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论联机环境对规范控制的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The article explains the basic concepts of authority control, cataloging of copies and the original cataloging. Changes of authority control in the online environment are also discussed, including authority control for shifting from precataloging to postcataloging and separating of mechanical labour from mental labour, and the implementation of authority control at different levels. The paper shows the necessity of partial and local authority control, pointing out that the individual authority of files may have already been obsolete,and they should be replaced by online authority files.The author holds that the vital question confronted by libraries is to make a change of authority work so as to control online catalogues.He also places emphases on the chief problems to be taken into consideration for the ahthority work in China.3 illus.17 references.  相似文献   

联机公共检索目录系统的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Since the development of the Online Public Access Catalogues in the 1970s, libraries in Europe and America have devoted more and more attention to it. To date, it has already developed to the third generation. The OPAC System makes those users who lack training and experience be able to use it directly. It provides the users a kind of capability to access, which is neither like the order language with a very complex function, nor is it like the "menu" one with a very simple function. The interface design of it is an important phase of OPAC device,the study of which falls into the following categories;1)the matching aid.2)the retrieval aid.and 3)the semantic/contextual aid.The successful practice of the development and services of OPAC opens up a wide range of prospect for readers to use library materials directly.  相似文献   

The users demands and the situation of economic & cultural development of the society as wellhinge the rise and fall of the library cause.Demands of users have not been get on the upsurge in thatthe economic and cultural development of china is in a state  相似文献   

The major content of the study of library users is the study of their psychology. Readers emotion is subject to the library s environment, the quality and quantity of the documents and the emotion of the readers themselves as well. In order to make a good job of reader services, the librarians, in addition to their erudition and skill, should have the following three qualities: 1) self-cultivation, 2) ability to observe and analyse the readers psychology, and 3) sedate and refined appearance.  相似文献   

语言层次论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
From a macroscopic point of view the paper reviews the differentiation phenomenon of the language functional gradation, holding that three gradations are included in a language, i.e. the daily social intercourse language, the scientific interchange language and the retrieval language. With this starting point in mind, the author presents the relationship among the language gradations and the leading features of each. 1 illus:9 references.  相似文献   

The Subject of information consciousness is probed from the four aspects of its definition, history, structure and function on the basis of Marxist principles of philosophy and dialectics. The paper holds that information consciousness being a high-grade psychological reaction of human nervous system to the information system, is a scientific activity which has progressively approached to perfection in the process of the emergence and development of scientific information activities since the present era. 1 illus.13 refs.  相似文献   

剖析情报学理论体系流派的用户观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper analyses informations, information systems, information users and the interrelations among them. It generally evaluates the user concepts of each of the following schools of information science:the interchange school, the knowledge school, the decision school and the communication school. 3 illus. 9 references.  相似文献   

China has achieved brilliant success in library research however,quite a few problems still exist,among which,there are two major problems existing in the order of the research:the thought of aca-demic authorities is weakening and the excessive defendence  相似文献   

For more than ten years,lots of ways have been set forth to salve the problem of"theory di-vorced from practice",such as:the study of library science should move towards an orderly way andintensiveness;an institute of library science studies should be set  相似文献   

At present, the research papers on comparative librarianship in China lack the studies of living examples. There are too many approaches to pure theories. On account of the lack of the support from practices, merely depending and drawing on the experience from other countries,it is very hard for the achievements made to guide the practices. Thus, theory and practice would split and break up sooner or later. Besides, some researchers are eager for quick success and instant benefit, trying to accomplish in one move.In addition,narrow knowledge of the researchers and the irrational structure of knowledge also affect the researchers to make a thorough study.  相似文献   

关于“吸引更多的读者利用图书馆”的经济学思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
关于“吸引更多的读者利用图书馆”的经济学思考ABSTRACTThebasicreasonforthesharpfalloflibraryreadersisactuallynottheinadquecyofdemandsbuttheservicesoflowqualityandhighcost.Onlybysettingupanencouragingmechanismofvirtuouscireleandstrengtheningthebasicserv...  相似文献   

榆林学院图书馆为了解读者对图书馆资源服务方式的需求,通过对读者利用图书馆的频率、不利用图书馆的原因及读者利用图书馆资源困难程度等进行的调查分析,发现图书馆馆藏资源服务存在的问题。并根据读者对图书馆资源服务的建议和意见,提出相应的整改措施:强化资源的宣传力度,改善服务态度,完善管理制度,利用多种途径开展读者服务。  相似文献   

开架借阅利弊与对策新探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从工作实践出发,通过随机调查和统计,浅析了开架借阅问题产生的原因,试图从加强读者教育、加强阅览室科学管理、加强工作人员责任心三个方面来探讨搞好图书开架借阅的管理和服务工作。  相似文献   

公共图书馆实行免费开放后,区县图书馆人气陡增,社会效益显著,但同时面临如下问题:运营成本增加,资金缺口增大;文献资源馆藏量与读者需求矛盾突出;公共场所使用与管理矛盾突出;图书馆人才需求与人事管理矛盾突出;开放办馆与开门办馆面临挑战。面对新挑战,区县图书馆需要健全管理机制,实现公共管理科学化;尊重读者权利,实现馆内服务精细化;拓展服务领域,实现馆外服务多样化。  相似文献   

采用调查问卷的方法,面向广州图书馆的用户(主要是儿童家长),针对以下方面展开调查:对读写困难症的认知、读写困难症现象的评估、有关信息的获取和交流途径、对图书馆读写困难症儿童服务的认知、预估及建议等。提出我国公共图书馆读写困难症儿童服务的对策,即提高社会认知程度,培养专业服务人员,加强资源环境建设,创新多种服务方式,加强多方合作交流等。  相似文献   

晚清时期至今,我国图书馆证由面向传统文人发展到面向社会大众,由签名领券发展到凭个人有效证件办证,由收费办证发展到免费办证,由纸质卡片发展到智能IC卡,完成了向图书馆服务现代化、自动化、集成化的转变。从图书馆证的变化可以看出,我国公共图书馆经历了从贵族走向平民,从精英走向大众,从有偿服务走向免费开放,从区分服务、重点服务走向普遍均等服务的过程,体现了对民众基本文化权益的日益关注和对读者图书馆权利的切实保障。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 通过优化和重新配置图书馆空间中利于阅读的要素,可以促进读者的阅读行为。通过分析图书馆物理空间因素与读者阅读行为的关系,为相关研究与实践提供证据和借鉴。[方法/过程] 基于环境行为学的相关理论提出图书馆空间促进阅读的命题和研究模型,并通过描述性统计分析、因子分析和回归分析方法研究不同维度的图书馆空间因子对读者阅读行为的影响。[结果/结论] 结果表明,图书馆空间设备、空间生理环境、空间设计、空间心理环境、空间活动、空间视觉、空间服务以及空间网络因子对读者阅读行为存在显著的正向促进作用。图书馆应该从制定行为规范、控制不利因素、增强空间规划、强化空间营销等方面提升自身空间促进用户阅读的能力。  相似文献   

论图书馆咨询服务"虚拟团队"的建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信息时代的到来,对图书馆服务提出了更高的要求,越来越多的用户逐步倾向于借助网络进行咨询,以便及时获得全面而可靠的信息。借鉴经济领域“虚拟团队”建设的成功经验,组建图书馆咨询服务“虚拟团队”,为读者提供更深层次、个性化、灵活多样的新型咨询服务是大势所趋。图书馆咨询服务“虚拟团队”在人才、信息、效率、成本、信誉等多方面具有优势,但也面临着时空间隔、人员沟通、远程管理、技术障碍、文化差异和信任问题等一系列挑战。  相似文献   

Web2.0的出现和广泛使用,使网络互动的概念深入人心,对图书馆网络互动服务的研究逐渐引起了学者们的关注。以华北地区高校图书馆网络互动服务为研究对象,对高校图书馆网络互动平台的搭建情况和网络互动服务项目开展现况进行调查。华北地区高校图书馆网络互动服务发展不均衡,北京和天津市高校图书馆网站建设水平和互动服务开展情况较好,OPAC服务和参考咨询服务是最为普遍的互动服务项目。高校图书馆需从平台建设、深化互动服务功能、人员队伍等方面切实提高网络互动服务的质量与水平。  相似文献   

Web2.0的出现和广泛使用,使网络互动的概念深入人心,对图书馆网络互动服务的研究逐渐引起了学者们的关注。以华北地区高校图书馆网络互动服务为研究对象,对高校图书馆网络互动平台的搭建情况和网络互动服务项目开展现况进行调查。华北地区高校图书馆网络互动服务发展不均衡,北京和天津市高校图书馆网站建设水平和互动服务开展情况较好,OPAC服务和参考咨询服务是最为普遍的互动服务项目。高校图书馆需从平台建设、深化互动服务功能、人员队伍等方面切实提高网络互动服务的质量与水平。  相似文献   

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