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基于用户画像的高校图书馆个性化资源推荐服务设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用户画像作为大数据分析背景下个性化推荐服务的设计工具,为高校图书馆领域个性化阅读资源推荐服务提供解决思路。本研究在分析目前个性化推荐和用户画像研究的基础上,引入用户画像技术,从数据基础层、数据处理层、画像构建层、画像服务层设计探讨用户画像的构建流程,重点在用户画像构建和画像服务层面进行阐述,同时从用户基本属性、阅读状态、学习风格、阅读偏好四个维度构建用户多维画像模型,并提出基于冷启动和用户阅读学习过程画像的个性化推荐服务策略,以期为后疫情教育环境下高校图书馆开展个性化资源推荐服务和满足用户多维度阅读学习需求提供参考。  相似文献   

针对传统协同过滤算法依赖单一用户需求形态影响推荐效果的问题,提出一种基于用户多态聚类的数字图书馆个性化推荐方法。该方法以改进的海明距离计算候选邻居集,结合多态相似度进行二次聚类,预测用户的多态需求度并形成推荐。实验表明,使用多态聚类产生的推荐精确度上优于单一聚类产生的推荐。  相似文献   

Recommender systems have dramatically changed the way we consume content. Internet applications rely on these systems to help users navigate among the ever-increasing number of choices available. However, most current systems ignore the fact that user preferences can change according to context, resulting in recommendations that do not fit user interests. This research addresses these issues by proposing the \(({ CF})^2\) architecture, which uses local learning techniques to embed contextual awareness into collaborative filtering models. The proposed architecture is demonstrated on two large-scale case studies involving over 130 million and over 7 million unique samples, respectively. Results show that contextual models trained with a small fraction of the data provided similar accuracy to collaborative filtering models trained with the complete dataset. Moreover, the impact of taking into account context in real-world datasets has been demonstrated by higher accuracy of context-based models in comparison to random selection models.  相似文献   

基于情境模型的手机图书馆个性化服务研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络环境下用户的个性化需求具有易变性、动态性、私密性和情境敏感性等特征,个性化服务的提供越来越需要情境模型的支持。手机图书馆是数字图书馆在移动网络环境下的扩展,是数字图书馆个性化信息服务的需求方式。为此,将情境模型运用于手机图书馆个性化服务,在无线网络和互联网中分别设置情境模型和用户模型,使手机图书馆个性化服务系统具备感知、觉察用户当前和历史情境的功能,并根据用户情境自适应地调整提供给用户的信息,向手机用户提供个性化信息检索、个性化信息推荐、个性化信息推送等服务。在情境模型应用于手机图书馆个性化服务时,需要注意解决手机用户信息安全、手机用户个性化信息获取的准确性与动态性、数字图书馆各种资源的整合、集成及知识产权、系统复杂性与手机用户易用性之间的矛盾等问题。  相似文献   

结合电子商务荐购系统的要素分析,构建能统一描述荐购系统输入信息、内部数据表示方式和各种荐购方法的用户、商品及交易关系模型。以此关系模型为基础,提出一种混合型荐购方法,并以此方法为核心构建能支持多种荐购方法自由切换、支持用户定制、支持信息推送服务以及商业排名服务的电子商务荐购模型。  相似文献   

Query recommendation has long been considered a key feature of search engines, which can improve users’ search experience by providing useful query suggestions for their search tasks. Most existing approaches on query recommendation aim to recommend relevant queries, i.e., alternative queries similar to a user’s initial query. However, the ultimate goal of query recommendation is to assist users to reformulate queries so that they can accomplish their search task successfully and quickly. Only considering relevance in query recommendation is apparently not directly toward this goal. In this paper, we argue that it is more important to directly recommend queries with high utility, i.e., queries that can better satisfy users’ information needs. For this purpose, we attempt to infer query utility from users’ sequential search behaviors recorded in their search sessions. Specifically, we propose a dynamic Bayesian network, referred as Query Utility Model (QUM), to capture query utility by simultaneously modeling users’ reformulation and click behaviors. We then recommend queries with high utility to help users better accomplish their search tasks. We empirically evaluated the performance of our approach on a publicly released query log by comparing with the state-of-the-art methods. The experimental results show that, by recommending high utility queries, our approach is far more effective in helping users find relevant search results and thus satisfying their information needs.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]用户兴趣推荐是信息服务中的重要内容,针对目前融合情境信息推荐的研究更多是直接将情境作为单因素而缺乏考虑情境关联的思想,本文以情境关系为切入点实现社会化媒体用户的兴趣推荐。[方法/过程]以具有相似情境用户可能具有相似兴趣为假设,来改进用户原始兴趣网络从而实现推荐。通过社会网络和资源相似性计算构建原始兴趣网络中显性网络和隐性网络;借鉴共现原理和情境本身相似性构建情境网络;通过兴趣传递关系计算直接兴趣度与间接兴趣度;最后借鉴协同过滤的思想实现推荐。[结果/结论]与以往的只考虑单一情境因素的推荐方法相比,基于本方法的实验表明,将情境关系融入到推荐过程中不仅可以扩展用户的社会关系,而且可以得到更好的推荐效果。  相似文献   

介绍传统协同过滤方法,提出一个新的基于情景的多维协同过滤推荐模型。在该模型中,介绍情景的概念;阐述建立基于情景的多维用户模型的方法,并对基于情景的多维协同过滤推荐模型的组成部分进行详细介绍。提出一种计算情景相似度的新算法。基于该新算法,可以得到当前用户的“最近邻”在当前用户所在情景下对项目的评分。  相似文献   

提出一种基于概念格的图书协同推荐方法。首先建立用户与图书之间的概念格,然后根据概念格中图书节点之间的继承关系,从下向上回溯用户之间的共同偏好,快速计算用户之间的相似度,以确定目标用户的"最近邻居"。最后通过计算协同推荐值,实现对目标用户推荐其可能感兴趣的图书,从而为图书的协同推荐提供支持。  相似文献   

随着信息的爆炸,人们对检索系统的功能、智能化程度以及检索效果的要求更高,希望它们能提供更准确、更精炼和更符合个人需要的检索结果。本文提出一种基于用户兴趣的个性化检索方法,结合分类法的思想,用“分类”代替“关键词”表示用户兴趣,改进了信息过滤的方法,优化了检索结果,使其更加符合用户的需要,实现了基于用户兴趣的个性化信息检索。此外,开发了基于用户兴趣的个性化检索系统,并进行了相关实验,验证了该方法确可明显改善检索效果。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 利用三度影响力理论,从网络结构的角度进一步拓展用户关系连接,提高社交网络好友推荐的效率。[方法/过程] 首先,计算用户之间的关系强度,并筛选关系强度较大的用户集合;然后,通过用户共同关注的内容计算用户兴趣相似度;最后,融合用户关系强度和兴趣相似度实现好友的推荐并通过实际数据对所提方法进行实证检验。[结果/结论] 实验结果表明,融合关系强度和兴趣的社交网络好友推荐方法具有较好的效果,可为用户推荐提供参考和借鉴。该方法进一步完善社会化推荐理论。  相似文献   

Collaborative filtering (CF) is a popular method for personalizing product recommendations for e-commerce applications. In order to recommend a product to a user and predict that user’s preference, CF utilizes product evaluation ratings of like-minded users. The process of finding like-minded users forms a social network among all users and each link between two users represents an implicit connection between them. Users having more connections with others are the most influential users. Attacking recommender systems is a new issue for these systems. Here, an attacker tries to manipulate a recommender system in order to change the recommendation output according to her wish. If an attacker succeeds, her profile is used over and over again by the recommender system, making her an influential user. In this study, we applied the established attack detection methods to the influential users, instead of the whole user set, to improve their attack detection performance. Experiments were conducted using the same settings previously used to test the established methods. The results showed that the proposed influence-based method had better detection performance and improved the stability of a recommender system for most attack scenarios. It performed considerably better than established detection methods for attacks that inserted low numbers of attack profiles (20–25 %).  相似文献   

提出一个结合本体论及通用个人资料的个性化推荐模式。首先以网络分类服务作为本体论来解释用户的网络浏览行为,以此挖掘用户的偏好;其次,利用Web使用挖掘技术过滤多余的浏览记录,增强个性化的准确度;最后,利用本体论的层次结构特点,从用户偏好类别中挖掘其潜在偏好,产生符合用户特征的通用个人资料。  相似文献   

通过对社交网络所产生的海量用户以及数据的挖掘与分析,判断用户不同的特征与喜好,从而为用户定制个性化知识服务,达到用户的需求,增强其对产品与服务的使用黏性,这不仅满足了企业的商业目的,同时也提高了用户的满意度。论文在深入了解我国社交网络的运营模式、分析社交网络中用户行为特征的前提下,提出从用户兴趣模型出发的个性化知识服务,并建立了基于个人兴趣和兴趣传播推荐的个性化知识服务模型。  相似文献   

李媛媛  李旭晖 《情报学报》2020,39(4):436-449
以博客、即时通讯、社会网络、社群共享、社会化标注等为代表的Web 2.0应用技术,使用户、信息、资源构成关系紧密的web网络。目前将本体应用到社会化标签用户动态兴趣的研究资料极为稀少,尚无法满足平台对用户兴趣精准把控的需求。本研究从此角度出发,探讨兴趣模型的构建方法。在《中国分类主题词表》和《中国图书馆分类法》对词语的约束规则和关系定义的基础上,构建豆瓣读书用户的兴趣标签本体;并根据再现率、覆盖度、热度率指标对标签的兴趣强度、稳定性进行预测实验,确定兴趣的表示形式,以此构建初始兴趣模型,并提出相应的兴趣节点更新流程。本研究提出的基于本体的用户兴趣模型及更新流程在用户兴趣表示的深度及广度上有了一定程度的提升,在标签资源推荐、检索等实践应用上其适用性更强。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]针对移动在线学习平台中用户评价具有布尔变量属性的学习资源,提出一种适用于该类资源的协同推荐方法。[方法/过程]首先采用基于用户自身属性和已有好友分布特征的FRUTAI算法,确定目标用户的最近邻集;然后在解决数据稀疏的基础上,提出适用于布尔型移动在线学习资源的协同推荐方法;最后选取实证对象,依据相关评估方法评估推荐结果。[结果/结论]在以豆瓣书评网数据作为数据集的实证中取得了较好的推荐效果。实证结果表明,本文提出的改进的协同推荐算法可以有效地应用于移动在线学习平台中的布尔型学习资源,具有较好的推荐效果。  相似文献   

提出基于不完全模糊语言的高校数字图书馆信息资源推荐系统,该系统中,用户兴趣模型的建立不要求用户直接提供偏好信息,而是允许用户通过不完全模糊语言偏好关系来表达个人偏好,这样既为用户节省时间和精力,又能获取更加准确的用户偏好,从而大大提高推荐精度。系统同时还引入"用户协作偏好",有助于用户开展多学科研究或参与合作研究项目。  相似文献   

乐谱文献大多结集出版且作品版本众多,用户需求集中表现为具体、特定的单元性音乐作品。文章结合西安音乐学院图书馆的工作实践,论述了从"经验型"、"手工型"、"电子型"到曲目数据库项目建设的乐谱文献自主创新服务。  相似文献   

目前个性化推荐领域的相关研究,很少考虑用户在资源属性上的兴趣差异,而资源属性往往是决定用户偏好的重要因素之一。针对这一问题,构建了基于资源多属性的用户评价模型和兴趣模型,并提出了一种改进的Pearson-Compatibility多属性群决策算法,在k-临近相似用户的推荐问题中引入该算法,结合协同过滤推荐的特点,对相似用户偏好差异性、残缺值、算法可能出现的提前收敛等问题进行了充分考虑,进而实现多属性的协同过滤。最后通过实验对算法的有效性进行验证,实验结果表明:算法在目标用户属性偏好的预测上,具有较高的准确度,对偏差值、残缺值具有较强的抗干扰能力,具有较强的实用价值。  相似文献   

Information filtering is an area getting more important as we have long been flooded with too much information, where product brokering in e-commerce is a typical example. Systems which can provide personalized product recommendations to their users (often called recommender systems) have gained a lot of interest in recent years. Collaborative filtering is one of the commonly used approaches which normally requires a definition of user similarity measure. In the literature, researchers have proposed different choices for the similarity measure using different approaches, and yet there is no guarantee for optimality. In this paper, we propose the use of machine learning techniques to learn the optimal user similarity measure as well as user rating styles for enhancing recommendation acurracy. Based on a criterion function measuring the overall prediction error, several ratings transformation functions for modeling rating styles together with their learning algorithms are derived. With the help of the formulation and the optimization framework, subjective components in user ratings are removed so that the transformed ratings can then be compared. We have evaluated our proposed methods using the EachMovie dataset and succeeded in obtaining significant improvement in recommendation accuracy when compared with the standard correlation-based algorithm.  相似文献   

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