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刘志辉  李文绚 《情报工程》2016,2(6):031-038
本文对目前医学及社会科学领域学者采用的定量化文献综述方法----元分析方法进行了文献调研,从元分析的理论入手对该方法的实质、优势进行了简要介绍,通过对该方法在国内外医学、社会科学及图书情报学领域的应用研究梳理,归纳整理了元分析方法在实践中的操作流程。本文以为作为一种有效集成已有研究的方法,元分析方法在情报学领域得到的关注还不够,其原因是多方面的,如缺乏实证数据支撑、出版偏好等。  相似文献   

元宇宙是与真实世界拓展交互的虚拟世界,它是由虚拟现实、增强现实和混合现实技术所构建的虚拟活动平台。在图书出版领域元宇宙相关技术的应用可以为图书出版提供新生态的运营体系、有效转化资源输出模式、实现立体化知识传播、强化版权管理及保护措施,并为读者提供沉浸式场景体验和提升信息获取效率。文章在分析元宇宙技术赋能下图书出版的方式及未来发展方向的同时,也对未来图书领域元宇宙技术的应用场景进行探索,以期为出版业的技术革新和产业变革赋能,为当前数字教育发展带来新的可能性。  相似文献   

图书情报领域中内容分析法研究进展与趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内容分析法是一种基手定性研究的量化分析方法,本文通过对图书情报领域中内容分析法研究现状及存在的问题进行分析,并对目前的研究兴趣点进行展望,其目的在于深化内容分析法理论和应用研究,发展图书情报学方法论体系.  相似文献   

黎盛荣、涂子元、宋承林、谢群宗、邓品山、陈少舟编著的《文献标引与检索》一书,是一部图书情报学领域中颇具特色的学术专著.其观点新颖、内容丰富、资料翔实、结构严谨、可操作性强.该书有以下四大特色.  相似文献   

新兴交叉学科正在成为我国科技创新的重要驱动力,并不断催生新的学科生长点和新的科学前沿。本文以当代我国图书情报学科研究中的新兴交叉学科为对象,运用案例分析与比较分析方法,解析我国图书情报领域新兴交叉学科的发展特点与演进模式,探讨我国图书情报领域新兴交叉学科的理论建构。我国图书情报领域新兴交叉学科的发展依赖于“创新驱动、应用引领、技术赋能”,形成了从“问题域—方法论式单向引进”到“方法论—问题域式反向输出”再到“问题域—问题域式双向合作”的演进模式。以此为基础,建构了理论发展与范式革新并重的新兴交叉学科理论模型,为当代我国图书情报领域的新兴交叉学科体系建设提供有益借鉴,为新时代中国特色图书情报学科的创新发展提供有益参考。图1。参考文献25。  相似文献   

何南洋  金毅 《图书情报工作》2010,54(22):115-120
从国外图书情报学数据库(EBSCO LISTA)中提取知识管理领域的高频关键词,采用SPSS软件,通过因子分析、聚类分析和多维尺度分析方法进行可视化分析,绘制出知识管理的知识地图和战略坐标图,并将国外图书情报学领域中知识管理研究划分为5个主要的方面:知识管理的基本技术和理论,企业组织应用,共享与创新,知识服务、组织与检索,信息素养,并阐述和分析国外图情领域知识管理研究的现状和热点。  相似文献   

一、图书情报学期刊的重要性 图书情报事业在近几十年的发展中,取得了十分辉煌的成就,特别是建立了结构严谨、完整,规模庞大而有序的图书情报体系,为我国各个时期的国民经济和社会发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。同时,也培养造就了一大批专业化的图书情报学专职研究队伍,产生了一些专门为图书情报学研究工作提供学术交流和成果展示园地的图书情报学期刊,  相似文献   

出于职业的习惯,每每逛书店或书市时,我不仅注意众多图书的书名及内容介绍,还特别喜欢浏览一下书上的版权页。这部分内容是这部图书的“档案”,如开本、字数、印数以及出版年月、印数与印次等等都在这里有所体现。通过这些内容,我们可以对该出版社的经营状况及管理水平做一分析。我注意到有些图书在一年之中竟连连印刷三四次,而有些图书连印几次其累计印数也不十分大。根据我社近两年的图书生产成本数据,借助计算机的快捷计算,运用数理统计中的回归分析方法建立了字数x_1(单位:千字)、印数x_2(单位:千册)与图书生产成本y(单位:元)之间的线性回归方程  相似文献   

赵骞 《中国编辑》2013,(4):57-58
阅读医学普及图书是普通百姓获得医学常识、提高自我保健能力的主要途径。当前,医学普及图书市场中不乏优秀的医学普及图书和文章,部分满足了广大群众的阅读需求,但仍然存在图书质量不高,不能以严谨和科学的态度对待图书内容等问题。因此,需要从社会各界重视医学普及图书、出版单位有高度的社会责任感、建立过硬的作者和编辑专业队伍、在提高图书质量上下功夫、不断提高读者选择能力等方面入手,出版更多科学、实用、创新的医学普及图书。  相似文献   

近几年,图书出版领域有股浊流在涌动,即部分文史类礼品图书定价奇高,但售价又相对低廉,这让消费者有种丈二和尚摸不着头脑的茫然。一套玉版宣纸、仿古石印、手工线装,连包装的箱子都是千年红木做成,极尽豪华,定价46000元一套的藏书系列,仅需9000元即可拿走。一套定价1780元的外国文学名著大系,装帧同样讲究,售价却仅为170元。一套精装的《资治通鉴》定价15000余元,仅卖2500元。一套精美考究,定价6800元的中国全史图书,售价不足1000元。精装的百部中国古典小说名篇定价8800元,1000元也可以买到手了。而且,你还不必担心是盗  相似文献   

基于知识管理的图书情报学教育变革   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
知识管理态势下,图书情报专业人员的职业定位可以是知识挖掘者、知识组织者、知识导航者和知识经纪商。同时,新形势要求图书情报专业人员的知识结构中包括技术知识、管理知识、文献信息知识和研究方法知识。因此,基于知识管理的图书情报学教育课程设置可以模块化,即将课程分成必修的核心课程模块与选修课程模块,以培养复合型人才。  相似文献   

评述了国内现有的关于图书馆学、情报学、信息科学、信息管理学等学科关系的几种代表性观点,结合图书馆学、情报学、信息管理学等学科发展的实践,分析了各学科之间的关系,并对本科、研究生专业设置和课程体系提出了建议。  相似文献   

The meta-synthesis method has received increased interest in social science research, but relatively few meta-synthesis studies have been conducted in the library and information science (LIS) field. The purpose of this study was to analyze 44 LIS-related meta-synthesis studies in terms of contribution, meta-synthesis methodology, and research topics. The results revealed that there are four types of contributions of meta-synthesis research: isolated findings, non-dynamic relationships, dynamic relationships, and models. Moreover, a variety of methods have been used to search, select, analyze, and synthesize the individual studies. Finally, although meta-synthesis studies have been conducted on some LIS topics (e.g., health informatics, library user services, and information management), it has been an undervalued method for other research topics. Recommendations are offered to encourage the use of this method and to guide researchers to conduct more rigorous meta-synthesis studies on LIS topics.  相似文献   

基于共词分析的国外图书情报学研究热点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以EBSCOhost中的LISTA数据库为样本文献来源,调查2005-2009年国外图书情报学(LIS)的研究论文共计13 445篇。通过高频关键词统计、高频词共词矩阵分析和SPSS软件的聚类分析等研究方法和数据处理手段,得到最近5年国外图书情报学研究最为关注的主题和核心领域,如信息资源管理、图书馆及其服务、知识管理、信息检索等,并预测国内未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

Although several library and information science (LIS) and information needs, seeking, and use (INSU) scholars have called for improving the discipline's conceptual and theoretical foundation, the LIS literature presents surprisingly few models for exploring and clarifying central concepts. While models for concept exploration such as the treatise or explication focus on determining “the” definition of a concept, other approaches, such as discourse analysis, have clear methodological and theoretical premises but lack sufficiently identifiable methods for application. The purpose of this paper is to describe, a collection of innovative approaches of concept analysis (CA) from nursing scholarship. While individual approaches to CA differ slightly from each other in terms of theoretical standpoint and method, all share the goal of clarifying individual concepts to establish a foundation for empirical research. This paper describes the theoretical foundations and application of CA approaches from nursing scholarship and presents an abbreviated case of its application to usage, a concept of interest to the LIS community. CA holds a great deal of potential for LIS scholars who seek to clarify the discipline's concepts, whether foundational and basic, or more obscure and specific.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the state of the interactive environment in the context of developing countries and relates this to the library and information service (LIS) professionals' ethos on freedom of information. It highlights the role of LIS professionals in adaptive integration of the concept of “leap-frogging,” in support of the struggle for equal access to information for citizens. Drawing from the literature of developed countries, the paper then focuses on ethical issues to which LIS professionals in developing countries need to be sensitized. It encompasses freedom of information, copyright and privacy of information. It concludes by recognizing the need for the reinforcement of education on ethical issues for LIS professionals in developing countries and the role of library associations in sensitization efforts.  相似文献   

This article sought to investigate the evolution of library and information science by tracking the author-supplied keywords in the research articles published in the domain between 1971 and 2015. Data was extracted from Thomson Reuters’ citation mainstream indexes and analysed using the VosViewer computer-aided software to obtain author-supplied keyword frequencies in each decade since 1971. We identified the most salient and common research themes in LIS and how the themes have evolved, by delving into the author-supplied keywords to proxy research themes in the field domain. Results indicate that the field of LIS has evolved in terms of its subject focus from information systems design and management in the 1970s to scientific communication, information storage and retrieval, information access, information and knowledge management, and user education in 2015. The application of ICTs in LIS practice and education, too, has emerged as a prominent topic in the field. These issues have the potential of shaping or have shaped the LIS curriculum in some LIS schools in the continent.  相似文献   

国外图书馆学情报学2003年研究进展(续)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>6 知识管理 2003年知识管理研究侧重于知识管理系统等方面。D.Stern认为新的知识管理系统需要在数据发现、馆藏发展和图书馆员角色变化方面探索新的方法途径。论文讨论了新的且具有挑战性的数据处理集成工具以及在迅速变化的社会中图书馆员的角色变化等。M.Cloete和:R.Snyman在论文中论述了企业门户和知识管理之间技术和战略的关系。阐明了  相似文献   

Given the explosive growth of digital collections and the digital transformation of services in libraries, the need for management education in library and information science programs has grown. However, I contend in this article that confusion abounds like the “Tower of Babel” for LIS programs to accomplish this goal. A one size fits all approach does not work. Instead, management theory and principles need to be LIS-centric in accord with present day needs and conceptions. Management education also needs to be linked with scientific rigor to practice to meet the needs and expectations of LIS students. Rather than delivering management education that speaks the language of business, the content needs to resonate with the conditions for managing in the LIS context and to be supportive of the values of the LIS field. The article provides examples from research on management and innovation in libraries and other information-rich contexts. It also illustrates the types of issues that management education in LIS programs should address to deepen our understanding of the essential principles needed to manage information and knowledge.  相似文献   

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