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指出文献计量作为一种有效的评价手段,在生物医药领域,主要应用于学术期刊评价和科研绩效评价;传统的文献计量评价方法存在一些固有局限性,为此人们已作出许多创新和改进。分析讨论评价学术期刊的新模型和指标--渐进曲线模型和特征因子以及评价科研绩效的两种方法创新--多指标综合分析和基于社会网络的分析,并论述文献计量与经济社会因素的结合使用。从这些新型方法和指标的出现和应用可以看出,文献计量评价的发展呈现出借助数学模型和计算机手段,由单指标向多指标转换,结合复杂的社会网络特征和经济社会因素进行分析的大趋势。  相似文献   

Social support research contends that supportive interactions provide a buffer wherein individuals are protected from increased risk due to negative affect. The present study investigated the relationships between social support and college students' stress, depression, and alcohol use. A total of 54 students completed questionnaires in exchange for extra course credit. Results demonstrated that stress and depression were correlated with one another and that social support was negatively correlated with each of these outcomes. Depression, but not stress, was correlated with increased drinking behavior. Overall, social support was negatively correlated with alcohol consumption; however, depression moderated the effect of social support such that support and alcohol consumption were negatively correlated for participants with higher depression whereas support and alcohol consumption were positively correlated for individuals with lower depression. These findings partially confirm existing theories of alcohol use that hypothesize differences between self-medicating drinkers and social, sensation-seeking drinkers.  相似文献   

[目的 /意义]面向语义信息以层次渐进的方式识别技术演化轨迹,有助于加强对技术细节的理解并提升轨迹识别的准确性.[方法/过程]首先,提取专利和科技论文的SAO结构,依据语义信息确定研究主题,并利用S曲线分析技术生命周期.其次,借助机器学习算法与社会网络分析指标,分不同周期,通过多层次提取,筛选技术演化轨迹.最后,以造血...  相似文献   

张洪忠  沈菲  李昊  贾全鑫 《新闻界》2020,(4):48-56,5
有认识的人或者同一区域的人患有新冠肺炎,是否会更加相信疫情谣言?使用什么渠道会影响对谣言的信任度?本研究探讨新冠疫情中的接近性、传播渠道与谣言信任度之间的关系,在网络平台采集北京、上海、广州、武汉、成都五座城市有效样本813人份。建立中介模型研究发现:疫情接近性对谣言信任度没有直接效应,只有通过人际传播才产生显著的间接效应,通过新闻媒体和社交媒体的间接效应则不成立;同时,新闻媒体使用与疫情谣言信任度呈负相关关系,人际传播、社交媒体使用与疫情谣言信任度呈正相关关系;学历、年龄与疫情谣言信任度均是显著性负相关关系。  相似文献   

陈斯斯  刘春丽 《情报学报》2022,41(2):142-154
在重大突发公共卫生事件的背景下,科技论文的临床应用价值被提到前所未有的重要位置。但如何评价这种类型的影响力以及有哪些有效指标仍需要深入挖掘与探索。引文桂冠奖是基于被引频次的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖的预测方法,而未被其预测却最终获得诺贝尔奖的原因可能是传统被引指标无法探测到论文的潜在临床影响力。本文引入美国NIH (National Institutes of Health)提出的论文临床转化潜力近似值指标(approximate potential to translate scores,APT),选择诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主的论文集为样本,比较被引文桂冠奖预测和未被预测两组作者论文集的总被引次数、加权RCR (relative citation ratio)、被临床论文引用次数、APT均值、Human均值、Animal均值、Mol/Cell (Molecular/Cellular)均值这7项指标,以及转化力三角形模型的差异与指标间的相关性。被预测获奖和未被预测获奖两组论文的总被引次数、加权RCR、Mol/Cell均值有显著差异,未被预测组的Human均值与Animal均值及中位数均高于被...  相似文献   

Studies of social networks highlight the importance of network structure or structural properties of a given network and its impact on performance outcome. One of the important properties of this network structure is referred to as social capital, which is the network of contacts and the associated values attached to these networks of contacts. This study provides empirical evidence of the influence of social capital and performance within the context of academic collaboration (coauthorship) and suggests that the collaborative process involves social capital embedded within relationships and network structures among direct coauthors. Association between scholars' social capital and their citation-based performance measures is examined. To overcome the limitations of traditional social network metrics for measuring the influence of scholars' social capital within coauthorship networks, the traditional social network metrics is extended by proposing two new measures, of which one is non-weighted (the power–diversity index) and the other (power–tie–diversity index) is weighted by the number of collaboration instances. The Spearman's correlation rank test is used to examine the association between scholars' social capital measures and their citation-based performance. Results suggest that research performance of authors is positively correlated with their social capital measures. The power–diversity index and power–tie–diversity index serve as indicators of power and influence of an individual's ability to control communication and information.  相似文献   

This research conceptualizes the continuous structuring of our lives by technology as a technological embeddedness construct between a sense of competence and dependance, whereby individuals mobilize information to meet life goals. Accordingly, a framework using digital capability and technological experience factors was investigated concerning information activities. A random sample survey (N = 997) analysis found underlying tech- dependance factors that positively influence tech-competence. However, the initial effects of tech-dependance became negatively associated with information self-efficacy; it also predicted greater trust in online information sources than professional sources. The study discussed implications of the tech-embeddedness construct to reformulate the ongoing “digital natives” debate.  相似文献   


This study introduces and evaluates the robustness of different volumetric, sentiment, and social network approaches to predict the elections in three Asian countries – Malaysia, India, and Pakistan from Twitter posts. We find that predictive power of social media performs well for India and Pakistan but is not effective for Malaysia. Overall, we find that it is useful to consider the recency of Twitter posts while using it to predict a real outcome, such as an election result. Sentiment information mined using machine learning models was the most accurate predictor of election outcomes. Social network information is stable despite sudden surges in political discussions, for e.g. around elections-related news events. Methods combining sentiment and volume information, or sentiment and social network information, are effective at predicting smaller vote shares, for e.g. vote shares in the case of independent candidates and regional parties. We conclude with a detailed discussion on the caveats of social media analysis for predicting real-world outcomes and recommendations for future work.  相似文献   

Although the incidence of knowledge exploration is observed in most patents, the concept of knowledge exploration distance has been analyzed with limited patents at the macro level of a company, organization or region. This study quantifies the knowledge exploration distance of individual patents using network embedding methods and citation analysis. First, a technology ecology network is constructed to identify technological association relationships between technical elements. Second, network embedding method is employed to represent technical elements as fixed dimensional vector, preserving the structural information. Next, the individual patents are vectorized based on the technology classification code information and pre-trained embedding values. Finally, by comparing the position between a citing patent and cited patents in the vector space, the knowledge exploration distance of the patent is obtained. This knowledge exploration distance indicates the novel degree of technological association between technical elements of a citing patent and those of cited patents. The case study covering artificial intelligence technology-related patents is conducted to illustrate the process of calculating knowledge exploration distance. Besides, this study showed that the proposed measure has significant relationships with patent-based indicators related to protection coverage, prior knowledge, and patent value.  相似文献   

指出科学合作网络中节点重要性鉴别通常是利用社会网络分析中的节点程度中心性或中介中心性来进行。这类指标并未考虑科学合作网络中的引文特性,因而并不能完全体现节点在合作网络中的重要性。比较和分析科学合作网络中各种节点影响力指标,并在B-rner提出的引用强度指标基础上进一步提出节点合作收益指标,最后以禽流感合作网络为例评测和分析科学合作网络中具有重要意义的节点。  相似文献   

This study examined the association between social network support and relationship quality of romantic partners among American and Korean college students. As predicted, findings indicated that Americans involve their family and friends more in their romantic relationships and, accordingly, get more support from them for their relationships than Koreans do. However, the results did not support the hypothesis that Koreans would perceive social network support as more important for their romantic relationships. Instead, network importance negatively mediated the effects of social network on relationship quality only for Americans. The positive associations between network support and relationship quality were not differential between the two samples. Implications for culture and close relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

薛捷  张振刚 《图书情报工作》2012,56(20):110-117
以为知识网络是知识在创新网络中转移和流动的一种具体体现。通过采用社会网络分析方法,研究东莞电子信息产业集群中的技术知识网络、管理知识网络和市场知识网络。实证结果表明:三类知识网络既密切相关又具有很大的差异,产业集群中的企业在合作中除了交流技术知识,同时也进行着市场知识和管理知识的交流。整合技术、市场和管理知识的能力对于企业的发展意义重大。本研究在一定程度上拓展了创新网络的研究视角,也为创新网络理论的发展提供本土经验证据。  相似文献   

为促进农户间知识共享和推动农业技术扩散,在界定农户间知识共享内涵的基础上,从内部和外部两个方 面归纳农户间知识共享的核心影响因素,并利用解释结构模型分析影响因素对农户间知识共享行为的作用机制,识别 影响农户间知识共享的表层因素、中层因素与根本因素。研究结果表明,农户知识存量、价值观及信任关系是影响农 户间知识共享行为发生的表层因素,通讯设施条件、现有资源条件是中层影响因素,而根本因素是农村社会网络与农 村地理区位。  相似文献   

探索高校专利价值评估模型,快速锁定存在权利转移价值和失效风险的专利,有利于提升高校科技成果管理效率,加快高校科技成果向产业界转移,进一步激发高校科研人员的创新潜力。文章结合已有研究中的专利评估指标,从指标易获取性角度出发,选取11个指标形成专利评估体系;以云计算为技术领域,创建专利分析资源库;进而结合主成分分析与分类算法,构建专利价值评估模型;基于评估模型,对云计算领域中的高校专利进行识别,借鉴标准十分评估方法,对专利的权利转移概率进行划分,明确高校中具有权利转移价值和失效风险的专利。研究表明,结合主成分分析法,确定评估指标的有效性,使用十折交叉验证选取人工神经网络算法构建评估模型,分析发现高校存在权利转移价值的专利呈二次多项式分布,10.68%专利具有较高的权利转移价值,22.64%专利存在失效风险。文章构建的专利价值评估模型能够为高校科技成果管理人员进行专利运营,以及企业探寻高校核心技术提供决策支持。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]随着Web 2.0环境下社交网络的普及与开放获取运动的兴起,学者影响力表现为两个方面:学术影响力与社会影响力.目前反映学者社会影响力的评价指标已达20多种,故需要遴选合理的评价指标,避免强相关性的指标,最终构建客观、公正的学者影响力评价指标体系.[方法/过程]收集PlumX/Pitt工具中提供的指标和数据,采用Spearman方法尝试探究学者学术影响力指标(被引频次)与替代计量学中社会影响力指标之间的相关性以及各项社会影响力指标之间的相关性并进行分析.[结果/结论]要综合评价学者的影响力,应当引入社会影响力指标;从数据关联性角度,一些学者影响力的评价指标需要进行调整.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]分析国内社交媒体用于学术成果Altmetrics评价时存在的问题及应对措施,以期推动国内学术成果Altmetrics评价研究。[方法/过程]采用文献调研方法,对国内外社交媒体用于学术成果Altmetrics评价的研究现状进行分析。[结果/结论]国内社交媒体用于学术成果Altmetrics评价存在6个方面的问题:缺乏数据基础;缺乏数据源和指标的探索;缺乏指标之间关系和影响因素的验证;缺乏对指标深层含义的研究;缺乏Altmetrics分析工具的开发;缺乏理论支撑。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]科研合作是不同科研主体之间围绕特定科学问题开展研究的协同研究工作,以实现科研主体间的优势互补。国际科研合作对促进科研绩效具有重要意义。了解当前国际科研合作对科研绩效影响研究的现状,为未来进一步开展该方面的研究提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程]论文在界定国际科研合作、科研绩效两个重要概念的基础上,从研究层次、分析指标、分析方法3个维度对国际科研合作对科研绩效影响研究的论文进行梳理。[结果/结论]分析发现,目前该研究领域成果丰富,国内外学者主要从宏观(国家、地区或区域等)、中观(领域或机构、团队等)、微观(科研人员个体)3个层面,通过简单计数类和单一比值类国际科研合作指标以及科研产出数量类、科研产出质量类和h指标类科研绩效指标,采用文献计量学方法、社会网络分析方法及统计学分析的方法对国际科研合作对科研绩效的影响进行探析。未来需加强:科学家层面的研究,拓宽更多科研合作行为的分析;表征科研合作和科研绩效综合类指标的探索;针对性分析模型的创建,并对一些具有重要意义的变量进行控制。  相似文献   

社交网络信息生态链的形成机理及影响因素实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
归纳国内外社交网络信息生态链的研究现状,分析社交网络信息生态链的形成机理,对社交网络信息生态链形成的影响因素进行实证研究。用SPSS 18.0对调查问卷进行统计分析,并通过信度分析、因子分析、回归分析得出社交网络信息生态链形成的主要影响因素,按影响程度从大到小依次为:信息生产者和信息消费者的社会网络关系复杂度、信息传递者的信息传播技术、信息生态链环境状况、信息分解者的信息组织技术、信息生产者的信息传播需求。最后提出促进社交网络信息生态链形成的方法与策略。  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of sociocultural factors on the level of “Internet connectedness.” The Internet Connectedness Index (ICI), composed of five items, is modified and applied to measure disparities in the ways in which people use the Internet. With a dataset of 384 randomly selected telephone survey respondents, the ICI is regressed on various social indicators. The result indicates that technological environments, social environments, and the scope and intensity of Internet-related goals significantly influence individuals' Internet connectedness. This finding highlights that even after people gain access to the Internet, the ways they incorporate the Internet into their everyday lives differ, and that the differences reflect disparities in the multiple dimensions of the social context in which individuals are situated.  相似文献   

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