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While administrations, and especially e-government “followers,” have been recommended adopting service-oriented architecture (SOA) for the purpose of implementing G2G interoperability, the challenges of reaching this objective remain significant. General guidelines for service development and SOA governance are published, but in view of many self-contained units and IT departments on all administrative levels as well as widespread outsourcing of software development there is a lack of sharing “best practices” how to implement SOA step by step in the area of e-government. In particular, it is unknown to what extent administrations are able to follow existing service development approaches, and there is no research addressing the contribution of service development methods towards governance, i.e. developing and managing government interoperability. In this research the case of Egypt, where SOA was chosen as the main interoperability approach, has been explored in terms of to what extent the current approach to service development supports the interoperability governance, and what kind of changes in the development methods and their application would yield improvements in interoperability governance. The case analysis on practical and strategic level leads to proposing success factors related to linking the methodology of developing G2G services to the overall effort of interoperability governance. These factors, divided into interoperability problem perception, method scoping and deliverables, measurement of goal achievement, and methodological commitment, can be used as hypotheses in future research and as guidelines for improving the interoperability governance in administrative practice.  相似文献   

It is increasingly important for government agencies to collaborate across jurisdictional and functional boundaries. Interorganizational systems supporting interagency collaboration must accommodate a wide range of factors from the external environment and participating organizations as part of their design and operation. This paper presents the findings from a case study of CapWIN, a collaborative network created to enable first responders to share information across jurisdictional and functional boundaries as they work together during emergencies and other critical events. The study examines how aspects of the external environment and the agency context impeded or facilitated the CapWIN collaborative network and the interorganizational system (IOS) that supports it. We identify factors affecting information sharing and collaborative processes, and describe how these factors interact to enable and constrain an IOS. The paper concludes with suggestions for further research on the interplay of environmental, organizational, and technical aspects of interagency collaboration networks as they evolve over time.  相似文献   

电子政务社会化服务的隐性信息资源诉求   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
社会化服务引发了电子政务信息资源的全新定位。本文以社会化服务为导向,从电子政务的实践发展,用户需求和信息资源共享等几方面论述了社会化服务对电子政务隐性信息资源的迫切需求。认为以政府优秀决策为标的物的隐性信息资源开发、共享与利用是电子政务社会化服务职能实现的突破口。电子政务隐性信息资源是体现政府在社会化服务中“做了什么”,“怎样做的”和“为什么这样做”的极具社会应用价值的信息资源。  相似文献   

This study examines the performance of a cross-boundary e-government system. It draws from studies in the fields of e-government, collaborative public management, and information system success with a focus on inter-organizational information systems to develop a conceptual framework. This framework includes efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability as key performance measures; identifies technical, managerial, and inter-organizational factors for success; and develops hypotheses accordingly. Empirical investigation utilizes user-level data from an inter-organizational e-government system that provides integrated commerce and industry service. The results underscore the importance of management support, shared goals, and inter-agency trust in improving all three measures of performance. In addition, citizen-centric and innovative organizational culture enhances efficiency and accountability while administrative interdependence impacts effectiveness and accountability. The managerial and theoretical implications of these findings and future research opportunities are also explored.  相似文献   

This study investigates policy issues surrounding the implementation and assessment of 2-1-1 information and referral services. More specifically, the study explores the benefits that users receive from 2-1-1 referral services that are distinct from the actual social assistance provided by various service agencies; what policymakers should consider when funding and implementing 2-1-1 services; and the operational structure and interagency relationships that can maximize the benefit of the referral service to both individuals and existing social service agencies. Researchers conducted an extensive literature review and case study to examine dimensions of service performance, benefit–cost, and user outcomes of 2-1-1 services. This study further identifies potential measures and protocols for developing a holistic assessment program that goes beyond the reporting of quantitative inputs and outputs associated with a 2-1-1 agency. The centerpiece of this study is the creation of a logic model that identifies benefits and costs at three different levels: the individual, organizational, and societal. In addition, the model incorporates the dimension of time in order to distinguish between short-, medium-, and long-term benefits. Thus, the model provides a basis for incremental and flexible assessment of service performance that can lead to the creation of a culture of continuous improvement and ongoing evaluation for 2-1-1 services.  相似文献   

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been suggested to have transformative potential for public sector organizations through enabling increased productivity and novel ways to deliver public services. In order to materialize the transformative potential of AI, public sector organizations need to successfully assimilate AI in their operational activities. However, AI assimilation in the public sector appears to be fragmented and lagging the private sector, and the phenomena has really limited attention from academic research community. To address this gap, we adopt the case study approach to explore three Saudi-Arabian public sector organizations and analyze the results using the attention-based view of the organization (ABV) as the theoretical lens. This study elucidates the challenges related AI assimilation in public sector in terms of how organizational attention is focused situated and distributed during the assimilation process. Five key challenges emerged from the cases studied, namely (i) misalignment between AI and management decision-making, (ii) tensions with linguistics and national culture, (iii) developing and implementing AI infrastructure, (iv) data integrity and sharing, and (v) ethical and governance concerns. The findings reveal a re-enforcing relationship between the situated attention and structural distribution of attention that can accelerate the successful assimilation of AI in public sector organizations.  相似文献   

文章将跨区域突发事件应急联动网络作为协同政务知识共享的典型案例,对其组织模式及组织保障因素 进行了分析,指出应急协同网络是几个地区的政府部门协同应对突发事件的知识协同网,其中,突发事件应急联动体 系的一级协同网络构成知识型虚拟政府,二、三级协同网络可以视为政府知识协同团队,应急协同网络的正常运行需 要以良好的组织结构、信任机制、学习机制和知识共享文化等为组织保障。  相似文献   

The efficient delivery of government services to the poor, or Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP), faces many challenges. While a core problem is the lack of scalability, that could be solved by the rapid proliferation of platforms and associated ecosystems. Existing research involving platforms focus on modularity, openness, ecosystem leadership and governance, as well as on their impact on innovation, scale and agility. However, existing studies fail to explore the role of platform in scalable e-government services delivery on an empirical level. Based on an in-depth case study of the world's largest biometric identity platform, used by millions of the poor in India, we develop a set of propositions connecting the attributes of a digital platform ecosystem to different indicators for the scalability of government service delivery. We found that modular architecture, combined with limited functionality in core modules, and open standards combined with controlled access and ecosystem governance enabled by keystone behaviour, have a positive impact on scalability. The research provides insights to policy-makers and government officials alike, particularly those in nations struggling to provide basic services to poor and marginalised. This is also one of the few studies to apply platform theory empirically to the e-government domain.  相似文献   

Large-scale information technology implementations are risky projects, and the challenges and risks multiply when multiple organizations are involved, as is often the case in e-government initiatives. Some of the risk can be addressed by carefully aligning the partners' motivations, which are affected by each organization's internal and external operational and information technology strategies. In this paper, we propose a strategic alignment framework and use it to examine the motivations of a set of collaborating government agencies and businesses in the pilot implementation of the Internet Payment Platform, an interorganizational, third-party hosted, e-procurement system. As we predict, the partners in this study had varied technical, political, economic, and operational motivations for participating in the project. Even so, the participating agencies reported positive outcomes from the project, and look forward to further collaboration on the next iteration of this e-procurement system.  相似文献   

Effective e-government creates an environment for citizens to have greater access to their government and, in theory, makes citizen-to-government contact more inclusive. Our research examines two distinct but related measures of e-government effectiveness, namely the online service index and the e-participation index, both reported in the 2010 e-government survey conducted by the United Nations. We analyze the impact of political structure, public sector performance and policy initiatives on both indices in more than 150 countries. Our multiple regression analysis shows that there is greater e-government capability in countries that have more effective public sector governance and administration, and policies that advance the development and diffusion of information and communication technologies. More democratic institutions and processes, however, appear to have a negative impact on e-government. In addition, countries that practice effective governance and promote competition in the telecommunications sector demonstrate more extensive provision of e-participation. These results suggest that the path to e-government leverages different strategies depending on a nation's political structure, and that authoritarian countries may be utilizing e-government to maintain the status quo.  相似文献   

面对重大公共安全突发事件,公共图书馆该如何应对?如何建立起一个科学合理的图书馆应急服务体系和服务机制?魏大威和廖永霞介绍了国家图书馆在面对2019新冠肺炎疫情这一重大公共卫生安全突发事件过程中所采取的一系列应对举措,并提出应对重大公共卫生安全突发事件还需要图书馆不断健全应急机制、完善应对策略、强化自身能力,才能更充分地做好服务保障;柯平指出,建立图书馆应急服务机制,包括应急保障机制、联动机制和信息共享机制,并提出了关于图书馆应急服务机制的十个方面的建议;张智雄结合中国科学院武汉文献情报中心组织开展的以COVID-19科研动态监测为代表的应急情报服务工作的体会,总结了面对重大公共安全突发事件中专业图书馆应急服务组织的几点认识,强调在重大公共安全突发事件下专业化的情报组织整编有着重要的社会价值;王有强结合国际图书馆界相关实践经验,提出应该充分发挥图书馆文献信息资源优势,在重大突发公共安全事件应急管理的决策、研究、宣传等方面充分发挥文献支撑服务作用;滕五晓提出,图书馆是我国公共服务体系中的重要组成部分,需要用系统思维构建以读者为本、以能力提升为宗旨的图书馆应急服务;周璐调研报道了新冠疫情暴发后国内公共图书馆开展应急服务情况,指出公共图书馆作为市民服务的公共机构,建立起一个科学合理的应急服务体系至关重要。  相似文献   

分析我国应急物资信息管理存在的多种问题,讨论基于电子政务的灾害应急物资信息平台的优势,并详细论述该信息平台的建设内容,以期为我国完善应急机制,利用电子政务的建设成果,建立起统一的灾害应急物资信息平台,促进应急物资信息的流通和共享提供参考。  相似文献   

In the context of Political Science, fragmentation refers to the process of decentralization, department differentiation and division of management in governmental institutions. Increasingly fragmented features emerge in China's administrative values, public resource operation, public organizational structures and public service provision in the post-industrial age, which affect the planning and implementation of e-government and inevitably map onto virtual government, leading to a fragmented Chinese e-government. Although most of the literature include impediments or measures to China's e-government, hardly any research can be found that focuses on theoretically identifying and innovating the way to handle problems. An aim of this research is to determine that holistic governance could be considered a rational choice for the transformation from fragmentation to holistic development and an effective measure for the sound advancement of e-government.  相似文献   

The crisis of intimate partner violence (IPV) requires a comprehensive array of government services in law enforcement, health, and social services. Impacting over 5 million victims in the U.S. annually, the beating, rape, stalking, assault, and other abuse of IPV force survivors to face multiple points of crisis. Repeatedly, most of these individuals move through separate dynamic situations that require different types of information. Building from the research literature on IPV survivors' experiences, this paper presents an original four-part framework of the Everyday Life Information Seeking (ELIS) information needs of IPV survivors. Using the person-in-progressive-situation approach of ELIS, this framework delineates 16 concrete information needs which occur throughout the four points of change: considering leaving an abuser, actually leaving an abuser, surviving after leaving, and long-term survival after leaving. Police departments are the local government first-responders most directly responsible for IPV survivors at the point of crisis. Their well-established use of community policing techniques requires police to serve as key information gatekeepers for all crime victims but particularly for IPV survivors. Police departments are examined in light of this original framework to determine the extent to which their websites address these situational information needs of IPV survivors. Using the original four-part framework as an analytic lens, this examination of 172 police department websites in the nation's 100 largest metropolitan areas reveals major gaps in provision of essential information. Solving these problems requires more than simply filling the information gaps. The fundamental approach to local e-government social service information delivery must be firmly rooted in the information experiences of individuals' situations. Findings are contextualized in terms of information theory most relevant to individuals in crisis; future research needs are delineated.  相似文献   

基于信息共享空间的图书馆协同信息服务实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在信息膨胀和竞争激烈的环境中,用户需求与信息服务矛盾加剧。在分布、异构、动态的信息共享空间,建立协同信息服务集成的关键技术在于制定信息资源共享协同服务标准、复杂技术设备协同服务的组织形式,实现分布式虚拟环境下的协同服务中的应用。利用知识本体论原理可以有效地解决协同服务管理中的操作问题。在交互式的信息共享环境里,通过协同信息质量控制的流程和协同服务质量的评价方法,改善用户体验,更好地提升图书馆协同信息服务的效果。  相似文献   

跨系统或跨行业的电子政务信息资源横向共享是政务信息资源共享目标实现的关键,是开展协同政务的基础,是公共服务社会化的保障。横向政务信息资源共享的实现,目前最主要的障碍是行政体制的制约和电子政务本身发展的影响。要克服以上障碍,须采取以下主要对策,即:建立既合作又竞争的共享机制,实行行政干预下的自愿共享模式,完善可互操作的标准体系。  相似文献   

李章程 《图书情报工作》2011,55(23):110-116
根据2010年和2011年联合国与日本早稻田大学分别发表的世界电子政府测评报告,将欧洲电子政府公共服务归纳为4个方面,即在线服务、用户体验、门户网站和电子采购,并通过相关数据及实例论述欧洲电子政府公共服务在不同领域的具体表现。最后,从人本理念、泛欧服务、多层治理三方面分析欧洲电子政府公共服务取得成效的基本原因。  相似文献   

This article aims to understand what determines the degree of e-government use for multiple purposes by analyzing the Government Online Survey data that the Pew Internet and American Life Project provide. Three main purposes of e-government use are identified as: service use, information use, and policy research. The degree of e-government use for a specific purpose is predicted by five sets of determinants: psychological factors of technology adoption, civic mindedness, information channels, trust in government, and socio-demographic and personal characteristics. Sociodemographic conditions influence usage level of various transactional services provided by e-government. Perceived ease of use facilitates the acquisition of general information through e-government. Civicness is a critical determinant of e-government use for policy research. Policy researchers who are more engaged with and concerned about society, neighbors, and government are emerging as a new class of e-government users.  相似文献   

电子治理环境下政府信息资源共享路径研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
认为政府信息资源共享是一项系统工程,其路径的选择直接决定共享成效。尽管我国与西方国家的电子政务发展模式有所不同,但西方国家在政府信息资源共享上所采取的电子治理策略对我国有极大的借鉴意义。根据澳大利亚、美国、英国三个国家的政府信息资源共享路径选择的比较研究结果,提出我国应运用电子治理策略,分别在构建协调机制、信息技术利用、多元主体参与、政府信息资源标准化建设等方面进一步完善政府信息资源共享路径。  相似文献   

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