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体育教师"说课"能力的评估方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用文献资料、专家调查法,以12位从事体育教学实践与理论研究多年的专家为研究对象,以体育教师“说课”能力的评估方法为内容,进行相关评估方法研究,获得了关于体育教师“说课”能力评估体系的各指标权重分值具体分布。  相似文献   

采用特尔斐法,对36名学校体育学专家进行3轮次专家咨询,并运用教育评价的理论与方法,对中学体育教师教学能力的构成评价指标体系进行了研究,结果显示,中学体育教师教学能力评价结构为体育教师的教学控制能力、体育课教学准备能力与教学总结与自我提高能力.其二级指标体育教师体育教学准备能力调查结果如下一级指标之一-体育教师体育教学准备能力涵盖4个二级指标对教学内容的理解、教材系统性安排、教案质量、课前场地器材准备.  相似文献   

通过对天津市高校青年体育教师基本功比赛的成绩进行描述,在分析青年体育教师说课、体能、运动技能(专项和选项)状况的前提下,探讨性别、年龄、职称等教师个体特征变量对青年体育教师教学基本功的影响,揭示体育教师基本功及与此相关的说课、体能、运动技能(专项和选项)的相关性,以期促进人们对体育教师基本功教学建设的认识,并提出建议:提高青年体育教师的专项技能水平和有“知”和“能”的解决教育教学实际问题的能力,对青年教师教学基本功进行有目标、有选择、有分类的培训和训练;择优聘任有一定教学工作实际经验和专业理论知识的专家型教师为青年教师教学基本功训练辅导教师,建立有效的教学基本功比赛的反馈机制.  相似文献   

说课,是一项有学术价值并被实践证明了的教改成果。体育教学开展说课活动,是提高体育教师整体素质尤其理论水平的科学途径,也是提高体育教学和体育科研质量的有效措施。针对广大体育教师目前说课活动尚未普及,对说课尚欠熟悉的现状,本文就说课的意义、内容、评价及有关事宜作了较为全面的论述,供各级各类学校的体育教师在进行“说课”时参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

“说课”是普通高校体育教师行之有效的教学研究手段之一,就其内容、特点及作用做了分析。  相似文献   

青年体育教师是高师体育教育发展的中坚力量,如何在较短的时间内培养青年体育教师从任教开始的技术型向理论与实践相结合转化,从教学型向教学科研相结合转化,是各高校面临的基本问题,也是提高高校体育教学质量的主要问题.本文旨在从说课这种教研活动的优点出发,挖掘说课与体育教师成长的理论关系,试图寻找一条推动青年体育教师成长的迅捷之路.  相似文献   

《学校体育学》是高等体育院系专业主干课程之一,实验把“说课”纳入《学校体育学》课程教学内容后,对于满足学生对掌握体育教学基本技能需求,理论联系实际的能力,学习主动性,巩固体育教师专业思想有一定增强和提高,同时,98%左右的学生支持把“说课”纳入《学校体育学》课程教学内容.  相似文献   

所谓“小助手”作用是指班级体育委员、体育小组长在体育教师的指导下,在掌握一定的体育基本知识,技术及课的组织方法的前提下,协助体育教师担任部分教学组织任务. 利用“小助手”教学的好处是:  相似文献   

高职院校教师说课问题浅谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
说课是教师面对同行和专家,以先进的教育理念为指导将自己对课程标准、教材的理解、课堂程序的设计和安排、学习方法的选择和实践等一系列教学元素的确立及其理论依据进行阐述的一种教学研究活动。对当前高职院校广泛开展的“说课”进行分析,提出从课程定位与设计、课程内容、学生实际情况、教学设计、学习方法、课程评价、课程特色等方面掌握说课的内容和要求,展现教学能力和水平。  相似文献   

为进一步丰富健美操的教学方法及手段,从分析“递加循环法”的教学模式与特点入手,指出了该方法在加快动作技术的掌握和巩固、及时发现纠正借畏动作、调节课的练习密度等几方面的运用中应注意的问题,为体育教师在健美操教学时提供参考。  相似文献   

The article introduces Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet".Hamlet wants to revenge for his father.But when the opportunity is coming,he delays his revenge.The passage analyzes the causes of his delay from Hamlet's characters.  相似文献   

Since the late 1960s,culture has been considered tighter with communication.Culture IS based on the community of communication.Communication involves people and their environment.Thus culture is an important factor in communication.Today with modem economic and technological development,intercultural communication is mole important than ever before. When people from different cultural background communicate with each other,their social stereotype pattern of behavior, their habits of language and thought differ from one another,because these are the possible factors that affect intercultural communications.Culture norms also change,culture may be transferred as signs but we have to study and understand the above carefially.  相似文献   

The thesis mainly discusses the character of the heroine in Charlotte Brontes famous novel "Jane Eyre". There are three major parts-introduction,analysis which is the main body of the thesis,and conclusion.Jane Eyre,the heroine,is a new woman image who requires independence equality and freedom.The thesis just analyzes Janes these rebellious characters through four peroods of her experiences.First,in her childhood,she has shown her rebellious spirit.As an orphan,Jane suffers a lot of misery.Not only her aunt treats her cruelly,her cousins despise her,but also do servants have a prejudice against her.In Janes immature heart, she is unwilling to bear ill treatment.She rebels them bravely.Second,when she studies at Lowood,her rebellious spirit is exposed furtherly.Her view doest stay in Mrs Reeds,instead turns to the whole society.She makes hypocrisy of so-called charity to be discovered completely.At the same time,she declares her independent,equal rebellious thought to her friend-Helldn who endures oppression willingly.Third,she,as a governess in Thornfield Hall falls in love with Rochester-her master.During this period,her thought grows into maturity.Thought she loves him passionately,she never loses her dignity and independence for him.When she knows his mad wife still lives,she makes up her mind to leave him.For she doesnt want to become his mistress.Fourth,her refusal of St Johns proposal of marriage depicts Janes character.She knows John does not love her at all and his purpose of marriage is only to perform his great task missionary.Jane does want to become a sacrifice.She breaks traditional morality,then she goes back to Rochester.  相似文献   

The context of a word consists of the other words surrounding it and the situation in which it is used.When we come across a new word in our reading,instead of looking it up in a dictionary for its definition,we can guess its meaning from its context.  相似文献   

Introduction Whatisculture?Toputitsimply,culturemeansthe totalwayoflifeofaperson.Thissimpledefinitionimplies thatculturereferstothepattersofcustoms,traditions,socialhabits,values,beliefsandlanguageofasociety.As cultureissoinclusive,itincludesvirtuallyeverythingthat agroupofpeoplethink,say,doandmake.Followingthedefinitionofsociologists,theterm culturereferstothetotalpatternofbeliefs,customs,institutions,objects,andcharacterizesthelifeofhuman community.“Cultureconsistsofallthesharedproductsof …  相似文献   

"Midnight"is a poem written by Archibald·Lampman,a Canadian poet,who loved nature very much,but his poor health prevents him from being very active in the outdoor life.So he is often the quite,thoughtful observer of nature in his poems.This article mainly talks about how to appreciate the poem in the following aspects:word selecting,rhyme,sentence structure and atmosphere.After reading this poem,we cannot get rid of the air of horror and mystery."Midnight" reveals another aspect of the nature:wild,rough and unknown.There is something else in the nature that can awe human beings even though we don't know what it is.  相似文献   

当代中国武术经历了时代的沧桑和变迁,在历经了文化和历史的发展与洗礼之后,依然发展、繁衍至今。在这样一个漫长的过程中,伴随着以社会环境和社会人群价值取向为主的变迁与变化,当代中国武术的发展与当代社会的发展正逐渐的呈现出某些相背离和不和谐的表象。通过研究,我们发觉中国武术中原本一些内在的东西正在不断的被遗忘,正在不断的流逝。本文试从中国武术在当代发展中的问题境域入手,解读中国武术在当今世界和社会中存在的一些问题,希望能够从中找到中国武术发展的"合法性"或"合时性"的内在依据,以挺立中国武术的脊梁。  相似文献   

Chapter Ⅰ Introduction Sitting in the rocking chair,Carrie dreams her future.This is the deep impression the novel"Sister Carrie"gives us,which is written by Theodore Dreiser(1871-1945),the great American realism writer.  相似文献   

运用临场观察统计法、访谈法、文献资料法以及归纳法等研究方法,对现阶段国内青少年足球守门员防守技术运用情况进行统计与分析研究.结果表明:判断反应与选位能力不足是青少年守门员防守技术失误的主要原因,预判失误与技术粗糙以及缺乏自信等导致青少年守门员对抗条件下难以有效发挥位置优势,强干扰情况时出击争夺球失误多,重视反应训练和提高接球动作质量要求是提高青少年守门员技术水平的重中之重.  相似文献   

提高体校学生的语素质的主要途径是课堂教学。体校语教师在教学过程中必须根据学生身心特点.设置合理的结构模式,以便顺利实现教学目标。  相似文献   

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