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文章从图书馆主页是否设置教学支持栏目、网络教学资源、教学与培训、学科服务四个方面,对国内42所“双一流”高校图书馆开展的教学支持服务现状进行调研,对调研中发现的问题进行分析,提出要重视开展教学支持服务、完善教学支持服务栏目等建议。  相似文献   

从多途径建设数字教学参考资源、积极实施教育发展计划、课件开发和定制服务、建立课程资源库、提供服务使用教程、开展教育资源推荐和订阅服务、开发应用程序支持教学服务等7个方面对纽约公共图书馆开展基础教育支持服务的情况进行全面分析调查,发现纽约公共图书馆在提供基础教育支持服务上具有典型性。据此提出我国公共图书馆应借鉴纽约公共图书馆基础教育支持服务的成功实践,通过多种途径建设教学资源、提供信息导航和教程服务、培养基础教育支持服务的学科馆员、构建教学资源捐赠数据库、建立基础教育支持服务课程试卷服务平台、开展数字课程资源定制服务、建立服务评估机制等,以更积极有效地开展基础教育支持服务工作。  相似文献   

针对当前教学资源系统存在的信息孤岛和紧耦合集成等问题,从Web服务栈结构的特性和应用模型的特点出发,描述动态教学环境下教学资源系统支持共享与协同的功能结构,并阐述基于Web Service的软件集成技术,给出一种基于服务网格的教学资源系统集成框架。  相似文献   

分析了教学资源支持服务的重要性,并以福建电大教材发行服务中心工作实践为例,探讨在教学资源支持保障工作如何实践科学发展,提高自身业务能力和管理水平,并对今后工作提出思考,为电大教学资源支持保障工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

高校图书馆作为大学教育工作的重要场景,结合元宇宙相关理念与技术可以实现教学支持服务能力的有效提升。通过对国内外高校图书馆的广泛调查与典型案例挖掘,文章分析元宇宙与高校图书馆教学支持服务的契合度,总结元宇宙赋能高校图书馆教学支持服务的应用场景,在此基础上构建元宇宙视域下的高校图书馆教学支持服务模式,提出高校图书馆相应发展策略。高校图书馆应从加大基础设施建设投入、布局元宇宙高校图书馆联盟、构建去中心化教学资源库、定义多元教学场景属性、打造智慧学科服务、培养元宇宙图书馆人才等方面为元宇宙图书馆的到来进行准备。  相似文献   

本文针对汽车专业教学特点,总结出应用虚拟仿真教学资源解决教学中关键问题的方法.  相似文献   

现在,网上教育信息资源越来越丰富,各学科教学资源网站、各种多媒体资源网站以及各种搜索引擎不断涌现,这为教学带来了取之不尽、用之不完的教学资源。但如果仅仅建设这种以搜索引擎为主体的虚拟资源网站还不够,各学校还应加强面向教学的多媒体资源网站建设。在实际教学环境中,  相似文献   

文章从技术支持、数字资源、信息服务、用户需求等角度构建了虚拟学习环境下高校图书馆提供学习支持服务的模型,并以加拿大卡尔顿大学的实践为例,分析探讨了高校图书馆在虚拟学习环境中提供学习支持服务的方式,从而提出对国内高校图书馆开展此项服务的几点启示。  相似文献   

虚拟实验技术及其在电大开放教育中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对电大远程教育的人才培养模式的特点,对基于网络技术、数据库技术、虚拟现实等技术为设计核心的虚拟实验技术进行探讨,尝试进行我省电大远程虚拟实验模式设计,进而改革传统的教学方法、提高教学水平,实现教学资源的共享。  相似文献   

从教学模式改革谈教学资源的变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息技术应用到教学过程后,教学资源的建设模式、呈现形式、传播方式和服务方式都正在发生深刻的变革。文章从国内外教学资源建设的现状,结合高等教育出版社教学资源建设的实践,提出了教学资源发展的几个趋势。该文为2009年第四期“数字时代的阅读专题”文章之一。  相似文献   


Because of the global COVID-19 pandemic during the spring of 2020, colleges and universities found themselves rapidly moving all courses to online modalities, a format that many instructors were not experienced in or comfortable with. Academic librarians were called upon to help support faculty in this sudden transition, as well as migrating their own library services and instruction online. For many, it felt like a mad scramble to find best practices for online teaching, or even just “good-enough” practices, as well as specific tools that instructional faculty and librarians could utilize to keep their students engaged and learning during such a trying time. At the time of this writing, some universities have announced that they will continue to hold most, if not all, courses online in the fall 2020 term. Resources to support online teaching are critical now, and they will continue to be important going forward even after the global pandemic subsides. The reviews in this column cover a variety of online instructional tools and instructional support sites. The resources reviewed range from providing best practices for online pedagogy, creating engaging formative assessment tools, developing video discussion boards, creating interactive images, using virtual bulletin boards for student collaboration, and ensuring online content meets accessibility requirements. These resources will be useful for librarians and instructional faculty as they continue to teach in the online environment.  相似文献   

课程服务是高校图书馆开展的以服务学校学科建设、教学改革、教师教学和学生学习为目标的面向教学的学科服务.东北师范大学图书馆主要依托Blackboard课程管理系统,通过学科馆员开展以课程资源服务、课程建设服务、课程教改服务和MOOC课程服务为主要内容的课程服务实践,并通过总结成功经验,分析现存问题,改进工作策略,深化课程服务工作,树立学科服务品牌.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the integration of library resources, library instruction and services into the design of online courses. While many libraries embrace the ACRL guidelines for library support of distance learners, many of the Web-based resources we develop still depend upon students seeking them out. Distance learning librarian collaboration with teaching faculty and instructional designers at Regis University resulted in a proactive method of library resource delivery applicable in multiple online scenarios.  相似文献   

蔡屏 《图书情报工作》2011,55(11):90-94
高校图书馆虚拟参考咨询服务是支持学生学习的一个重要途径,文章基于教育学原理总结出一些参考咨询员可以用来提升学生信息查询行为的指导策略,在提供咨询服务的同时,激发学生的学习积极性和实践能力,从而提升其信息查询能力。  相似文献   

虚拟参考咨询服务与知识管理实施研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对知识转化管理、人力资源管理、技术支撑、追求目标方面虚拟参考咨询服务与知识管理具有诸多相通之处。本文在分析虚拟参考咨询服务与知识管理的契合关系基础上,提出了知识管理理念导入虚拟参考咨询领域的一些思路。  相似文献   

随着网络信息技术的飞速发展,高校图书馆读者的信息需求更加多元化和个性化。为满足读者多元化的需求,高校图书馆可以通过三段教学模式、"必修+选修+预约"教学模式、专题讲座与短期培训互补的教学模式、互动教学与多媒体相结合的授课模式、网络课堂与虚拟教学相结合的教学模式、在线咨询与社区服务共存的服务模式为读者提供多元化的服务,以确保不同类型的读者都能够享受到丰富的馆藏资源。  相似文献   



The research sought to determine if first-year medical students consulted and cited resources specifically highlighted during library instructional sessions.


Students attended a library resources instructional session. Resources that pertained to the students'' assignment were demonstrated and discussed. The students created a report including citations from relevant literature. The citations were analyzed and categorized as: a resource discussed at the instructional session, a resource found on the course LibGuide, a library resource, course material, or some other resource. All citations were subcategorized as print or electronic.


Three years (2008–2011) of data analyzing 2,983 citations showed that 49.55% of all citations were from resources discussed during library instructional sessions; 21.86% came from resources with links on the course LibGuide; 77.51% were from library resources; and 90.68% came from electronic resources.


Students cited resources specifically highlighted during library instructional sessions for their assignments. The percentage of all citations coming from resources highlighted during the instructional sessions or found on the course LibGuide indicates that library instruction had an impact on the students'' work.


  • Review of the literature shows that instruction about library resources accompanied by clear guidelines on scholarly research methods and resources provided by course instructors have the biggest impact on the quality of cited materials in student bibliographies.
  • Graduate medical students cited library resources more frequently than nonlibrary resources for their assigned coursework.
  • Graduate medical students cited materials and resources specifically highlighted during library instructional sessions for their assigned coursework.


  • Instruction about library resources tailored to medical students'' assignments impacts the resources that the students consult and cite for their assignments.
  • Using the information gathered from citation analysis to modify teaching plans can impact the effectiveness of library instructional sessions.

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(82):69-105

The Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI) Library, established in 1990 to support instructional teaching and research, continued to support the academic programs in the Institute while initiating and developing its Outreach Program in 1998. This program provides library and information services to Illinois fire departments and firefighters throughout the state. Since establishing the Outreach Program, the IFSI Library has accumulated more than 7,000 entries in a “Reference Request Database.”

This paper reports and analyzes the data, including request methods, delivery methods, types of requests, and types of resources. Trends indicate a change over time in request and delivery methods. Different regions of the state and different user groups have begun to use the library. The research can serve as a model for designing, developing and evaluating outreach reference service in a special or small library dedicated to meeting the information needs of remote library users.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 特藏是图书馆重要的馆藏资源,特藏建设和服务对于提高图书馆精神内涵、推动学校学科建设有积极作用。[方法/过程] 调研17所英国高校图书馆,对其特藏资源建设方法、文献范围类型、标准化建设、宣传推广、相关制度、服务项目6个方面进行分析,发现其特藏文献类型多样,涵盖多个学科主题,数字化范围及文献资源揭示度高,通过展览宣传、新媒体推广等方式,完善政策体系,并基于特藏开展分级特藏服务和教学科研支持服务。[结果/结论] 在调研国内部分"双一流"高校图书馆特藏建设基础上,为国内特藏建设提出6项建议:强化外部合作,推行特藏标准化建设,多途径创新宣传,完善特藏资源政策体系,创建需求驱动的特藏服务,重视对教学科研的支持等。  相似文献   

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