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Though seldom read or consulted, privacy statements are often the only means for users to know how their personal data will be used by collecting organizations. While the length and the legalistic nature of most privacy statements are often blamed for people's reluctance to consult such documents, studies on the factors that influence users' intention to read privacy statements are still non-existent. For this survey, respondents from the Netherlands were presented with the situation of registering a child for a basic school through their municipalities' websites. The scenario was selected since it was assumed that it would be one that would require a significant amount of personal data from registrants, and not just the usual contact information. Results of the conducted online survey reveal that although not all users consult a privacy statement on a municipal website before they would disclose personal data, the availability and the ease of finding them on a municipal website strongly contribute to users' belief that a municipality can be trusted with their personal data whenever they are shared for a particular online transaction. This study also shows that users' perceptions of the risks involved in the online disclosure of their personal data influenced their intention to read online privacy statements on municipal websites. Older users were also more likely to consult privacy statements than their younger counterparts, while those with lower levels of education and internet experience expressed a higher tendency to read such online documents than those with higher levels of education and internet experience.  相似文献   

隐私政策作为档案网站建设的重要内容,在档案信息服务安全保障中发挥着至关重要的作用。因此,本研究以我国78个档案网站为研究对象,对其是否设有隐私声明,隐私声明的名称、位置以及内容等方面进行调研。结果显示,我国档案网站隐私声明定位有待提高、形式有待规范、内容有待健全,可从提升隐私保护意识、明确用户体验导向、实现多元研制主体以及出台专项法律制度等方面促进档案网站隐私政策的体系化和人性化,增强其民主科学性和社会影响力。  相似文献   

Privacy information transparency is generally considered desirable and should be enabled and upheld. It has gained increasing attention giving the emergence of new information technologies and their affordances for e-governance and governments. This study examines the proposition that privacy information transparency is amiable to mitigating privacy fatigue in e-government. The study identifies the antecedents of privacy information transparency of an e-government website, and its influence on privacy fatigue manifested in emotional exhaustion and cynicism. A survey conducted in Cyprus harnessed user responses, and the data analyzed using a partial least square structural equation analysis method. Findings reveal that; (1) user data collection and data use information aspects of online privacy significantly impact privacy information transparency; and (2) privacy information transparency positively impacts both cynicism behaviour and emotional exhaustion. This study extends the concept of privacy fatigue into e-government and contributes to an empirical evaluation of its relationship with privacy information transparency.  相似文献   

港澳台高校图书馆网站用户隐私政策的显示方式和表现形式不尽一致。港澳台高校图书馆网站隐私政策的制定皆有法可依,隐私政策的内容包括个人资料的采集、使用和安全声明,用户和图书馆的权利,以及免责声明。隐私政策在实践中有得有失,值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

This article discusses the results of a large-scale Internet survey (with 1156 respondents) that investigated the cues and factors that could positively influence Dutch Internet users' trust in government organizations in terms of their usage and processing of citizens' personal data. Confidence in online privacy statements, as indicated by the results of this study, significantly influences trust in government organizations among Dutch Internet users with and without previous e-government experience. Among those with e-government experience, the quality of their online government transaction experience and a positive government organizational reputation can also increase their trust in government organizations, specifically in terms of how they process and use citizens' personal data.  相似文献   

U.S. federal websites are required to be accessible for people with impairments. However, despite the existing regulations and guidelines, many federal websites continue to be inaccessible, and accessibility policy statements available on federal websites often do not provide any useful information. This paper provides three contributions to the research literature: (1) an accessibility evaluation of 100 federal home pages using both human and automated methods, (2) a content analysis of existing website accessibility policy statements, and (3) a discussion of the relationship between actual Section 508 compliance and the existing accessibility policy statements on a website. The paper concludes with recommendations for improving policy related to Section 508 compliance for websites.  相似文献   

从信息化时代大型纪念活动对网站的需求出发,文章介绍了高校大型纪念活动网站建设的类型、相关技术与发展特点。结合海外大学的相关网站实例,阐述了清华大学图书馆百年馆庆网站的设计思路、实现方式、技术特点和运行效果,突出介绍了纪念型活动网站在文化传承方面的重要功能。  相似文献   

Usability methods have received relatively little methodological attention within the field of E-Government. This paper aims to address this gap by reporting on a usability test of the municipal website of Deventer (the Netherlands), carried out by means of three variants of the think-aloud method (concurrent/retrospective think-aloud protocols and constructive interaction). These three methods had proved successful in a previous evaluation of a different municipal website, yet we decided to replicate our study in order to investigate whether the three methods would reveal different results when applied to another municipal website with a different information architecture. The results of our study showed that, as in the previous municipal website evaluation, the three evaluation methods were largely comparable in terms of output. Nevertheless, we did find a number of differences between the present and previous municipal website evaluation regarding the workings of the three methods—differences that could be explained by the different information architectures of the municipal websites tested. This suggests that the three evaluation methods might indeed work differently depending on the nature of the website that is being evaluated, and calls for more research into the effect of task type on the validity of evaluation methods.  相似文献   

The increasing use of the Internet for service delivery has paralleled an increase of e-service users' privacy concerns as technology offers ample opportunities for organizations to store, process, and exploit personal data. This may reduce individuals' perceived ability to control their personal information and increase their perceived privacy risk. A systematic understanding of individuals' privacy concerns is important as negative user perceptions are a challenge to service providers' reputation and may hamper service delivery processes as they influence users' trust and willingness to disclose personal information. This study develops and validates a model that examines the effect of organizational privacy assurances on individual privacy concerns, privacy control and risk perceptions, trust beliefs and non-self-disclosure behavior. Drawing on a survey to 547 users of different types of e-services – e-government, e-commerce and social networking – in Rwanda, and working within the framework of exploratory analysis, this study uses partial least square-structural equation modeling to validate the overall model and the proposed hypotheses. The findings show that perceptions of privacy risks and privacy control are antecedents of e-service users' privacy concerns, trust and non-self-disclosure behavior. They further show that the perceived effectiveness of privacy policy and perceived effectiveness of self-regulations influence both perceptions of privacy risks and control and their consequences; users' privacy concerns, trust and non-self-disclosure behavior. The hypotheses are supported differently across the three types of e-services, which means that privacy is specific to context and situation. The study shows that the effect of privacy assurances on trust is different in e-government services than in other services which suggest that trust in e-government may be more complex and different in nature than in other contexts. The findings serve to enhance a theoretical understanding of organizational privacy assurances and individual privacy concerns, trust and self-disclosure behavior. They also have implications for e-service providers and users as well as for regulatory bodies and e-services designers.  相似文献   

The currently existing webometric rankings and methods of their analysis are focused primarily on the quantitative measurement of the contents of websites and almost completely ignore the study of the user audience (web traffic). In a pilot project the traffic of ten websites of scientific organizations has been studied with the emphasis on web-traffic sources and the analysis of the traffic of pages with scientific content. It is shown that the direct visits to the site are an indicator of the regular audience of an organization website. This audience consists mainly of the organization’s staff and their immediate colleagues, while new visitors come mainly from search engines. It was revealed that the most visited pages are the ones with information about staff and laboratories, as well as news pages if they are regularly updated. It was found that there is no strong relationship between webometric rankings and website traffic. The rank correlation is moderate and traffic from external links on other websites is weak despite the fact that such links are a key webometric indicator. The results of the study can be used to optimize the structures of the websites of scientific organizations and the analysis of their user audience.  相似文献   

This study examines the extent to which online marketers comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998. COPPA requires online operators to seek parental permission before collecting personal information from children and to post links to their privacy policy on their homepage and every page where personal infor mation is collected. A majority of the 162 popular children's websites analyzed in this study collected personal information from children. Only four of those sites fully com plied with major components of the law. The difficulty associated with obtaining parental permission and the recency of the law may explain the lack of compliance observed. The authors conclude that parents and schools need to educate children to protect their privacy online. In the meantime, the Federal Trade Commission should continue dissem inating information about the law and actively enforce it.  相似文献   

我国市级档案网站综合测评与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
档案网站是档案信息化建设的关键一环,是档案信息资源共享平台建设的主要依托。本文以我国省会城市、计划单列市、副省级城市档案网站为测评对象,全面测试、考察和评价了测评对象在资源建设、业务建设和网站功能等方面的建设情况。通过比较分析,反映出我国市级档案网站的建设现状,并以此为基础,提出我国市级档案网站建设的对策建议。  相似文献   

借鉴B2C网上零售市场相关研究成果,设计C2C交易市场电子服务质量评价调查问卷,通过对中国C2C交易市场网上购物用户问卷调查,采用探索性因子分析法得到消费者评价C2C网站和卖家电子服务质量的关键因子维度。其中,C2C网站服务质量评价维度包括安全与隐私、网站设计质量、信息内容质量、网站补偿性、系统可靠性和愉悦性6个因子;C2C卖家服务质量评价维度包括卖家补偿性、客户服务、配送准确性和配送准时性4个因子。研究结果对C2C交易网站和网上卖家提高服务质量具有一定的决策借鉴意义。  相似文献   

美国州立公共图书馆网站用户隐私政策探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者利用网站调查法对美国各州立公共图书馆网站的隐私保护政策的现状进行分析,以了解国外图书馆服务中用户的隐私保护研究状况,有助于我们认识图书馆用户隐私保护的重要性,并对我国图书馆开展用户隐私保护起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

This article's purpose is to analyze the current state of library websites in academic institutions in Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) countries, aiming to determine their compliance with standard website practices. Based on the Library Website Evaluation Checklist (L-WEC) developed for this study, a content analysis is performed of 110 academic library websites. This research, being one of the first studies of its kind, should interest information professionals and educators responsible for developing and improving the quality of their websites. With the majority of academic users growing up in the Google generation, it is important to create more millennial-friendly websites that provide quick and easy access to Web-based services and content-rich information.  相似文献   

中国科协科技期刊数字出版策略分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
2010年的调查显示,1003种中国科协科技期刊的数字出版策略多种多样,其中有93%在2个以上数据库发布论文全文。依据发布全文的网站或数据库的数量,1003种期刊大致可分为4种类型,即:追求网络覆盖面最大化型、顺应数字出版大趋势型、期刊与行业门户网站结合型、消极观望或被动参与型。通过对有关数字出版问卷调查结果的分析,提出并讨论期刊数字化建设发展中面临的一些问题。  相似文献   

Libraries have always been places where individuals feel free to explore new ideas and seek out information in the pursuit of creative and intellectual growth. Fear of exposure or surveillance could threaten an individual's inclination to search for and access information. Understandably then, privacy is understood to be a core professional responsibility of librarians. This study builds on a national report and a qualitative study, completed in the United States, which explored librarians' attitudes on privacy. Adding a Canadian voice to the literature, this study examines survey results from academic librarians in Canada on their perceptions and attitudes related to library practices and online privacy behaviors. Overall, Canadian academic librarians believe that protecting patron privacy and educating patrons about issues related to online privacy is important. However, many Canadian academic librarians doubt that libraries are doing all they can to protect patron privacy. Academic librarians stand to gain knowledge and understanding of peer attitudes toward online privacy, as well as how patron privacy is being advocated for and protected on university campuses across Canada. The results will guide future library policies and programming aimed at creating an environment where privacy rights are protected and patrons can make informed choices about their online actions.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过对市级政府网站知识服务质量评价进行实证研究,为政府网站知识服务质量的提升、优化提供数据支持和参考。[方法/过程]通过文献搜集及问卷调查确立政府网站知识服务质量评价标准,应用MUSA模型和标杆管理法,对市级政府网站知识服务质量进行满意度实证研究分析。[结果/结论]实际获得3个市级政府网站知识服务质量用户满意度的测评结果,定位每个政府网站在知识服务过程中的竞争优势、竞争劣势、薄弱之处以及需要优先改善的地方。  相似文献   

This study examines queries submitted through two municipal government websites over a 3-year period to discover patterns in information seeking that current web log analysis literature have not discovered or addressed. The findings reveal: in spite of subtle differences strong similarities remain between two different communities' information needs from municipal government websites; demographic variables and close physical proximity do not appear to affect these similarities; there appears to be a belief that municipal government websites can deliver all types of information; and, using methods presented in this paper, municipal governments may better manage their online information resources.  相似文献   

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