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在诸多柳永题材的文学作品中,关汉卿的杂剧《谢天香》独出心裁。落魄一生的北宋词人柳永在关汉卿的笔下居然成了春风得意的新科状元,这一有意为之的艺术处理,实际上折射出包括关汉卿在内的元代失意文人的一个普遍心态——对科举取士制度的深深怀念。  相似文献   
本文从"三个代表"的科学内涵、中华民族伟大复兴的历史使命两方面阐述了把思想统一到"三个代表"重要思想上来的科学性、重要性和迫切性,并就统一思想过程中的关键、核心、本质等重要问题,谈了对江总书记"5·31"讲话的初步学习体会.  相似文献   
"三个代表"重要思想的精髓有其特定的表述结构和次序,依据马克思主义理论精髓的表述规范,它应该被表述为"与时俱进、实事求是",其依据有三个方面.  相似文献   
家族企业代际传承中面临的困境及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家族企业在我国当前国民经济中发挥了重要的作用,是我国市场经济发展中不可忽视的群体。然而,中国家族企业在经历一段创业辉煌后,眼下已走到裂变的十字路口,面临成长的挑战,其中家族企业的传承问题就是在成长过程中面临的一次重大考验。本文欲从分析家族企业传承中存在的问题以及在法律上面临的问题,探寻一些切实可行的解决办法。  相似文献   
试论篮球移动进攻的传球技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合作者多年来的训练实践,对篮球移动进攻传球技术的几个问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
1997年春中国甲A足球队对抗性训练的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对 1 997年我国甲A十二支足球队春训的 1 5 8例对抗性训练进行分析 ,反映甲A足球队准备期对抗性训练的现状和特点 ,以及与对抗训练相关的 1 1项指标的情况 ,为各球队的对抗性训练提供参考。  相似文献   
类之间参量正确及时地传递是面向对象程序设计系统中的一个很重要的问题.通过对Java1.1的事件处理委托模型及相关概念的本质分析,得出了实现在不同类之间进行参量实时传递的几种实用方法,对给出几种参量实时传递方法的特点进行了比较分析.详细阐述了创建自己所需Listener的一般方法,并简要给出了实现例程.  相似文献   
In this paper, we take an unsanctioned academic network, a writing group, as a site of inquiry into both the broad given-ness of the norms of the neoliberal academy and our simultaneous compliance with and resistance to these norms. We choose to comply because we are invested in becoming academics; we continue to research and write for conferences and publication and to frame our scholarly work in terms of how it can be used on our CVs. We choose to resist by working collaboratively and towards remaining intelligible (both to ourselves and to those outside the academy) while becoming scholars. Here we put several concepts to work to think about the role of the writing group in our experiences as becoming-scholars, in particular ‘becoming-minoritarian,’ ‘schizoid subjectivities,’ ‘agential assemblage,’ and ‘institutional passing.’ Then, to think about how we (might) live through the process of becoming academic, we turn to the concept of survivance.  相似文献   
Thread┐OrientedMesage┐PasingInterfaceTongWeiqinZhouQinghuaGuZhikui(SchoolofComputerEngineringandScience)AbstractInthispaperth...  相似文献   
The Asturian revolutionary insurrection of 1934 saw the greatest outburst of anticlerical bloodletting in Spain for a century and prefigured the dramatic wave of anticlerical violence during the Spanish Civil War. Scholars have neglected, however, to study the experience of clerical survival. This article analyses how members of the clergy survived the insurrection through the prism of passing, concentrating on cleric's dress, gestures and revolutionary performances. It demonstrates the need to study survival processes, sheds new light on clerical identity, agency and existing cultural gulfs in 1930s' Spain, and underlines the contingency of violence in revolutionary contexts.  相似文献   
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