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Information and communication technology (ICT) development initiatives have begun to acknowledge the power and importance of cultural and community-focused belief systems. Yet the vast majority of such initiatives tend to preidentify developmental goals that communities hold. Paulo Freire's writings have influenced development initiatives by introducing the possibility of working with communities to orient projects. While these “participatory” initiatives have involved soliciting community feedback relative to a research project whose goals were formulated in the university or development institution, they do not go far enough to harness actual visions held by communities. It is important to conceptualize a model and methodology of engaging communities to develop and articulate their own goals of information access and ultimately, an indigenous approach toward cultural, political, and economic aspects of development. This approach holds promise to sustain communities within a return on the investment and efforts of the researcher or institution. This article closes by describing a current initiative in Southern India that reflects the described methodology.  相似文献   


Information and communication technology (ICT) development initiatives have begun to acknowledge the power and importance of cultural and community-focused belief systems. Yet the vast majority of such initiatives tend to preidentify developmental goals that communities hold. Paulo Freire's writings have influenced development initiatives by introducing the possibility of working with communities to orient projects. While these “participatory” initiatives have involved soliciting community feedback relative to a research project whose goals were formulated in the university or development institution, they do not go far enough to harness actual visions held by communities. It is important to conceptualize a model and methodology of engaging communities to develop and articulate their own goals of information access and ultimately, an indigenous approach toward cultural, political, and economic aspects of development. This approach holds promise to sustain communities within a return on the investment and efforts of the researcher or institution. This article closes by describing a current initiative in Southern India that reflects the described methodology.  相似文献   

This article challenges the desirability of implementing more than the minimum patent standards required by Australia’s commitment to the World Trade Organisation’s Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (so‐called ‘TRIPs‐plus’ measures). We argue that there has not been an adequate analysis of what the various TRIPs‐plus measures actually are under the Patents Act 1990 (Cth), and that these measures have not been subjected to a competition analysis as required by the Competition Principles Agreement. This is, we contend, reminiscent of ‘cargo cult’ as Australian policy makers appear to reason that the most developed nations have benefited from innovation with TRIPs‐plus measures, and so with similar measures, those same benefits will accrue to Australia.  相似文献   

曾连荣 《科学中国》2007,(10):64-64
一项具有突破性的研究结果表明:每天坚持运动1小时能使人多活5年。健康专家们说,慢跑或慢速骑车对于身体健康具有重大而且长远的益处。据世界卫生组织声称,这项在英国和丹麦进行的调查研究表明:每天进行适度的运动,甚至是干家务活都能使人的寿命延长5年。  相似文献   

本文以奶制品为例,通过对北京市海淀区六大超市奶制品进行的产品调查,运用特征价格模型分析HACCP认证标签对商品价格的影响程度。结果表明,商品价格不仅受到来自产品本身特征等因素的影响,而且还与HACCP认证有正相关的关系:容量为1升的奶制品一旦获得HACCP认证标签,商品价格将增加0.21元。约为其单价的2.38%。最后,本文提出了加强对消费者HACCP认证产品的宣传、促进企业采用HACCP体系认证、提高食品的盾量安全水平等政筻律议.  相似文献   

The protection of traditional knowledge by means of intellectual property rights is one of the major concerns of international organizations. Less attention has been paid to the relationship between systems of indigenous innovation and intellectual property. Using Australia as a case study, the paper argues that indigenous innovation systems are located within a connectionist cosmological framework. The distinctive institutional features of this innovation system are identified. Key is that innovation in systems maintains the health of other systems. The commodity-based nature of intellectual property systems does not suit this kind of innovation. Property rights in land matter to this innovation system far more than intellectual property. Forms of intellectual property based on the right to distinguish one’s product in the market will generally be more useful to indigenous innovation than commodity regimes such as the patent system. Voluntary certification systems can probably be harnessed to much greater effect by indigenous business enterprises.  相似文献   

Indigenous knowledge erodes rapidly. When the loss of this knowledge negatively affects the lives and health of traditionally living rural communities, a drive to conserve indigenous knowledge becomes vital. This article argues that the transfer of indigenous knowledge on traditional vegetables will ensure the availability and utilisation of this important food source for resource-poor rural communities. Data collected on the present use of traditional vegetables at a rural Xhosa village in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa documented indigenous practices of traditional vegetable use and measured attitudes and perceptions of young women. Findings revealed that although traditional vegetables are readily available, there is a decline in the use of traditional vegetables in this village. Since the loss of associated indigenous knowledge is a reality, and in view of the negative attitude towards traditional vegetables, future use of this valuable food source is threatened. The transfer of the associated indigenous knowledge holds the key to the potential future use of traditional vegetables. Altered perceptions of traditional vegetables are crucial for the conservation of the associated indigenous knowledge. As a result awareness campaigns to promote the use of traditional vegetables, related nutritional education, including proper cooking and preservation techniques are necessary.  相似文献   

Neil McKeganey is the founding director of the Centre for Drug Misuse Research within the University of Glasgow and has directed the research programme of the Centre since 1994. For the last 15 years, Professor McKeganey has concentrated on research within the drug misuse field and has undertaken work on drug injectors and HIV, prostitution, and drugs and young people. He has acted as an advisor to the UK Home Office, the World Health Organisation and the United States Department of Justice.  相似文献   

Speculation about the meaning of the Net (the Internet and potentially associated networks) and its most rapidly developing dimension, the Web (the World Wide Web), are both symptoms and components of a broader reshaping of world politics, economy, and culture. These changes challenge many of the categories within which we have grown used to thinking about the shape and meaning of society and its future. For individuals and local communities, the promises, hopes, and fears associated with the growth of the Web have particular poignancy as they face the challenge of establishing and asserting their identity in a ever more complicated and interdependent world and, through that, finding a strategy for achieving the sort of future they would like to live. The Net and the Web are technologies that promise us access to the world, but they and their associated social and economic trends challenge many of the premises upon which our identity is forged. The Net facilitates the development of new forms of transnational community organization, opening up the promise of more effective ways of acting as citizens across the broader social terrains in which it must be expressed. This article reconsiders the traditional theoretical tools that we have available to understand these issues. It addresses some of the central difficulties and possibilities available to us in rethinking identity, exploring the new promising cultural potential of the Web and Net in a more integrated and simultaneously fragmenting world.  相似文献   

The article reviews implications for Australian cultural policy likely to arise from proposals for the development of a binding UNESCO convention on cultural diversity that would allow countries to pursue domestic cultural assistance policies that might otherwise be in conflict with trade liberalisation of cultural goods and services. The proposal, which is supported by a sizeable number of countries, is seen as an alternative to a GATS cultural exception. Recent Australian undertakings in bilateral trade agreements suggest that Australian Cultural Policy favours a GATS cultural exception approach.  相似文献   

Intention has been a key dependent variable in information system (IS) research for the last several decades. It features in various IS acceptance models including the technology acceptance model (TAM), the elaboration likelihood model, the IS success model, and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). In the context of IS adoption and use, intention has been portrayed in different forms including intention to adopt, intention to use, intention to continue use, intention to discontinue, and intention to switch. It has been modeled as an antecedent to behavior, a consequent of behavior, and a proxy for behavior. Prior studies of intention have been contextualized in a various settings involving use contexts (i.e., voluntary vs. mandatory use), populations (i.e., non-adopters, adopters, users), respondents (i.e., students, employees), and duration of use (i.e., limited vs. indefinite time), have used cross-sectional and longitudinal empirical designs, and employed different measurement instruments. This editorial provides a brief review of extant IS literature on intention, highlights underlying issues, and proposes directions for future research.  相似文献   

潘修华 《学会》2014,(1):38-43
南通江海志愿者服务的产生与南通深厚的文化传统和持续的精神文明建设密不可分。经过多年的发展,南通江海志愿者服务的支持体系已形成,服务网络与队伍已具一定的规模,服务资金得到有效的保障,社会效益日益显著。但现阶段,南通江海志愿者服务仍存在服务理念不够科学、组织管理不够规范、服务经常化程度不够理想、服务覆盖面不够广泛等问题,需采取宣传引导、提升管理水平、强化日常服务、拓宽服务群体等措施解决存在的问题,进一步提高其活动的社会效益。  相似文献   

1972年联合国教科文组织通过《世界遗产公约》之后,世界遗产已经发展成为一个世界性的资源保护、文明间对话、国际治理和文化表达的重要平台。世界遗产保护的基本目标也从自然和文化资源的保护,扩展为促进人类社会的可持续发展。在世界遗产的平台上表达自己国家和民族的历史,表达对文明发展的认知,表达自己国家和民族对人类整体文明的贡献,也已成为各个《世界遗产公约》缔约国关注的问题。中国自1985年加入《世界遗产公约》以来,在世界遗产的申报、保护方面取得了举世瞩目的成就,但仍需要制定一个清晰的世界遗产申报和保护战略,更为系统地展现中国文明对于世界的影响,展现和保护中国文化的多样性、文明成就和自然资源,并通过世界遗产这个全球性平台,促进中国与其他国家的对话与交流,促进世界可持续的和平发展。  相似文献   


Media studies research in the 1990s illustrated an incongruity between cultural diversity in the Australian community and the representation of that diversity on commercial television screens. Australian drama in particular received much criticism for its seemingly 'Anglo' portrayal of Australian society. Most of this former research was based on program content analysis and critical approaches to studying the media. From the mid-1990s, anecdotal evidence suggested an improvement in the casting of actors from culturally diverse backgrounds. This paper contextualises policy and industry developments in the 1990s related to cultural diversity and presents new research undertaken within the commercial television drama industry. In order to determine the status of cultural diversity and commercial television drama at the end of the 1990s, a casting survey of all Australian commercial drama programs broadcast in 1999 was carried out. This was complemented by interviews with industry personnel and a two-week content analysis of programming. The research establishes the degree of casting for actors from culturally diverse backgrounds and offers explanations for both improvements made over the previous years and the continuing obstacles faced by some groups in gaining a place in our popular drama programs.  相似文献   

二战之后的日本,以技术引进促进自主研发,在短短二十几年之中迅速赶超了英美。这在很大程度上应归功于日本改进了在明治时期就建立起来的产官学联合一体的技术引进体系。在引进过程当中,无论是对技术的筛选、技术与企业的配对、技术的消化吸收、后续研发、人才培养方面,严密的产官学联合体制都发挥了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

大学生志愿者组织及行动的特征、问题与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙蕾 《学会》2010,(2):19-23
我国的青年志愿者行动,已经得到广大青年的积极参与。大学生拥有专业知识技能和较高文化素质,逐渐成为青年志愿者中的主体力量。大学生志愿者组织有着不同于其他志愿者组织的特征,同时也存在一些问题。本文通过对中国人民大学志愿者组织及志愿活动进行调查,展示大学生志愿者组织的发展现状、自身特点,并针对其中存在的问题提出相关建议。  相似文献   

陈春丽  姚军 《科教文汇》2020,(12):113-114
专业认证是教育部“五位一体”评估制度的重要组成部分,是保障人才培养质量的重要举措,对深化教育教学改革和提高人才培养质量具有重要作用。新疆医科大学于2018年10月进行药学专业认证,根据教育部专家组的建议和意见,药学院从课程体系、教学质量、实践教学、教师队伍等多方面进行了改革和探索。本文对这些方面的改革进行了阐述,以期为药学专业人才培养建设方面提供参考。  相似文献   

Several new measures of national technological capabilities have recently been developed. These attempts are a result of an often-implicit theoretical consensus about the nature of technology. The aim of this article is to compare their methodologies and results. The World Economic Forum (WEF), the UN Development Program (UNDP), the UN Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), and the RAND Corporation are the institutions that have provided the measures examined here. We compare these authoritative attempts with our own measure of technological capability, ArCo. The results provide a broadly comparable ranking of countries, although a few significant differences do emerge.  相似文献   

Cultural studies seem to dominate the field of management and innovation in China. Researchers have defined and considered Confucianism and a number of common, transnational Asian/Chinese values and practices allegedly unifying China and parts of East Asia. These values and practices have been erected as the cultural pillars of ‘Chinese management’, ‘Chinese entrepreneurship’ and, more recently, ‘indigenous innovation’ in the ethnic Chinese world and now mainland China. We believe these values and practices, frequently claimed as unique and fueling innovation in Chinese firms, to be potentially manipulated for strategic purposes, by political authorities as well as business organizations. This paper examines the aforementioned premises and questions the notions of Chinese ethnicity, values, management and innovation from political and strategic perspectives. We first present the emergence of Chinese values and Chinese management. We then consider this emergence in relation to political agendas and the renewal of Asianism or New Confucianism. The second part of the paper analyzes how such values and ethnicity can be utilized by entrepreneurs for both defensive and offensive business purposes. We then illustrate our debate with some reflections on the Shanzhai form of indigenous innovation before concluding with implications for researchers, managers and entrepreneurs and discussing the dangers of exoticism and avenues for future empirical research.  相似文献   

社会主义核心价值体系已成为全党全国各族人民共同奋斗的精神指向,近年来随着高校社团日益活跃,在社团建设中急需以此引领高校社团建设。这一时代命题从理论上来说具有必要性和可能性;从实践层面来说要加强对于高校社团思想领导和方向指引;要加强对于社团重点活动的经费支持;要加强高校社团自身制度建设,只有如此才能有效地将社会主义核心价值体系融入高校社团建设。  相似文献   

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