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周百义 《出版科学》2007,15(5):13-16
以互联网技术与数字技术为代表的高新技术的快速发展,给传统出版业带来了无限发展空间,同时也带来了最严峻的挑战.拥有多重优势的国际出版商,以及国内一批拥有技术优势的IT企业、通信企业和技术开发商抢占了先机.这给传统出版社带来巨大考验,虽然国内许多大出版集团或出版社已逐步介入数字出版领域,但很少能形成自己的赢利模式.本文立足于现实,分析了国内广大中小型出版社在数字出版进程中面临的困难,并提供了相应的对策.  相似文献   

经营模式、内部管理模式、盈利模式等方面讨论CCID对国内数字出版具有重要影响,最后从出版源头、在线支付中的版权转移、规模化与多元化经营、专家审稿与读者在线评论、内容加工颗粒度变小而带来的新的利润模式等角度为数字出版产业调整提供一些策略。  相似文献   

探讨利用区块链解决科技期刊数字出版产业链中存在的问题,实现科技期刊数字出版的创新发展。文章通过分析基于区块链构建科技期刊数字出版平台的柔性基础、刚性保障和创新服务,从政策支持、行业支持和技术支持三方面分析如何推进我国区块链支持的科技期刊数字出版的转型,并提出基于区块链的科技期刊数字出版产业链新生态体系。  相似文献   

The way we think about publishing is unduly governed by the nature of the container—the physical book. Although demand for digital content has grown substantially, publishers continue to treat digital formats as a derived or secondary use. As a result, context is truncated or excluded, reducing the degree to which content can be discovered and consumed. At the same time, content abundance places pressure on publishers to find new and more effective ways to market content products. To address these several challenges, publishers should revise their content workflows to develop and maintain context throughout the publishing process.  相似文献   

To develop digital publishing, is an important part for China’s progress into an informed country, and the new designated direction for the development of publishing industry in China. This article introduces the macro-planning for developing digital publishing in China, the present status and problems of this industry, as well as personal viewpoints on how to develop a digital publishing industry in the near future.  相似文献   

Lebanon’s publishing industry is mainly turned towards export to the Arab market; subsequently, the analysis of the Lebanese book production can provide a fair overview of the state of publishing in the Arab world. And the picture is far from bright; however resourceful and dynamic, Arab trade publishers cannot reach the sales figures one would expect in a region of more than 362 million people. A relatively low purchasing power and the lack of efficient distribution channels, in addition to piracy and censorship, are endemic problems they have to face on a daily basis, not only in marketing their books throughout the region, but also in dealing with foreign publishers and agents. Indeed for many of these, the Arab market remains incomprehensible and not transparent. However, it is only through apprehending its reality that they can adapt their level of expectations to it in order to achieve successful licensing deals and establish sound partnerships in the region.  相似文献   

传统出版业的现代化之路——数字出版与传统出版的结合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱志国 《晋图学刊》2009,(3):26-28,43
随着信息技术、数字技术和互联网技术的不断发展,数字出版已对传统出版构成了挑战。在传统出版业面临生存危机的时候,我们要认清数字出版在出版产业中的地位,明确它只是技术手段的更新,出版的本质并未发生根本性的转变,它是促使传统出版现代化的催化剂,并且改变着传统出版业的经营理念。  相似文献   

The forces for change in the 600 hundred-year history of book publishing have never been more powerful and fundamental than in 2011. Barely 12 months ago, what publishers viewed as “innovation” was the creation of digitized versions of physical books to be ‘consumed’ on e-reading devices. As 2011 begins, that change is largely regarded as accepted business practice, and the edge of “innovation” is moving in more complex directions. Publishing finds itself in the midst of a ‘phase shift’ from the scarcity model of print to a complex, new world of digital abundance. The dimensions of change, moreover, its speed, and its extent are still unknown. While book publishing begins with the creative work of authors, digital technologies are turning the business models inside out. Among the forces for change acting on book publishing, this article examines several phenomena that are working their way in from the edge to the center of the industry, including complex interwoven considerations around container, context, and customer.  相似文献   

Print academic journals are dead. As we watch large metropolitan newspapers fail (as are many small town newspapers), the same economic forces are driving online scholarly publishing. This phenomenon is more than print journals going online. The options available with new low-cost online publishing software and the rise in the ability to use ratings from user generated content suggest more near-term changes are likely. Many of the outcomes are unsettled: the economics of online publishing; the standards for peer review, rank, and tenure; and the very nature of scholarly publishing itself. What is certain, however, is that the economics of online academic publishing—modeled via Anderson’s Long Tail Theory—will make it possible to provide greater access, more collaboration, and, ultimately, improved research and researchers. Universities acting as publishing centers with their e-reserves will be expected to change their faculty evaluations, providing greater academic rewards for those who act as editors, reviewers, and proofreaders within this new born-online and only-online world.  相似文献   

数字出版:距离成熟还有长路要走   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
传统出版业与数字出版的距离,从面临的来自数字出版的威胁看,距离数字出版不远;从介入数字出版的深度和积极性看,距离数字出版还很远.数字出版距离成熟的数字出版产业链还有较长的发展路程.  相似文献   

敖然 《出版科学》2011,19(1):25-27
当前,数字出版已成为我国出版界最热门的话题。在数字时代,传统出版业面临着巨大的挑战,专业出版领域在数字化出版环境中也面临许多棘手的问题。本文从如何认识数字时代专业出版的主体意识和怎样把握数字出版特征两方面入手,就战略层面和技术层面探讨破解专业出版数字化困境的方法,并强调人才因素在数字化进程中的重要作用。  相似文献   

为实现网络游戏产业的高质量发展,助力数字经济建设,文章通过对我国网络游戏出版管理现状的分析,指出我国的网络游戏出版管理尚存在管理体系不清晰、法律规制滞后、审批程序繁琐、属地化进展缓慢等现实问题。提出完善网络游戏出版管理的对策建议:设立网络游戏出版管理双层审核制度;完善法律规定,建立分级制度;探索出海发行,传播中华文化;拓宽发展形式,探索影游结合。  相似文献   

改进学术期刊出版流程,加快我国期刊数字化进程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学术期刊已进入数字化、网络化的时代。文章通过分析国外典型期刊出版商的出版流程,并结合高等教育出版社在期刊出版数字化流程的探索和实践,总结了实践过程中取得的成绩和存在的问题,提出需要从改进学术期刊出版流程的角度来加快我国期刊数字化进程。  相似文献   

In this article, the author discusses opportunities and challenges facing the magazine industry as it migrates from print to digital distribution models. While the industry can achieve outsized returns in the digital realm based on the unique content and brand equity developed in its traditional business, multiple hurdles confront publishing industry executives in the process. The changing landscape of data access, consumer engagement, production workflows and magazine industry business models are all discussed. An analogy to the television industry’s efforts to address new technology is used. The author argues that long-term industry value is dependent on making the right decisions in the early stages of market development today.  相似文献   

Taiwan’s book publishing industry has undergone a sea change: martial law, economic rise, fluctuating sales, on-line and bricks-and-mortar bookseller competition, and digital publishing. The author examines these various eras, developments and offers future insight.  相似文献   

出版业正处于传统出版与数字出版相互结合、相互交叉和相互促进的转型期,出版业技术层面的变化导致出版业在内涵、外延、组织形式、出版流程、盈利模式等层面发生了深刻的变革,传统出版业正面临前所未有的挑战和机遇.本文依据投入产出表,从上下游产业间需求与供给关系的角度研究我国出版业产业链的延伸以及新业态的形成机理,认为出版业向下游制造业延伸既有利于提高我国制造业的竞争力,也能扩大出版业需求,促进出版业发展;而建立与载体和渠道相一致的商业模式,是促进新业态形成的关键.  相似文献   

Publishing 2020     
The article examines historical and recent trends in the consumer publishing industry in order to make predictions about the structure of that industry in 2020. The author anticipates the demise of the largest players in the industry, in both the publishing and retail sectors. Their decline he attributes to a focus on supply chain management and a lack of attention to innovation on the demand-side of the book business. In this respect he pays particular attention to studies of supply–demand matching in the DVD business.  相似文献   

陈晨 《编辑之友》2018,(5):28-32
出版产业进行数字出版转型探索已有十余年时间,但从模式成熟度以及产业收益率角度看,出版产业的数字转型成效并不理想.近年来,依托互联网兴起的如网络文学、知识变现等内容产业持续获得用户青睐,发展势头迅猛.作为老牌的内容提供商,出版单位拥有海量的图书资源和作者资源,在发展模式多元、分发渠道多样的当下,不应故步自封、闭门造车.出版单位应深入了解互联网运行模式,或积极尝试与技术平台商合作,或自主转型为平台商,利用知识付费的风口占据主动.文章从知识付费领域发展现状入手,对出版产业进入知识付费产业的方式方法以及运行模式进行归纳梳理,指出在知识付费视阈下出版产业运营模式需要注意的三方面问题,包括出版角色和功能需再定位,借势合作问题诸多、需谨慎推进,以及版权归属,希冀对我国出版产业的转型发展有所助益.  相似文献   

为推动数字出版产业高质量发展,文章从出版的定义、特点等出发,提出了数字出版的“五要素”即内容、形式、体验、数据、服务,指出内容在数字出版中仍然处于核心地位,不管是哪种内容生产方式,内容的质量决定了数字出版的质量;形式与内容是密不可分的,数字出版的形式能够影响内容产生的实效;体验是决定用户是否会长时间使用产品的关键;数据是改进数字出版产品的力量;所有的数字出版手段,其终极目标都是为用户提供更好的服务。  相似文献   

肖洋  谢红焰 《出版科学》2012,20(3):68-71
数字时代背景下出版产学研协作,关系到出版教育的人才培养、出版行业新技术研发与应用、出版信息与资源共享,也是加快推动我国向新闻出版强国迈进迫切需要解决的重大问题。本文通过剖析出版产学研协作的动因、主要模式,揭示产学研协作存在的共性问题,并简要提出对策。  相似文献   

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