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A theoretical framework for big data analytics-enabled customer agility and responsiveness was developed from extant IS research. In on-demand service environments, customer agility involves dynamic capabilities in sensing and responding to citizens. Using this framework, a case study examined a large city government's 311 on-demand services which had leveraged big data analytics. While we found the localized big data analytics use by some of the 22 departments for enhanced customer agility and on-demand 311 services, city-wide systemic change in on-demand service delivery through big data analytics use was not evident. From the case study we identified key institutional mechanisms for linking customer agility to public value creation through 311 services. We posit how systemic use of big data analytics embedded into critical processes enables the government to co-create public values with citizens through 311 on-demand services, indicating the importance of creating a culture of analytics driven by strong political leadership.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 为了更好地指导计算机辅助信息分析工作的开展,构建计算机辅助信息分析技术框架,从顶层架构设计的视角指导计算机辅助信息分析。[方法/过程] 在文献综述和资料收集基础上,从数据库、数据仓库、OLTP、OLAP、BI和DSS 6个技术领域构建计算机辅助信息分析技术框架模型,从联机在线分析、数据挖掘和知识发现、社会网络分析、大数据分析4个方面详细分析当前主要的计算机辅助信息分析技术。[结果/结论] 对计算机辅助信息分析所面临的主要挑战和发展趋势进行展望,认为大数据分析将成为未来计算机辅助信息分析的重要研究内容,在大数据和云计算技术的推动下,计算机辅助信息分析将进一步向前发展,移动计算、社会计算将与信息分析深度融合。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 开放科学数据是科技创新、经济和社会发展的必然趋势,明确其利益相关者的协同动力及作用机制有助于国家开放共享项目的高效开展。[方法/过程] 梳理归纳科学数据开放涉及的利益相关者,对其功能定位及利益诉求进行分析,并在此基础上总结多元主体协同的驱动力。然后,结合协同学思想构建开放科学数据主体协同动力系统模型,探索主体间的协作关系。[结果/结论] 从激发内生动力与强化外源动力两方面提出促进协同工作的相应建议,为我国科学数据开放共享实践提供理论指导。  相似文献   

An increasingly data-intensive research environment has highlighted the need for greater research transparency to facilitate integrity and trust in open science and in the conduct of research more widely. The initial findings of faculty researchers' behaviors and practices toward research transparency, using the research data lifecycle as a grounding framework are reported. Four focus group sessions were conducted with faculty researchers in different disciplines, including natural sciences, social sciences, engineering, and different transparency practices were captured using the researchers' own language. Four generic transparency components were identified: action verb, object, task, and stage in the research lifecycle. The inter-relationships between specific transparency components were visualized using network visualizations. The network visualizations suggest that the lifecycle stages of Process/Visualize/Analyze and Publish/Preserve/Archive are key points for transparency, where ‘data’ play a critical role demonstrated by the multiple node-edge relationships. Based on the findings, a conceptual model, termed the Tasks-Toward-Transparency (T3) Model, was developed. This model may inform researcher practices and support research stakeholders whose role is to articulate and deliver transparency advocacy, policy, training programs, and services.  相似文献   

Over the last decade many governments across the world have intensified their efforts to improve efficiency of public services through Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-enabled transformation of Local Government Authorities (LGAs). Many of these efforts involve implementing new Information Systems and Technology (IS/IT) and integrating various disparate legacy systems to deliver improved services. While there is a surfeit of literature that have outlined the various organizational and technical challenges posed by Technology Integration Solutions (TIS), few studies have examined the role of stakeholders and surrounding challenges when implementing TIS in LGAs. The TIS adoption process involves several stakeholders, each with specific domain knowledge and expertise that are crucial to the success of TIS projects. In this paper, the authors use the concept of stakeholder theory to analyze the role of stakeholders during the TIS adoption process with regards to their perceptions on the factors influencing TIS adoption in LGAs and their involvement on the adoption lifecycle phases. A qualitative multiple case study approach is adopted to empirically highlight the different categories of stakeholders involved in the TIS adoption process, the dynamic nature and importance of their role, and why their domain knowledge and expertise are vital for TIS projects.  相似文献   

论图书馆文化服务功能的开发与延伸   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章以推进文化创新、增强文化发展活力为宗旨,以延伸图书馆服务的广度与深度、提高公共文化服务能力为指导思想,从图书馆公共服务范畴吸纳“社会工作”职能和手段的重要意义,图书馆加强“文化形象”建设是图书馆事业科学发展的重要保证,图书馆创办“文化活动”是开发公共信息空间新功能的重要举措,图书馆“文化产业”的巨大市场空间是增长社会效益的重要领域等四个方面,阐述了图书馆创新文化服务功能的构想。  相似文献   

There is a fundamental shift in measuring and benchmarking due to the ability to use a large variety of data sources and virtually anybody can be involved. Interoperability is the ability of entities to work together covering aspects ranging from the technical to the organizational level. In smarter government, interoperability becomes increasingly important as relationships are subject to continuous changes and organizations operate within organizational ecosystems. In this paper interoperability measurement, benchmarking and improvement are reconceptualized in the light of the effects of big and open data and crowdsourcing in smarter government. Organizational and technical interoperability is decomposed into measurement constructs. A case study is presented showing the applicability and usefulness of the model. Using data sources inside and outside the organization the level of interoperability was measured and suggestions for improvements were identified by making use of experts and the crowd.  相似文献   

Libraries, along with other information service institutions, have entered a digital era in which resources are presented electronically through various digital platforms. The library Web site functions as the main source of information to patrons as well as a community outreach tool. Many library services now either succeed or fail based on how well users interact with the institution's Web site. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of library services, it thus becomes important for libraries to measure the performance of library Web sites. Web analytics is the ideal tool to answer questions regarding the evaluation of Web site performance. However, Web analytics can be hard to understand for those who do not have the time to familiarize themselves with all the terms and data. Writing a thorough Web analytics report can help make Web analytics easier to digest for administrators or Web site stakeholders.

This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to craft a Web analytics report. It provides suggestions on visualizing statistics, interpreting data, and customizing the report based on a real experience. The tutorial is facilitated with customized figures, charts, and tables from a real Web analytics report on the Texas Tech University Libraries Web site and concludes with recommendations on presenting the report to the administration and stakeholders.  相似文献   

大数据是IT业颠覆性的技术变革。通过表面的数据,揭示其背后隐藏的有价值的信息,是大数据的核心。图书馆利用大数据将面临许多挑战,图书馆如何获取并存储大数据,大数据在图书馆有哪些应用能促进图书馆的创新发展,大数据的相关技术如Hadoop、Hbase、云存储、云计算、数据分析与挖掘技术的研究,将会是大数据时代图书馆研究的主要问题。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 数据集市是一种新兴的数据服务形态,通过分析其产生发展的环境、理论基础和探索实践,为大数据环境下的数据服务创新提供一些思考和启示。[方法/过程] 从大数据环境对数据管理和服务的影响出发,分析数据集市产生环境;基于对大数据管理流程和大数据价值链的分析,论述数据集市的理论基础;选取数据集市在实践应用中的典型案例,总结其较为成熟的服务模式;通过梳理从传统信息环境到大数据环境对数据价值认知的演变,分析数据集市的价值发现。[结果/结论] 大数据环境从多方面影响着数据集市的产生和发展;数据生命周期和大数据价值链是数据集市的重要理论基础;数据银行和众包是数据集市的重要服务模式;科研、商业和政务是数据集市价值发现的典型领域。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]随着政府大数据体量增加,数据治理不足是其价值实现的突出问题,研究政府大数据治理体系和实践,对于提高大数据应用水平和效率,促进社会智能化发展至关重要。[方法/过程]基于国内外大数据治理研究成果,构建了由组织结构、规则标准、技术支持三个关键域组成的政府大数据治理体系;并借助Nvivo 11 Plus质性分析工具,对上海、北京、深圳三个城市的43份大数据治理相关政策文本进行编码,与治理体系构成要素进行映射分析。[结果/结论]编码结果支持和解释了政府大数据治理体系关键域及其构成要素,同时,尽管政府大数据治理体系关键域相同,但从政策层面看,政府大数据治理实践存在不同的侧重点和针对性特征,对指导我国政府大数据治理有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]数据开放共享是我国大数据战略的核心,我国将于2018年前建立国家级政府数据开放平台,如何更好地管理数据是平台建设的关键问题,英美作为目前政府数据开放水平最高的国家,其平台数据管理功能对我国有极大的借鉴意义。[方法/过程]从数据对象、数据组织、数据检索、数据开发利用、数据分享反馈等方面入手,调研英美政府数据开放平台发展现状,对比分析其数据管理功能。[结果/结论]我国可从以下几点加强政府数据开放平台的建设:①以CKAN为基础搭建数据开放平台;②完善数据标准与规范;③增强数据检索功能;④鼓励数据的开发利用;⑤嵌入社交媒体。  相似文献   

档案数据是大数据时代经济社会发展的重要信息资源,进行档案数据质量控制研究有助于促进档案治理能力现代化的提升。通过调查分析可知,档案数据存有政策法规缺失、数量巨大结构复杂、数据实践处于起步阶段等现状。基于现状特征构建了档案数据质量控制机制:数据监督管控机制、技术保障机制、质量评估机制,并提出增强档案数据质量控制顶层设计,筑造档案数据质量技术保护屏障,构建档案数据质量评估方法体系等优化路径。  相似文献   

The quality of metadata in open data portals plays a crucial role for the success of open data. E-government, for example, have to manage accurate and complete metadata information to guarantee the reliability and foster the reputation of e-government to the public. Measuring and comparing the quality of open data is not a straightforward process because it implies to take into consideration multiple quality dimensions whose quality may vary from one another, as well as various open data stakeholders who – depending on their role/needs – may have different preferences regarding the dimensions’ importance. To address this Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) problem, and since data quality is hardly considered in existing e-government models, this paper develops an Open Data Portal Quality (ODPQ) framework that enables end-users to easily and in real-time assess/rank open data portals. From a theoretical standpoint, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to integrate various data quality dimensions and end-user preferences. From a practical standpoint, the proposed framework is used to compare over 250 open data portals, powered by organizations across 43 different countries. The findings of our study reveals that today’s organizations do not pay sufficient heed to the management of datasets, resources and associated metadata that they are currently publishing on their portal.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 信息质量是平台提高竞争优势与可持续发展的重要前提,学术社交网络所秉持的自由开放精神造成了信息质量控制的障碍,因此需要通过关键要素的分析,实现信息质量的优化和提升。[方法/过程] 在前期研究工作的基础上,构建面向管控规则、平台技术、信息内容和信息用户4个维度的学术社交网络信息质量治理决策模型,基于DEMETAL方法对各个影响策略进行识别与分析,确定影响学术社交网络信息质量的关键策略。[结果/结论] 通过数据分析,梳理出5条重要的结论,并在此基础上凝练出两条管理启示及实施步骤,克服定性研究中的主观臆断,能够为学术社交网络平台的人机交互、质量管控和服务设计提供可行的实践参考。  相似文献   

With the open and big data movement in full swing, data sharing becomes more ubiquitous and more often crosses sectoral boundaries. The promise of data to help address societal issues and foster innovation requires public organizations to work together with businesses and researchers. Data collaboratives whereby actors collaborate to share and use data for public good gain increasing interest. Most of these collaborations, however, tend to be one-off, small, and limited in impact due to a complex web of legal, technical, ethical, commercial, and organizational challenges. Initiators of data collaboratives, termed as conveners, can potentially alleviate some of these concerns by playing various roles in developing a more sustainable data ecosystem for the data collaboratives. Our study investigates what convener roles are perceived to be critical in developing data collaboratives. By drawing on data ecosystems thinking, we developed a framework of convener roles and sub-roles which we further used to analyze four cases in the Netherlands and Sweden. We conclude that connecting role and learning catalyst role are critical at the initiation stage, while stimulating and mediating roles emerge as future critical roles as the data ecosystem develops. We further identified convener meta-roles that are associated with particular data ecosystem structures (keystone-centric, marketplace-based, intermediary-based, and platform-centric). Our research can be instrumental to actors leading the efforts of creating such data ecosystems as it provides insights on the needs and resources that can be leveraged to stimulate development and innovation.  相似文献   

杨平  田野 《图书情报工作》2014,58(8):133-138
长尾数据是一种重要的科研资源,由于缺乏关注度与技术支持,它的利用价值被长期忽视。在简要概括其定义、属性以及重要性等的基础上,从壁垒与对策研究、基础架构研究、用户行为研究、图书馆与图书馆员责任能力研究、有机共享研究5个方面梳理长尾数据共享理论研究现状。此外,基于数据生命周期理论归纳促进长尾数据共享的5种常用管理工具,包括DM PTool、DataUp、EZID、Merritt repository、数据出版平台。最后,总结长尾数据共享所面临的社会和技术障碍以及相应的对策建议并提出未来的研究建议。  相似文献   

Over the last decade, expanded participation among stakeholders has been increasingly adopted by both public and private organizations in different domains. This approach is used to strengthen the involvement of stakeholders in decision-making processes about meaningful decisions that will affect their communities. This paper aims to review, categorize, and offer a better understanding of the different issues that stakeholders' participation processes (SPPs). To meet this aim, a systematic literature review has been conducted. This paper has two main contributions. First, it presents a typology of issues that is arranged in nine categories: economic, efficiency and effectiveness, ethical, legislative, political, administration, socioeconomic, stakeholders and social, and technology. Second, it proposes a conceptual model of SPPs dimensions of issues. A real-world scenario of use of the proposed conceptual model and recommendations are presented.  相似文献   


Today's learners operate in digital environments which can be largely navigated with no human intervention. At the same time, libraries spend millions and millions of dollars to provide access to content which our users may never know is available to them. Through the Open SESMO (Search Engine & Social Media Optimization) database project, Montana State University (MSU) Library applied search engine optimization and structured data with the Schema.org vocabulary, linked data models and practices, and social media optimization techniques to all the library's subscribed databases. Our research shows that Open SESMO creates significant return-on-investment with substantial increased traffic to our paid resources by our users as evidenced through analytics and metrics. In the core research of the article, we take a quantitative look at the pre/post results to assess the Open SESMO method and its impact on organic search referrals and use of the collection analyzing data from three distinct fall semesters. Returns include demonstrated library value through database recommendations, connecting researchers to subject librarians, and increased visitation to our library's paid databases with growth in organic search referrals, impressions, and click-through rates. This project offers a standard and innovative practice for other libraries to employ in surfacing their paid databases to users through the open web by applying structured and linked data methods.  相似文献   

开放科研数据面临数据重用的困境,了解国内外相关学者或机构对该问题的解决方式可为利益相关方政策制定与服务实施提供参考。本研究通过文献综述,调研学术论文、专题报道、调查报告、政策、学者博客等,述评当前学者对数据重用困难的解决方式,认为应关注科研人员的核心作用,提出科研数据重用生态系统模式,为支持科研数据重用活动提供服务新思路,并指出图书馆是科研数据重用活动的重要推动者。  相似文献   

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