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潘娟  田美  张敏 《教育技术导刊》2016,15(3):159-161
随着教育信息化的深入发展和大数据时代的到来,学习分析正在成为人们掌握学习者学习进程,了解学习情况的重要手段之一,学习分析是对学习者学习过程中产生的数据进行分析,用来预测学习者的成功。Moodle平台作为课程资源和学生学习的在线平台,其开源性为学习者学习数据的获得提供了很大优势。以Moodle平台为依托,利用学习分析工具LAe-R对学习者的学习活动进行可视化、多元化评价,根据分析结果对学习者进行适当的引导和干预,以更好地促进学习者的学习。  相似文献   

Moodle是基于建构主义理想下设计开发的一款免费开源的课程管理平台,将Moodle平台应用到《网站设计与制作》课程教学中,采用问卷调查法对Moodle平台应用教学效果进行了分析,指出学习者的学习习惯、课程设计将直接影响Moodle平台应用的教学效果。  相似文献   

Moodle学习管理平台交互性的实证分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Moodle是一款优秀的开源学习管理平台,为研究该网络教学平台交互性情况,笔者开发了面向首届免费师范生的基于Moodle的网络学习管理平台,通过统计和分析影响该平台学习者交互的关键因素:学习者的发帖数量和发帖时间、参与者之间的社会网络分布、资源建设和各功能模块的应用情况,进而讨论总结出有效交互和有效利用各模块进行学与教的解决策略,即以学习者为中心,使用恰当的交互策略;充分发挥教师的主导作用;完善语音、视频点播等资源库建设;熟悉该学习平台各功能模块特性的基础上恰当的综合运用于教学.本文旨在促进基于该网络学习平台的有效教学运用和提高在线学习质量.  相似文献   

基于Moodle平台的《教育技术学研究方法》教学成效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究尝试在Moodle平台中采用混合式学习的方式开展高校专业课程的教学实践探索,通过在Moodle平台插入的Feedback模块,从两个方面(学生使用Moodle平台的情况和学生利用混合式学习方式的教学成效)、三个维度(教学成效、学习满意度、学习接受程度)对参与混合式学习的学生进行了调查,调查结果表明:在高校专业课程的教学中采用混合式学习方式能够提高学生的学习效果和满意度,能提高学习者各方面的能力;同时,教学实践表明Moodle可以有效地开展混合式学习,并能取得较好的教学效果.  相似文献   

Moodle是基于构建主义教学理论的全球化课程管理系统(CMS),是教育理念的一个实践。Moodle易于使用,功能强大,发展迅速,引起了国内外一线教师的高度关注。通过阐述国内外基于Moodle平台应用研究的现状,发现当前的研究还存在对学习者的学习行为记录功能研究较少、课程开发重复、网络教学平台内容形式单一、网络课堂缺乏有效评价和反馈环节等不足,提出结合学习者和教学内容特点进行综合研发,完善模块功能,改善平台资源展现形式单一、界面设计单调、教学资源更新速度慢的状况,进一步提高Moodle平台的质量。  相似文献   

Moodle是用来建设基于Internet的网络课程平台,是澳大利亚教师Martin Dougiamas基于建构主义教育理论而开发的,是免费的开放源代码软件。电大在线是目前在全国电大系统普遍使用的基于网络的远程教学平台,它为现代远程教育构建了一个学习者为中心的学习环境。本文对Moodle和电大在线进行比较,为基层电大的远程教育服务提供参考方向。  相似文献   

2005年,Moodle开源软件平台进入了中国教育信息化的领域.近年来,Moo&e以其先进的教学理念、丰富的功能、简便的操作、源代码开放和免费性等优势深受高校关注,引发学习与应用Moodle平台热潮.文章主要结合Moodle平台的特点和功能,对基于Moodle平台的协作学习进行具体的设计,并结合具体的实例加以说明.旨在探讨如何在moodle平台上组织学习者以互助、协作的方式更加有效的开展协作学习.  相似文献   

本文从平台的基本功能、学习者对所提供学习资源的满意度、人际交互情况等三个方面对基于Moodle平台开展的教学交互活动进行了个案调查,并利用SPSS对研究数据进行了相关性分析。在此基础之上,笔者提出通过加强平台模块设计的统一性、优化网络平台上的学习资源、改进教学组织活动、调动网络学习观望者的交互积极性等具有普遍意义的策略来改进Moodle平台教学交互水平,从而提高网络教学的质量。  相似文献   

随着Moodle平台的广泛应用,创建课程网站已经成为信息技术教学的一种重要方式。Moodle平台下,学习动机强弱程度直接影响到学生学习的效果:除了教师在课堂中上对学生学习动机的激发外,网站的设计也承担着激发和维持学习者学习动机的使命。本文阐述了学习动机的概念和《动态网页制作》网络课程的设计,本文浅谈Moodle平台下学习动机的激发和保持策略的设计。  相似文献   

在Moodle平台中交互是学习者学习的关键,交互的质量是影响学习效果的一个重要因素。在现有研究的基础上总结了Moodle平台中学习者交互的现状,并通过问卷和访谈,深入探究了学习者交互的影响因素,重点研究了教师、评价方式、激励策略、推送技术、交互工具等因素。最后,根据这些影响因素的分析情况,构建了平台的交互机制,以期提高学习者的学习效果。  相似文献   

This mixed-method study focuses on online learning analytics, a research area of importance. Several important student attributes and their online activities are examined to identify what seems to work best to predict higher grades. The purpose is to explore the relationships between student grade and key learning engagement factors using a large sample from an online undergraduate business course at an accredited American university (n = 228). Recent studies have discounted the ability to predict student learning outcomes from big data analytics but a few significant indicators have been found by some researchers. Current studies tend to use quantitative factors in learning analytics to forecast outcomes. This study extends that work by testing the common quantitative predictors of learning outcome, but qualitative data is also examined to triangulate the evidence. Pre and post testing of information technology understanding is done at the beginning of the course. First quantitative data is collected, and depending on the hypothesis test results, qualitative data is collected and analyzed with text analytics to uncover patterns. Moodle engagement analytics indicators are tested as predictors in the model. Data is also taken from the Moodle system logs. Qualitative data is collected from student reflection essays. The result was a significant General Linear Model with four online interaction predictors that captured 77.5 % of grade variance in an undergraduate business course.  相似文献   

Very few research papers and case studies have shown successful integration of both Facebook and Moodle in the educational experience of students. This study sought to evaluate the educational benefits of the increasingly popular Facebook—which plays an important role in students’ social life as well as their academic life—and to compare it with the widely used course management system Moodle. In this study, the authors surveyed students of the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Organizational Science in Serbia on their attitude toward Facebook and Moodle as productive online tools for teaching and learning. An analysis of the results was carried out using the SPSS software package. The results of this research answer the question of whether or not using Facebook as an educational tool is more effective than using Moodle and how it affects students’ everyday learning activities.  相似文献   

基于全脑模型,文章首先将D大学教育技术学专业参与Moodle平台"计算机网络"课程学习的102名在线学习者分为逻辑型、组织型、交流型和空想型等四种思维类型;随后,文章利用GSEQ软件,采用滞后序列分析法,分析了不同思维类型学习者的学习行为序列,并重点解读其转化路径,得出结论:逻辑型学习者、组织型学习者的学习行为序列均为网状结构,前者更为关注学习内容,而后者更为关注学习任务;交流型学习者、空想型学习者的学习行为序列均为线性结构,前者更为关注同伴信息,而后者更为关注学习结果。基于此,文章最后针对基于全脑模型的在线学习提出了相关建议,以期为在线学习平台设计、路径和资源推荐、深度学习引导提供参考,并推动在线学习的进一步发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to analyse teachers’ perceptions of using the modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment (Moodle) platform as a learning management system in a small-scale blended learning (b-learning) Advanced Certificate in Education (ACE) programme for in-service secondary school mathematics teachers in South Africa. It describes how the Moodle platform was used in combination with on-campus and later off-campus contact sessions for a widely dispersed population of 76 in-service mathematics teachers over a four-year period. Qualitative data was gathered by means of a questionnaire with open-ended items, while quantitative data was gathered from the centre's archives. The main findings were that Moodle enabled in-service teachers to experience social, cognitive and teaching presences, through synchronous and asynchronous discussions with peers and facilitators, and a teaching presence by submitting their inquiries and assignments online for facilitators to provide them with answers and feedback. The main obstacles to the integration of Moodle were limited availability of technology, slow speed, and unaffordable cost when available. With increased broadband connectivity Moodle holds the prospect for diversifying b-learning experiences that can support teachers’ professional learning outcomes and throughput for distributed populations of practising mathematics teachers, in particular.  相似文献   

Moodle是国际知名的开源课程管理系统,本文以Moodle为关键词,运用CiteSpace软件分析2004—2013年间中国知网上发表的相关研究文献,绘制可视化科学知识图谱,分析归纳我国Moodle平台本土化研究的主要领域。文章结合信息技术的发展趋势和高校网络教学实际对Moodle的研究趋势进行了展望,认为云计算环境下的Moodle应用、基于Moodle的移动学习、个性化定制学习、利用Moodle搭建MOOC平台将成为未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展和广泛应用,基于互联网的网络教学得到迅速发展,网络教育模式正经历着从单纯的信息呈现向学习者参与的转变,而如何解决网络教学中存在的导学功能薄弱、资源利用率较低、资源质量欠佳、交互效果不理想等现象,以提高网络教学的质量和网络学习的效果,是广大从事远程网络教学教师关注的问题。因此,近期我校与北京大学教育学院郭文革教授进行了交流,郭教授以北京大学开发的"全国中小学教师教育技术能力建设计划网络培训课程的设计和实施"为例,介绍了采用引领式网络课程,在Moodle平台上构建课程结构和内容,开展网上学习活动、过程性评价、教学管理等情况,阐明要依据成人学习者的需求,用新的理念和方法来设计网络课程。经郭教授同意我们将主要交流内容整理如下,以飨读者。  相似文献   

在基于魔灯网络课程的学习中,学习的动力机制直接影响着对课程学习的质量。在对上海师范大学东行记魔灯网络课程调研的基础上,依据动机学习理论,初步探讨了教师、学习活动、学习环境等外部因素对基于魔灯网络课程学习驱动的影响,以期起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

魔灯(moodle)是一个开源的学习管理系统(LMS),以社会建构主义理论为基础。本文主要初步讨论如何利用魔灯实现基于网络的互动式学习管理系统,拓展课堂教学,实现平等、协作、共享、开放的新型教学与学习新模式,建构高质量的信息化教学环境。  相似文献   

In the study of online learning community, many investigators have turned attention to automatically logged web data. This study aims to further this work by seeking to determine whether logs of student activity within online graduate level courses related to student perceptions of course community. Researchers utilized the data logging features of the Moodle learning management system and the Classroom Sense of Community Index. Results reveal that cumulative course data logs are predictive of both a student's sense of connectedness and student community. This study adds to a foundation for a non-invasive assessment of affective variables in online learning environments, and suggests a simple method for providing e-learning instructors with real-time feedback for fostering online community.  相似文献   

Critical thinking (CT) and English literacy are two essential 21st century competencies that are a priority for teaching and learning in an increasingly digital learning environment. Taking advantage of innovations in educational technology, this study empirically investigates the effectiveness of CT‐infused adaptive English literacy instruction using a Moodle system. A one‐group pretest–posttest design was employed to evaluate the effect of the treatment on students' acquisition of CT skills (CTS) and English literacy. A total of 83 students enrolled in two sections of a general studies course at a large university in Taiwan participated in the semester‐long experiment. Adaptive learning was achieved through the use of an online Moodle system for (1) online grouping (based on pretest English literacy scores), (2) delivery of specifically designed adaptive learning materials for each group and (3) provision of individualised feedback. CT‐infused language activities based on social constructivist principles were designed for each level of adaptive instruction, whereas direct instruction for fostering CTS was provided in class and practiced or reflected upon in groups. Empirical results demonstrate that CT‐enhanced adaptive English literacy instruction simultaneously improved students' CTS and English literacy and that students' online discussions developed towards higher levels of interaction. This paper illustrates an effective blended learning model for adaptive instruction and offers recommendations for designing CT‐infused language learning activities that can successfully foster both CT and English literacy outcomes.  相似文献   

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