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现有的学术期刊评价缺乏同时对期刊影响力与期刊知识扩散能力的评价,为此本文构建了学术期刊影响深度与影响宽度的评价框架,并提出期刊综合影响指数的概念:采用被引频次、影响因子、h指数评价期刊影响深度,采用扩散因子、新扩散因子评价期刊影响宽度,通过期刊影响宽度与影响深度计算期刊综合影响因子。利用中国知网引文数据库(CNKI)的引文数据,对图书馆情报与文献学CSSCI期刊的研究表明:期刊影响深度、期刊影响宽度、期刊综合影响指数均服从正态分布,统计指标特征相近;期刊综合影响指数与评价指标正相关,说明该指标评价是稳健的;期刊综合影响指数与自引率、载文量无关,可以防止指标人为操纵。表5。参考文献18。  相似文献   

特征因子原理及实证研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
介绍了JCR新引入的期刊评价指标——特征因子的工作原理和计算方法,并用软件实现了该算法。以18种CSSCI收录图书情报学期刊为例,计算出它们的特征因子分值和论文影响分值,在此基础上对这两项指标同其他期刊评价指标的关系进行了探讨,结果表明,特征因子分值、论文影响分值和期刊综合指数、h指数、影响因子之间存在较强的皮尔逊相关性。  相似文献   

以《中国学术期刊综合引证报告》(CAJCCR)为依据,以我国21种林业科学类核心期刊为研究对象,用文献计量学方法对学报学术影响力的各项计量指标进行对比分析与研究。从而了解21种林业科学类核心期刊载文所反映的学科地位、学术水平及期刊质量。追踪21种林业科学类核心期刊的总被引频次、影响因子和h指数等指标,客观、综合、全面评价21种林业科学类核心期刊的整体情况。  相似文献   

针对Z指数不能实现跨学科领域期刊评价的缺陷,文章通过引入学科规范化引文影响力修正不同学科的引用差异,改进Z指数并提出ZCNCI指数。通过分析ZCNCI指数与Z指数、P指数、SNIP、标准化特征因子、影响因子百分位等指标的相关性和差异性,验证ZCNCI指数跨学科期刊评价的效力。结果表明,ZCNCI指数延续了Z指数综合反映期刊数量、质量和被引分布特征的优势,与Z指数、P指数、标准化特征因子的相关性较高,且克服了SNIP、影响因子百分位的评价缺陷,在跨学科期刊评价中的综合表现较好。ZCNCI指数具有跨学科期刊评价效力,可用于跨学科期刊评价。  相似文献   

图书馆学核心期刊的引文分析与互引分析   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
从数量分布、年代分布、期刊互引、期刊情报能力值、影响因子和即年指数等角度对13种图书馆学核心期刊1999年度2057篇载文的8545条引文文献作了文献计量和比较分析,为图书馆学期刊年度文献比较研究和期刊质量评价提供依据。  相似文献   

笔者采用比较研究法和文献计量方法,通过对《当代外国文学》等6种外国文学类核心期刊的复合总被引、复合影响因子、即年指标、被引半衰期和引用半衰期等期刊指数进行对比研究,发现各期刊不同指标存在明显差异,不同期刊的不同评价指标各有优劣,结合指标的差异和缺陷提出办刊经营过程中的改进意见,以期对外国文学类核心期刊整体质量和学术价值的提升有所帮助。  相似文献   

运用《中国学术期刊影响因子年报(CAJIFR)》的文献计量数据,以综合影响因子、综合即年指标和下载量、Web即年下载率等为代表,按学科门类、具体学科分析了主要期刊评价指标的学科差异性,发现基础科学类引用指标较高,人文社会科学类网络传播指标较高,综合性期刊总体指标偏低,同一学科门类下具体学科的评价指标差异明显.论文揭示出学科之间的实际差异,为多学科或跨学科期刊评价的综合判断与改进提供参考依据.  相似文献   

文章分析了影响因子、期刊h指数和特征因子等三种期刊评价指标的优缺点,并以《期刊引证报告》2011年版的INFORMATION SCIENCE&LIBRARY SCIENCE(信息科学与图书馆学)类下期刊为例,对各种评价指标之间的相关性进行分析.  相似文献   

伍军红  孙秀坤  孙隽  肖宏 《编辑学报》2017,29(5):500-504
为了验证《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》电子杂志社提出的新型期刊评价指标——期刊影响力指数(Journal Clout Index,CI)的科学性,首先采用JCR数据分析影响因子(IF)与5年影响因子(IF5)、IF与即年指标(IM)、IF与总被引频次(TC)之间的相关性,得出结论:IF、IF5、IM是相关性显著的同类指标,IF与TC的相关性较弱;因而认为,TC和IF是可用来评价期刊影响力的主要指标,基于这2个指标的综合评价指标——期刊影响力指数(CI)具有合理性.进一步实证分析了CI这一综合指标对国际期刊的排序结果比采用单一指标——影响因子(IF)排序更符合实际经验认识.  相似文献   

科技期刊学术质量评价体系的动态优化   总被引:18,自引:7,他引:11  
姜联合 《编辑学报》2001,13(5):251-252
在科技期刊学术质量评价静态指标(影响因子、被引频次、即年指数)的基础上,提出测定科技期刊学术质量发展趋势的动态指标-趋势指数,及测定期刊学术质量稳定性的动态指标-稳定指数。据此对科技期刊学术质量评价体系进行动态优化,并对国内外24种植物学期刊运用层次分析法进行了综合指数的评价。  相似文献   

陈建国  赵建华 《编辑学报》1992,4(4):195-197
探索性是高级学术期刊的重要质量指标之一。本文结合办刊实践经验对学术探索与学报质量的关系做了分析探讨,提出了探索性是超前思维的源泉;开展百家争鸣是提高学报质量的有效途径等观点。  相似文献   

学术期刊"退稿率"定义的反思   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学术期刊之退稿率向来为学术界采具同侪评阅(peer review)要求下,所并随产生与要求呈具的资料。它通常亦被用作证明期刊品质控制良窳之标准之一。然而,因定义与界定不清,使得退稿率之实质意义并不如预期,也有失公允。本文即为举证退稿率要求之不当,并提出适当之改进建议,俾使学术期刊评价能更合乎公平客观。  相似文献   

网络科学信息资源"公开获取运动"的模式与方法   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
网络科学信息资源的“公开获取运动”在消除获取知识的障碍、减少科学传播的费用、保存科学成果、加速科学传播与交流等方面起了一定作用。文章介绍“公开获取运动”实施的模式、常用的软件系统及支持的标准。  相似文献   

Assessing the scholarly impact of academic institutions has become increasingly important. The achievements of editorial board members can create benchmarks for research excellence and can be used to evaluate both individual and institutional performance. This paper proposes a new method based on journal editor data for assessing an institution’s scholarly impact. In this paper, a journal editorship index (JEI) that simultaneously accounts for the journal rating (JR), editor title (ET), and board size (BS) is constructed. We assess the scholarly impact of economics institutions based on the editorial boards of 211 economics journals (which include 8640 editorial board members) in the ABS Academic Journal Guide. Three indices (JEI/ET, JEI/JR, and JEI/BS) are also used to rank the institutions. It was found that there was only a slight change in the relative institutional rankings using the JEI/ET and JEI/BS compared to the JEI. The BS and ET weight factors did not have a substantial influence on the ranking of institutions. It was also found that the journal rating weight factor had a large effect on the ranking of institutions. This paper presents an alternative approach to using editorial board memberships as the basis for assessing the scholarly impact of economics institutions.  相似文献   

There are many indicators of journal quality and prestige. Although acceptance rates are discussed anecdotally, there has been little systematic exploration of the relationship between acceptance rates and other journal measures. This study examines the variability of acceptance rates for a set of 5094 journals in five disciplines and the relationship between acceptance rates and JCR measures for 1301 journals. The results show statistically significant differences in acceptance rates by discipline, country affiliation of the editor, and number of reviewers per article. Negative correlations are found between acceptance rates and citation-based indicators. Positive correlations are found with journal age. These relationships are most pronounced in the most selective journals and vary by discipline. Open access journals were found to have statistically significantly higher acceptance rates than non-open access journals. Implications in light of changes in the scholarly communication system are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of an advisory role that librarians successfully developed with faculty editors to increase the visibility and readership of an open access scholarly publication. The study represents an example of how expertise among liaison librarians and other library service professionals can be leveraged in new consultancy roles in support of evolving library service models. It also depicts local application of a hybrid model for librarianship that combines the functional specialist and subject librarian liaison roles in implementing advisory activities and recommendations. The liaison librarians successfully used their knowledge of scholarly communications and applied innovative bibliometric analysis to help enhance the discoverability and user experience of an online journal publication. The librarians made specific recommendations for optimizing journal website content organization, search functionality, metadata standards and marketing opportunities that were subsequently implemented by the editors and platform managers. The faculty editor places a high value on these recommendations, and the librarian advisory role continues to develop. Our study also outlines many of the essential considerations that scholar-editors and librarian advisors can use to help implement open access scholarly publishing projects successfully.  相似文献   

姚永春  戚馨 《出版科学》2011,19(6):9-14
数字学术期刊质量控制的PDCA循环模型,反映出数字学术期刊贯穿出版全过程、全员乃至全社会共同参与的质量控制体系。循环由计划、执行、检查和处理四个环节组成,包含期刊定位、同行评议等11个质量控制关键点,且各关键点在质量控制流程中发挥着各自的功能。整个循环体系以计划环节为龙头,以执行环节为保证,以检查环节为基石,以处理环节为"质变点",以专家评议平台、公众交流平台、公众评议平台以及公众反馈平台为依托,在多执行主体间得以广泛沟通的前提下,形成一个有效运转、呈螺旋式上升的有机整体。  相似文献   

学术电子期刊规范化与标准化浅探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,国内对于电子期刊规范化和标准化缺少专门、系统的研究和应用,虽然现有的适用于印刷型期刊的规范和标准的主要内容基本上也适用于电子期刊,然而,后者无论是在内容上,还是在技术实现上都有着自身特殊的要求。因此,本文主要从电子期刊的特性要求出发,探讨其规范化与标准化问题,并对电子期刊规范化与标准化的作用、意义、内容及制定原则进行了研究,同时重点介绍了ONIX、COUNTER等国际标准以及相关的国际与国内标准,并提出了相应的措施。  相似文献   

黄艳林 《出版科学》2007,15(1):81-85,80
王亚南的一生成功创办了多种社会科学学术期刊,作为一名学者型的编辑,王亚南办刊必然受到他的治学经历、治学观的影响,由此形成了独特的办刊思想:治学为办刊之本;办刊当以引领时代趋势为己任;办刊要"百家争鸣";办刊是培养学术新人的重要方式之一.探讨并学习王亚南的办刊思想,对今天的学术期刊以至编辑出版事业的发展仍具有启发意义.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of social scientists’ information seeking and use of scholarly journals to support scholarly communication and information needs. The goals of the study are: to explore the characteristics of information needs for social scientists; to discuss the importance of scholarly journals to social scientists and their information seeking and access means; to identify article reading patterns of social scientists; and to make comparisons between scholarly journals use and reading patterns of social scientists and other scientists in Taiwan and the USA. The author used a questionnaire survey and interview methods to investigate the information seeking, use and reading of scholarly journals, and article deep reading patterns of social scientists. The target population was social science faculty members from National Cheng-chi University in Taiwan. The article explores the characteristics of information needs for social scientists and shows that scholarly journals are important information resources for university social science faculty. Social science faculty in Taiwan use scholarly journals in multiple languages, mainly English, Chinese, German, and Japanese, which is different from scientists in the United States. In addition, they use electronic journals more than print journals. The number of article readings by social science faculty members was approximately 195 readings per year and nearly 440 h were spent reading per year. In contrast to scientists in the United States, the social scientists in Taiwan read fewer readings, spent more time reading, and read older articles. In addition, the study identifies article reading patterns of social scientists and proposes a six-type taxonomy of article deep reading. The study reports the scholarly journal use and reading behavior model of social scientists and shows there are some differences in scholarly journal seeking and use by social science faculty in Taiwan and scientists in the United States. Further studies of scholarly journal and electronic journal use and reading by social scientists across countries, subject disciplines, and languages of journals are needed.  相似文献   

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