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通过研究中国SCIE期刊学科分布,为中国英文期刊的学科布局提供依据,以提高我国英文期刊水平、吸引优质稿源回流.利用WoS和JCR,获取我国SCIE期刊的刊名、学科领域、影响因子等指标,对比分析出我国没有SCIE期刊的空白学科领域,并研究相关领域的论文产出情况.结果显示:我国SCIE收录期刊学科分布不均,具有Ql区期刊的学科有12个,期刊数大于或等于5刊次的学科有13个,尚有71个学科没有SCIE期刊;有些空白领域已有大量SCIE论文发表,有实力创办高水平英文期刊.  相似文献   

This article considers China's English language journals (CELJs) and looks at two aspects of partnership with international publishers: the financial cost and their ability to deliver the quick success objectives of the journals. Success is defined as being indexed in international databases such as SCI (Science Citation Index) and Ei (Engineering Index) Compendex databases. Our research shows that 226 CELJs (57.8%) have an international publishing partnership with publishers such as Springer, Elsevier, and Wiley. A survey of 12 CELJs in Hubei Province, China, shows that 75% journals have financial pressures on the journal operation. The Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering ( JRMGE ) is provided as an illustration of the operation costs of CELJs and to demonstrate the associated financial pressures. We conclude that although international partnership is an on‐going fashion at present in China, it has both benefits and limitations. We also propose that to reduce the financial pressure on CELJs, government funding should be differently apportioned, providing a better return on investment (ROI).  相似文献   

关于国内英文科技期刊语言国际化的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科技期刊的国际化包含很多方面,如稿源、审稿、编委、出版国际化.对于英文科技期刊,语言质量是出版质量的重要方面,关乎出版的国际化水平.文章分析了中国英文科技期刊语言国际化的现状,提出关于提高语言国际化水平的对策,以期为国内英文科技期刊提供借鉴.  相似文献   

陈征  张昕 《编辑学报》2016,28(3):217-219
近年来,科技期刊界出现了对中文科技期刊和英文科技期刊不协同发展的质疑.文章分析了深层次原因,阐释了在”互联网+”时代两者协同发展对创新型国家建设的重要意义.并提出了对策:两者要结合各自定位做好长远规划:鼓励中文科技期刊出版机构创办英文科技期刊;建立双语科技期刊数据库,依托其探索中英文科技期刊共同评价的体系;进一步提高中文科技期刊在国际的显示度;提高英文科技期刊在国内的显示度;建立中文和英文科技期刊的沟通机制,组织高水平的交流、培训活动.  相似文献   

2008-2013年中外科技期刊载文与引证指标分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任胜利  程维红 《编辑学报》2015,27(5):500-502
基于2008-2013年Thomson Reuters发布的Journal Citation Reports (JCR)及中国科学技术信息研究所发布的《中国科技期刊引证报告》(CJCR),比较分析中外科技期刊载文量、总被引频次、影响因子、即年指标等各主要文献计量指标的变化.结果显示,我国被SCI收录期刊的数量和影响力指标近年来总体上呈上升态势,但年平均载文量却稍有下降,以中文期刊为主的CJCR收录期刊数量和年平均载文量均呈停滞增长甚至下降的趋势.这可能表明我国科技期刊的稿源竞争力有所下降.  相似文献   

The conditions for developing English‐language academic journals in China are now favourable. Government investment in scientific research is increasing annually, there are many researchers at a high academic level with good English, and many key scientific research laboratories and engineering research centres have been established. There is also a big increase in the number of editors qualified in English. At present both the number and quality of English‐language journals are low, so the Chinese government is acting to support such journals and remedy their defects. There is thus a great opportunity for the development of such journals.  相似文献   

The early days of the People's Republic of China saw the development of science and technology at home with an accompanying development of scientific and technical journals. A succession of natural disasters then weakened the economy and many journals had to cease publication. The disruption of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution followed and only twenty journals survived. Since the opening up of the economy the Chinese government has supported scientific and technical journals and these have developed rapidly. There are now a large number of journals but many of them are still of low quality and little impact, and too few are in English. The number in English will now increase considerably, as will their international influence.  相似文献   

This study examines aspects of scholarly journal publishing in the Nordic countries. On average half of Nordic journals publish online. In most Nordic countries, commercial publishers predominate; however, in Finland the majority are society publishers. The number of open access journals is low, in line with international figures. There is concern to maintain local languages in journal publishing. A majority of the journals publishing in local languages are within social science, humanities, and arts; the STM sector publishes in English. English‐language publications are favoured in research assessments, international recognition, and impact, while the visibility of local‐language scholarly journals in international databases is low. The Nordbib program supports Nordic scholarly journals and fosters co‐operation with publishing companies and learned societies over migration to e‐publishing; it also supports open access. The article discusses future challenges for journal publishing, pointing out the problems of small journal publishers and the need for co‐operation between stakeholders.  相似文献   

从定量分析的角度对科技论文外流的特点、科技论文外流的文献经济损失构成及深层次原因进行剖析.研究发现:各单位制定的科研评价政策,其主要依据为SCI论文及影响因子.在此科研评价导向的作用下,67.59%的作者选择国外期刊投稿,16.39%选择国内中文刊,仅有0.3%选择国内英文刊,导致国内期刊优秀稿源匮乏.认为端正科研导向、创办具有国际知名的英文刊是抑制优秀稿源外流的主要措施.  相似文献   

This paper explores a new indicator of journal citation impact, denoted as source normalized impact per paper (SNIP). It measures a journal's contextual citation impact, taking into account characteristics of its properly defined subject field, especially the frequency at which authors cite other papers in their reference lists, the rapidity of maturing of citation impact, and the extent to which a database used for the assessment covers the field's literature. It further develops Eugene Garfield's notions of a field's ‘citation potential’ defined as the average length of references lists in a field and determining the probability of being cited, and the need in fair performance assessments to correct for differences between subject fields. A journal's subject field is defined as the set of papers citing that journal. SNIP is defined as the ratio of the journal's citation count per paper and the citation potential in its subject field. It aims to allow direct comparison of sources in different subject fields. Citation potential is shown to vary not only between journal subject categories – groupings of journals sharing a research field – or disciplines (e.g., journals in mathematics, engineering and social sciences tend to have lower values than titles in life sciences), but also between journals within the same subject category. For instance, basic journals tend to show higher citation potentials than applied or clinical journals, and journals covering emerging topics higher than periodicals in classical subjects or more general journals. SNIP corrects for such differences. Its strengths and limitations are critically discussed, and suggestions are made for further research. All empirical results are derived from Elsevier's Scopus.  相似文献   

中国作者对发表SCI论文有巨大的需求,但目前SCIE收录的中国期刊数量较少,且总体水平未达到世界平均水平。将SCI-E收录的中国期刊根据语种和论文作者的国籍进行分类后发现:甲类期刊(以中文刊载的论文大于50%)和乙类期刊(发表论文的作者至少50%来自中国,且至少50%的论文以英文形式发表)学术水平未达到国际平均水平,2001—2011年期间变化不大;但乙类期刊是SCI-E收录的中国期刊中的绝大多数。丙类期刊(其刊载的论文至少50%是以英文发表的,且至少50%的论文第一作者为非中国作者)引用指数(JCS)逐年上升,上升幅度明显,2011年超过国际平均水平。说明通过改变语种不能提高期刊的国际影响力。在这3类期刊中,丙类年刊均载文量最低,为117.27篇/刊,2007后呈逐年下降趋势,2011年甚至降至91.07篇/刊。中国被SCI-E收录的期刊数量少,与国内发表SCI论文的巨大需求,以及中国期刊走上国际舞台,发挥更大的学术影响力的需求差距甚远,的确有必要创办更多的英文科技期刊;但是在此过程中,有必要慎重评价SCI-E收录期刊的学术影响力和作用。  相似文献   

The language barrier is a factor in the low visibility and significance of scientific journals produced by small and scientifically peripheral countries. In order to reach an international audience, both as consumers and producers of scientific information, many journals abandon their national language and start publishing in English. Six Croatian biomedical journals that went through this transition were examined on their editing and publishing characteristics and their international visibility before and after the language shift. The analysis showed that this change influenced the journals' characteristics in general. Two journals enhanced their international visibility, but only one journal showed improvement in all analysed indicators.  相似文献   

科技期刊分类改革的思考   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
王亚柯 《编辑学报》2010,22(6):510-512
在分析研究我国科技期刊出版现状和国外科技期刊运营机制的基础上,提出我国科技期刊进行分类改革的思路,即转企改制,编辑(出版)经营两分开,非营利出版3个方向.  相似文献   

Many scientific publications are careless, useless or false, and inhibit scholarly communication and scientific progress. This is caused by the failure of traditional journal publishing and peer review to provide efficient scientific exchange and quality assurance in today's highly diverse world of science. The most promising way to improve matters is a two‐stage (or multi‐stage) publication processes with interactive peer review and public discussion in new and traditional scientific journals. A concept for such interactive scientific journals is outlined, and its applicability is demonstrated by the open access journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.  相似文献   

The characteristics and requirements of a world‐class journal were considered in establishing a rigid peer‐review system for scientific papers submitted for publication in the English‐language Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE [JZU(S)] from 2002 onward. Four hundred and thirty‐five contributions were received between January and December 2002, and these were sent for pre‐publication review to appropriate leading scientists in the USA, the UK, Ireland, France, Canada, Australia, Austria, Germany, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Finland, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Israel, Spain, Greece, Belgium, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan, Singapore, Slovakia, India, Greece, the Czech Republic, Mexico, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Our experience showed that such an international peer‐review system plays an important part in ensuring the high quality of a journal's contents and in helping it achieve an international reputation.  相似文献   

孙涛  闵甜 《编辑学报》2021,33(3):344-347
高校学报是我国学术出版事业的重要力量.本文从促进研究生学术交流、培养研究生科研能力和强化研究生学术道德建设3方面阐述了高校学报履行人才培养职能的主要途径.旨在为高校学报在人才培养中所发挥的特殊作用正名;同时以期引起高校管理者对高校学报的正视与重视,加大对高校学报的支持与扶持,使高校学报能借建设期刊强国的战略机遇再上新台阶.  相似文献   

The Tsing Hua Journal sponsored by Tsing Hua University is investigated by reading, comparing, and analysing original literature about it. It is concluded that it was the first English‐language journal of natural science and social science published by a Chinese university. The early establishment of an editorial department, of exchange with European and American journals, and of its inclusion of abstracts of foreign papers, demonstrate its international aims. Through its parallel Chinese‐ and English‐language versions it aimed to achieve an exchange of knowledge between China and the West.  相似文献   

国际化背景下中文科技期刊参考文献英文对照的正确著录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合编辑过程中的著录实例,按参考文献原文有无英译、原英译正确与否,对英文对照中的几种错误进行分析,提出本刊处理时的一般原则和做法.分别从作者和编辑人员的角度,提出防止和减少参考文献著录及对照错误的应对措施.  相似文献   

王娟 《编辑学报》2019,31(4):442-444, 448
学术期刊是衡量一国科学研究水平的重要参考。在中国国家实力和体育实力显著增强的今天,提升体育学术期刊的国际影响力既是时代所需,也是自身的责任所在。通过总结《北京体育大学学报》的成功经验,分析中文体育学术期刊提升国际化水平和增强国际影响力的各种措施和手段,主要包括多途径增加国际化信息、积极挖掘主管/主办单位的优质资源、抓住热点设立专栏或专题。同时指出,在追求国际化的同时中文体育学术期刊也应正确看待国际化,无须一味追求国际化,而是要找准定位,发挥学术期刊为国家服务的基本宗旨不动摇,深度挖掘我国体育科研国际化的优势,朝着建设成为具有国际影响力特色期刊的方向努力。  相似文献   

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