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The benefits of problem-based learning (PBL) to student learning have prompted researchers to investigate this pedagogical approach over the past few decades. However, little research has examined how PBL can be applied to mathematics learning and teaching, especially in countries like Taiwan, where the majority of teachers are accustomed to lecture methods and students are used to this style of teaching. This study examines the actions of a teacher and her class of 35 fifth-grade students (10–11-year-olds) as they tried to take on and respond to the demands of their new roles as “facilitator” and “constructors”, respectively, during a one-year PBL intervention in a Taiwanese mathematics classroom. Our findings provide insights into classroom participants’ role transition, from a customary role to a new role, when engaging with PBL. We identify an interrelationship between the teacher and student roles and discuss implications for the implementation of PBL at the primary education level.  相似文献   

2011年5月4日对著名数学教育家张奠宙教授进行了访谈,内容包括关于如何评价当今中国数学教育;是否将中国数学教育特色概括为中国课堂导入、尝试与探究、师班互动、数学思想方法、变式练习等5个方面;如何认识和发展中国少数民族数学教育;如何认识凯洛夫教育思想和弗赖登塔尔数学教育思想;如何认识中学的函数等初等数学内容;如何认识师范院校教师教育问题。  相似文献   

数学观的层面分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
无论从数学教育的角度还是从数学创造的角度,对数学观的研究都有必要进行层面分析,从社会层面看,数学观的形成与民族的经济文化相关联;从数学的本体层面,数学观是对数学本质的理性思考;从数学教育上看,主要表现为功利性与素质性两种观念.  相似文献   

数学教育与教育数学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
数学教育的现代发展,以及各国进行数学课程改革浪潮的涌现,提出了教育数学的研究课题。它似可与纯粹数学、应用数学并列为第三个研究领域。与“新数学”、“大众数学”相比,教育数学将能均衡好数学教育的“教育方面”与“数学方面”的关系和促进数学教育改革的健康发展。进行教育数学的研究,可先从数学现实、数学难点、数学新点等方面着手,然后再进行理论体系建设。  相似文献   

In order to foster creative engineers, a creativity training programme was carried out in medialogy education in a Problem and Project-Based Learning (PBL) environment at Aalborg University, Denmark. This paper focuses on the question of how engineering students perceive the strategy of integrating creativity training into a PBL curriculum. A total of 20 medialogy students in the training programme were interviewed. The data shows that the training programme was thought useful and students get benefits such as gaining project work skills, creative concepts and confidence of being creative. However, limitations of the programme show that only five days of training did not fit the requirements of learning skills in PBL. So the supervisors are suggested to offer more creativity techniques and process engagement to move projects forward.  相似文献   

20世纪以来数学发展的特点及其对数学教育的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪以来的数学发展,呈现出许多新的特点,其中尤以新兴学科的林立以及纯粹数学和应用数学的同步增长和相互交叉为主要特色.数学教育应该根据社会发展以及自身的需要积极回应数学发展的挑战.在这一过程中,既要突出数学知识的时代特征,借鉴历史上数学教育改革的经验,还要充分考虑中国数学教育的现实性.  相似文献   

列昂纳德.欧拉(Leonhard Euler,1707-1783)是18世纪数学的中心人物.欧拉示性数是大量几何课题的源泉和出发点.本文从述评陈省身(1911-2004)求学和事业发展的历程及其相关言论的新视角,论述了欧拉对19世纪和20世纪数学的深刻影响及其数学与物理相结合的思想.数学的统一性反映了数学的本质.正如2002年国际数学家大会名誉主席陈省身指出的,"我们甚至可以预见纯数学与应用数学的统一".它揭示了未来数学发展的一个新的时代.  相似文献   

数学教育价值观的嬗变与重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹一鸣 《教育研究》2005,26(12):72-75
数学教育价值观的形成是历史和文化的产物,历史上存在着科学主义和人文主义两种不同的数学教育价值观。事实上,数学在为人类社会创造物质财富的同时也丰富了人的精神世界。当代数学教育的价值是多元的,数学教育的价值不仅在于推进数学知识的应用,还在于为人类文明传承着一种独特的思维方式和理性精神。  相似文献   

数学素质教育是通过数学教学来实现的,而教学方法又是数学教学中最重要的因素.“四步循环”法以其独特的教学结构,既能培养学生的数学素质,又可提高学生的综合素质.因此,它是实施数学素质教育的有效途径.从这一意义上讲,高师与中学两个层次的数学教学才能以数学教育学课程为媒体,完成教法与学法的转化,实现二者之间的复合.  相似文献   

In a technologically driven society, math and science students in the United States are falling further and further behind their international counterparts, resulting in an influx of STEM focused, reformed K-12 schools, including schools focused on project-based learning (PBL). This article reports a study of the effectiveness of PBL on high school students' performance on state mandated standardized mathematics and science achievement measures. Manor New Tech High School is a nationally recognized model STEM school, with a diverse student population, where all instruction is delivered through PBL. Although there is ample research suggesting that PBL is advantageous for increasing STEM learning compared to conventional teaching approaches, there is a lack of studies randomly assigning students to receive PBL. Further, some of the effects observed for students attending project-based schools could be due to a self-selection bias for students or parents that choose such an alternative learning environment. This study addresses both of these concerns and found that students taught through PBL, as a group, matched performance of conventionally taught students on all science 11th grade and mathematics 9th, 10th, and 11th grade TAKS achievement measures and exceeded performance by a scale score increase of 133 for the 10th grade science TAKS measure by (B = 133.082, t = 3.102, p < .05). One possible explanation of the differences observed in this study could be the TAKS instrument used to capture student math and science achievement that interprets “real-life applications” of content differently between math and science questions. These results align with literature on the effects of PBL and deepen our understanding of these effects by providing a controlled study with random assignments to the PBL experience. Future research looking at the effect of PBL on achievement on the PISA could be beneficial in identifying benefits of PBL implementation in schools.  相似文献   

从课程改革看数学教育理论研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
数学课程改革的实践为深入反思数学教育理论研究提供了直接的基础.这既是指努力纠正一些普遍存在的弊端:反对简单化,防止盲目追逐潮流,改变教育的健忘症;而且也是指对于以下一些重要问题的深入认识:数学教师的专业化、数学教育的国际化与本土化、视野的拓展与必要的聚焦、高级研究人材的培养.  相似文献   

香港教师数学观的研究   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10  
教师的数学观不仅影响教师自身的数学课堂教学行为,也是影响学生数学观的重要因素.香港数学教师的数学观主要表现在以下几个方面:运算是数学中的重要元素;有特定数学内容才是做数学;数学训练思考,促进思维发展;数学离不开应用;数学是难的.影响教师数学现形成的主要因素有:课程与教材的内容,整个社会的数学、数学哲学的发展,考试制度等.  相似文献   

数学从小学到高中被作为三大主科,在大学时,又是理工类学生必修之课,由此可见数学是非常重要的。我国提倡素质教育,因此数学教学中也要进行素质教育。本文从数学教育中创新思维能力的培养、数学教育中学生智力发展的培养、数学教育中德育的培养、数学教育中人文素质的培养以及数学教育中美育价值的培养这几个方面对数学教育中的素质教育进行了分析。  相似文献   

文章通过分析当前高职高等数学课程存在的问题,提出按照"必须、够用"的原则,以纵向内化整合和横向外化整合为课程改革基本思路,构建以"问题教学、实验教学"相结合的高职院校高等数学课程体系。  相似文献   

Changes in student self- and task evaluations, subjective valuation, and achievement behavior in mathematics and English over the 1st year of junior high form the basis of this study. The transition to junior high has been found to negatively affect students' self-concept and subjective valuation in mathematics and English, but previous research has not addressed changes in task evaluations and achievement behaviors. Gender and level of academic achievement effects are also relevant to the nature of changes in student attitudes. The participants (N =400) were from 3 coeducational Australian government schools in metropolitan Sydney of comparable socioeconomic status. When changes in perceptions occurred, they were negative, and gender differences favored boys in mathematics and girls in English. However, the nature and extent of change was dependent on school and level of achievement.  相似文献   

面对社会发展和教育的改革,数学教育必须面向未来,更新教育观树立新的教育理念转变教学方法,以学生为中心,激发学生学习兴趣,引导学生主动参与积极探究,实现数学能力的提高,该文就此进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In this paper, we report on an international study of undergraduate mathematics students’ conceptions of mathematics. Almost 1,200 students in five countries completed a short survey including three open-ended questions asking about their views of mathematics and its role in their future studies and planned professions. Responses were analysed starting from a previously-developed phenomenographic framework (Reid et al., 2003) which required only minor modification. Students’ conceptions of mathematics ranged from the narrowest view as a focus on calculations with numbers, through a notion of mathematics as a focus on models or abstract structures, to the broadest view of mathematics as an approach to life and a way of thinking. Broader conceptions of mathematics were more likely to be found in later-year students (p<0.001) and there were significant differences between universities (p<0.001). The information obtained from the study not only confirms previous research, but also provides a basis for future development of a monitoring questionnaire.  相似文献   

在分析高职数学课程“智育”与“德育”现状和不足的基础上,作者从更新教育理念、挖掘高职数学在相关专业中“智育”与“德育”因子、构建“智育”与“德育”深度融合的课程体系(课程目标、课程内容、课程实施、课程评价等方面进行更新、改进和拓展)进行教改探究。从而促进“立德树人”在高职数学教学中的深入落实,形成既可以有效满足专业知识和技能成长需要,又能影响学生职业道德、学科素养、人格品行、社会价值观的“双育”数学课程教育环境,从而培养出全面发展的人才。  相似文献   

This paper examines a problem described as widespread and long-standing in mathematics education: supporting pupils into multiplicative reasoning, a form of reasoning that has been noted as central to large tracts of secondary mathematics and beyond. Also noted, however, is a persistent perception of multiplicative situations only in terms of repeated addition – a perception held not only primary pupils, but also among primary teachers and curriculum developers. The focus of this paper is to synthesize literature on multiplicative reasoning as a conceptual field together with a sociocultural discussion of the role of mediating artifacts in the development of this conceptual field. Bringing MR into the primary classroom can then be achieved, I propose, through a pedagogy oriented toward model-eliciting and teacher appropriation of pupils’ models as pedagogic tools with the subsequent re-appropriation of refined models by pupils. This pedagogy is illustrated through the analysis of two vignettes from a teaching experiment which demonstrate the beginnings of MR as an emergent conceptual field in the classroom. The paper concludes that it is possible to move primary teaching and learning toward understanding the functional aspects of multiplicative reasoning, but that any such moves requires attention to teachers’ pedagogic and content knowledge.  相似文献   

高等数学囊括丰富的人文知识,而在数学教学中渗透人文教育既是课程改革的要求,也是培养学生综合素养的手段。围绕数学核心素养,从基础教学环节展现人文魅力、穿插名人名著促进数学教学与人文教育结合、利用数学知识揭示数学之美、应用实践中体会人文价值等多个角度阐述高校数学教学中开展人文教育的途径。  相似文献   

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