并进一步通过其与"归类"的区别与联系、与"化归"的区别与联系使"基于数学问题解决的模式识别"的概念得以澄清.在范围上,把问题解决中的模式识别界定为一种思维过程的阶段或者思维策略,认为它是解题的重要组成部分,但并不是解题的全部.对于未来的展望,期望系统的理论研究、期望对学生问题解决中模式识别的认知过程与机理的实质性的研究以及对学生问题解决中模式识别的教学实验研究.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the collaborative problem solving activities and learning outcomes of five groups that worked on two different complex cases in a virtual professional training course. In this asynchronous virtual learning environment, all knowledge management content was delivered virtually and collaboration took place through forums. To measure the effects of the problem solving activities, learners' contributions were analyzed with respect to four different problem solving activities: Two content-specific problem solving activities, namely gathering information and developing a solution, and two coordination-specific problem solving activities, namely planning the common approach and steering the interaction process. Results indicated that the learning process was dominated by two central activities: developing a solution and steering the interaction process. Furthermore, the results indicated that the groups with the more complex case used more overall problem solving activities than the groups with the less complex case. There was also a greater range of learning outcomes for learners with the more complex case than for learners with the less complex case. Finally, the number of overall problem solving activities for most of the successful groups was higher than for the less successful groups. Additionally, the more successful groups used more coordination-specific activities than content-specific activities during the problem solving process.  相似文献   

论教学设计的逻辑生长点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教学设计是一个复杂的系统工程,它涉及目标方向设计、过程组织设计以及质量监控设计三大范畴,这三大范畴统整教学的基本要素。其中,目标需要问题来触动,过程需要问题来激活,质量需要问题来表达。因此,问题的表达和创设是目标方向设计的操作性载体;问题解决认知过程的心理表征是教学过程组织设计的基本意蕴;问题解决的有效质量是评价监控设计的目标指向。基于此,问题和问题解决是教学设计的逻辑生长点。  相似文献   

作为数学教育任务的数学解题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
作为数学教育任务的数学解题与数学家的解题既有联系又有区别.它触及数学教育的3个基本矛盾,需要回答两个基本问题:怎样解题?怎样学会解题?解题理论建设成为一个独立分支有3个标志.解题研究已初步积累有题、解题、解题过程、解题程序、解题力量、解题方法、解题策略、数学问题解决的基本框架等成果.学会解题需要经历4个阶段:简单模仿、变式练习、自发领悟和自觉分析.  相似文献   

Many factors influence a student’s performance in word (or textbook) problem solving in class. Among them is the comprehension process the pupils construct during their attempt to solve the problem. The comprehension process may include some less formal representations, based on pupils’ real-world knowledge, which support the construction of a ‘situation model’. In this study, we examine some factors related to the pupil or to the word problem itself, which may influence the comprehension process, and we assess the effects of the situation model on pupils’ problem solving performance. The sample is composed of 750 pupils of grade 6 elementary school. They were selected from 35 classes in 17 Francophone schools located in the province of Quebec, Canada. For this study, 3 arithmetic problems were developed. Each problem was written in 4 different versions, to allow the manipulation of the type of information included in the problem statement. Each pupil was asked to solve 3 problems of the same version and to complete a task that allowed us to evaluate the construction of a situation model. Our results show that pupils with weaker arithmetic skills construct different representations, based on the information presented in the problem. Also, pupils who give greater importance to situational information in a problem have greater success in solving the problem. The situation model influences pupils’ problem solving performance, but this influence depends on the type of information included in the problem statement, as well as on the arithmetic skills of each individual pupil.  相似文献   

全美数学教师理事会(NCTM)在2000年出版发行了《学校数学教育的原则和标准》,与之前相比,此文件中“问题解决”这一过程标准,在坚持以前的一些基本观点的同时,进一步明确“问题解决不仅是学习数学的一个目标,也是学习数学的一种主要方式”;而且增加了新的目标——“使学生能够检验和反思数学问题解决的过程”。由此可见,“课程标准”的制定必然有一个继承和不断改进的过程。自我国的数学课程标准将“解决问题”作为课程目标提出以来,在课程设计和教学实践中出现了一些变化和问题。在借鉴他国经验的同时,应根据我国的国情,继承和发展我国在“解决问题”方面的各种理论和实践成果,研究出培养学生解决问题能力的课程设计方案。  相似文献   

The taxonomy described in this paper was developed to investigate the process of mathematical problem solving in terms of definable behaviours. It was also used as an instrument to classify and encode behaviours in their sequence of observed occurrence during the process of mathematical problem solving. It is a behavioural analysis framework formulated to examine the “thinking-aloud” protocols of individuals for comprehensive information about the problem solving process itself, the individual differences in the behaviours of subjects and the strategies applied by each in dealing with non-routine mathematical problems.  相似文献   

For the past few years, creativity has gradually become an important element in the national cultivation of talent in Taiwan. Although traditionally art education is closely linked with creativity, the academic research on general art education is very insufficient. Therefore, the goal of this research is to investigate how creativity could be cultivated in curriculum planning for general art education at technology universities as well as what students’ learning process was when they participated in a course's creative activity. The research applied the theory and steps of creative problem‐solving (CPS) on a general art course to design a group practical activity combining with the local community. This involved converting the steps of creative problem‐solving into different stages of group design activities with the goal of constructing a design process equivalent to the process of problem‐solving. The main research results revealed that students could experience the problem‐solving process through group design activities and develop their divergent and convergent thinking at the same time. Moreover, the cooperative learning model is the most appropriate teaching strategy for students from non‐art‐related departments when cultivating their creativity.  相似文献   

A model giving the main domains of ‘process knowledge’ in solving problems in physics is proposed. In the framework of this model the strategies and results of using thinking‐aloud experiments to obtain the elements of ‘process knowledge’ in the problem‐solving activity in physics are discussed.




We describe a systematic study of skills for solving problems in basic physics, a domain of practical significance for instruction, but not of prohibitive complexity. Our studies show that an inexperienced student tends to solve a problem by assembling individual equations. By contrast, an expert solves a problem by a process of successive refinements, first describing the main problem features by seemingly vague words or pictures, and only later considering the problem in greater detail in more mathematical language. We have formulated explicit theoretical models with such features and have supported them by some detailed observations of individuals. In addition, experimental instruction incorporating such features seems to improve problem‐solving performance significantly. These investigations yield thus some basic insights into thinking processes effective for problem‐solving. Furthermore, they offer the prospect that these insights can be used to teach students improved problem‐solving skills and to modify common teaching practices which inhibit the development of such skills.  相似文献   

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