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校本研修植根于学校的教学活动,以解决学校实际问题为途径,目的就是要改善教学行动,改变教师在培训中的被动地位,突出教师的自主学习和专业发展。几年来,我校着力于开展校本研修的实践与研究.探索校本研修基地建设的有效途径,在课堂教学研究、教学专题研究、专家引领支持、教师个人自主发展、校际协作研修等方面深入实践,  相似文献   

<正>校本研修植根于学校的教学活动,以解决学校实际问题为途径,目的就是要改善教学行动,改变教师在培训中的被动地位,突出教师的自主学习和专业发展。几年来,我校着力于开展校本研修的实践与研究,探索校本研修基地建设的有效途径,在课堂教学研究、教学专题研究、专家引领支持、教师个人自主发展、校际协作研修等方面深入实践,取得了一定的成效。一、透视课堂:在课堂研究中成长教师教学质量的高低关键在课堂,  相似文献   

在执行世界银行贷款/英国政府赠款"西部地区基础教育发展项目"(2004—2009)中,广西项目专家对接"参与式教师培训"子项目创造性地开展了"参与式校本研修"的行动研究。本文是该研究的成果之一,呈现了研究者对参与式校本研修意义的理解,为当下如何在贫困地区山村学校有意义有实效地组织教师参加校本学习提供参考。  相似文献   

针对现有教师培训存在的不足和教师专业发展实际,参照国际教师专业发展的趋势,重庆市提出"理论研修、影子研修、反思研修、实践研修"的"四阶段"教师培训模式。其中,理论研修定位为更新学员专业知识,影子研修着眼于提升学员教学能力,反思研修聚焦学者型教师培养,实践研修则指向成果转化与示范引领。在重庆市2010年的"国培计划"工作中,"四阶段"教师培训模式经受了实践检验,取得了较好的培训效益。  相似文献   

教师校本研修是落实“强师计划”、深化培训精准改革的重要着力点。本文对新时代北京市教师校本研修政策进行探讨,从学习科学的社会文化与情境视角分析了教师校本研修的理论基础。基于北京市特级教师推进校本研修工作的行动举措,文章分析了校本研修的实施策略:一是基于教师生涯发展,完善分层分类的校本研修体系;二是积极回应新课程改革与“双减”政策要求,校本研修致力于解决实践问题;三是建构教师专业学习共同体,为教师发展创设良好的组织文化氛围;四是发挥特级教师等教师领导的示范引领作用,促进集团校与区域教育发展。  相似文献   

新课程使基础教育发生了深刻的变化,广大一线教师作为新课程改革最直接的参与者,其本身的专业成长亟需培养模式的更新。如何让教师成为教学、研究和进修的真正主人?南宁市天桃实验学校在历时四五年的摸索中逐步确立了"以教师为主,以教学为主线,师生教学相长的教师专业成长"校本研修模式,并于2008年正式立项了广西教育科学"十一五"规划课题《校本研修与教师专业发展》。他们把校本研修作为教师教育的有机组成部分,探索可行的校本研修创新路径,着眼可能性,着力现实性,从关注学校特色发展以及教师专业成长的现实性走向开发教师的可能性,构建了以开发可能性为核心的在实践层面具有较强专业情意和可复制传播的系列研修行动。本刊从本期起,分"学科共营课堂教学历练"、"学科带头人专业成长历练"、"城乡教研一体化"、"优质教师魅力形成和传承"、"智慧班主任论坛"五个专题对该系列研修行动予以全方位关注,希望能给广大读者带来有益的启迪。  相似文献   

本文对"教学反思"能力校本培训策略的整理,总结隐性的"思维能力"培训模式及基本规律,进一步揭示教师专业发展中自我反思、同伴互助、专业引领三要素在校本研修中内在价值及作用,对指导校本研修,提高研修的针对性和实效性有积极的学术价值。  相似文献   

教师网络研修与校本研修整合培训存在教师网络研修不受欢迎、校本研修质量不高和两者貌合神离的问题。教育信息化与教师网络研修、教师网络研修与校本研修、校本研修与教师常态化学习所涉及的有关问题值得深入探讨,以明晰整合培训制度、机制、策略、方法的完善路径,提升网络支持下的校本研修质量:坚持实践立场,用在学先、学以致用,激发教师内在成长动力;进一步下移培训重心到中小学校,走向师本研修,促进教师自觉学习与自我更新;建立研训一体化的"自组织"校本教师学习共同体,实现教师专业发展和学习的常态化。  相似文献   

"习明纳"培训模式以建构主义学习理论、成人学习理论、教师专业阶段发展理论为指导,赋予新的解释与新的用途。通过清晰地描述其培训结构与流程,并在骨干教师培训实践中证明,此培训能把骨干教师实践知识理论化、理论知识实践化,能有效构建教师行动学习的培训共同体,是基于任务联动的自主提升培训,是集中研训与校本研修融合的学研用一体化培训。  相似文献   

校本研修是指在集中培训和远程培训学习的同时,教师在岗自主学习提高、相互协作学习的教师培训形式,对教师专业成长及其自身发展具有重要的作用。从校本研修的含义与特征出发,对校本研修的模式进行探析,并提出几点实施策略,以期为各学校更好地实施校本研修提供参考。  相似文献   

The commercialisation of education and the massive recruitment of international students across different vocational education and training (VET) systems including the US, UK, Canada and Australia have led to significant changes in the VET teaching and learning landscape. This situation compels the VET sector to design and develop new professional development programs to support the immediate and changing needs of teachers working with the diverse international student cohort. However, to date, teacher professional development in response to the growing population of international students has not been an explicit focus of empirical study and theoretical conceptualisation in VET research. This study responds to this paucity. It draws on a broader three-year research project funded by the Australian Research Council (2014–2017) that involves fieldwork, participation in and observation of staff professional development activities and interviews with 102 VET staff in Australia. It uses positioning theory as a conceptual framework to examine how VET teachers position themselves and their professional development needs in response to international students. The results call for a critical need to re-examine the focus of the current professional development programs offered for VET teachers. The current context requires teacher professional development in international VET to focus on developing teachers’ capabilities to re-examine their pedagogical beliefs and practices and to understand international students’ various needs and cultural backgrounds. The study also stresses the importance of ongoing professional learning to equip teachers with the skills and knowledge to appropriate their pedagogical practices in response to the critical need to prepare all students for the intercultural labour market and to use students’ diversity as a resource for teaching and learning.  相似文献   


The study aimed to identify teachers’ motivations to study Master of Education (M.Ed.) programs offered by teachers’ training colleges. M.Ed. degree programs have become available in Israel since 2004, with a rapid increase since then in the number of colleges offering various programs and a consequent increase in the number of graduates. M.Ed. degrees follow one of two teaching approaches: (1) top-down/transmission of knowledge (2) bottom-up transformative studies to support teachers’ professional autonomy. The first approach complies with the policy of the Council for Higher Education (CHE). The other is promoted by the Israeli Ministry of Education as an integral part of teachers’ professional development. The study’s methodology included examining data from multiple sources: documentation concerning the academic programs, government policy statements, and surveys administered to teachers who had graduated successfully from M.Ed. programs over the past decade and are now working in the field. We found that after the first decade of M.Ed. courses in Israel, significantly more programs incline towards the bottom-up/transformative approach, aiming to promote individual, personal and professional development instead of adopting the transmission approach. Teachers prefer M.Ed. programs at universities that include research. Yet their motivation to study is primarily intrinsic motivation, whether they aspire to study at universities or at teachers’ training colleges. Results are pertinent for government planning of teachers’ professional development. Further study into the needs of teachers is required to endorse these conclusions.  相似文献   

混合式教师研修是“互联网+”时代教师研修改革的创新模式,有其特定的理念和实施路径。“互联网+”时代的混合式研修,是指通过在线研修、移动研修与线下研修、工作现场研修的充分融合,以混合式教学的理念和方式进行设计的全新研修范式。混合式教师研修旨在促进教师深度学习和专业能力提升,促进教师研修均衡化和教师个性化专业发展。建构主义学习理论和联通主义学习理论是混合式教师研修的认识论基础,混合式教师研修的设计需要教师专业发展和混合式教学两个维度的方法论支撑。混合式教师研修的设计应在遵循教师专业发展规律的基础上,以混合式教学的理念、方法设计其实施路径。  相似文献   

教师培训是促进教师专业发展的重要途径。选取广州市工贸技师学院的教师作为研究对象,通过调查技工院校教师的培训需求,确定教师培训的目标,制定相应的培训方案,采取分层式校本培训、项目式教研培训、引导式教学培训、实践式专技培训等策略实施教师培训促进教师专业发展,并在培训后运用柯克帕特里克四层次培训评估模型分析培训成效。  相似文献   

This study set out to measure the perceptions of pre‐primary and primary school teachers in Cyprus regarding the impact and efficiency of a particular ICT in‐service training initiative. The research was carried out through telephone interviews with two groups of trained teachers. Teachers' responses indicated a significant impact of such training on their personal attitudes and skills. However, the professional practices which developed did not outline significant gains in student learning and achievement. Teachers' views on the efficiency of the training scheme highlighted the need for a more flexible ‘pick and mix’ training structure to tailor individual needs, and for professional development activities to become more relevant, to the context of classroom practices. The study also suggested that for ICT professional development to impact school practices, there is a need for contextual factors such as access to resources, curriculum time and a change‐oriented environment to be taken into account.  相似文献   

Australian and international research has identified that many generalist teachers have limited confidence and experience in teaching the Arts in the early years of schooling and education. There is also a significant gap in the provision of quality professional learning programs for teachers. Research has identified that appropriate training and professional learning programs need to provide teachers with practical experiences, informed by sound pedagogical theory and some form of ongoing support and potential for collaboration and shared learning. This article reports on the development of a professional learning programme which sought to support arts-focussed professional development of early years teachers. The project, known as The Open Storybox, lead to the development of a model which could be called a ‘transmedia’ learning model, as it utilises different media, and flows of content across digital platforms and technologies as well as the embodied and material.  相似文献   


In a context of increasing demand for quality and equity in education and a sharp focus on accountability, classroom teachers are also expected to support and improve learning outcomes for pupils in response to their individual needs. This paper explores three issues: how teachers understand assessment in relation to their students’ learning, the curriculum and their pedagogical choices; how teachers’ capacity to use assessment to improve students’ learning can be developed through career-long professional learning (CLPL); and how teachers’ learning can be implemented and sustained in schools, both locally and nationally. In considering these issues, recent thinking about learning and assessment and CLPL are considered alongside empirical evidence from the development and implementation of assessment processes and approaches to professional development in Scotland. The paper emphasises the importance of a dynamic framework of CLPL that recognises the individuality of teachers’ learning needs and the consequent need for tailored professional learning opportunities with different combinations of support and challenge at school, local and national levels.  相似文献   

个性化和持续性专业发展是中小学卓越教师培养的重要途径。研究者历经十年扎根课堂所构建的专家进课堂、研学助教和现象为本的课例研修模式回应了教师主动的、参与式及融入日常工作的学习需求。为从实证科学出发探索三种模式的特殊性和效果,对不同发展阶段和需求的教师提供个性化指导方案和特定模式,该文在阐明了三种个性化和持续性教师专业发展模式的同时,采用了调查和访谈收集数据,运用准实验研究法,验证了三种模式在提高教师专业能力上的差异及各自的优势或特色;最后,提出了三种不同模式所适合的教师专业发展的不同面向,为不同需要提供实践的指引。  相似文献   

教育现代化建设需要有一支现代化的教师队伍,而教师专业发展是造就现代化教师队伍的必由之路。因此必须采取一系列有效的教师专业发展策略,以增强教师专业发展动力、促进教师专业发展。其一,激发教师专业发展动机,创设和谐人际氛围,实现教师专业自主成长;其二,建立去行政化的学术机制,构建研究型教师专业发展模式,通过研究来促进教师的专业发展,从而造就专家型教师,造就教育家;其三,合理分配培训利益,改"施教"为"促进",走"教育下乡"之路,构建服务型教师培训体系。  相似文献   

Educational stakeholders across the globe are demanding science education reform that attends simultaneously to culturally diverse students’ needs and promotes academic excellence. Although professional development programs can foster science teachers’ growth as culturally responsive educators, effective supports to this end are not well identified. This study examined associations between specific Science Teachers are Responsive to Students (STARTS) program activities and United States high school life science teachers’ understanding and enactment of culturally responsive science teaching. Findings suggest: (a) critically examining their practices while learning of students’ needs and experiences enabled teachers to identify responsive instructional strategies and relevant science topics for culturally responsive teaching; (b) evaluating culturally responsive exemplars while identifying classroom-based needs allowed teachers to identify contextually appropriate instruction, thereby yielding a robust understanding of the purpose and feasibility of culturally responsive science teaching; and (c) by justifying the use of responsive and reform-based instructional strategies for their classrooms, teachers made purposeful connections between students’ experiences and science instruction. We propose a set of empirically based design conjectures and theoretical conjectures to generate adaptable knowledge about preparing culturally responsive science teachers through professional development.  相似文献   

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