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城市公共图书馆商务支持服务的国际经验和启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过阐述纽约公共图书馆科学、工业与商业分馆和大英图书馆“商业和知识产权中心”两个馆开展商务支持服务的现状,认为我国应借鉴其经验,加强城市公共图书馆商务支持服务的功能,并在提高服务意识、挖掘信息资源、拓展服务内容、借助社会资源、提升人员素质等方面提出图书馆开展商务支持服务的建议。  相似文献   


Library automation assumed a great deal of importance in libraries in the mid 1960’s. Since then it has become a household word in librarianship. Library automation in university libraries in Ghana is a relatively new concept. Even though computers have been installed in the three university libraries in Ghana, computerization has not had much impact on the services provided by these libraries. This paper reviews the computerization projects in the university libraries in Ghana, with a particular reference to the Balme Library of the University of Ghana. Reasons for automation, areas of application and problems associated with automation are discussed. Also highlighted are barriers militating against successful university library automation, like financial problems, attitudinal problems, lack of co-operation among university libraries, hardware and software problems and personnel problems. Recommendations are made for the improvement of automation at the university libraries in Ghana. These include evaluation of existing systems, properly planned automation project, financial support and co-operation among the university libraries.  相似文献   


Offering quality services and evaluating the rate of success in providing users with target services is the pervasive importance of academic libraries. The central purpose of this study is to determine key dimensions of service quality and satisfaction through developing a new item-scale for evaluating service quality and satisfaction in academic libraries. For primary data collection the study used a 28-item instrument based on five dimensional modified version of SERVQUAL. Respondents were asked to indicate their degree of opinions in the three-columns format: desired service expectation, minimum service expectation, and perception of service performance on a 7-point Likert-type scale. The researcher initially conducted a pilot survey to clarify the overall structure of the questionnaire items to be accepted and used. The reliability of the analysis of data with distinct service attributes were taken from ten public and private university libraries in Bangladesh. Subjecting data obtained to exploratory factor analysis shows that academic library service quality and satisfaction is related to four basic dimensions: caring, competence, resources, and library as a place. Twenty-six service items were identified after extraction through exploratory factor analysis, where nine items were shown before “caring,” five items for “competence,” seven items for “resources,” and five items for “library as a place.” The result in fact provides a generic and robust instrument and recognizes a new item-scale, namely “real service expectation” for the librarians and information science practitioners in the assessment of service quality and satisfaction in academic libraries and in the related fields.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过介绍我国台湾地区公共图书馆多元文化服务现状,为我国大陆公共图书馆多元文化服务提供参考借鉴。[方法/过程]使用文献调查法和网络调查法,从服务方针、服务资源与活动、网站建设及服务馆员4个方面,调查与分析台湾图书馆、公共资讯图书馆、台北市立图书馆以及高雄市立图书馆的多元文化服务现状。[结果/结论]总结出我国台湾地区公共图书馆多元文化服务带来的启示,包括制定多元文化服务方针、整合多元文化服务资源并推广各类活动、建设多元文化服务网站以及培育多元文化服务馆员,以促进我国大陆公共图书馆多元文化服务的发展。  相似文献   

河源大学城图书馆成为区域共建共享中心图书馆,是河源市多方共建的中心图书馆。它是公共馆、科技馆与高校馆三馆合一建设的区域中心图书馆。在图书馆联盟的领导和组织下,开展区域资源共建共享,并肩负着公共馆、科技馆、高校馆的职能开展向社会的全面开放服务。它由校、地共同投资建设。行政管理和业务建设由高校馆负责,社会服务和开展区域资源共建共享由文化部门和图书馆联盟指导、协调,科技服务也得到科技部门的支持和指导。使得原本单一服务性质的一所高校图书馆,变成了一个复合性质的区域共建共享中心图书馆。  相似文献   

目前我国公共图书馆的设施总量、建筑面积总量和馆藏纸质图书总量三项基础性指标已居世界第一,一所设施平均覆盖人数和电子资源总量两项基础性指标已步入世界先进水平。与英、美、日、韩等国相比,目前我国存在短板,一是基层、农村公共图书馆质量水平低,二是基础资源人均拥有量低,三是体现服务效能的指标差距明显。英、美、日、韩等国公共图书馆步入世界先进水平的历程显示出一些基本规律:公共图书馆事业快速发展有赖于经济快速发展奠定坚实基础,公共图书馆整体跃升到世界先进水平一般经历10—20年,公共图书馆立法是推动事业快速发展的强大动力,加强基层、乡村公共图书馆建设是普遍重视的任务。我国公共图书馆迈向世界一流的重点举措包括:一是建设世界一流卓越公共图书馆群,打造100家主要共性指标处于世界领先水平、中国特色鲜明的标志性公共图书馆,拓展和深化"图书馆之城"建设;二是实施公共图书馆"强县馆"计划,主要包括县级公共图书馆资源保障和服务效能倍增"三步走"计划、县级公共图书馆数字服务能力提升计划;三是实施乡村公共阅读空间提质增效行动,推动农家书屋与县级图书馆总分馆体系融合发展,公共阅读广泛嵌入乡村文旅设施,新型公共阅读空间向乡村延伸。世界一流公共图书馆体系的中国特色主要表现在:公共图书馆事业纳入公共文化服务体系建设总体战略;满足人民文化需求和增强人民精神力量相统一;政府强有力主导公共图书馆体系建设;区域协作、对口帮扶,全国一盘棋促进公共图书馆均衡协同发展。  相似文献   

PurposeThis study analyze academic library services during Covid-19 pandemic (2020 and 2021), as well as the challenges they face, emerging library roles, and the most effective communication tools.MethodA systematic review of the relevant literature was undertaken following PRISMA guidelines. The relevant literature was retrieved from four major scholarly databases (Scopus, Web of Science, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA), and Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA)). The relevant 23 studies were included fulfilling inclusion criteria. A quality assessment of the included studies was also performed.FindingsThe findings revealed that Covid-19 pandemic is certainly effecting and transforming libraries, their services and management. The library services during Covid-19 pandemic, their fundamental challenges, emerging roles, and available preferable communications tools are the categories in this study to better understand the pandemic-transformation.ImplicationsThe practical and policy implications are that libraries must establish infrastructure and improve accessibility in order to provide the best possible support to modern library users who access resources remotely in this rapidly evolving digital environment. Organizational policymakers and library directors should prepare emergency and disaster management plans. The libraries should ensure their presence on social media and make use of their library websites.  相似文献   

指出参考咨询服务是各级公共图书馆的重要业务之一,一直为图书馆界所重视,而国家图书馆的参考咨询服务政策具有很强的示范效应,往往为各图书馆所仿效。以美国国会图书馆、英国大英图书馆及澳大利亚国家图书馆为研究对象,由参考咨询服务政策分析比较国家图书馆对于服务对象与范围的界定,并藉此针对我国图书馆参考咨询服务的发展提出相关意见建议。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(82):183-197

While most college campuses have strong support for the libraries, as competition on university campuses for limited financial resources gets tougher, support for libraries can be more theoretical than actual. Library users are unaware of the complexity of and expense required for library services. Not only must libraries compete for limited financial resources, they must also compete in a complex information marketplace. Today, libraries must market themselves to their constituents to ensure that services are utilized and appropriate resources are allocated for all formats of library materials. By committing to a strong marketing program, the University Library at Sonoma State University developed strategic plans to gain broader support from faculty, students, administrators and greater use of services. Libraries wishing to explore the possibility of integrating marketing efforts or libraries in the process of a move can adopt and/or adapt some of these techniques.  相似文献   


This article discusses the importance of diversity and inclusion in the design of public library services. Drawing on a case study from the State Library of New South Wales in Australia, the article will outline the focused action of developing an Indigenous Services Business Plan. The Plan promotes inclusion and diversity across the organization to progress Indigenous priorities as core business of the Library. By sharing information on the research and engagement process undertaken, the authors hope to provide a framework that could be utilized by other public libraries to build the inclusion of disadvantaged and diverse communities into the design of library services.  相似文献   

分析英国公共图书馆为特殊群体开展阅读推广活动所取得的成效,以期对我国公共图书馆特殊群体服务提供借鉴及经验指导,促进公共图书馆服务均等化。文章采用文献研究法、案例分析法以及邮件调研的方式,选取英国部分公共图书馆阅读推广活动案例以及英国国家扫盲信托基金会(National Literacy Trust)和阅读机构(The Reading Agency)的阅读项目等进行分析研究。并对我国公共图书馆特殊群体阅读推广活动提出3点建议:加强公共图书馆与社会机构间的合作;注重品牌服务的评估机制;拓宽品牌阅读项目的受众群体。  相似文献   

《Public Library Quarterly》2013,32(4):377-386
Title IVB of the Library Services and Construction Act of 1966 stimulated the growth of library services to people with handicaps in Ohio, as in other states. The IVB Advisory Council was instrumental in setting the direction of service for more than a decade, and encouraged the involvement of public libraries in promoting the braille and talking book service, state and regional workshops for librarians, a state consultant for library services to the handicapped, improvement of services at the two regional libraries to the blind and physically handicapped, and model projects funded by L.S.C.A. The successor to the IVB Advisory Council, and Advisory Committee for Library Outreach Services, continues to advise the State Library Board and State Library staff and Ohio's experience can serve as a model to other states as they implement TITLE IVB.  相似文献   

面对重大公共安全突发事件,公共图书馆该如何应对?如何建立起一个科学合理的图书馆应急服务体系和服务机制?魏大威和廖永霞介绍了国家图书馆在面对2019新冠肺炎疫情这一重大公共卫生安全突发事件过程中所采取的一系列应对举措,并提出应对重大公共卫生安全突发事件还需要图书馆不断健全应急机制、完善应对策略、强化自身能力,才能更充分地做好服务保障;柯平指出,建立图书馆应急服务机制,包括应急保障机制、联动机制和信息共享机制,并提出了关于图书馆应急服务机制的十个方面的建议;张智雄结合中国科学院武汉文献情报中心组织开展的以COVID-19科研动态监测为代表的应急情报服务工作的体会,总结了面对重大公共安全突发事件中专业图书馆应急服务组织的几点认识,强调在重大公共安全突发事件下专业化的情报组织整编有着重要的社会价值;王有强结合国际图书馆界相关实践经验,提出应该充分发挥图书馆文献信息资源优势,在重大突发公共安全事件应急管理的决策、研究、宣传等方面充分发挥文献支撑服务作用;滕五晓提出,图书馆是我国公共服务体系中的重要组成部分,需要用系统思维构建以读者为本、以能力提升为宗旨的图书馆应急服务;周璐调研报道了新冠疫情暴发后国内公共图书馆开展应急服务情况,指出公共图书馆作为市民服务的公共机构,建立起一个科学合理的应急服务体系至关重要。  相似文献   

近年来,温州市图书馆结合本馆资源,突破传统服务,在公共文化的拓展服务方面做了一些新的尝试,包括品牌讲座、阅读活动、读者社团、特色图书馆、特殊群体关注等,创造了良好的社会效益,充分发挥了公共图书馆的文化教育作用,用事实证明了公共图书馆拓展创新服务的可行性。  相似文献   


Laws for public library service were well established in Czechoslovakia before its split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993. The transfer of authority over public libraries from the central government to the local regions and municipalities after 1989 caused much confusion, especially since many library buildings were reclaimed by the owners from whom they had been confiscated by the Communists. The number of libraries in the country has declined since 1989. The shift of publishers to free market conditions meant not only that much “entertainment” literature was published, but also that the price of books was driven up. Library services have changed to meet the new social conditions: there are improved services for business and for the handicapped.  相似文献   


Purpose: The present study aims to determine and compare the views of directors and users of public libraries on the use of social media for the marketing of library services.

Methodology: Data collection was done through two researcher-made questionnaires, one from the viewpoints of directors and one investigating the views of users. The questionnaires’ validity was done by four libraries and Information Science professionals, and the reliability was determined by the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. The statistical population of this research is made up of all directors and users of 12 public libraries of the city of Isfahan, one of the largest cities in Iran.

Findings: In users’ viewpoints, the “interaction capability” is the most important feature that social media marketing can have in libraries. From the viewpoints of the directors, “creating a true picture of the role of the library” and “informing users about library services” are among the most important reasons for the marketing of libraries in the social media. From the perspective of both groups, the Telegram is the most appropriate medium for the marketing of library services.

Results: To maintain their customers and their market position, libraries need to use more exciting tools such as social media for marketing. Library directors of this study emphasized on this fact and 79.1% of users expressed interest in receiving library information through social media.

Value: The findings of this study would help the library directors to better decide on the marketing of their library services in social media.

Type of the study: Scientific-Research  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(59):139-146

New reference desk staffing configurations are required as reference service evolves from locating in-library resources to using and teaching the use of electronic resources. The tangible and intangible benefits achieved by scheduling technical services staff to assist at the reference desk are discussed. Intangible benefits include improved library service due to technical services staff expertise, and greater flexibility for reference desk staffing. The reference staff can also learn more about the automated library system and current processing initiatives from their technical services colleagues. Technical services staff benefits from seeing the results of their work in a public services setting and experiencing the satisfaction of helping users locate needed information. A stronger sense of library service is instilled in the “back room.” Technical services staff will also enjoy more challenge, opportunity, and variety in their work. Some tangible benefits realized at the University of Minnesota's Bio-Medical Library, which are directly related to the scheduling of technical services staff at the reference desk, are also briefly described.  相似文献   

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