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The ability to effectively problem solve is a highly valued competency expected of university graduates, independent of their area of study. Evaluation of problem-solving skill (PSS) development is hindered by a shortage of available tools for monitoring student progress and by lack of defined instructional strategies for development of these skills. Our research is aimed at addressing these problems. We have developed an evaluation tool, which we applied to study the dynamics of undergraduate student PSS. We tested first- and upper-year students from 26 different courses (total enrollment of 2229 students). Overall improvement of PSS was detected for the first-year students over their first term of study. There were no significant differences between the PSS of first- and upper-year students, and no improvement was detected over a single term by measuring PSS in upper-year students. Only three courses were effective at facilitating PSS. Our data indicate that most of the standard lecture approaches do not develop undergraduate student PSS and that universities and individual instructors must take active steps to advance this critical skill set in university students.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to develop and validate an instrument to assess the attitude of student pharmacists toward prayer in general and in particular as it relates to their academic performance. To fulfill the study objective, faculty from seven colleges of pharmacy located at Christian universities collaboratively developed the Student Prayer Attitude Scale (SPAS). The items were used to assess the attitudes of student pharmacists toward prayer as well as the effects of prayer on personal lives and academic performance. Faculty investigators asked 1,563 students to complete the survey and received 677 valid responses. A principal components analysis with promax rotation was conducted and revealed a two-factor structure: (a) general attitude toward prayer and (b) specific attitude regarding the impact of prayer on academic performance. Analysis of variance was used to compare student responses by religious identity. Students identifying as atheist or agnostic were significantly different in their responses than students from theistic religions; however, the responses of students from various theistic religions were not significantly different from one another. Faculty concluded that SPAS is a reliable tool for measuring student attitudes toward prayer. The use of such a tool could help faculty tailor educational opportunities to allow pharmacy students to explore prayer more fully and be aware of its impact on the patients they serve.  相似文献   
This paper presents the findings of a study on the functional literacy and job-skills used by clerical workers in a variety of work situations. The study focused on the employees' own perceptions of their tasks. The results revealed three main requirements for successful performance of clerical work: (1) the possession of requisite knowledge and the ability to apply it; (2) thinking skills; (3) the ability to manage oneself and others. None of these capacities was sufficient on its own. The authors argue that the study has important implications for vocational education and training and for easing the transition from school to work.
Zusammenfassung Dieser Artikel präsentiert die Ergebnisse einer Studie über funktionale Alphabetisierung und Berufskenntnisse, die Büroangestellte in unterschiedlichen Arbeitssituationen benötigen. Die Studie konzentriert sich auf die eigenen Wahrnehmungen der Angestellten ihrer Aufgaben. Drei Hauptanforderungen für eine erfolgreiche Bewältigung der Büroarbeit wurden identifiziert: 1. fundiertes Wissen und die Fähigkeit zur Anwendung, 2. die Fähigkeit, mitzudenken, 3. die Fähigkeit, sich selbst und andere zu organisieren. Keine dieser Kapazitäten ist ohne die anderen ausreichend. Der Autorinnen argumentieren, daß diese Studie sich wesentlich auf Berufsbildung und Fortbildung auswirken und den Übergang von der Schule zum Arbeitsplatz erleichtern kann.

Resumen El trabajo presenta los resultados de un estudio realizado sobre la capacidad funcional de leer y escribir y sobre las habilidades laborales aplicadas por empleados en una variedad de situaciones de trabajo. El estudio se concentraba en las propias percepciones de los empleados en cuanto a sus cometidos. Los resultados revelaron tres principales requisitos para el desempeño exitoso del trabajo de oficina: (1) la posesión de los conocimientos requeridos y la capacidad de aplicarlos; (2) habilidades intelectuales; (3) la capacidad de gestionarse a sí mismo y a los demás. Ninguna de estas capacidades era suficiente por sí misma. El autor sostiene que el estudio tiene consecuencias importantes para la educación y la formación vocacional y para facilitar la transición del colegio al trabajo.

Résumé Cet article présente les résultats d'une étude sur l'alphabétisation fonctionnelle et les compétences professionnelles des employés de bureau dans diverses situations de travail. L'étude met l'accent sur la perception qu'ont les employés de leurs tâches. Les résultats révèlent trois conditions principales pour la réussite dans le travail de bureau: (1) la maîtrise des connaissances requises; (2) l'aptitude à la réflexion; (3) des capacités d'autonomie et relationnelles. Aucune de ces conditions ne se suffit à elle-même. Les auteurs soutiennent que l'étude a des répercussions importantes sur réduction et la formation professionnelles, pouvant faciliter la transition entre l'école et le monde du travail.
Actuarial, medical and social data are reported on 50 psychiatric day hospital patients known to have abused their children and 50 non-abusers undergoing treatment at the same time. A sub-group of 30 of each completed personality and intelligence tests and the majority had electroencephalograms, and these results were compared with those of a group of 30 healthy mothers selected by health visitors for positive child-rearing abilities.Findings which confirms those of other studies of child abuse include youthfulness, a higher incidence of family violence from childhood onwards, more unplanned pregnancies and lower intelligence in the index group. In this sample, however, all social classes were represented, there was no significant differences in perinatal pathology between the groups, personality scored showed high morbidity in the patient groups but few distinctive features, and EEGs were not significantly more abnormal in the index group than in the two contrast groups. Moreover, the index group did not show the expected discrepancy between verbal and performance sub-tests on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale.Treatment of the 50 child-abusers with their children resulted in a re-injury rate of 8% during the four year period of study. A scheme for early identification and prevention is outlined.  相似文献   
A previous article in Higher Education in Europe (Vol. 24, No. 2, 1999), by three of the authors of the present article, outlined the beginnings of an on-line course, "Marketing Theory and Practice" (MTP), offered by the Department of Marketing of Monash University in Australia. It noted the opportunities such a development presented in terms of collaboration. Following the successful introduction of MTP on-line (http://www.buseco.monash.edu.au/Subjects/MKT/ MTPonline/) into the undergraduate programme, the project team applied for a significant funding grant to implement a department-wide strategy for the electronic delivery of marketing education. This implementation includes the development of an E-Master's degree in Marketing, details of which are discussed in this article.  相似文献   

What role does academic development have to play in responding to radical cultural shifts in the global landscape? Whose voices and identities are contributing to institutional change? This reflective essay encompasses the perspectives of the four international panellists in the opening plenary of the International Consortium for Educational Development (ICED) 2018 conference in Atlanta, Georgia, USA – Torgny Roxå on ideologies; Chng Huang Hoon on agency and empowerment; Joy Mighty on voices and identities; and Mary Deane Sorcinelli on evidence and outcomes. These perspectives set the stage for the conference, and, brought together in this paper now, they address key conference themes, offer coordinates for reflection, and pose further questions about our profession.  相似文献   
Many early childhood practitioners use pedagogical documentation as an important process that enables children's thinking to be represented in a form that can be readily shared with others (Dahlberg et al., 1999 Dahlberg G Moss P Pence A (1999) Beyond quality in early childhood education and care: postmodern perspectives (London, Falmer Press)  [Google Scholar]). Documentation in the form of a professional portfolio provides a vehicle for reflection and an appreciation of the complexities and ambiguities of professional practice in the human professions. The nursing and teaching professions have also embraced professional portfolios as a means through which accountability to self and to others can be judged. However, it is the fusion of process and product within professional portfolio development that enables those involved in the human professions to examine, reflect on, understand, explain and further develop their professional practice. It is through this interrogation of practice that we can not only gain insight into our capabilities but also the theories, beliefs and values that underpin the wisdom of our professional practices. The process of professional portfolio development can be enriching and empowering. An outline for organizing a professional portfolio is provided.  相似文献   
As the director of a small preschool, Mary struggled to come up with a meaningful form of staff development for her teachers. She encouraged her staff to enroll in local workshops, and together they attended weekend-long state and national early-childhood conferences. The staff always returned from these sessions a closer knit group, and the conferences often stimulated them with new ideas that they wished to incorporate into their teaching. Too often, though, by Monday, the demands of the real world of their classrooms had overwhelmed them, and the excitement and energy that had filled them on the weekend had faded away.Dwight Rogers is Assistant Professor, School of Education, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Joy Mermin is a teacher at the Family Preschool, 632 Laurel Hill Road, Chapel Hill, NC. Mary Jenne is a teacher and Director of the Family Preschool, Chapel Hill, NC.  相似文献   
引言背景资料在殖民统治时期,教育制度在性质上既是分层性的,也是隔离性的,肯尼亚人同其他非洲人一样只被允许接受关于职业和农业教育,其目的是为殖民者提供廉价的体力劳动者(Sorobea,1992;Sheffield,1971)。这在殖民时期的各种教育报告中被反复提及,包括:弗雷泽,1902年;菲尔普斯斯托克斯,1924年;毕彻,1949年。而学历教育则是  相似文献   
Despite official endorsement of attachment principles in nursery work, these are often not translated into nursery practice. One possible reason for this is that staff training does not sufficiently address the personal implications and anxieties that children's attachments may entail for practitioners. Working from a psychoanalytic perspective on organisational functioning and group learning, this paper describes action research with a group of nursery heads who participated in a professional development programme designed specifically to explore emotional experience in professional work. The positive evaluations of the programme by heads and their staff are described including examples of experiential learning and of increased staff awareness about, and responsiveness to, the emotional experience of children. However, the research also concluded that sustained effectiveness of the model is likely to be dependent on an ongoing culture of attention to the emotional experience of nursery staff within nursery umbrella organisations.  相似文献   
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