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学习能力:科技期刊青年编辑的必备素质   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
杨美群 《编辑学报》2010,22(6):547-548
针对科技期刊青年编辑培养问题,指出科技期刊青年编辑学习能力--获取并掌握科技期刊编辑知识和技能的能力的重要性.从科技期刊的学术前沿性、导向性和学科的综合性出发,论述学习能力是科技期刊青年编辑必备的素质.阐明了提高科技期刊青年编辑学习能力的途径.  相似文献   

黄萍  罗彦卿  陈强  王艳  马莎 《编辑学报》2012,(Z1):82-84
科技期刊是科研成果的发布平台,青年编辑的素质决定着科技期刊的未来发展。结合自身成长经历探讨了青年编辑的成长途径,提出了科技期刊的青年编辑首先应该树立正确的编辑职业观,在此基础上通过向老编辑学习、加强平时积累、注重编辑技能培养,加深行业知识学习等不断提升自己的能力,提高编辑职业素养。  相似文献   

青年编辑是科技期刊发展的主力军,科技期刊社会团体是青年编辑交流和提升的平台,是建设科技强国的重要力量。科技期刊社会团体需立足科技期刊专业领域,充分发挥自身的优势与力量,助力青年编辑成长。本文以重庆市科学技术期刊编辑学会为例,探索了科技期刊社会团体在助力青年编辑成长过程中的关键举措和有效途径:一是创新社团建设理念吸引青年编辑参与;二是加强区域联合协作,培育品牌学术活动;三是聚焦行业优质资源,引导学术研究方向;四是健全培训激励机制,激励青年编辑成才。重庆市科技期刊编辑学会通过整合期刊资源、学术资源,多措并举,以助力青年编辑成长,推动科技期刊高质量发展。  相似文献   

新时代科技期刊青年编辑要有“三心”“二意”   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高峻 《编辑学报》2018,30(6):655-657
青年编辑的成长和培养问题是科技期刊编辑界关注的热点。结合新时代要求,对青年编辑应当具备的时代风貌进行探讨。认为青年编辑要有“三心”“二意”,即坚定信心、胸怀匠心、不忘初心,牢固树立法治意识和市场意识。  相似文献   

张敏 《编辑学报》2016,28(4):397-398
结合作者工作经验,着眼于青年编辑在科技期刊编辑出版中的作用,以青年编辑迅速成才的客观要求为逻辑起点,青年编辑成长发展的内在要求及青年成长发展的外在途径——编辑日志为逻辑中介,探讨如何撰写编辑日志.文章客观地论述编辑日志在编辑工作过程中的作用和取得的成效——有效地提高了青年编辑的素养和能力.  相似文献   

陈强  罗彦卿  黄萍  王艳  马莎 《编辑学报》2012,(Z1):79-81
分析了当前科技期刊发展的特点和趋势。提出了科技期刊青年编辑为更好地应对期刊改革的新形势,应加强培养紧跟期刊发展、紧跟行业发展、参与市场竞争和期刊经营等方面的能力。并简要论述了科技期刊青年编辑应如何培养以上几方面的能力。  相似文献   

于红艳 《编辑学报》2019,31(4):456-459
撰写编辑学论文是编辑职业资格提升的硬性要求,也是青年编辑快速成长为一名优秀编辑的最佳途径;因此,青年编辑应积极参与科技期刊的研究和编辑学论文的撰写。而撰写编辑学论文又是科技期刊青年编辑的短板。本文立足科技期刊青年编辑的角度,结合作者自身编辑学论文写作和投稿经历,总结科技期刊青年编辑撰写和发表编辑学论文的方法,以供同行参考。  相似文献   

金琦  李静  王书亚  魏玫玫 《编辑学报》2018,30(4):429-431
青年编辑是传承技艺、推动未来科技期刊发展的主力军,培养适合时代发展的青年编辑队伍是中国科学技术期刊编辑学会近年来的重点工作之一。笔者从青年编辑的自我成长、责任担当、居安思危和厚积薄发几个方面分析我国科技期刊青年编辑的成长之路以及在培养过程中遇到的问题,并提出合理化建议。  相似文献   

程翠  王静  胡世莲 《出版广角》2018,(15):53-55
青年科技期刊编辑是科技期刊编辑团队的新生力量,只有立足本职工作、提高工作热情、勇于追求、提升自身综合素质,才能适应行业发展,成长为编辑队伍的主力军.目前,有些青年科技期刊编辑只是应付工作,缺乏责任感和勇于追求的使命感.文章阐述了青年科技期刊编辑实现自我价值的必要性,并提出了青年编辑实现自我价值的方法.  相似文献   

青年编辑能力培养和效能发挥对于一流科技期刊建设至关重要。以中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院期刊出版部为例,分析其依托资源禀赋优势搭建青年创新人才成长的平台,通过内部“多维赋能”和外部竞赛促能相结合的育才用才模式,促使多名青年编辑在出版领域崭露头角,成长为西部科技期刊发展的骨干力量和学术共同体建设的人才支撑。  相似文献   

王爽娟 《编辑学报》2015,27(1):41-43
数字化出版模式下,科技期刊运作中会出现一些新的问题,如论文数字版版权的授权与转让、编辑伦理学上的新问题、论文电子模板的细化、稿件在线管理系统的操作说明等.这些问题均促使编辑部在《稿约》中做出及时的内容修订.例如:在《稿约》的在线版中设立必要链接,为论文撰写提供更为便捷的服务;加大对编辑出版伦理相关问题的强调力度;补写关于稿件在线管理系统操作的说明;简要说明在线稿件同行评议制度程序;进一步明确数字版版权的相关问题;等等.编辑部只有适时地做好《稿约》内容上的修订,才能更好地适应数字化出版的要求,同时,借助新技术提高期刊的传播力和影响力.  相似文献   

Have You Heard?     
This study seeks to understand “listening” as a practice and norm of journalism in the context of an eruption of journalistic discourse about listening surrounding the 2016 US election. An examination of US journalists’ own discourse about listening pointed to an understanding of the need to listen more, better, and to a more diverse set of voices. The widespread criticism of journalism’s performance frequently pointed to failures of listening as a root cause of the more general failure to adequately cover the campaign. Thus, listening involved a set of skills, but was also sometimes construed as a moral obligation. Overall, however, the discourse showed an anemic understanding of listening, often pointing to the public’s inability to listen to journalists.  相似文献   

Cyberbullying incidents often occur in the presence of other bystanders. The inaction of bystanders can augment the deleterious effects of bullying on a victim. However, bystanders can intervene to stop a cyberbullying incident or offer support to the victim. Two studies were conducted to examine variables that were expected to influence the propensity of a bystander to take action in cyberbullying incidents: the number of bystanders, the anonymity of the bystander, and the closeness between the bystander and the victim. Results supported the diffusion of responsibility effect. A higher number of bystanders was negatively associated with bystander intervention. Moreover, the perceived anonymity of bystanders was negatively related to the propensity to intervene, and closeness with the victim was associated with a greater tendency to intervene and support the victim. Altogether, the results shed light on the interplay of context, relationships, and technology in the behavior of bystanders to a cyberbullying episode.  相似文献   

科学数据规范引用关键问题探析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
[目的/意义]明确实现规范引用需要解决的基本问题、重点和难点问题,并分析相关利益群体在这一过程中需要承担的责任和未来努力的方向,以引导其更好地厘清思路,推动实践。[方法/过程]借鉴国内外相关研究及实践经验,从科学数据规范引用价值认同入手,从如何引用、引用什么和何时引用三方面阐述科学数据规范引用的基本问题与难点。以此为基础,分析数据规范引用给相关利益群体带来的机遇和提出的要求。[结果/结论]理想的科学数据引用规范应该明确回答如何引用、引用什么和何时引用3个基本问题。如何引用,就是需要制定面向科学数据的元数据规范、建立能够承认作者贡献的评价体系并提供支持科学数据引用的参考文献管理工具;引用什么,就是需要明确引用数据的版本、粒度、数据验证方式以及引用对象等问题;何时引用,就是需要厘清使用数据的情景。相关利益群体应该看到科学数据规范引用给各自带来的机遇以及提出的要求,不断调整以推动数据引用的实践。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore whether in today's changing landscape libraries institutional repositories are used, in order to develop collections of locally produced geospatial data. Furthermore, this study will explore the use of policies in developing geospatial collections in order to reveal whether this tool is necessary for librarians who deal with geospatial collections. Finally, it will also detect the role of cooperation in respect to the development of geospatial collections.This research is addressed to librarians working on geospatial collections so as to ascertain their perceptions since they are considered to be the professionals leading changes. The results demonstrate that Map/GIS libraries, along with analog geospatial collections, tend to develop collections from the data their academic community produces. Librarians seem to be convinced that the formulation of policies, the open access to the data, and the establishment of cooperation among stakeholders will be the critical points to accomplish this goal.  相似文献   

图书馆员障碍是产生图书馆焦虑的第一原因,所以,缓解图书馆员焦虑是消除图书馆焦虑现象行之有效的办法.高校图书馆通过营造人性化的图书馆环境、采取双向性沟通的服务方式、优化管理体制和完善激励机制等来缓解图书馆员焦虑,最终消除图书馆焦虑.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of a study of corporate library selection activity performed to support four global corporations. The firms examined are involved in providing communication, knowledge in its different forms, and computing. Using these results, this paper synthesizes literature on selection and collection development to present an approach to developing an eventual theory of collection development. Using this approach, such a theory would predict the performance of selection activity; the operation of its attributes, such as its cost, centralization, and formalization; and the operation of other collection development activities. Concurrently, it would explain these predictions using dynamics such as the need to include specified ideas within selected content, the need to cope with selector's abilities to choose vast amounts of content, the need to contain selection cost, and the need to gather material together so as to support browsing and its resulting impromptu development of ideas.  相似文献   

Public services librarians at South Dakota State University (SDSU) piloted a project to provide personalized reference services to university administrators. The goals of the Administrative Research Support Service were to provide quality information results that inform institutional decision making, to assist SDSU administrators in focusing their research questions, to provide a convenient venue for SDSU administrators to request library research, and to highlight the library’s contribution to SDSU’s mission. During a rollout of the service in 2012, five librarians contributed to the service and ten projects were completed. This initial offering of the service fostered connections between librarians and administrators, allowed librarians to be visible to the campus in an unexpected and innovative manner, and garnered the informal appreciation of administrators. Suggestions for improvement included establishing more formal evidence of the service’s benefits, promoting direct communication between librarians and administrators who are end users of the information, and setting up clearer expectations for librarians’ time commitment to the service.  相似文献   

如何创建品牌科技期刊   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
诸叶梅 《编辑学报》2004,16(6):449-450
讨论创办品牌期刊的基本要求.品牌期刊的内容应代表某一领域的科技发展水平,应提供给读者尽可能多的信息,经得起市场竞争的考验,向作者提供优质服务,有丰富的稿源,得到读者的认可,能走向世界:都是创办品牌期刊应解决的重点问题.  相似文献   

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