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现代企业理论与组织创新研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张钢 《科研管理》2001,22(1):37-44
进入九十年代以业,伴随知识经济浪潮,组织研究再次成为企业界和理论界关注的焦点,本将组织创新研究放到微观经济学企业理论的发展背景中,对组织创新研究的历史脉络、范式转换以及发展方向进行了分析评述。  相似文献   

When trying to attain the benefits of open source software (OSS), proprietary closed source software (PCSS) firms are struggling to adopt this radically different practice of software development. We approach these adoption challenges as a problem of gaining support for organizational innovation. Through a mixed-method research design consisting of qualitative interviews and a survey of employees of a large telecommunications firm, we find that the organizational innovation to commercially engage in OSS has different impacts on technical and administrative dimensions of different job roles. Accordingly, individuals enacting different job roles are—on average—more or less well aligned with the OSS practice and OSS processes per se. We find that individual-level attributes can counterbalance the job role changes that weaken support for adopting OSS, while perceived organizational commitment has no effect. Suggestions for PCSS firms are presented and implications for innovation literature are discussed.  相似文献   

Drawing on psychological ownership and social exchange theories, this study suggests theoretical arguments and empirical evidence for understanding employee reactions to distributive, procedural, and interactional (in)justice — three crucial bases of employees’ feelings of social self-worth. Utilizing field data and artificial intelligence technique, this paper reveals that distributive, procedural, and interactional (in)justice contribute to higher levels of knowledge hiding behavior among employees and that this impact is non-linear (asymmetric). By reuniting the discourses of organizational justice and knowledge management, this study indicates that feelings of psychological ownership of knowledge and the degree of social interaction are mechanisms that work with organizational (in)justice to influence knowledge hiding behavior. The current research may inform contemporary theories of business research and provide normative guidance for managers.  相似文献   

赵文平  吴敏  徐国华 《情报科学》2004,22(11):1331-1333
知识创新是组织适应外部环境变化和组织自身发展的需要。本文首先分析了组织知识创新的环境诱因和内部动力;然后研究了组织知识创新的过程;最后,对组织知识创新中存在的干扰及采取的对策进行了分析。  相似文献   

创新能力是高新技术企业的核心竞争力,以民营私企居多的科技型高新技术企业,其家长型领导风格对组织创新的影响备受关注。通过问卷调查方法收集得到珠三角、长三角以及京津塘三大高新技术企业聚集地的455份问卷,基于组织战略与组织文化构成的被调节的中介作用模型,经统计分析后发现:第一,与假设相反,家长型领导能够显著正向影响高新技术企业的组织创新;第二,高新技术企业的组织文化在家长型领导与组织创新间具有显著的中介作用;第三,高新技术企业的组织战略对家长型领导与组织创新间关系具有显著的调节作用;第四,高新技术企业的组织战略对组织文化在家长型领导与组织创新间的中介作用具有显著的调节作用。基于研究结论提出了相应对策建议,对于推动高新技术企业塑造组织创新氛围,提高员工创新能力具有重要理论与实践指导意义。  相似文献   

基于制造业企业301份调查问卷数据提出并验证反馈寻求、双元创新、组织整合惯性、组织结构特性、组织公平感和制造业服务化的跨层次有中介的调节模型。实证结果表明反馈寻求行为正向影响制造业服务化,并以组织双元创新为中介;此外,组织整合惯性,组织结构特性和组织公平感在其中产生正向和负向的调节作用。研究结论对我国整体制造业企业如何有效的利用反馈寻求行为和双元创新促进制造业服务化具有现实借鉴意义。  相似文献   

文化类型、组织结构与企业技术创新   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
技术创新总是在特定的文化背景和组织结构中发生的,不同的文化类型和组织结构决定了技术创新的不同性质.本文分析了不同企业文化类型的物性、组织结构的演变以及它们之间的协同关系,指出文化类型、组织结构与技术创新之间的有效匹配是企业依靠技术创新走内涵发展道路的根本保证.  相似文献   

廖冰  徐家运  唐松涛 《软科学》2012,26(4):106-109,130
以重庆和北京若干企业、事业单位各级管理人员和普通员工为研究对象,基于639份有效问卷进行多元回归分析,探索组织公平感、员工情感与员工成就感之间的关系及相互影响路径。结果表明:组织公平感对员工情感有显著影响,组织公平感和员工情感对员工成就感有显著影响,员工情感承担了部分中介作用。  相似文献   

企业组织创新过程中的学习机制及知识管理   总被引:47,自引:1,他引:46  
张钢 《科研管理》1999,20(3):40-45
知识经济时代成功的企业必定是致力于创新的、柔性的和知识生产与管理型企业;而实现企业的知识化改造,有效的组织创新是重要途径之一。本文借助于组织学习理论对学习过程的揭示,分析了企业组织创新的内在过程,以及蕴涵在其中的组织学习和知识管理机制的模式、特点,并作为例证考察了导向虚拟企业和事业部制的组织创新模式。  相似文献   

梳理国内外关于组织支持氛围作用机制的文献.首先从个体感知和团体成员共同感知的主体视角明确组织支持氛围的概念和结构维度,然后综述领导因素、组织因素、个体因素等组织支持氛围的前因变量,同时通过主效应模型、缓冲效应模型和调节效应模型探讨组织支持氛围的结果变量以及组织支持氛围的调节效应,最后总结组织支持氛围作用机制,并提出组织支持氛围的被中介的调节效应和被调节的中介效应、结合组态视角与定性比较分析方法等研究方法创新将是组织支持氛围未来研究的重要方向.  相似文献   

By using firm-level data provided by the last round of the (Italian) Community Innovation Survey (CIS4) this paper explores (in a manufacturing-services comparative framework) the relationship between technological and non-technological innovations and their impact on firms’ performances. The empirical evidence presented shows that including the organizational dimension of innovation provides a much more comprehensive picture of the variegated universe of innovation in both macro-sectors. Four distinct innovation modes have been identified on the basis of the ways firms combine technological and non-technological innovations. These different modes of innovation are present and relevant in both manufacturing and service sectors and have been found to have a differentiated impact on firms’ performances. Strategies characterized by the joint introduction of product, process and organizational innovations have been found to give to both manufacturing and service firms a clear competitive advantage vis à vis both non-innovating firms and firms with a narrow approach to innovation. A few significant differences between services and manufacturing firms in the relevance and economic impact of different types of innovation strategies have also been found.  相似文献   

技术创新是企业发展的核心动力。但是,技术创新是否会提升公司绩效?目前理论界存在着相悖的观点。基于组织学习顺序视角,采用纵向对比案例研究的方法,分析技术创新过程中不同的组织学习顺序对企业绩效提升的路径。研究结果表明:不同成长阶段的不同组织学习方式均能够促进技术创新对公司绩效的提升作用;但四种组织学习方式在技术创新的过程中扮演着不同的角色,从而对企业绩效产生不同的影响。处于探索阶段和成长阶段的企业,“播种型”的学习顺序可能更具优势;而在快速发展阶段,企业采用“咨询型”和“增强型”的组织学习在技术创新过程对提高公司绩效方面没有太大差异。因此,在企业的发展过程中,应根据处于不同的发展阶段选取不同的组织学习顺序与技术创新相匹配,才能提高企业的绩效。最终,在此基础上建立了技术创新、组织学习顺序对公司绩效影响的理论框架模型。研究结论对丰富组织学习的相关理论以及指导企业科学进行技术创新,从而提高企业绩效具有指导意义。  相似文献   

我国企业组织创新的源与模式研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张钢 《科研管理》2001,22(2):74-82
深化企业改革,建立现代企业制度既是一个制度创新过程,也是一个组织创新过程,以往的研究较为关注于制度创新,而相对忽视组织创新,本从理论与实证相结合的角度,对我国经济过渡时期企业组织创新的源与模式进行研究,建立起以核心能力为基础的组织创新模式选择框架,并利用这一框架对以“企业再造”为代表的战略导向型组织创新模式的选择进行了分析。  相似文献   

刘小禹  刘军 《科研管理》2013,34(12):100-109
基于15个组织中85个工作团队的数据,从公平与领导的理论视角实证考察了程序公平、交易型领导和团队效能感对于团队创新绩效的影响。回归分析结果发现:团队中的程序公平促进团队效能感和创新绩效,交易型领导削弱了程序公平与团队创新绩效之间的关系,当团队领导风格主要以交易型领导方式为主时,程序公平对于团队创新绩效有负向的影响;程序公平与交易型领导的交互以团队效能感为中介对团队创新绩效有间接效应。  相似文献   

关于组织创新研究的观点综述   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
张钢  孙明波 《科研管理》1997,18(4):24-29
80年代以来,组织创新逐渐成为创新理认研究中的热门话题,涌现出许多新理论、新观点。本文从组织创新的概念、诱因、过程及其技术创新的关系四个方面对现有的关于组织创新的诸多理论观点进行了综述  相似文献   

基于对组织公民行为及组织公平的文献回顾,具体考察了薪酬程序公平分别对于指向个体与指向组织公民行为的影响作用。随后,结合盟约关系理论解释了员工对组织的价值认同对组织公民行为的影响作用,从而构建立了价值认同对于程序公平与组织公民行为之间关系的调节作用模型。结果表明,薪酬程序公平同指向个体和组织的组织公民行为都有显著的正向关系,并且员工对于组织的价值认同能够调节这二者之间的关系,降低由于薪酬程序不公平所导致的组织公民行为投入减少的负面效果。依据研究结果,指出未来的人力资源管理实践应该通过具体措施来改善员工对组织的价值认同状态,从而有利于组织得到期望的产出。  相似文献   

Ulrich Dolata   《Research Policy》2009,38(6):1066-1076
Following up on recent debates about sectoral systems of innovation and production, the paper introduces a heuristic framework for analyzing and explaining distinct patterns of technology-based sectoral change. The concept is based on two interrelated influencing factors. The first is the sectoral-specific transformative capacity of new technologies themselves, that is, their substantial or incremental impact on socioeconomic and institutional change in a given sectoral system. The second is the sectoral adaptability of socioeconomic structures, institutions, and actors confronted with the opportunities presented by new technologies. The first factor—the sectoral transformative capacity of new technologies—enables us to identify the technology-based pressure to change and adjust the structural, institutional, and organizational architectures of the sectoral system. The second, complementary factor—sectoral adaptability—helps us to discern the distinct social patterns of anticipating and adopting this technology-based pressure. The specific interplay between the two influencing factors creates distinguishable modes of sectoral transformation, ranging from anticipative and smooth adjustments to reactive and crisis-ridden patterns of change. Even processes of radical sectoral change continue over longer periods of mismatch and are characterized by numerous and mostly gradual organizational, structural and institutional transformations.  相似文献   

Research into the role of routine change has been conducted in relatively stable and structured organizational settings. This study extends the current understanding of routine change to more fluid organizational forms. Drawing on the literature in organizational routines and routine change, we develop and test a model that captures the dynamic relationships among routine change, routine diversity, and project performance in the context of open-source software development. By sequence-mining the digital trace data of OSS projects, we show that routine change reduces project popularity; however, this effect is mitigated as routine diversity increases. Thus, routine diversity provides a coping mechanism for participants to adapt to changing routines. This study reveals the dynamics in open-source development routines and their effects on project popularity, which can apply to various other fluid organizational forms.  相似文献   

Improving how knowledge is leveraged in organizations for improved business performance is today considered as a major organizational change. Knowledge management (KM) projects are stigmatized as demanding, fuzzy and complex, with questionable outcomes—more than 70% of them do not deliver what they promised. A case of Samsung Electronics mobile branch we present shows how KM projects can be more successful if they are treated as business process-oriented organizational change projects. Both organizations and academia can stand on the shoulders of giants as previous experience and research in that area is rich. Adding the KM flavor to such organizational change is the goal of this case study; the learning outcomes include a six-step KM solution design method, a justification for the business process level of analysis and managerial action, and the need for modest and just-do-it approach when introducing KM-related organizational interventions.  相似文献   

This article examines the effects of R&D internationalization and organizational slack on innovation performance. We suggest that there is an S-shaped relationship between R&D internationalization and innovation performance. Innovation performance increases in the decentralization stage, decreases in the transition stage, and increases again in the recentralization stage. In addition, organizational slack is hypothesized to have a negative moderating effect on the S-shaped relationship. Longitudinal data on 210 Taiwanese firms in the information technology sector during a 10-year period is collected to test the hypotheses. The findings support our prediction. Managerial implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

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