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The structure and culture of libraries present distinct challenges for promoting knowledge sharing among staff. Existing knowledge management literature is largely focused on for-profit businesses, overlooking issues found in public institutions. This article summarizes some key organizational culture theories and related obstacles to successful knowledge management and highlights how the departmental design and staffing of many libraries inadvertently reinforces these problems. The concerns discussed include insufficient diversity in decision making, the stratification of knowledge along professional lines, and entrenched personal and group identities. Some practical solutions are offered, along with suggestions for future areas of research.  相似文献   

以CSSCI为数据源,利用可视化工具来展现2001-2010年中国图书馆学研究热点主题与演变、机构合作、知识来源。热点集中在数字图书馆、高校图书馆、公共图书馆、信息资源、信息服务、知识管理等方面;知识来源主要为基础理论研究、编目分类等领域的论著;机构间合作集中在少数研究机构之间,整体合作紧密度较小,且具有地缘性特征。  相似文献   

Empirical research on public libraries and social capital has primarily been oriented toward discovering how libraries contribute to social capital in local contexts, rather than contributing to solving the theoretical puzzles of the social capital literature. In spite of this, it has produced interesting findings that align with new developments in social capital research. These findings emphasize the significance of institutions in generating social capital. By outlining and applying the main theoretical perspectives on generating social capital, this paper analyzes the findings of the literature on public libraries and how social capital is created. Theoretical perspectives on social capital will undoubtedly benefit the study of social capital's creation in and by the library. Including library-specific social capital research within the wider social capital research community can benefit social capital research in general.  相似文献   

本文通过对实现信息资源共享所面临的困难及实现信息资源共享的途径的论述,提出依靠现有的网络通讯系统,加强高校、公共和科研三大系统图书馆的联合协作,尤其高校图书馆之间的联合协作,实现局部范围的信息资源共享来提高信息资源的数量和质量,同时推动高校图书馆提高其在网络环境下信息资源的管理水平。参考文献6。  相似文献   

我国图情档学科认为博物馆是文化信息数字资源整合的主体之一。博物馆中以其展品为代表的文化信息资源对满足公众多样化的文化需求、增强中华文化竞争力起着重要作用。本文借助Citespace分析软件,通过对作者、机构、关键词可视化图谱的绘制,识别出我国图情档学科下以博物馆为主题词的科研文献成果概况、科研机构分布及研究热点词与其研究发展趋势。经分析得知,该学科下以博物馆为主题的研究可以分为两个阶段:第一阶段(1996-2008年)主要是博物馆文献资源的开发与利用、博物馆与图书馆文献资源的开发与利用、博物馆古籍保护管理工作以及古籍文献等主题。第二阶段(2009-2019年)主要探讨三馆馆际合作的资源整合路径、数字资源整合理论模式与合作机制等的研究,并结合相关文献内容,深入探讨以博物馆为主题的研究重点,基于此,我国图情档学科应以博物馆中丰富多样的文化信息资源为视角,开展涵盖档案馆、图书馆、博物馆的全种类、全范围的全文化信息数字资源整合。最后,本文围绕数字资源整合这一具有影响力的研究热点,探讨如何从图情档学科的角度出发,有效地涵盖博物馆,构建以图书馆、档案馆、博物馆三馆为主体的数字资源整合模式与机制,建立为公众文化精神需求服务的信息共享平台。  相似文献   

高校图书馆实施审美教育的要素   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
顾翠华 《图书馆论坛》2002,22(2):26-27,84
本文从馆藏文献、馆舍环境、馆员素质等三个方面揭示了高校图书馆的审美教育的要素,指出了高校图书馆不仅是知识学习的宝库,教学科研的殿堂,而且是向学生读者实施审美教育的一个重要阵地。  相似文献   

近10年来,中国科学院文献情报系统在嵌入科研一线的知识服务探索中积累大量经验,逐步形成文献资源保障能力分析和咨询、信息素质培训与能力建设、学科专题信息服务、学科情报和战略情报研究、专业文献信息与知识环境建设(专题信息平台建设)、科研机构成果与知识管理等为核心的专业化知识服务模式,并进一步探索嵌入科研过程的文献情报人员、科研人员、科研管理人员、文献情报服务流程与科研工作流程相互协同与协调的机制。  相似文献   

Scholarly or research-based journal articles related to public librarianship and public libraries are posited in previous literature as not being useful to the public library practitioner, and potentially less valuable to the researcher than other forms of research. Building off previous research, this article explores journal-based public library research literature to determine the trends in authorship, coverage, and venues. Publication venues are relatively static, with Public Library Quarterly and Library Quarterly publishing most public library research literature. LIS educators and public librarians dominate authorship of public library research, and the topical coverage of that research is gradually evolving in response to new technologies and a renewed focus on user services.  相似文献   

目前尚未有文献对图书馆专利影响力进行研究,对其研究能帮助公共图书馆做好专利管理工作和激发图书馆行业人员的科研创新潜力.为有效评估图书馆专利影响力,从价值图谱、文本质量和引证关系等三个方面构建了公共图书馆影响力评估体系.本文对我国公共图书馆申请的75项专利进行实证研究,发现我国公共图书馆申请专利数量较少、影响力总体偏低、...  相似文献   

图书馆作为公共空间的社会价值及能力提升   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图书馆公共空间具有促进社会民主与公平、促进社会和谐与包容的社会价值。图书馆公共空间能力可以通过优化阵地服务,开展延伸服务,构建文化公共空间与网络公共空间等方式加以提升。  相似文献   

从科研机构知识转移的模型、机制、效益三方面对当前公益类科研机构知识转移理论展开评述,介绍北美和欧盟地区公益类科研机构知识转移测度的方法和实践进展,以期对我国的公益类科研机构知识转移研究及测度活动提供借鉴。  相似文献   

数字人文不仅革新了人文研究的范式,还意味着全新的知识生产方式和知识交流模式。联合各领域的研究者和研究机构,包括各类美术馆、图书馆、档案馆、博物馆(GLAM)等文化记忆机构建设数字人文基础设施,以支撑新的研究范式、知识生产方式和知识交流模式,已经成为共同的呼声。探讨如何建设数字人文基础设施,厘清各种责任主体尤其是GLAM机构在数字人文基础设施建设中扮演何种角色、承担何种任务、做出何种贡献,有利于帮助图书馆找准角色定位,发挥自身优势,成为整个数字人文基础设施建设中不可或缺的有机构成单位。利用文献调研、需求分析、案例调研、实践验证等方法,将"数据基础设施"从"研究基础设施"中剥离出来并作出定义;分析面向人文研究的"数据基础设施"的一般性功能需求和技术规范,包括跨机构的共建共享、跨网域的开放获取、跨领域的知识融通、跨时空的版本迭代四个方面。以上海图书馆的数字人文实践为例,从原理和实践两个层面论证图书馆的书目控制、规范控制、知识组织、文献循证方法和关联数据、知识图谱、大数据等技术结合起来,有望为"数据基础设施"的建设提供一定的方法论贡献。联合各类机构加强新技术的应用,推进数据开放互联和知识融通,建设公共性、开放性、持续性的"数据基础设施",是GLAM机构在数字人文大潮中应尽而可尽的责任。图2。参考文献28。  相似文献   

面对重大公共安全突发事件,公共图书馆该如何应对?如何建立起一个科学合理的图书馆应急服务体系和服务机制?魏大威和廖永霞介绍了国家图书馆在面对2019新冠肺炎疫情这一重大公共卫生安全突发事件过程中所采取的一系列应对举措,并提出应对重大公共卫生安全突发事件还需要图书馆不断健全应急机制、完善应对策略、强化自身能力,才能更充分地做好服务保障;柯平指出,建立图书馆应急服务机制,包括应急保障机制、联动机制和信息共享机制,并提出了关于图书馆应急服务机制的十个方面的建议;张智雄结合中国科学院武汉文献情报中心组织开展的以COVID-19科研动态监测为代表的应急情报服务工作的体会,总结了面对重大公共安全突发事件中专业图书馆应急服务组织的几点认识,强调在重大公共安全突发事件下专业化的情报组织整编有着重要的社会价值;王有强结合国际图书馆界相关实践经验,提出应该充分发挥图书馆文献信息资源优势,在重大突发公共安全事件应急管理的决策、研究、宣传等方面充分发挥文献支撑服务作用;滕五晓提出,图书馆是我国公共服务体系中的重要组成部分,需要用系统思维构建以读者为本、以能力提升为宗旨的图书馆应急服务;周璐调研报道了新冠疫情暴发后国内公共图书馆开展应急服务情况,指出公共图书馆作为市民服务的公共机构,建立起一个科学合理的应急服务体系至关重要。  相似文献   

Research is a planned and scientific method of increasing knowledge that is typically funded by a country's government or funding agencies. Research activity produces valuable data. Research Data Services (RDS) or Research Data Management (RDM) services are considered vital services provided by an academic library and are focused on the management, archiving, processing, and reuse of critical research data. This study evaluates the current status of the adaptation of RDS or RDM services in Indian academic libraries (which includes a total of 186 institutions, including all of India's Central Universities (54) and Institutes of National Importance (132)). A method triangulation approach was used for the data collection, including a literature survey, library website study, online survey, and telephonic interview with LIS professionals from Indian academic libraries. Academic libraries in India are yet to keep up with those in developed countries in adopting RDM services owing to a lack of RDM policy, institutional support, and technological challenges, according to the data. The study also presents suggestions to decision-makers, higher authorities of academic institutions, and the government to develop a strong RDM policy at both the institutional and national levels defining the role and duties of the libraries in RDM.  相似文献   

图书馆学研究的机构共被引、关键词共被引和文献共被引网络聚类图谱表明:1993~2010年国际上图书馆学研究的主要贡献力量为美国、英国、加拿大和中国等,而国内主要为武汉大学信息管理学院、北京大学信息管理系等;国际上图书馆学研究热点主要集中在"数字图书馆、信息科学、国家图书馆、公共图书馆等";而国内主要集中在"图书馆学、图书馆、高校图书馆等"。通过对国内外图书馆学的比较研究,为国内图书馆学的研究提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

Libraries will be changed by technological and social developments that are fueled by information technology, bioinformatics, and networked information. Libraries in highly focused settings such as the health sciences are at a pivotal point in their development as the synthesis of historically diverse and independent information sources transforms health care institutions. Boundaries are breaking down between published literature and research data, between research databases and clinical patient data, and between consumer health information and professional literature. This paper focuses on the dynamics that are occurring with networked information sources and the roles that libraries will need to play in the world of medical informatics in the early twenty-first century.  相似文献   

Libraries may stimulate social capital and social integration. They are institutions that enjoy a high level of social trust, which creates many opportunities. In 2018 and 2019, a survey on social capital, trust and social activity of librarians was conducted in 20 countries across the world. The research addresses the question of whether libraries as public institutions may prevent the alarming processes of social alienation of individuals. The findings show that librarians have an average level of individual social capital, but they have a relatively high level of trust in other people and often volunteer for their communities. Nonetheless, librarians tend to not believe in their own impact on the rest of the society/local community. Of most importance for them in their lives are emotional values, attachment and family values; they are less focused on material values, image, etc.  相似文献   

以某公共图书馆为例,引进企业关键成功因素分析法,探讨免费开放背景下影响公共图书馆读者服务工作的相关内部因素和外部因素,运用文献调查法、德尔菲法确定影响图书馆读者服务的关键成功因素,可为我国公共图书馆读者服务工作的研究提供一种定性与定量相结合的新的研究路径。  相似文献   

完善我国公共图书馆企业信息服务建设,可以充分发挥其商业支持和创新支撑的社会经济价值。通过文献调查法、网络调查法和案例分析法调研大英图书馆企业信息服务现状,发现大英图书馆设置了专门机构提供多样化的商业信息支持和丰富的咨询及培训项目,其工作开展具有重视度高、体系成熟,层层递进、各有偏重,各界合作、共建服务的特点。参考大英图书馆服务建设模式,我国公共图书馆应从建设中心、发展分馆,丰富资源、开发指南,转变角色、支持创新,细分用户、按需服务出发开展企业信息服务建设。  相似文献   

Recent research on the generation of social trust and social capital gives public institutions prominent roles as instruments for creating social capital, the trust and connections between community members that yield collective action. Less is known about specific institutions and the mechanisms involved in creating social capital. In this paper, public library programs directed towards immigrants are explored as one possible mechanism for generating social capital. The data are unstructured interviews with U.S. library directors on strategies for immigrant programs and the creation of social trust. The interviews are analyzed and discussed, and they contribute to research on social capital formation. The programming activities in the libraries studied, which included classes in English as a second language (ESL), computers, and civics, attracted target immigrant populations. According to the library directors interviewed, these classes, which were carefully designed for these populations, were successful in generating trust and social capital: People “come back” to the library. Public libraries are promising arenas for generating social trust, and follow-up studies looking at the attitudes of immigrants who participate in these programs are important for increasing our knowledge on the mechanisms creating trust and social capital—that is, for theory development and for library practice.  相似文献   

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