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Citation behaviour is the source driver of scientific dynamics, and it is essential to understand its effect on knowledge diffusion and intellectual structure. This study explores the effect of citation behaviour on disciplinary knowledge diffusion and intellectual structure by comparing three types of citation behaviour trends, namely the high citation trend, medium citation trend, and low citation trend. The diffusion power, diffusion speed, and diffusion breadth were calculated to quantify knowledge diffusion. The properties of the global and local citation network structure were used to reflect the particular influences of citation behaviour on the scientific intellectual structure. The primary empirical results show that (a) the high citation behaviour trend could improve the knowledge diffusion speed for papers with a short citation history span. Additionally, the medium citation trend has the broadest diffusion breadth whereas the low citation behaviour trend might make the citation counts take off for papers with a long citation history span; (b) the high citation trend has a stronger influence and greater control over the intellectual structure, but this relationship is true only for papers with a short or normal citation history span. These findings could play important roles in scientific research evaluation and impact prediction.  相似文献   

闵超  张帅  孙建军 《情报学报》2020,(3):259-273
科学知识借助引用关系发生动态扩散,客观记录科学发展与演化的轨迹。由于知识之间存在千丝万缕的联系,以孤立的观点看待科学知识的影响与价值往往得到的是片面的感观。本文从联系的视角观察科学知识产出,尝试通过被引、引用、文献耦合与共被引等文献关系为单篇论著构建引文扩散网络,探讨"文献嵌入网络"的概念、测度方式及其在引文扩散过程中起到的特殊作用。案例分析显示,科学知识的形成相伴于科学知识网络的发展,同时也受到这个网络的影响:科学知识向科学领域的扩散,遵循从核心领域向周边领域的扩散模式;施引文献可以揭示目标文献中没有显式呈现的信息;四种文献关系之间可能存在相当程度的重合,引文扩散过程显示出知识的"黏滞性"与非常明显的"小世界"特征。对科学产出的扩散网络进行量化有助于为全面评价其价值提供更多客观依据。  相似文献   

科学知识扩散研究框架   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对科学知识扩散相关文献的梳理,构建科学知识扩散的研究框架,并对研究对象、扩散关系表示、衡量指标、扩散模型等方面进行详细评述。扩散的对象包括期刊、学科、科研人员等,扩散过程主要以文献引证和作者合著关系表示。在实证中,基于文献引证关系的引文及引文网络分析是科学知识扩散的主流研究方法。衡量指标可以按照测度粒度分为文章、期刊、学科3个层次。现有科学知识扩散的模型研究以定性研究为主,定量化分析较少,常见思路为跨学科借鉴成熟模型。  相似文献   

The purpose of the Kazakh publication citation indicator that has been developed in Kazakhstan since 2005 is to carry out scientometric analysis of scientific publications to determine their citation rate. At present, the bibliographic database (BDB) on citation includes information on the publication activities and citation index of approximately 30000 Kazakh scientists and specialists. They had over 18000 scientific papers published in over 500 domestic and foreign journals. The total quantity of references to papers by Kazakh scientists was more than 28000. The Kazakh analogue of the science citation index determination system is an efficient tool for analytical work with the BDB of scientific publications, which makes it possible to calculate publication activities and citation parameters, which are used to define the value and demand for the results of scientific work in various fields of domestic science.  相似文献   

Knowledge flow between scientific disciplines has commonly been measured based on citation data. Previous studies using citing relationships have mostly considered direct citations but have paid little attention to indirect citations (IDC) to indicate how knowledge diffusion from one discipline to another via one or more intermediaries. In this study, we measured knowledge flow between disciplines from two perspectives: direct citations (DC) and discipline potential energy (DPE), which is proposed to combine both direct and indirect citations. Data were collected from the Web of Science (WoS) database. Findings include: (1) DPE overshadows previous measures by considering not only direct citations but also indirect citations between disciplines which was usually ignored in previous measures, and revealed that the knowledge contribution of some disciplines had been underestimated by previous measures, such as Physics and Engineering. (2) The proportion of IDC contribution is close to that of direct knowledge contribution when the discipline scale is removed, which suggests that it is essential to consider IDC to distinguish the knowledge relationship (net-outflow/inflow) between disciplines. (3) Both measurements show that Biology & Biochemistry has always been the top discipline with the highest net outflow of knowledge, which is inconsistent with the history of science that Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry would be the highest net outflow disciplines. The results show that even considering IDC does not fully reveal the knowledge contribution and academic influence of disciplines. This paper also analyzes the potential reasons for citation bias in revealing the contribution of disciplinary knowledge from a citation perspective. Therefore, caution should be taken in the use of citations as a primary measure of knowledge flow.  相似文献   

The standard impact factor allows one to compare scientific journals only within particular scientific subjects. To overcome this limitation, another indicator of citation, viz., the thematically weighted impact factor (TWIF), is proposed. This indicator allows one to compare journals of various subjects and takes the fact that a journal belongs to several subjects into account. Information on the thematic headings of a journal and the value of a standard impact factor is necessary for calculation of the indicator. The TWIF, which is calculated according to the citation index of Journal Citation Reports, is investigated in this article.  相似文献   

We propose two new indices that are able to measure a scientific researcher's overall influence and the level of his/her works’ association with the mainstream research subjects within a scientific field. These two new measures – the total influence index and the mainstream index – differ from traditional performance measures such as the simple citation count and the h-index in that they take into account the indirect influence of an author's work. Indirect influence describes a scientific publication's impact upon subsequent works that do not reference it directly. The two measures capture indirect influence information from the knowledge emanating paths embedded in the citation network of a target scientific field. We take the Hirsch index, data envelopment analysis, and lithium iron phosphate battery technology field to examine the characteristics of these two measures. The results show that the total influence index favors earlier researchers and successfully highlights those researchers who have made crucial contributions to the target scientific field. The mainstream index, in addition to underlining total influence, also spotlights active researchers who enter into a scientific field in a later development stage. In summary, these two new measures are valuable complements to traditional scientific performance measures.  相似文献   

一个基于XML的引文索引模型设计及其实现   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
黄文  耿继秀 《情报学报》2003,22(2):142-147
本文概述了引文索引在科学研究、信息检索和技术开发等方面的独特利用价值 ,结合当今Web上数据表示和数据交换的新标准XML的优势 ,提出一个基于XML标记语言的引文索引模型 ,在此模型的基础上提出引文索引构建、检索和引文分析的实现方法  相似文献   

科学引文网络反映了科学知识的动态演化,作为一个复杂的网络系统已得到广泛研究。针对引文网络中主题不明确和热点问题不易跟踪的问题,提出了引文网络中的舆论评价计算方法和网络社区主题提取与表示方法。首先采用正则表达式和模板匹配方法提取元数据;并计算文献作者对参考文献的舆论评价,建立带有舆论评价权值的文献引用网络,并对网络中的突现语义进行描述;然后以此网络结构为基础,结合信息熵和网络中文献重要性权重改进TDIDF算法,计算得到每个社区主题的关键词概率描述,从而得到社区主题。本文的方法和实验对解释引文网络的演化、社区主题发现、文献的共享等有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]基于科学论文发表后的早期特征,准确预测论文未来的引文扩散演变模式,对科学产出评估、科学突破早期发现等都具有潜在的价值。[方法/过程]归纳总结9种不同的引文扩散演变模式,并基于论文自发表后的早期时序、结构和文献特征,建模预测未来一定引文窗口内的演变模式。选择美国物理学会的引文数据集进行实证研究,探究不同特征组合下引文扩散演变模式的预测效果。[结果/结论]结果显示,时序特征对预测模型的贡献程度最大,同时结构特征和文献特征也起到重要的作用,当融合3个特征时所有预测模型的准确率均超过了80%,证明了本文所选特征的有效性。  相似文献   

曾建勋 《编辑学报》2020,32(4):355-360
在系统梳理“以刊评文”的由来和成因的基础上,提出了“以刊评文”的危害,包括:1)以SCI为导向,损伤科研生态;2)优秀科技论文外流,知识产权割让;3)科研方向跟从,应用价值不高;4)期刊竞争不平等,有碍国内科技期刊发展。阐释了以建立健全同行评议为核心的应对策略:1)建立小同行专家库,实行分类分领域评价;2)优化同行评议生态,提升专家评审素质和环境;3)建立国家开放知识库和预印本平台,推进开放评审与开放获取相结合的公开机制;4)建立有国际影响力的论文引文索引数据库,完善自身评价手段和工具。  相似文献   

The scientific impact of a publication can be determined not only based on the number of times it is cited but also based on the citation speed with which its content is noted by the scientific community. Here we present the citation speed index as a meaningful complement to the h index: whereas for the calculation of the h index the impact of publications is based on number of citations, for the calculation of the speed index it is the number of months that have elapsed since the first citation, the citation speed with which the results of publications find reception in the scientific community. The speed index is defined as follows: a group of papers has the index s if for s of its Np papers the first citation was at least s months ago, and for the other (Np ? s) papers the first citation was ≤s months ago.  相似文献   

在科研合作日益显著的趋势下,基于作者合作的学术影响力测度研究明显分为两方面:一是用合作这一因素对传统的引用影响力指标进行调整;二是直接测度作者在合作网络中的影响力,并探索与引用影响力指标的相关性。结果表明,作者在合作网络中的中心度指标与其被引次数、h指数、g指数均呈正相关。在科研合作的背景下,要综合评价作者的学术影响力,应将两者结合起来。最后从科学交流模式和作者学术关系的视角,讨论双重测度作者学术影响力的理论依据。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]数字人文作为新兴的跨学科研究领域,受到许多学科的广泛关注。本文旨在探析数字人文在图情档学科中的知识扩散,供数字人文和图情档发展借鉴。[方法/过程]以Web of Science核心数据集为数据来源,通过对数字人文在图情档的目标文献以及目标文献的图情档施引文献两部分数据的期刊扩散性和主题扩散性两个维度进行分析。其中,期刊扩散性采用来自传播学的期刊双向传播理论以及改良的消除时间因素影响的期刊引证系数两个指标进行分析,主题扩散性采用基于关键词的词云图和基于关键词的聚类进行分析。[结果/结论]研究表明,期刊双向传播中扩散性大于1的期刊共有13个,JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS为双向扩散性能最好的期刊;数字人文在图情档学科所属学科期刊引证系数排名靠前的期刊有JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS、SCIENTOMETRICS、JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY等;期刊引证系数均呈现上下波动的现象,但是基本上top10的期刊在2006、2012、2016年出现了峰值,表明这些期刊在这些年份的影响力较大;数字人文研究现状、数字人文与图书馆融合、数字人文在教学中的应用、数字人文的激励措施在目标文献和施引文献的主题中均形成了规模,可以认为这四个方向的主题为数字人文在图情档的重点研究内容。  相似文献   

The current details of publishing in the scientific and technological field are analyzed. Attention is paid to the reinforcement of the information noise that accompanies administrative approaches to the improvement of the citation index. The roles and functions of publishers that deal with scientific-journal literature are investigated. The need for a strict ranking of scientific publications based on their scientific value established through high-quality peer review, as well as the difficulties in the organization of peer-review work, are highlighted. The possibility of organizing a centralized peer review of scholarly journal publications on the basis of peer-review centers is presented and discussed. It is assumed that this will help to eliminate one of the major barriers to open access to scientific articles.  相似文献   

A comprehensive methodology for selecting the world’s scientific periodicals that are necessary to carry out research on specific natural science and technical directions is given based on the use of citation analysis taking into account both citation indexes of selected publications in specialized journals and their citation of specialized journals. A list of world journals and other publications is obtained based on which it is suggested to create the corresponding scientific and information environment.  相似文献   

随着学术资源共享程度提高,越来越多的学术论文全文被大规模地开放获取,为基于全文本的微观实体扩散研究提供了便利的数据基础和广阔的应用前景。然而,前人研究在分析粒度上多以篇章、作者或主题等作为知识扩散的主要载体,较少关注来自文献全文本内容的微观实体。事实上,作为驱动知识扩散的主要内因,微观实体才是通过引用关系传播的实质内容。文章以分子生物学领域为例,选取该领域1,000篇XML全文本数据,人工标注了理论概念类、工具技术类、数据信息类和特定领域类微观实体,并借助BiLSTM-CRF构建了微观实体抽取模型,精确度、召回率和F1值分别为0.7618、0.7099和0.7349。在此基础上,构建微观实体扩散网络,通过可视化的方式展示了微观实体在宏观和微观层面的扩散模式。宏观层面上,特定领域类微观实体占比最高,说明学者在引用文献时更多倾向于引用所研究领域内的微观实体。微观层面上,能够清晰直观地揭示特定微观实体在文献之间的流动路径,从而方便把握微观实体兴起和发展的方向。  相似文献   

高Altmetrics指标科技论文学术影响力研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
引入"公平性测试"方法以消除时间窗口对被引次数的影响。以高Altmetrics指标论文作为样本,选取与样本论文发表在同一期刊同一期上前后两篇论文作为参照。利用Altmetric.com、Web of Science分别获取273篇样本及参照论文的Altmetric分数、底层数据值和被引用次数。通过比较分析后发现:Altmetrics和引文数两种指标反映出读者对文献的不同关注方向,底层数据源中大众媒体对于Altmetric分数的影响最明显,高Altmetrics指标论文同时具有较高的学术影响力。作为一种早期指标,高Altmetrics指标在一定程度上能够被视作文章在未来获得高被引的风向标。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]当前,国内引文数据库建设已经初具规模,但现有的引文知识服务系统不能很好地揭示引文之间的结构或关系,给引文的获取、共享和利用带来一定困难。[方法/过程]以引文数据作为研究对象,对所涉及的各种知识进行获取和整理,探讨引文之间的语义关系,构建科研人员本体和引文知识本体两个本体,设计并初步实现引文知识服务原型系统。[结果/结论]对基于本体的引文知识服务原型系统构建进行验证,实验结果表明,基于本体的引文知识服务原型系统基本实现预定的目标与功能。  相似文献   

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