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The differences between English and Chinese in terms of the adoption of subject,voice,and stative & dynamic styles are shown in this paper through a contrastive study between the two Chinese versions of Little Women.The discussion aims to deepen our understanding of the differences between the two languages so as to facilitate the formation of a creative method for English teaching and help students solve problems they encounter in the process of second language acquisition.  相似文献   

张晰 《海外英语》2013,(15):263-264
Respectively belonging to different language families,English and Chinese naturally have many differences in morphology and syntax.This paper intends to give a contrastive analysis of subject and predicate in English and Chinese,focusing on differences of subject and predicate usages in the two languages,and the problems they cause for Chinese students in English learning and translation.  相似文献   

In the cross-cultural context,as artistic and cultural phenomena between the East and the West,the palace art in the mid-Qing Dynasty and the French“Rococo”art is bound to be influenced by the social history,artistic and cultural environment in which they live.Through a parallel comparison of the aesthetics of court art in the mid-Qing Dynasty and French Rococo art,it is found that there are similarities in the social and cultural environments and the aesthetic tastes of the aesthetic subject at that time,and there are differences in the presentation of the function of art culture and the aesthetic style of the aesthetic subject.At the same time,there is a phenomenon of the east-west integration of“western law for use”and“eastern elements”.  相似文献   

苏洁 《海外英语》2016,(4):192-193
Forensic linguistics, which is the interface between language and law, is a newly emerging interdiscipline in China. It belongs to neither the science of law nor the pure research category of linguistics, but it is an interdisciplinary subject based on these two disciplines. The linguistic issue in legal field is its key problem. At present, forensic linguistics in present China lays emphasis on written language instead of spoken language. This article gives a brief comparative analysis of Chinese and English forensic lexicon and the similarity of English and Chinese forensic lexicon. It also suggests that learners should view the differences between the two from the cultural perspective.  相似文献   

Daily Greetings may be the commonest expressions between people.Recently,a lot of scholars have begun to analyze the differences in greetings between English and Chinese.But they seldom explore the cultural factors that influence the differences in greetings.From the cultural points of view,this paper had made a comparative study of greetings in English and Chinese.Discussion focuses on the differences and similarities existing in greetings of the two languages and the culture factors that influence the differences.  相似文献   

Reference is one of the cohesive devices of discourse,the comparison of which between English and Chinese will benefit translation practice,and a understanding of the differences in this aspect between the two languages is helpful in the reproduction of the original coherence of discourse.Based on the data of the Chinese novel "Kong yij" and its English translation,this paper will make a detailed analysis of the differences in reference and propose some translation strategies.  相似文献   

吴卞 《海外英语》2011,(13):91-92
With the development of the cross-cultural communication,more and more people have recognized the interaction between language and culture.Each culture has its own characteristic and is different from one another.Because of cultural differences,difficulties often arise in communication between different people.In China,English is taught as a foreign language.Both teachers and students should be aware of the differences between eastern and western culture in their teaching and study.  相似文献   

于晓玮 《海外英语》2014,(19):151-152
Advertisement translation and trademark translation are becoming more and more prevailing and influential under the increasing development of internationalization of business. This paper attempts to analyze the influence of cultural differences on advertisement translation and trademark translation. It finds that advertisement translation and trademark translation are under the impressive influence of the differences between Chinese and Western cultures. This paper aims to stress the cultural differences in advertisement translation and trademark translation and reminds translators of the importance of noticing cultural differences and finding a proper point between foreign cultures and native cultures.  相似文献   

宋秀娟 《海外英语》2012,(8):187-188
Cross-gender communication is a form of intercultural communication.Gender differences are not only reflected on biological differences,but also a kind of cultural construction Gender difference lead to the differences on communication styles between men andwomen.Undoubtedly,these differences will cause difficulties in communication between men and women.Only having the awareness and being familiar with these differences can we realize the aim of communication and become successful communicators.  相似文献   

only lies in its deep theme and striking arrangement of events,but also in her accurate and vivid language.In order to study the differences between English and Chinese,This thesis is focused on two Chinese versions of Whuthering Heights in the light of contrastive linguistics.The detailed version comparison consists of two parts: the comparison between two Chinese versions in lexicology and syntax.After comparing two versions,the author noted that both Yang and Lu still commit some mistakes because of ignorance of linguistic and cultural differences between English and Chinese and in view of this mistakes,the paper offers some revised translation texts for reference only.The author hopes that the comparison results may be beneficial to cross-culture communication and English learning.  相似文献   

本文以《老子》为语料,对其中第一人称代词"吾"和"我"从句法功能和指代意义两方面进行辨析,并进一步讨论了"吾"与"我"在《老子》中共存的意义。"吾"在《老子》中可以做主语和定语,"我"可以做主语、定语和宾语;"我"是得道之人,是圣人,"吾"是未得道之人,是"道"的追求者;"吾""我"共存清晰地展示了"道"是"德"的目标和归宿,"德"是"道"的实践和追求。  相似文献   

中国古代“博物”观念及其相关工具书具有鲜明的人文特征,反映了中国传统的知识结构和分类体系。西方学科分类意义的博物学概念在近代传入中国,据此,中国编辑出版了新式博物学教科书和辞书。考察中国博物观念及其工具书从古代到近代的演变,比较中西知识结构和分类体系的不同,具有多方面的学术价值。  相似文献   

闽南惠安方言“亦.X,亦Y”句式是一种并列复句。句中的关联词“亦”相当于“也”意,但“亦X,亦Y”句式却不等同于“也X,也Y”句式,而是与它存在着较大的差异。在“亦X,亦Y”句式中,“亦”可同时置于两分句的主语后,也可同时置于两分句的主语前。它置于主语后和置于主语前的情况迥然有别,本文从句法、语义、语用三个方面揭示它们间的差异。  相似文献   

湛甘泉的心学思想承传自陈白沙,但二人的心学教育思想却存在重大分歧。在教育理论层面体现为从"静坐中养出端倪"到"随处体认天理"的演变,在实践层面体现为是否采用正规的书院式教学。这种分歧既是解决白沙心学内在学理困境的需要,还由于二人的时代背景与主体身份已发生重大转变。  相似文献   

日本"福祉"科于1999年创立,2003年正式实施,并于2008年进行了首次改革。此次改革在坚持"福祉"科既有总体目标的同时,对具体科目进行了较大调整。"福祉"科与综合活动时间、护理福祉士资格考试两者存在共通之处,但又不尽相同。当前,"福祉"科面临的专业教师缺乏、教科书质量参差不齐、实践课程无法有效实施等问题,亟待关注和解决。  相似文献   

北宋中期 ,以苏轼为核心的一群元词人针对词为艳科、小道的传统进行了一次从创作实践到理论观念上提升与振拔 ,推动了词学向诗学的回归 ,这被称为“诗化运动”。苏门学士大半卷入了这场词学革新运动 ,然而 ,秦观却是个例外。历代而下 ,词论家们认定苏、秦别派 ,并因此没有看到秦观在词学诗化运动中所起的作用。本文依此设论 ,试图解决以下三个问题 :一 ,秦观的创作实践究竟有没有沾染“诗化”的风气 ?二 ,对于那场词坛革新运动 ,他从中起过什么作用 ?三 ,秦观词的审美指向与苏轼的词的美学意念离合之际寓示着北宋词学的何种趋向 ?  相似文献   

休谟难题:能否从“是”推出“应该”?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"应该如何"是客体的"事实如何"与主体的需要、欲望、目的发生关系时所产生的属性,是"事实如何"对主体的需要、欲望、目的的效用:客体事实属性是应该如何产生的源泉和存在的实体;主体需要、欲望、目的则是它们从客体事实属性中产生的条件和标准.因此,"应该如何"是通过主体的需要、欲望、目的,而从"事实如何"产生和推导出的:"应该"等于事实对主体需要欲望目的的符合;"不应该"等于事实对主体需要欲望目的的不符合.这就是"应该如何"的产生和推导过程,这就是破解休谟难题之谜底.  相似文献   

物理学———无论是力学、声学 ,还是光学、热学 ,或是电学、原子核物理 ;无论是物质的结构 ,还是物质的运动状态 ,或是物质之间的相互作用———确切地证明了事物是一分为三的  相似文献   

辨析"劳动教育"与"职业教育"概念对深化教育理论认识、改进教育实践、优化学科建设具有重要意义。通过梳理劳动教育的历史进程和概念演变发现,劳动教育与德育密切相关,能有效塑造人的劳动价值观、培养人的劳动技能;梳理职业教育的历史进程发现,职业教育可以归纳为一个动态发展的概念,同时,职业教育在促进生产和推动经济增长方面发挥了积极的作用。审视"劳动教育"与"职业教育"的发展轨迹和概念演变,发现"劳动教育"与"职业教育"之间存在"并列,重合,交叉,包含"四种关联,也存在教育实施的主体与对象、目的、内容、方法、条件、评价等六方面差异。新时代的"劳动教育"应在厘清与"职业教育"区别的基础上,通过重塑劳动与职业价值观,强化顶层设计,构建劳动教育与职业教育相融合的课程体系,确立多方联动的劳动育人机制等途径实施。  相似文献   

“儿童的发现”是现代小说研究的一个新视点。本篇试图探寻“儿童”命题与五四“人”的总主题之间的共生关系,及其对五四小说创作的影响,进而发掘其超越”妇女”命题、“农民”命题的独特价值。  相似文献   

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