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作为全国五大淡水湖之一的巢湖素为世人所关注,特别是其成因及名称来源,更是历代史地学者研究和争鸣的议题."陷巢州长庐州"的传说在江淮民间衍流千年,并进入多种文艺作品和史志典籍,近些年来又频传湖滨湖底发现商陶周皿秦砖汉瓦和古城遗址,"陷巢州"话题再度成为媒体"新闻热点".本文就巢湖名称及"陷巢州"传说作了系统而缜密的考证、疏误与辨正,对搞清巢湖来历,勘核地域文史,都具有较高的学术意义和资料价值.  相似文献   

边树政 《巢湖学院学报》2004,6(1):109-112,115
清代民法为任何一个对法制史有所涉猎的人所熟悉,但人们大都是从清代官方的表达中对它加以了解的.美国学者黄宗智在<清代法律、社会与文化:民法的表达与实践>一书中,从几个方面论证了清代法律制度的实际运作与清代官方表达之间有很大的差异,即实践与表达的背离.这使读者们不得不努力追忆以往所读过的清代官方表达与前人著说,与黄先生的观点做一番对照,以探求历史的真迹.  相似文献   

记得朱自清曾经说过:“逛南京像逛古董铺子.”确实是这样,鸡鸣寺的古幽,聚宝山的巍峨,太虚境的玄妙,总统府的宏博,雨花台的荒寂……都能给人极深的印象.行走在这片神奇的土地上,我最迷恋的还是金陵的水. 走近玄武湖,是十二月的清晨.玄武湖边的树特别好看,树枝旁逸斜出,树叶红橙黄绿.桂花刚谢,空气中仍残留浓郁的香味.朗朗的阳光,从叶丛间泻下斑驳的碎影.  相似文献   

电影<黄金时代>是美国历史上最优秀的影片之一.它曾荣获第十九届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳改编剧本、最佳导演、最佳男主角、最佳男配角、最佳剪辑、最佳音乐、特别奖等八项大奖.该片由美国高德温影业公司于1946年发行,雷德.马奇、达纳.安德鲁斯和哈罗特.拉塞主演,威廉·惠勒执导.威廉·惠勒是美国早期大导演,曾三次荣获奥斯卡最佳导演奖,其作品有<忠勇之家>、<宾虚>、<罗马假日>、<咆哮山庄>等名片.  相似文献   

<鸿门宴>在塑造人物形象方面所采用的一个相当高明的方法,那就是通过对比、映衬、烘托的手法来表现人物性格.除了人物之间,比如,主帅与主帅,谋士与谋士,大将与大将,内奸与内奸的对比、映衬外,在主帅与谋士的关系上也形成鲜明的对比.同是很重要的谋士,在足智多谋、睿智机敏方面,范增和张良难分伯仲,甚至范增更显得老奸巨猾.但为什么项羽与范增配合不好,而刘邦与张良却配合得天衣无缝?要回答这个问题,应从每组人各自的身份、地位、性格和谋划的方式几方面来考虑.……  相似文献   

这里是方圆百里的原始森林. 空中,叠翠千丈,遮荫蔽日;地面,葛藤缠绕,落叶盈尺;地下,盘根错节,根须如网.这几乎是一个密封的世界.这里有巨栋大梁,珍禽异兽,奇葩硕果,灵芝妙药.高大挺拔的望天树是林中巨人,直冲云霄,傲视碧海.大青树广展绿冠,庇荫着众多伙伴.松杉竞生.乔灌成长.荆棘丛集.低层杂草繁密.荫翳处蕨类葳蕤.卧倒的枯树上覆盖着苔藓,又有小树从苔藓中探出新苗.巨蟒似的绞杀植物盘绕于树干.大蚜趴伏在枝杈上吸吮汁液.野雉在林梢飞翔.  相似文献   

近现代群育观念的复兴及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近代以降,严复、梁启超等人"群"观念的提出,旨在唤起国人的"合群"意识,以达到保国保种的目的.孙中山、蔡元培等人的教育主张奠定了民国时期群育列入教育方针的基础,梅贻琦、罗輈重、潘光旦等人的教育主张丰富了群育思想.当前,德育含义太泛,实际上是弱化了德育,如何在新的时代背景下,将中国传统观念中的"群"和中国近代提出的群育思想继承发扬,值得反思.  相似文献   

春秋时期,宋、齐、楚鹿上会盟之地望,历有鹿城、鹿邑、阜南、太和四说.本文通过近年平舆县新发现汉汝南郡封泥"原蔍侯相"、"原蔍长印",及阜南县阮城出土的楚玺"专室之玺"等文物,结合历史文献,认为春秋"鹿上"本名为"蔍上",东汉置原蔍县、侯国,其地在今阜南县阮城.  相似文献   

新时期大学辅导员工作之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新的历史时期,高校学生辅导员工作面临的形势和任务发生了深刻变化.辅导员工作要顺应时代的发展、形势的变化,做到与时俱进,应着力解决四个方面的问题:更新观念,掌握本领,当好朋友,作好表率,只有这样才能切实担负起教书育人的伟大使命.  相似文献   

音乐作为人类文化的一个种类,必然与文化的各个方面紧密联系.各民族的音乐是在自然环境、社会环境、宗教、语言的关联中得以产生和发展的.  相似文献   

This study investigated the hypothesis that the contributions of oral language comprehension (C) and word recognition (D) to reading comprehension (R) in the simple view of reading (SVR) are not independent because a component of C (vocabulary knowledge) directly contributes to the variance in D. Three analysis procedures (hierarchical regression analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling) were used to analyze data obtained from a sample (N = 122) of 7-year-old students who were administered tests of vocabulary knowledge, nonword reading, word recognition (two standardized tests), and parallel forms of listening and reading comprehension. Results from the regression analysis indicated that vocabulary made a contribution to R beyond that made by word recognition and listening comprehension; results from the exploratory factor analysis showed that two factors (Decoding and Linguistic Comprehension) were extracted, with vocabulary and listening comprehension loading highly on the Linguistic Comprehension factor; and results from structural equation modeling revealed that the latent construct, C, influenced R not only directly but also indirectly through the latent construct, D.  相似文献   

The present study examined the factor structure of the Kaufman assessment battery for children-second edition normative update with normative sample participants aged 7–18 years (N = 500) using confirmatory factor analysis with maximum likelihood estimation and multidimensional scaling procedures. For the 10 subtest Cattell-Horn-Carroll core battery configuration, an alternative hierarchical model with four group-specific factors (crystallized ability, perceptual reasoning, short-term memory, and long-term storage and retrieval) provided the best fit to the normative data for both age groups. These results suggest caution for interpreting the visual processing and fluid reasoning index scores in isolation given the inability to locate those constructs independently at school-age. Implications for the clinical interpretation of the measurement instrument moving forward are discussed.  相似文献   

The Consultation Self-Efficacy Scale (CSES) was developed and validated to assess school psychologists' perceptions of self-efficacy for engaging in school-based consultation. A pilot study with graduate students (N = 92) indicated high internal consistency (α = .99) and provided evidence of discriminant validity, as a group with more consultation experience had significantly higher total self-efficacy scores (M = 512.25) than a moderately experienced group (M = 437.35). Subsequently, a sample of 347 practicing school psychologists completed a revised CSES, consistently endorsing moderate to high levels of consultation self-efficacy (M = 404.08, SD = 51.73). Although consultation self-efficacy was hypothesized to be a multidimensional construct, exploratory factor analysis indicated a single-factor structure. Construct validity of the instrument was supported by significant correlations between school psychologists' consultation self-efficacy ratings and perceptions of their ability to respond to hypothetical consultation referral problems (r = .69, p < .01), and regression analysis found that years of experience and time spent consulting with teachers predicted psychologists' self-efficacy scores.  相似文献   

BackgroundWhile assessment measures of trauma-related symptoms in children exist, few of them are at once brief, self-reports, normed, comprehensive (i.e., cover both general and trauma-specific symptoms), and thus suitable for poorly resourced clinical contexts.ObjectiveThis study validated the short form of the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSCC-SF) in a sample of children and adolescents.Participants and settingsParticipants were school-age children and adolescents (N = 270; Mage = 12.55 yrs., SD = 1.19; 67% = Female) exposed to different types of abuse (i.e., sexual, physical, emotional and neglect) receiving counselling at a non-governmental organisation.MethodsThe TSCC-SF’s factor structure and Differential Item Functioning (DIF) across sexes were examined using confirmatory factor analysis and Rasch analysis.ResultsResults revealed a satisfactory construct validity of the scale, while internal consistency was also adequate. No DIF was found across the sexes.ConclusionsThe TSCC-SF appears to be a viable option for use with children exposed to different types of abuse, particularly in low resource clinical contexts.  相似文献   

Existing behavior-genetic research implicates substantial influence of heredity and modest influence of shared environment on reading achievement and reading disability. Applying DeFries-Fulker analysis to a combined sample of twins and adoptees (N = 4,886, including 266 reading-disabled probands), the present study replicates prior findings of considerable heritability for both reading achievement and reading disability. A simple biometric model adequately described parent and offspring data (combined N = 9,430 parents and offspring) across differing types of families present in the sample Analyses yielded a high heritability estimate (around 0.70) and a negligible shared-environmentality estimate for both reading achievement and reading disability. No evidence of gene × environment interaction was found for parental reading ability and parental educational attainment, the two moderators analyzed.  相似文献   

This study examined the nature of teachers' self-efficacy, differences between elementary and middle school teachers' self-efficacy and the implications for observed classroom quality. Teachers (N = 101; 61% female and 85% European American) completed a survey and 96 were observed teaching two different classes. The sample included 6th grade (n = 44) and 7th grade (n = 30) teachers from six middle schools and 5th grade teachers (n = 27) from twelve feeder elementary schools. Exploratory factor analysis indicated that teachers' self-efficacy for managing peer relations is a distinct dimension from teachers' self-efficacy for classroom management, instruction and student engagement. Teachers felt less efficacious about managing peer relations compared to classroom management and instruction. Further, middle school teachers reported lower self-efficacy for classroom management and managing peer relations compared to elementary school teachers. For elementary and middle school teachers, their self-efficacy for classroom management and for managing peer relations was associated with some aspects of observed classroom quality.  相似文献   

Simultaneous group confirmatory factor analyses of the Psychopathy Checklist‐Revised (PCL‐R; Hare, 1991) were conducted with an alcoholic inpatient sample (N= 740). Invariance of the item‐factor relations for the 2 highly correlated factors of Personality and Behavioral Features were supported across 3 racial/ethnic groups (African American, Puerto Rican, and White) and across gender groups. Moment structure analysis indicated no significant differences in the latent means across men and women. Alternative covariance structure models were specified within a multitrait‐multimethod framework to evaluate convergent and discriminant validity across different methods of measuring antisociality. A correlated trait‐correlated method model was supported. A factor intercorrelation of .68 was indicated for Personality and Behavioral Features, and a significant correlation (.40) among method factors emerged for the PCL‐R scores across different raters (interviewers and therapists). General support was provided for the use of the PCL‐R with alcoholic inpatients, though there was a substantial intercorrelation for the factors of Personality and Behavioral Features.  相似文献   

This paper reports the development of the Negative Group Work Experiences questionnaire (NGWE), an assessment tool for measuring negative experiences of group work. Study 1 involved two samples of undergraduate psychology students (second‐year sample n = 425; first‐year sample n = 443), who completed research modules incorporating substantial elements of assessed group work. Participants completed a 39‐item inventory designed to measure their negative experiences of group work as part of their general module evaluation. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the second‐year sample indicated four interpretable and reliable factors: lack of group commitment, group fractionation, task disorganisation, and storming. Confirmatory factor analysis of the first‐year data set confirmed and cross‐validated the factor structure of the second‐year sample. Study 2 (n > 254) confirmed the criterion validity of the NGWE. The NGWE is proposed as a useful tool for evaluating group processes, especially in large group teaching which involves collaborative group work.  相似文献   

Course of cognitive development was investigated in a sample of normal school students (N=163) in the middle part of Finland by giving the students tests of four cognitive functions that were categorized according to the PASS theory of intelligence (planning, attention, simultaneous and successive processing). Subsequently, a group of students in special education (N=60, language impaired school students) was also studied for possible deviations in cognitive development. The age of the students varied from 7 to 19 years. Three main goals were (1) to study developmental trends of cognitive functions across three different age groups of school students and in two samples, (2) to identify distinct cognitive subgroups and profiles among the students, and, (3) to compare the cognitive profiles of normal and language impaired (dysphasic) students. First, in a cross-sectional design, it was seen linear cognitive trends for all PASS tasks, however so, that for the language impaired group the cognitive development was not as salient as for the normal students. Especially successive processing did not show developmental trend in the sample of language impaired (dysphasic) students. Secondly, a cluster analysis procedure following a factor analysis demonstrated two very distinct cognitive subgroups among the normal and dysphasic students. The subgroups in both separate samples differed from each other in successive and simultaneous processes. Additionally, the two subgroups of the normal students differed from each other also in planning. Thirdly, compared to the normal students, the dysphasic highly functioning subgroup did worse than normals in nonverbal successive ordering, but did better in verbal successive task. Contrary to expectations, the deviation was not on the verbal but instead on a nonverbal task. Need for extending PASS research into other types of learning problems (such as arithmetics, severe learning disability) is articulated. Pragmatically, observed minor differences in cognitive structure between the two student samples refer to differential remediation and skill training.  相似文献   

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